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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Old Salisbury Mall Lawsuit

Case Information
Court System: Circuit Court for Wicomico County - Civil System
Case Number: 22C07001406
Title: K Hovnanian Homes Of Maryland LLC vs Salisbury Mall Associates LLC
Case Type: Contract
Filing Date:10/12/2007
Case Status: Open/Active
Case Disposition: Disposition Date:


Plaintiff/Petitioner Information
(Each Plaintiff/Petitioner is displayed below)
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Business or Organization Name: K Hovnanian Homes Of Maryland LLC
Address: 1802 Brightseat Road
City: LandoverState:MDZip Code:20785

Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff/Petitioner
Name: Cornbrooks, III, Ernest I
Practice Name: Webb, Burnett, Jackson, Cornbrooks, Wilber, Vorhis & Douse, LLP
Address: P.O. Box 910
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21803-0910
Name: Zink, III, John H
Practice Name: Venable LLP
Address: P O Box 5517
210 Allegheny Avenue
City: TowsonState:MDZip Code:21285-5517


Defendant/Respondent Information
(Each Defendant/Respondent is displayed below)
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Business or Organization Name: Salisbury Mall Associates LLC
Address: 516 South Hanover Street
City: BaltimoreState:MDZip Code:21201
Address: John M Prugh
City: BaltimoreState:MDZip Code:21202


Document Tracking
(Each Document listed. Documents are listed in Document No./Sequence No. order)
Doc No./Seq No.: 1/0
File Date: 10/12/2007Close Date:10/12/2007Decision:
Document Name: Payments Received
Plt App Fee $10.00 10/12/07 2/66349
Clerk's Fee $80.00 10/12/07 2/66349
MLSC Fee $25.00 10/12/07 2/66349
App Fee $10.00 10/12/07 2/66349


Doc No./Seq No.: 3/0
File Date: 10/12/2007Close Date:Decision:
Document Name: Instructions to Clerk

Doc No./Seq No.: 4/0
File Date: 10/12/2007Close Date:Decision:
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Document Name: Complaint for Declaratory Relief
Filed by Attorney: John H Zink III,Ernest I Cornbrooks III

Doc No./Seq No.: 5/0
File Date: 10/12/2007Close Date:10/12/2007Decision:
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Document Name: Exhibits Filed
Filed by Attorney: John H Zink III,Ernest I Cornbrooks III

Doc No./Seq No.: 6/0
File Date: 10/16/2007Close Date:10/16/2007Decision:
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Document Name: Writ of Summons - Civil Issued

Here's the strangest part of all, look who's representing the Company backing out of the development, Practice Name: Webb, Burnett, Jackson, Cornbrooks, Wilber, Vorhis & Douse, LLP

There's going to be some pretty big stuff coming out of this one, since the Developers are already using TIF money and it's supposed to be used for the development of the property.

Will Delmarva Dealings Ever Return?

While GA Harrison has been busy gardening and working on his Honey-Do List at home, his Blog Site has suffered a stream of attacks, similar to what we went through before returning to Blogger.

I have spoken with GA and he assures me he will be returning. However, he'll also be returning to Blogger, rather than trying to manage his old site. Someone locally has been hacking into our Sites and my guess is one of two people/organizations. Nevertheless, they can slow us down but they cannot shut us down for good.

Also keep in mind, there are some 80,000 Blogs created each and every day around the World. What they don't tell you is, there's probably another 78,000 shutting down every day. Just think about it for a minute. MANY local Blogs have shut down but we tend to forget they were even out there. Considering your access is free and we spend quite a but of time bringing you information every single day, we deserve a break every so often and I know just how GA feels about having some time off. Enjoy it while you've got it GA and we look forward to your return.

Can You Hear Me Now?

For years now Mrs. Brenda Colegrove has been asking to update the recording equipment (which is quite outdated) used at all Council Meetings. Well, heck, it's used at all City related Meetings. It's carried from one location to the other and it's the old audio tape system. Meetings are regularly stopped in order to change the tape, you know the story.

Today's technology allows the equipment to go digital and quite frankly it's very inexpensive to replace. It's smaller and certainly less weight to boot. However, each year Brenda has put in this request, the Mayor comes back falling short of the actual cost and pretty much tying up those expenses for the year, knowing they won't get spent. I wonder just how many items are on the budget that fall into that category?

You know, make it sound good. Yes, we agree you need that equipment and we know it cost $2,000.00, so let's apply $1,200.00 towards it each year and tease Brenda into believing she's going to get it, yet there's not enough there to do so.

That being said, last week I personally sent two letters, one to Brenda Colegrove and the other to Louise Smith, offering to personally pay the difference between the money the City has allocated for this equipment and the actual cost of the equipment, maxing out at $2,000.00 out of my personal pocket. The equipment will help Bloggers to almost instantly gain easy access to copies and produce them within seconds as well as the more important issue, Brenda needs the proper equipment to better her job. Which story will you buy?

The proposal is in and it is expected to be announced and heard within the next City Council Meeting, should Louise Smith actually move forward with it? Accountability, right Louise? Have a nice day Barrie. :-)

Is There A FOB Event I'm Not Aware Of?

Someone installed this portable toilet this past weekend next to the Mayor's hopeful new City Hall on the Plaza. Doesn't it just look grand Folks? Isn't it also interesting how the City of Salisbury, (mainly Barrie Tilghman) is negotiating the purchase of another building and the Taxpayers know nothing about it? How long are you people going to take this crap. Just because Barrie wants a new location doesn't mean you jump the gun without the proper consensus, right? I mean, it's like being a Cop and going, BANG, FREEZE!

Barrie instructed The Daily Times months ago to start a propaganda piece by asking a Poll Question, should the City of Salisbury have their own City Hall Building. They then created a Hey You online portion asking the same question. This is how Barrie works. Now that The Daily Times has asked the question, (yet it miserably failed and flopped as no one really replied) Barrie feels she has permission to go out and spend what's NOT there.

Slow down Barrie and take a good hard look at Station 16. YOU know it's a great idea and could save the Taxpayers millions of dollars. You already own the property and renovating it would be a bunt. That would be the easiest thing to do in Baseball, (in case you're wondering).

It's time for a Press Conference on this matter to clear the air. The Taxpayers want to know what you're up to Barrie, so let them know. Or is EVERYTHING a cover up?

A Sigh Of Relief

It's certainly nice to see the majority of Fire Vehicles parked in their own parking lot rather than seeing them lined in in spaces over at Paul Wilber's Office. As they add on more and more Officers, soon enough they'll have just as many take home vehicles as the Salisbury Police Department. Then we can see them at Sam's Club and the Greene Turtle, Hooters and all over the City, protecting us, of course.

The GOB Is Still A Pane In The Glass

After a series of windows have already been replaced, more windows continue to crack on the GOB. Easy come, easy go.