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Tuesday, January 01, 2008


There was a fight in the WCDC where two Gang Inmates on Administrative Segregation were in the same cell, which was locked down.

Brian Baldwin, and cell mate Zachory Parker were the two parties involved.

While searching another Cell Block after the fight, Officers allegedly found another shank made out of a Correctional Officers Name Bar, Officer Rudell Brown. Rudell Brown is a former Sheriff's Deputy and Nephew of former Major Tommy Brown of the WCSO.


  1. who cares... let them kill eachother!

    Send them to springhill road and let them live with joey

  2. How did they get a hold of an officer's name badge???? :0

  3. I don't really care if they kill each other either....but there are correctional officers working there who are responsible for keeping these thugs safe. They are understaffed, overworked, and underpayed. They are working in an environment which is hazardous by its very nature, yet the leadership seems insensitive to the safety of the officers. Ask the officer who recently had a heart attack and no one would call him an ambulance. He almost died because a supervisor wouldn't call an ambulance. Bad stuff there boys and girls. I would hate to see the lawsuit coming from that one. Just last night one of the officers was kicked in the balls by a suicidal female.

    It's a tough job and an assault on an officer may occur from time to time as it comes with the territory. But when the inmates have more rights than the guards, something is wrong. From what I'm told, the officers don't feel that they have the support of the management.

  4. Rudell was trouble when he was at the WCSO and he looks like he is trouble now.

    Rudell is well known on the streets. He was definitely someone with an attitude and it caught up to him several times.

    Why would anyone leave the sheriff's office for the detention center??

  5. Different gang members in together.How thoughtful.Security Control?The frigging headofhousehold gotta go.

  6. They need to watch Shaw Shank Redemtion.... Let the guards have athourity to beat the Sh@t out of them and maybe they would act right.

    We as a country are weak and allow liberals to much say. Imagine, an inmate who has more rights than the homeless and treated better.

    They can get college degrees, WHY? to be a smarter criminal, let them get their GED but why college, I guess drug dealers need to be smart about their money too for retirement.

    Until this country gets a handle on criminlas, drug dealers, gangs, child molesters. We are done for...

    Vote for Hiliary Clinton and flush your country down the toilet.

  7. You obviously didn't understand Shawshank Redemption if that's the message you got from it.

    Not that criminals should have it easy. In the movie, the warden and some of the guards were worse than the inmates.

    If you're going to draw analogies, find one that works.

  8. They are criminals and should be treated as such. Why should I pay an arm and a leg for a degree from the U of MD when all I have to do is go to jail, live free and get a college degree for the same price? No baseball fields, no weightlifting equipment, no TV's in their cells, no personal clothing, no coffee pots, no nothing. Let them work and do time, nothing more.

  9. It goes much further than paying for college degrees. I KNOW FOR A FACT there are "pre-op transexuals" at ECI getting female hormones and other "gender altering" drugs, at taxpayer expense.

  10. Rudell is a pussy and he knows it. He tries to screw every female he works with. He's a waste of space and paycheck. Absolutely worthless! He also got his ass kicked at a nightclub a while back...I really enjoyed hearing about that.

  11. The problem at the Detention Center is that we have criminals watching criminals. There are alot of good C/O's but they are getting scarce. And as far as Rudell Brown. He didn't leave the department, he was forced to. He was a bad apple, drug dealing, womanizing money stealing (from thugs) thief. He should be thrown in jail himself. Does anyone remember when he almost died from the ass whoopin he got in sharptown? He had to get staples in his head before his brain fell out. That was for stealing drugs and money from the wrong people! C'mon...and he's watching "criminals"? The man's a criminal himself!


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