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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Before You Send Your Kids Out For Halloween.......

Be sure to know where the sex offenders are in YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD.

Enjoy, be safe and remember, look before you cross the street.

An Open Letter To The Thieves

To whomever stole the pumpkin off my front porch on Riverside Road during late Monday night/early Tuesday morning, thanks a lot. It was great how you made my son cry first thing as soon as he walked out the door. Great work.

My only question is, how come you only took one of them. There were three sitting out there. What's wrong? You couldn't fit it in your book-bag on the way to school?

This has not only broken his heart, but convinced me that we will not be giving out candy at Halloween ever again. I am done with kids walking through my lawn dressed in the hoodie they wore to school, carrying a book bag that they shove in my face, without so much as a thank you. My house is officially "done" with the giving end of Halloween.

My wife and I will make sure our children have a fun time and dress up and enjoy the night as they should, but you will not enjoy any more from my end.

And, if you, the thief. is an adult, then you are too pathetic for words.

Happy Halloween.

Things Don't Look Good For The Hebron FD

Inside sources have informed me that the accident in Hebron which is STILL under investigation has taken a MAJOR turn and the outcome will be shocking to many.

Although I cannot and will not get into any details at this time, the fact that this case has been under investigation for so long obviously reeks of a TON of hard work and serious legal decisions.

What I have been told even shocked me personally but I can't say as if I didn't expect it. In the very end it will be who's at fault for this accident and as the title speaks for itself, we'll leave the final breaking news for the State Police to break.

Many of you will go on the attack against me for creating such a Post, thinking I am after the Fire Departments. I am NOT! If I could tell you what I know, you wouldn't want to hear it anyway and you wouldn't believe me. Therefore we'll wait till the State Police make their Official Call.

Happy Birthday, Mary Jo, Less Ee Forget....

A few days ago, from her grave, I thought I heard Mary Jo Kopechne (July 26, 1940-July 18, 1969) call.

"This year, I would have been 67 years old. As my only wish, please refresh your memory of me and my murderer."

When Senator Ted Kennedy was merely just another Democrat bloating on Capitol Hill on behalf of liberal causes, it was perhaps excusable to ignore his deplorable past. But now that he has become the leading Democrat attack dog, positioning himself as Washington's leading arbiter of truth and integrity, the days for such indulgence are now over. It's time for good Americans to stand up and remind our countrymen why this man had to abandon his own presidential bid in 1980. It's time to say the words "Mary Jo Kopechne" out loud.

Ted Kennedy drunkenly drove his car off a bridge, extricated himself, and left Miss Kopechne behind to die in the waters underneath the Edgartown, Massachusetts, Bridge on July 17th, 1969 after a night of drinking and partying with the young blonde campaign worker.

But most Americans under 40 have never heard that story, or the details of how Kennedy swam to safety, and then tried to get his cousin Joe Garghan to say he, Garghan, was behind the wheel.

Those young voters don't know how Miss Kopechne, trapped inside Kennedy's Oldsmobile, gasped for air until she finally died (some medical experts saying two and one-half hours later), while this leading Democrat Iraq war critic rushed back to his family's compound to formulate the best alibi he could think of.

Nor does Generation X know how Kennedy was thrown out of Harvard on his ear 15 years earlier for paying a fellow student to take his Spanish final. Nor why the US Army denied him a commission because he cheated on tests.

As they listen to the Democrats' "Liberal Lion" accuse President Bush of "telling lie after lie after lie" to get America to go to war in Iraq, young voters don't know about that notorious 1991 Easter weekend in Palm Beach, when Uncle Teddy rounded up his nephews for a night on the town, an evening that ended with one of them credibly accused of rape. It's time for Republicans and Democrats with a soul to state unabashedly that they will no longer "go along with the gag" when it comes to Uncle Ted's rants about deception and moral turpitude inside the Bush White House.

If the Republicans don't, let's do it ourselves by passing this forgotten disgrace around the Internet to wake up memories of what a fraud and fake Teddy really is.

The Democrat Party should be ashamed to employ this national disgrace from Massachusetts as their spokesman!

This Message Has Not Been Confirmed.

Puppies, Puppies, Puppies!!!!!

You want some good news, here it is! In just a few more weeks more and more of these Champion Bred Yorkies will be available to good homes.

Get in line everyone because the calls and e-mail messages are coming through like there's no tomorrow! However, just know we do NOT sell them at give away prices. Plenty of males and females to choose from.

Call or e-mail me for more details. alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349


Let's discuss the Workers Comp. Claim by my Wife briefly.

