Let's discuss the Workers Comp. Claim by my Wife briefly.
God Forbid any one of you work somewhere after being on the job for 18 years, working in the rain, snow, heat of summer and rarely getting a break. God Forbid you work for a municipality that was so behind in the times, it was the last to receive funding, equipment and or additional help. Remember, this is a place, (The Salisbury Zoo) that worked off an annual budget of $300,000.00. This was to feed the animals and pay salaries for everyone working there.
That being said, after 18 years you get injured on the job and herniate three disks in your back on the job. LIVING with that pain each and every day IS ONE THING! Do ANY of you think that ANY amount of money is going to FIX the permanent injuries that will NEVER go away?
Now I'm NOT at all playing the poor, poor pitiful me card here, believe me. However, when we returned from a short trip away from home, Jennifer went to pick up an EMPTY laundry basket 9 days ago and has been in SERIOUS pain ever since.
When you dedicate your life to animals and work for peanuts, think of the pain internally in your heart when you're told to turn in your keys, you can't perform at 100% therefore you're fired? Think about the fact that she hand raised MOST of those animals at the Zoo and is PLACED in a position where the CITY REFUSED to pay her medical bills and deny her injury claims!
The City fought Jennifer the entire way, showing no dedication and respect for 18 years of hard physical labor in what turned out to be a very thankless job. Think about this as well, because this is VERY important. Think what might have happened if I hadn't been in Jennifer's life in a financial position whereas I could afford to hire a team of attorneys and defend her. The City would have bullied yet ANOTHER injured employee and Jennifer, (like many others could have been denied anything and that's what this Mayor was out to do.
The City lost, GET OVER IT! The Commissioner admitted right in the Court Room, There's no question the Mayor was retaliating against Jennifer Albero. Hence the settlement payoff. End of story!
Now if ANYONE ELSE wants to get on this Blog and blast ANYONE who was injured on the Job, know right here and now you are someone within the Administration and or someone simply out to get Jennifer or me. You can't be that stupid to pay into an Insurance Policy and NOT expect to be compensated for a life long injury?
Quit picking on someone who was truly injured. Workers Compensation sent around vehicles with cameras and did everything they could to make damn sure the person with such a claim was in fact injured and the X-Rays of her 3 bad disks PROVED her case.
I'll state this for the record as well. IF someone can or EVER does come up with a cure, I will guarantee I will make sure that every penny is paid back so Jennifer can have her normal life back. Until then, if you've never injured your back, ask someone who has and they can tell you just how miserable life is afterwards.
From what I have seen thats is pretty much the standard procedure of all insurance companies and workmans comp.
ReplyDeleteWhether or not the city did or did not do, i dont know. But I do know that workmans comp agents do threaten the "employee" with all kinds of things like no more money coming in if they dont try excessivly to find a job, way before they are ready. I know some one personally that they did this to right up to the day that he was told he was goin to have to undergo his 5th sugery. However, he has no money other then what is coming in from workmans comp and is screwwed if he doesnt do what htey tel him.
It aint no lie, workmans comp and isurance companies suck ass in cases like this and your wifes. He was also told the same thing about his job, that if he couldnt perform it, then there was no light duty work, so therefor he would be laid off.
BULLCRAP. I saw her lift her son up at a baseball game one day. She seemed fine. As a matter of fact, she hoisted your boy up on one hip and carried him off.
ReplyDeleteI liked your Wife but you got your money through an INSURANCE SCAM. I used to talk with your wife at the games but no more. As for your wifes son, we would never hold it against him for having liars for parents.
That's funny! First of all, Jennifer's kids are 22 years old and older. Our Grandson, on the other hand, is 7 years old! Yeah, we pick up a 7 year old all the time, LIAR!
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing just how desperate you people are and again you'll comment under anonymous. Why? Because these people know they could be sued for lying.
Nevertheless, YOU look like an Idiot trying to claim anyone picks up a 7 year old kid.
Might I add, we just did 5 straight days in Disney World and let me assure you, NEITHER of us ever had to even entertain picking up this child the entire time we were there. As a matter of fact, it amazed me that this child kept up at an adult pace the entire time and never once complained.
My Father always told me, desperate people do and say desperate things. You're one of them.
No Name, NO Credibility.
Chronic back pain is a nightmare to live with, asking workers to perform physical jobs that are inappropriate causes hundreds of back injuries. And yes the employer is responsible. In order to have won a settlement the proof must have been pretty darn good or she wouldn't have recieved it. Wish that JR and DC would get off of this site. SickOfSmallsbarrie
ReplyDeleteHaving worked extensivly with IWIF, I can attest to the SOP of the company. They did what they normally do with your wifes case. IF you have a job that has no light duty, IWIF will dish out the money to the claimant, and then increase the exp mod to get that money back. And they have a large lawyer team to go after people. Not only that they check almost all back cases with their fraud dept. I know you would like to think they were out to get you, but your case was run of the mill.
ReplyDeleteAnd I know for a fact that your pay out was not the biggest in the state of Maryland. I know a roofer who had an employee fall off a roof and that guy is a quadrapelgic. That is going to pay way more than your back pain claim.
Back pain sucks. If you don't have it, be thankful. If you've got , I can sympathize with you. Unless you've walked a mile in someones shoes with herniated disks, you have NO idea what it's like. Just getting out of bed is a major chore!
ReplyDeleteTrue Enough, Anon with back pain. I was in an auto accident a number of years ago that ripped my lumbar and sacral regions in my back. I have had consistant problems ever since. I am a young woman, with a lot of life left to live, yet in many ways I am an old woman. Throughout my life and career, I have done work that has damaged and injured my back even more, all because I have refused to give into my injury. I know that by doing so I have contributed to the degradation of my condition.
ReplyDeleteBefore people get on and claim that back pain can be cured, get up and tell the thousands of people that suffer with it on a daily basis that their pain is neither real nor relevant.