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Sunday, November 04, 2007

The Andy Harris Fundraiser

Last night was a very special evening. Andy Harris was the guest of honor at Hala & Mark McIver's home off Nanticoke Road. Talk about spectacular!

I showed up with my camera but chose to leave it in the car for the evening as this wasn't a Blogging scene. That being said, names of those who attended won't even show up here on this Blog. Some people seem to be really sensitive about those kind of things.

I could see if their names were something like, Soprano, Luciano, Capone, you get my drift. Nevertheless, people wanted to make damn sure they were in the closet and not exposed to the public and like my ancestors in the past, I can respect that.

There's no doubt the McIver's deserve a huge round of thank yous from so many people for so many reasons. They opened up their home to a ton of people in order to raise money for a very good man, Andy Harris. All I can tell you is, my Wife and I had a blast! I say "Wife" because I don't want to expose her name. LOL

Vinny catered the food and even chose to stick around and hob knob with all of us. Talk about a fun guy! Oh, sorry Vinny, I gave out half your name. One can only hope that Italian doesn't get mad because I mentioned him? Is he, ONE OF THEM???? LOL

I will say, every single person I spoke with after Andy gave his speech truly enjoyed his style and what he stands for. Gilchrest has over stayed his welcome and Andy will succeed into Congress, no problem. He's a good man and he's the right choice.

Thanks for the hospitality last night Mark & Hala!


  1. Senator Harris is right on the money on every issue. The man is smart, dynamic & very well thought out. We need someone of his calibre to represent us in Congress. Someone that we can be sure won't change & sell us short down the road like the current incombent. Andy Harris has my full support.

  2. How many of the "in crowd" were Alessi supporters last year?

  3. So in other words, these people are basically ashamed to be in support of Harris? What gives?

    And what constitutes a blogging atmosphere?

    Albero rules I suppose. I will be witholding my subscription payment until you satisfactorily answer my questions!

  4. Gilchrest has a reputation of not treating people very well if they're not 100% supporting him.

    That being said, some people would rather not be in the spotlight and I can perfectly respect that.

    The rest was simply humor. I went there and made a donation on behalf of the Albero Family. I wasn't there to Blog, therefore it wasn't a Blogging atmosphere.

    Now, what's your mailing address so I can send that bill? LOL

  5. Joe. Touche. Question answered. As they say, "THE CHECK IS IN THE MAIL"!

  6. Joe. I'll send it via UPS. Try not to delay the driver. OK? LOL

  7. What if your name is Castellano? Would you cover that one up or print it for all to see?


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