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Monday, November 05, 2007

The Delmar/Wi-Hi Story

A reader sent this to us as a comment........

"I'm a Delmar alum, and I actually know the student in question here.
I rode the bus home with him everyday.
Here's what happened:

He was in class, and someone punched him in the face. He got upset and said, "Just wait until Friday, it'll be another VT."
He didn't go to school on Friday. He didn't have a hit list. He understands what he did was wrong.

He was going to transfer to Wi Hi, but for his own protection he'll probably be homeschooled.

He's actually a very nice boy. He made a HUGE mistake, and he'll never be able to take that back.

But please, don't spread rumors. He'll be living with this for the rest of his life, and parents, you don't have to worry for the safety of your children.

He won't do anything to them. He's learned his lesson.

I'd also like to clarify:

He made the threat in Delmar High School. Not WiHi at all.
He wasn't expelled from Delmar, he was given an out of school suspension.

His parents pulled him out of Delmar for his own protection.

I'm sure the schools didn't publicize it for many reasons.

One being that parents would start freaking out, starting nasty rumors, and try and hurt the student or his parents.

I'm not defending what he said, but there are a lot of rumors flying around, and I'd just like to remind everyone that you should take everything you hear with a grain of salt. Even if it's on the news.

(Or in my comment--how do you know who I am, or that my information is credible? All I can tell you is that I talked to the student tonight and parents have nothing to worry about. He's deeply sorry.)"


  1. He wasn't in class. He was in the lunchroom and smeared ice cream in someone's face. That person took it as long as he could before he retaliated. He might be a good kid, but obviously has issues that need to be addressed.

  2. He may be sorry but we have a right to be nervous for our kids given the VT horror. Don't excuse someone for making threats of murder even if in anger because he was belittled. That's what law enforcement and courts are for. It sounds by the tone of the comment of an effort to minimize facts by technicalities.

    I'll say it again: we have a lot to worry about.

    Bob Pinto

  3. I know this student and family as well and know he is very sorry for the statement he has made. I am in favor of being cautious and understand the reason for the schools action but not all the text and email rumors going around. It has caused quite a stir among all the Wicomico County Schools. It's crazy that rumors can get twisted so many times. I hope and pray that this is a lesson learnt to all students about statements that can not be made and the seriousness of them but also that rumors should not be spread unless you have the correct facts.

    Thanks Joe for a terrific site.

  4. ewoztOf course parents of the threatened students would retalate-their kids had to learn bullying somewhere.I am not defending this kids actions AT ALL,but we dont know the whole story.Bullying is a bigger problem in schools than us adults think it is!It is no coincidence that in the Columbine and Jonesboro school sieges,it was POPULAR students-jocks,cheerleaders,etc who were targeted by these troubled aggressors.We dont know what transpired up to the threat so all we are doing is guessing at this point,but I strongly suspect the student who made the threats was at the end of his rope,literally and just could not take anymore.Kids are cruel,especially when they perceive a peer to be weaker than them or "different" in some way.Lets keep an open mind-he has been removed from the school so if he was any danger,the danger is gone.


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