God Forbid any one of you work somewhere after being on the job for 18 years, working in the rain, snow, heat of summer and rarely getting a break. God Forbid you work for a municipality that was so behind in the times, it was the last to receive funding, equipment and or additional help. Remember, this is a place, (The Salisbury Zoo) that worked off an annual budget of $300,000.00. This was to feed the animals and pay salaries for everyone working there.

That being said, after 18 years you get injured on the job and herniate three disks in your back on the job. LIVING with that pain each and every day IS ONE THING! Do ANY of you think that ANY amount of money is going to FIX the permanent injuries that will NEVER go away?

Now I'm NOT at all playing the poor, poor pitiful me card here, believe me. However, when we returned from a short trip away from home, Jennifer went to pick up an EMPTY laundry basket 9 days ago and has been in SERIOUS pain ever since.

When you dedicate your life to animals and work for peanuts, think of the pain internally in your heart when you're told to turn in your keys, you can't perform at 100% therefore you're fired? Think about the fact that she hand raised MOST of those animals at the Zoo and is PLACED in a position where the CITY REFUSED to pay her medical bills and deny her injury claims!

The City fought Jennifer the entire way, showing no dedication and respect for 18 years of hard physical labor in what turned out to be a very thankless job. Think about this as well, because this is VERY important. Think what might have happened if I hadn't been in Jennifer's life in a financial position whereas I could afford to hire a team of attorneys and defend her. The City would have bullied yet ANOTHER injured employee and Jennifer, (like many others could have been denied anything and that's what this Mayor was out to do.

The City lost, GET OVER IT! The Commissioner admitted right in the Court Room, There's no question the Mayor was retaliating against Jennifer Albero. Hence the settlement payoff. End of story!

Now if ANYONE ELSE wants to get on this Blog and blast ANYONE who was injured on the Job, know right here and now you are someone within the Administration and or someone simply out to get Jennifer or me. You can't be that stupid to pay into an Insurance Policy and NOT expect to be compensated for a life long injury?

Quit picking on someone who was truly injured. Workers Compensation sent around vehicles with cameras and did everything they could to make damn sure the person with such a claim was in fact injured and the X-Rays of her 3 bad disks PROVED her case.

I'll state this for the record as well. IF someone can or EVER does come up with a cure, I will guarantee I will make sure that every penny is paid back so Jennifer can have her normal life back. Until then, if you've never injured your back, ask someone who has and they can tell you just how miserable life is afterwards.

Who's The Greatest Marketing Genius On Earth?

Remember Steve Martin in the Movie, The Jerk? I awoke this morning to see I have once again headlined the news in The Daily Times. "I'M SOMEBODY, I'M SOMEBODY!"

Here we have a well known Newspaper on the Eastern Shore that many people dislike. Whenever I get press or my father-in-law writes a letter to the editor, the paper can't resist adding the comment about how my wife or my father-in-laws daughter sued the city. I guess it's their way of reminding the two people on the shore that didn't already know that.

There was no "tell it like ya see it" printed competition in local news till sbynews.com came along. Yet, wait a minute, how do we market ourselves? How can we get that front page news time and time again? All you do is have the audacity to challenge this Mayor and you'll get her to do Press Conferences announcing the EXACT location of your site.

Do we bribe, (jokingly) the Chief of Police and convince him to drive around Downtown Salisury regularly at all different times of the day or night? Keeping an eye on that pesky Albero in the hopes that one day these two would sue me and get all that FREE PRESS?

There came a day when Greg Bassett was on the John Robinson Radio Show when I called and asked Greg if the paper would sell me ad space and I was turned down because they don't sell to bloggers/.commers. Yet open the paper and check them out for yourself. But WHO managed to get the ad space for free? Thank you Daily Times, Mayor and Chief. You made it all happen!




1. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.
3. Colt: The original point and click interface.
4. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.
5. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?
6. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
7. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.
8. If you don't know your rights, you don't have any.
9. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.
10. The United States Constitution (c)1791. All Rights Reserved.
11. What part of 'shall not be infringed' do you not understand?
12. The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.
13. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.
14. Guns only have two enemies; rust and politicians.
15. Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
16. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.
17. 911: Government sponsored Dial-a-Prayer.
18. Assault is a behavior, not a device.
19. Criminals love gun control; it makes their jobs safer.
20. If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.
21. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them.
22. You have only the rights you are willing to fight for.
23. Enforce the gun control laws we ALREADY have; don't make more
24. When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves.
25. The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.

An Oldie But A Goodie