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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What Happened To The 150+ Comments Per Post?


Looks like the Fire Departments have FINALLY seen the light! Although there are still some pretty stupid comments coming through, the Mayor and Chiefy See must have dropped the hammer on everyone. I can assure you that Hebron knows what's about to come down the Pike so they've been well prepared for Damage Control for quite some time now.

My guess is the word is out, don't comment any longer on Albero's Blog. THANK YOU! I say that for two reasons. One, fielding so many Idiotic statements was one thing. Two, seeing the Fire Department look like a complete group of Idiots, (when I know most of them are not) was just a shame.

Lesson learned, I hope? Years of damage has been brought forth through racial statements and documents to prove of such back in the Rachel Polk, Von Siggers days, all of which cannot be denied. Admission of such said statements by numerous Fire Fighters confirms their racial involvement and then recently the many comments clearly provided and admittedly stated by Fire Fighters showed they in fact need quite a bit of help understanding what bigotry really is.

All that being said, it's VERY comforting knowing so many Idiots have stopped sending in stupid comments with such hatred. Thank You! Oh, my Grandson would rather be Black than a Fire Fighter now.


  1. the 150+ ended with your moderation

  2. I disagree. They can still comment under anonymous. I just have better control of what the public sees, especially if I'm away. Many of those comments were unbelievable. I hope everyone is noticing how quickly their comments are coming up after they are made?

  3. Yes, Joe, we are. It's really good to see. I see you have your bullsh*t filter operating, you better get it changed soon, though! LOL

  4. no, you moderate and don't post all the comments you don't like or are against your views

  5. Like people say... you are an mean one sided baby.
    dee..dee...dee.. ROTFLMFAO

    I think the firefighters know your a lost cause!

  6. Heck, you guys even took down the Post on The Watch Desk about me. Don't act as if I'm not putting up your comments. If you defame someone without using your name, it's not going up. If you curse, (raunchy) it's not going up. If you call my family names, it's not going up. Own your words little people. Use your names.

  7. Sign your name? What so you can seek people out, post their pictures and harass them online? Yea right.

  8. joe you are a lost cause you aren't worth the time to bs with over stupid stuff when you grow up and get the truth from the right people you will understand the mistakes that you have made. we have more important things to do then to bs with you. our job is save lives not bs with you. we just bs with you to make you mad and get u all worked up for fun and sport.

  9. Which post did the Watch Desk take down? The most recent unfavorable one is still there. Maybe the fire fighters have gotten bored with it. Maybe they think your arguement was a lost cause anyway. Sort of like doing battle with the CA fires. If you can't get the blazes to go away, you just wait for them to get rained on or burn themselves out. You are like a woman, everyone knows men can't get the last word in...so they just keep quiet.

  10. "You are like a woman, everyone knows men can't get the last word in...so they just keep quiet."

    Karen, and your excuse is?

    The Post Wayne pulled down was the one about the 100 #1 males walking Church Street the other night. It included the audio of such. GONE! It had a lot of Joe Albero stuff all over it.

    Let me also explain to you, I'm having record days, day after day! Don't even think of trying to say the Fire Fighters don't come here because THEY DO!

    By the way ALL, Karen owns A Woman's Point Of View Blog where she plasters Wayne's photos all over it and insults those people in those accidents.

  11. First of all, it doesn't appear that the hammer has come down on the fire fighters. I was referring to the post which was written by your penis. LOL. I have put ONE accident picture on my blog and merely pointed out that the driver appeared to have been inhaling something he shouldn't have. Who in the world is "THOSE" people. It was THAT person. Big deal! It was a picture showing the stupidity of ONE person and not the horrific shots where a person lost their life. My excuse for trying to get the last word? Duh.

  12. That's EXACTLY my point! YOU and Wayne are making a fol out of that driver, yet you don't think the Fire Fighter in Hebron was a FOOL for allegedly killing that woman hitting her head on?

    Woman, you need to get a grip.

  13. Where in the hell did I say I agreed or disagreed with the driver of the vehicle in Hebron? This post is about the drastic reduction in firefighter (or so you assume) posts. I merely mentioned the fact that the thresd at the Watch Desk which I find amusing is still up. I also mentioned the fact that perhaps it is not because they have been told to stay off of your blog, but rather because the fire fighter thing has become a never ending saga. When things start to cool down and return to normal (if there is such a thing), you come up with a post or a comment that stirs the hornets net once again. IF the Hebron driver is guilty (and again this thread was not about that accident or Wayne), of drinking and driving, then he should hang...fire fighter or not. I DO NOT CONDONE DRUNK DRIVING.

  14. I can't stand it anymore Joe, all those comments came from 5 of us just screwing with you. 3 of us aren't even in the fire department. Lots of beer and laptop computers just setting around having fun arguing with you. Oh what fun it was. Jokes on you Joe.


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