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Monday, January 21, 2008

Councilwoman Hosts Quarterly Meeting

Wicomico County Councilwoman Sheree Sample-Hughes (D-1) will host her quarterly meeting with constituents at the Richard Hazel Youth Center - Salvation Army this Thursday, January 24th at 7:00 PM.

Take the opportunity to meet with one of your council members, discuss some of the issues facing Wicomico County and to voice your concerns.

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1 comment:

  1. I be there for sure I have it written on my calender.

    I'm going to suggest that the county create a rental fee of their own since all these shabby rentals in the city are also in the county. Many of the people they draw as rentors only create more need of all of our law enforcement agencies and other government services.

    Go hade Taxman, rip them a new one!


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