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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Bull

Today is our friend Bull Diesel, (aka Aaron Hudson) 35th Birthday and he'll be celebrating it on the job. Bull is well known and well respected as a veteran cop of 16 years with the City of Salisbury. So if you see Big Bull, make sure you wish him a Happy Birthday. Then tell him Joe Albero said "You're Number One." LOL

Tonight's Moon Ring

Our friend buryvoter sent me this picture just moments ago. The ring you see around the moon is not a reflection in the lens. If you go outside right now and take a look at the moon you will see this circle surrounding the moon. It's pretty cool. Some say that is a sign it will snow?

Lowes Looks Like Crap!

We wouldn't line our own properties with the crap fencing lumber Lowes sells so why as a community would we let them line their Garden Center with it?

I truly don't get it Folks, it really does look like crap and every time we turn around this company is breaking the rules, building structures on their property without permits. I hope Tom Stevenson gets out there REAL soon before they secure this fence and tell them to get it the hell out of there.

Imagine what it's going to look like in 2 years. Crap lumber, crap manufacturing, warping wood everywhere and then graffiti sprayed all over it. Yeah, this is going to look great over time!

The Salisbury Plaza, "The Best Place In Town To Take A Leak."

Our friend "Duffy" was laying down calcium to melt all the ice created by this leak in one of the fountains yesterday. Being very observant, Duffy noticed water around the base of this fountain while driving past it. He called in for additional help because he couldn't figure out how to turn off the water valve, (not his area).

After pulling away however, I realized there was a plastic bag covering the drain pipe and I simply removed it and the fountain drained back to normal and things were once again back to normal.

HOWEVER! What I did realize based on this occurring is that these fountains are set up JUST LIKE THE SALISBURY ZOO'S!

You the taxpayers and property owners are in FACT paying for water to run 24/7 into these ponds! That's right folks, the water comes in and it instantly drains right into the sewer lines and is COMPLETELY WASTED 24/7!

Since these guys are out there every day of the week, it's not like they can't open a drain and fill these ponds up, should they drop slightly in one day. Instead, they've made them maintenance free by filling them up and draining the water right out.

This has got to be one of the biggest waste's of water, no different from every pool, (and there's lots of them) in the Salisbury Zoo! Each and every one of you are paying for this waste and the City couldn't care less.

I can't wait to see a new Council!

If You Missed Your Exit, Here's Why

Or is this a sign that Salisbury is going straight to Hell?