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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

OK, I Now Have Proof People Are Addicted To SBYNEWS.COM

It's Christmas Morning, we've opened all of our Gifts and we're enjoying watching our Grandson enjoy all those special things Santa brought him. His favorite Gift was the two bells Santa left him from his Reindeer & Sleigh. So much for spending big bucks on a young kid!

After opening all the Gifts, I decided to kick back and see what was going on within the Blogosphere and I thought to myself, I said, Self, I wonder how many people have visited my Site on Christmas morning? Are you ready? There have been more than 3,000 of you already visiting this Site and if you keep this up I'm probably going to get sued for medical attention toward addictions.

Now some will say we had 3,000 page hits. Nope, that's more like 9,000 for that. Nevertheless, Christmas Day obviously isn't going to slow things down too much so I'll welcome all of you, thank you for visiting on such a special day and hope each and every one of you enjoy the peace and love that this day brings to everyone.

There will be NO nasty comments allowed today. You can only say nice wonderful things about me or it won't get Posted. LOL

If you have a digital photo you'd like to send of your Christmas/Tree/experience, send it along and I'll post it, with or without credit. Just don't send me HUGE files as for the time being I'm still on Dial Up. That being said, my main gift this year was a brand new computer! Yeah, it's a Monster and it's going to be installed at 300 W. Main Street. That's right, SBYNEWS.COM is going to the next level. More about that after the New Year.


  1. Have a very Merry christmas Joe! Just want to sincerely thank you for all you have done to expose the sleaze and corruption of the City of Salisbury--I consider you a true Patriot!!

  2. I was wondering what you would give a person that has 14 cars, beautiful home and family, other than a bag of M&M Peanuts. LOL

    Merry Christmas.


  3. Joe, Please extend my well wishes of a Merry Christmas on to CWO Goetz, USMC Ret and the lovely Mrs. Goetz. Art is one of my heroes.

  4. Merry Christmas Joe! ... from Berlin, MD

  5. Anon. 1:31 Thanks for the kind words and I send a very merry Christmas to you too and your family!!

    A. Goetz

  6. Ditto Joe-and the sleigh bells were genius!We left a drained glass of milk and one cutout teddy bear cookie with a bite out of it on a crumb covered plate-even dusted some crumbs into the milk glass for effect and our daughter was thrilled!She also got to hand feed her great grandfathers horses today too,almost better than presents!

  7. We watched The Polar Express two days ago and Jennifer knew she HAD to go out and find those bells! We did the milk and cookie thing too. Here's the funny part. Around 2:00 today I took all the cardboard boxes and wrapping paper and brought it out to my 55 gallon drum and started burning it all. Once I got it started I got my Grandson and we stood out there for about 2 hours feeding the fire. He said, Grandpa, this is the best Christmas I've ever had. I said, really, what was your favorite part. He said, THE FIRE! We've never burned a fire on Christmas before Grandpa. LOL! It's amazing what pleases these little ones.

  8. TIME. It is the best gift you can give a child, it's really all they truly want.

  9. When you get to the next level do you need a secretary? Do you need a gopher? Hell, I just need a job. Will give honest days work for honest days wages.


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