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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Does The Salisbury Fire Fighter Know What HIPAA Is?

"From what I heard this fireman was in the hospital later that evening hacking and coughing his lungs out. Smooth move and this is why brathing apparartus is used. The days of leather lungs are over."

Ever heard of HIPAA? Do you know what a HIPAA Violation is? This Fire Fighter has a right to privacy and there was only ONE Fire Fighter and ONE Paramedic that knew Jon went to the Hospital.

Now someone will come back on here and say, how do you know it was a Fire Fighter. Well, I guess I can't prove that. However, let's look at the odds. How many people knew he was at the Hospital? How many of those people come to this Blog and respond within minutes of a Post? How many Fire Fighters obviously have a bug up their ass for Jon? It's either a Fire Fighter or someone very close to one.

The guy did what he felt was the right thing to do last night. You guys are FORCED off the Blogs to go fight a Fire and because of his good work you're pissed off there was no fire left to fight, so rag on the man and his Wife instead? Like I said before, BROTHERHOOD my ass.

By the way, it's breathing apparatus.


  1. It's HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Part of that act is where the increased privacy rules at hospitals and other medical offices come from.

    Please take 10 seconds with Google to straighten out your facts before you blast someone for their ignorance. This is where some of that bad rap you can't seem/don't want to shake comes from.

  2. Thank You, I've corrected it. I'll try to be more perfect, like the Fire Fighters in the SFD. ROTFLMAO!

  3. Well, you've actually corrected it wrong.

    Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act - H I P A A - not HIPPA.

    Still, this blog is just "opinionated only" so accuracy isn't really in your sights.

  4. What ever happened to being a man and suck it up? Go to PRMC for a little smoke god.

  5. "Ever heard of HIPPA? Do you know what a HIPPA Violation is? This Fire Fighter has a right to privacy and there was only ONE Fire Fighter and ONE Paramedic that knew Jon went to the Hospital."


    There were personnel at the hospital who knew that he "went to the hospital" -- what about them, as well as any "bystanders" that may have observed the occurrences.

    Regardless, saying that someone went to a hospital and was "hacking and coughing his head off" is hardly a HIPAA violation, IMHO, especially if it was observable by persons who were not attending him.

    The HIPAA law applies only to health care providers (and certain other persons involved related matters), not the general public.

    PS -- this comment does not address anything but the HIPAA aspects of your post, so please do not try to portray me as criticizing the fireman who sought medical attention or supporting someone's position.

  6. Well im sure it wasn't one of the hospital staff, too scared of loosing thier job.
    There were a couple of EMS crews there when Jon was there, shall i name names...............
    You know who you are and i seen you there, HUH!!!! maybe you wanted to be noisey and visit him in room 29?????????????
    So if you all have a hard-on for Jon just leave it alone, he is the real man, who put his career first and did what anyone who cared would have done, why not talk shit about the FP officer who needed help from you ems assholes.

  7. Thank you for reminding us of HIPPA LD. Unfortunately this is not one of those cases. Sometimes hero types talk a bit too much about their adventures and dont realize who is listening.

  8. Well all i am going to say there was only 2 people who saw him there i can name there names but i wont.
    It was not there job to go off and tell everyone else that he was there period.

    Those two people know who they are and they were wrong.

  9. if you know who them "two" were then file a complaint instead of bitching about it on here.

  10. What's the matter See or Gordy, does it bother you others have to do so publicly so they get a fair trial before you write them up like others in the past?

  11. It is great what Jg did but when you get to much smoke and it hits you a few hours later ????
    You where out getting milk aHHH!You Know how many times that has been used!!I know JG and he loves grtting medals!but any way good job!

  12. I understand completely the seriousness of this matter.

    Because of a local volunteer fire department leaking information to the press (of which my father was a life member), his death was announced on WBOC and WMDT


    any of his family was notified. We found out from a phone call from a friend who was watching the news.

    I am sure that they felt closer to him than we did, but it was VERY embarrassing to us to be the last to know.

    Ask Steve Hammond (who, BTW, was as great as anyone could have been in the middle of the chaos).

  13. Anonymous said...
    Well all i am going to say there was only 2 people who saw him there i can name there names but i wont.
    It was not there job to go off and tell everyone else that he was there period.
    Those two people know who they are and they were wrong.
    7:10 PM

    Only two people who saw him where? At the fire? At the hospital? Where the hell do you think everyone else was?

    As mentioned before, this doesn't appear to be a "HIPPA" violation. Breaking news or breaking wind?

  14. Some PRMC ER staff could use a refresher in HIPAA. When a friend that was not part of my care staff at a dinner lets me know something found that my care staff was waiting for a follow up visit to tell me about.

  15. First of all in that post it does NOT mention Jons' name. So this is not a HIPPA violation. Secondly a HIPA violation is a court matter. I personally know Jon and I'm sure he went around telling everyone and the news spread around. The only way that any of this could be considered a violation Joe is if one of his providers(EMS or Hospital) went out and told someone. If he told someone that was not his provider and they told someone else it's NOT a violation. Of course you would know that if you actually take your time to do your homework on things Joe. I'm not busting any balls here. Just want to see facts when someone is making accusations about someone or something that's all. Here I looked up the website for everyone. Take a glance at this and you sill see what I am Talking about and maybe this should clear up any confusion

    Have a safe and happy New Year!

  16. First off i did not tell anyone about me going to the hospital. I went came home and went to work the next day. I told no one, i found out when people wrote it on here telling others about it. I did not want any one to know due to the fact of the harrasment i am getting from my fellow fireman. I cant believe there is stuff going on like this toward me and my family. Why cant you sign your name and tell me who you are than be on here basically telling people what i might have done. Which is obviously false. I did not tell anyone of what i did. I did it on my own and than i went home and went to work.

    So please just if oyu dont know any facts just stay out of things you dont know nothing about.

    If you personally know me than contact me please. I hate when people cant come on here and leave there name. I am not going stir shit up i just would like to talk to people who have a problem with me or my family.

    I have done nothing to yours or you, or your family. Just leave mine alone to everyone just leave mine out of it and contact me if you have any questions.

    Jonathan L. Gerity Sr.

  17. everyone who knows jg, knows that he is just a glory seeker who thinks the world revolves around him....who the hell cares????


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