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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Remind You Of Anyone?????


  1. yes it does. your friend from princess anne.

  2. Since his license got yanked, a broom will be his only mode of transportation for a while!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Wow, same picture as last halloween. Probably the same subject too. Still the same vendetta Joe has.

  5. "The guy was plasterd at a Halloween Party last night."

    You know something, you piece of sh*t, you lie like there's no tomorrow!

    It was Frank White's Mother's Birthday yesterday. Frank took his Mother and entire Family to the Texas Road House for dinner, went home and never left the house after that.

    It's one thing to man up to what you did but it's another to be a pansie ass anonymous commenter who will lie just to hurt someone for no reason.

  6. It's your site but if that comment isn't factual, you should take it down, respectfully.

  7. The main post is gone but yours still slanders the man. Get rid of yours too for that matter.

    You get it Joe. Sorry to so bossy.


  8. You have GOT to be kidding me!

    The original Post has NOTHING to do with him!

    Soince when does a MAN, (besides Jim Rapp) wear women's clothing and dress up like a witch?

    Try thinking just a LITTLE harded skid mark!

    Will SOMEONE help this man out a little bit?

  9. Joe, I was speaking not of the original post but the one which you quoted the jack ass anon poster. You should, in my opinion either edit the comment out or delete it.


  10. Good thing youexplained that Mark because it went right over JJG's head. And it doesn't need to be very high to get past shorty.

  11. Sometimes things typed can be miscontrued. I'm not real smart but I am smart enough to realize that the main post has nothing to do with the slanderous comment. Give me a little more credit than that Joe! LOL!!!!!!!!!


  12. What a moron. Anyone could understand what Mark was talking about. Yet little man makes an attempt to belittle someone who posts something constructive. Meanwhile genius deletes the post from the anon poster and leaves his post up with the comment included word for word. Are you really that freakin stupid Albero?

  13. Do you really have to ask if he's that freakin stupid? The obvious answer is YES.

  14. Looks like Howdy Doody playing his favorite game, "Hide the Broom."

  15. Yea it looks like Joe albero with his nose stuck up Mike Lewis ass..lol..


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