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Friday, December 28, 2007

Another Worthy Comment

I stumbled across this blog by accident and I was compelled to add my 2 cents. I am not from this area nor am I a firefighter. What I found here is totally amazing and paltry. If I understand the scenario the correctly - an off duty fireman arrived at the scene first and ran into a building without regard to his health and safety to save if not the occupants the structure itself. It this true!? What is wrong with you people? What is all this petty squabbling about? If it was my home and I knew there was an off duty fireman there I would be begging him to help. In my uneducated opinion I would think the amount of damage a fire can do in a mere five minutes would be intangibly Huge. The man should be commended and recognized for a selfless act (which rarely happens this in the day in age). All of you that condemned him or attacked his character should be ashamed of yourselves. What happened to the fireman’s creed? Does it exist there?

I keep thinking back to when I was in elementary school and all the boys wanted to grow up to be firemen. Firemen were considered brave, kind, considerate heroes. If the comments made on this blog are from his fellow firefighters it is no wonder there are no heroes left in the world. You are showing your true character and I would be ashamed to have my children want to grow up to be like you.


  1. Sadly so true. I believe this to be the eastern shores attitude all around for police officers and firefighters alike. It is contageous, allowed, and defended. It is such a tragedy when children, citizens, and the brothers and sisters who once may have believed in the brotherhood are discraced and put out to the firing line. Firefighters should be brave.
    Police should have integrity.
    The brotherhood? None.
    I also believe this firefighter should be commended. If it were my house I could not thank him enough and would be forever in his dept. HE IS A HERO! Doing what he gets paid to do when he's not even getting paid. Impressive. My father won a national brotherhood award back in the 70's. One of many other awards. But it was that one he held so dear and was laid to rest with. That was back in a day were the brotherhood ran strong and any betrayal of it was not tollerated. That day is far gone around here. Any man who puts his duty ahead of himself is a hero in my book. Alot talk like they do , few actually do.
    I pray to god for the firefighter involved. I'm sure the homeowners are appreciative. It may have been thier lives.

  2. John Gerity was an idiot for what he did. To the family involved he is a hero, however that behavoir is exactly what gets people killed. We call it free-lancing. There was not a soul in the house, there was no life/safety hazard. Come on Gerity think back to Firefighter I; risk a lot to save a lot, risk a little to save a little, risk nothing to save nothing. You risked it all for nothing. Now I'm not saying those peoples belongings are nothing, but you risked your life for material possesions.

    To brotherhood???, he's not a paid firefighter. He wasn't doing for free what he gets paid to do, he did for free what he's been doing for free.


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