Our records indicate that you recently performed a search of the National Alert Registry database. We would like to provide you with a detailed report on the registered sex offenders and dangerous sexual predators in your area.
Please click on the following link to order your full report:
The detailed reports generated by National Alert Registry include:
+ High-resolution, customizable maps centered on the street address YOU input.
+ The offenders' HOME ADDRESSES indicated on the map.
+ Full Names, Aliases, and Addresses of the offenders.
+ Color Photos of the offenders (in most states).
+ A description of the crime committed by each offender.
+ The ability to check any address including schools, day care centers, and homes of relatives and friends.
The full sex offender reports with maps are very helpful and can be used in a variety of different ways. Some families use them to determine the safest route for their children to travel to and from school or play. You can print and laminate the maps and offender details generated by National Alert Registry and take them to your children's sporting events and other extracurricular activities to keep tabs on offenders who may in close proximity.
Again, access the full reports on sexual predators in your area here:
If you have any questions about National Alert Registry that are not answered on our web site, please use the following contact information and a service specialist will respond immediately:
Phone: (386) 736-3881
Email: service@nationalalertregistry.com
Once your online order has been completed, you will have immediate access to the National Alert Registry database and be able to generate an unlimited number of reports on registered sex offenders nationwide.
Be Alert + Be Aware + Be Safe
Warm Regards,
The National Alert Registry Team
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