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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Enjoy Your Holiday & Thanks For Visiting.


  1. Joe,

    Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family. Thank you for your eye opening exposures of corruption hidden deep with the bowels of this sesspool called Salisbury. If it wasn't for your courage to step up to the plate the good citizens of this city would still be sleeping in that dark corner of shit like a mushroom, thanks to BPT and her flying monkeys.

    One thing in particular I want to thank you for is exposing the corruption within the walls of my "hero's." Boy was that an eye opener. I can not believe how many crooked, racist individuals run the fire department. Guess what, it starts at the top. To steal a term from another poster you were able to make me realize the some of the fireman were renegade rednecks that were out of control and answer to absolutely no one. Thank you Joe for that observation because I was able to spend more money on my family this year for Christmas because I refused to make another donation. Now please keep in mind that I and many are not fireman haters. We just realize that there are a lot of bad apples in the pile that need to be thrown out and until this happens I can not and will not support the Salisbury Fire Department any longer.

    Merry Christmas and Stay Safe!!

  2. Merry Christmas Joe! Hope you and your family have a great one. We already have!

  3. Hi Joe, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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