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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Major Post Tomorrow

In the past I've exposed some pretty big stuff like the Salisbury Waste Water Treatment Plant, the Salisbury Zoo, Discrimination at the Salisbury Fire Department and the list goes on and on.

Although many people didn't like the fact that I exposed so many things going wrong, that's a part of accountability and tomorrow will start a brand new series in which Salisbury News will once again break wide open another department that is screwing up left and right and we're not going to stop until people either quit or someone takes this project head on and straightens it out, just like the rest.

For those involved and who think they can squirm out of things, WRONG! Just ask some of the other FORMER Department Heads that are no longer with the City. Laws have been broken and customized to fit certain wants and needs and it will end tomorrow.

Another dissatisfied customer, I'm sure. LOL


  1. You have got to mean the City's finance department ("Internal Services") that doesn't have account data more current than 18 months ago.

  2. Joseph:

    Wanna bet that the Daily Times will give you credit for getting corrective action and fighting corruption?

    But the public sure does!

    Thanks in advance & Merry Christmas.

  3. 1st Anonymous:

    They have current account data, but won't release it to Ms. Cohen or Ms. Campbell (or the public).

    What they don't have is the audit that is still overdue.

  4. But remember Pam Oland was Barrie's golden girl and Barrie dismantled the other department and lumped it in for Oland to run, Barrie all the while claiming this
    new operation would be so very much better--Barrie's Lie No. 3464.

    Barrie gets nothing right, she's a loser.

    And, Louise, where's the audit?

  5. The Mayor combined Purchasing and Finance with the intent that the combination would be more efficient. As usual the Mayor put her hands on something and f@#$ed it up. Look at Ocean City's websire. Their FY07 annual report is already up on their website. The City Internal Services top leadership needs to go a be replaced with some experienced staff. Not some shoe it from the Mayor who by the way went to school with one of the Mayor's children. Makes you go hmmmmmm.

  6. what city we talkin about here????????

  7. You are all wrong it is the board of education HR dept. The lady who is the head of that dept. makes the MARE look like a saint, and Lugo a goddess, what trashy treatment when you go there, or ask a question.

  8. Anonymous 9:29 --


  9. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous 9:29 --


    1:18 PM

    That's funny, I thought it was SprawlsBarrie.

  10. could it be the States Attorney's Office?

  11. where is the post Joe referred to?
    do not see it?

  12. It was about the Humane Society.

  13. okay, thanks, when I read the post it said department and I was not considering the Wico Humane Society as a department as they are a non-profit agency.
    Thanks again.


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