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Saturday, October 27, 2007

ANOTHER Fire Fighter Response!

"Joe just compared a job at the zoo to being a firefighter. Now you guys and girls see why I am here for laughs!"

At the Salisbury Zoo, Zookeepers, (especially my Wife) didn't sit around 8 hours a day on their asses WAITING for something to happen.

In TOTAL support of each and every Zookeeper, especially years ago when they had no loading dock, everything was physical, especially for the women.

My Wife dead lifted full wheel barrel's all the way up into a Dump Truck. They'd lift and carry 35,000 lbs. of frozen meat & fish that was delivered to the Zoo. They never used aerial cranes for anything, up until recently. Everything was done by hand and hard work. Hence 3 herniated disks in her back and then FIRED after they were through with her because she couldn't perform 100%. Yes Barrie Tilghman really takes care of those injured on the job, even former Fire Fighters.

Several times a year they would unload 150 bails of hay, not including all the 50 pound bags of feed brought out and around the Zoo daily.

Please don't even think you people do a quarter of the work than those employed at the Zoo. I'm NOT saying there weren't some extremely lazy Zookeepers, (men) that acted like little girls when it came to doing real work at the Zoo, because there were a fair share of those there and the women picked up the slack. I have plenty of photos to prove that. Fortunately, many of those people are gone.

Nevertheless, your comment is ridiculous. Oh, washing a Fire Truck is hard work, I forgot. NOW, that being said, herniate three disks in your back, (ON THE JOB) and do any one of your duties around the Fire Department and let's see what kind of men you really are?

Maybe the Mayor turned you down on pay increases because she knew how bad things are around the Fire Department? You obviously didn't earn/deserve a pay increase, right? The Police got their increases. The Zoo got all of their increases. Oh, that's right, you got a $10,000,000.00 Fire Station, I forgot.


  1. 35,000 pounds!?!? LOL!!! Sounds like she was well prepared to handle the load of crap you spew on a daily basis.

  2. OKAY. You've gone from the sublime to out and out ridiculous. Your wife isn't very smart if she's deadlifting wheelbarrows. The reason they put wheels on the darn things is so they'll roll. The 35,000 pound comment is hilarious. Where'd you come up with that one?

  3. Joe...what the huck is a wheel barrel? Where the heck did you get edumacated? Wi-Hi? Read on my little friend...

    A wheelbarrow is a small hand-propelled vehicle, usually with just one wheel, designed to be pushed and guided by a single person using two handles to the rear.

    It is designed to distribute the weight of its load between the wheel and the operator so enabling the convenient carriage of heavier and bulkier loads than would be possible were the weight carried entirely by the operator. Their use is common in the construction industry and in gardening. Typical capacity is approximately 170 litres (6 cubic feet) of material.

    A two-wheel type is more stable on level ground, while the almost universal one-wheel type has better maneuverability in small spaces, on planks or when tilted ground would throw the load off balance. The use of one wheel also permits greater control of the deposition of the load on emptying.

  4. OK,

    For starters, back in the day BEFORE they had a loading dock, that's how it was done. They dead lifted everything into the trucks once they used the wheels, (Idiot) to get it from point A to point B.

    Not much different from when they used to pick crops out of a field. Over time things progressed. However, things just took a lot longer to be recognized at the Zoo. Hence the Zoo only a few years ago running off a $300,000.00 a year budget to now a $1,200,000.00 budget!

  5. Hummm the firemen must be getting to Joe.

  6. They deadlifted everything into the trucks once they used the wheels?

    You gotta explain dude. That makes ABSOLUTELY no sense.

  7. Albero

    Wheel Barrell? BAHAHAHAHA. Pretty sad stuff from someone who refers to everyone as an IDIOT. Pot, allow me to introduce you to Kettle.

  8. I fought a building fire in 1986 wnd broke my ankle, after 3 or more hours I finally got hurting so bad I went to take my boot off and could not,it had to be cut off at the hospital, when they cut it off because of the swelling my ankle and foot was black from the internal bleeding and bruseing but I went back to the fire scene and took over pumping the engine. I could have stayed if my back was broke though.

  9. That's a lie. Sounded good though. Perhaps you should be an actor?

  10. If that ain't the fat liar calling the kettle black, you ass.

  11. Joe sez: I'm NOT saying there weren't some extremely lazy Zookeepers, (men) that acted like little girls when it came to doing real work at the Zoo, because there were a fair share of those there and the women picked up the slack.

    Maybe they were wore out from servicing the old lady behind the monkey exhibit.

  12. This blog site has turned into the biggest joke salisbury has ever had it cracks me up when i have nothing better to do and am totally bored. Thanks Joe for the comics on line. It gets my mind off of the serious things happening around salisbury.

  13. Joe, I'm not sure of the point of the photo. Is this supposed to prove bigotry within the department? I've gone back through some of your posts. I tried to find African_American's in costume at Cherrystone. Were there no people of color there? Is Cherrystone banning black people? Or are you just not taking pictures of them? I looked again at the Wicomico Republican Club's photos..I could find no people of color there either. Is that club racist too? Or did you just take no pics of an Afican American? The most interesting was a picture of Mike L. and others on 9/24 titled Fatal Accident of Route 50. Is the Wicomico County Sheriff's office racist? Or was there just no picture of them? Just wondering...

  14. Karen is right joe whare are all of the black ciry and county police officers?

  15. adn how many are up in the ranks?

  16. Hey joe mabye you should jump on that bandwagon, or are you scared of the retaliation.

  17. Because joe is a little pansey girl and has no ba@@s.that is why.

  18. Joe's head says:

    I will get right on this as soon as I can wiggle myself out of Mike Lewis' a$$.

  19. I know Mike and he is too good to hand around with low life like joe let alone his a$$.

  20. Karen,

    We're talking about a municipal organization, NOT a recreational park. OMG, get a grip, will ya?

    As for the rest of you, please, don't take Wayne Barrell's asvise. Please continue to make yourselves look like fools and THANK YOU for the Record Numbers on my Blog.

  21. Again, not trying to be a smarta$$, but back in the day, some had no choice but to work the fields. Now, people have choices to make when considering employment. I'm assuming your wife knew what the job entailed before becoming employed at the zoo? Or did they make her do those things after she began work. In either case, from the pictures I've seen, she doesn't look like she was suitable for lifting that kind of weight. Why didn't she simply look for other employment. I don't know the situation your wife was in, so I'm just wondering.

  22. That is a good pi[oint Joe so let's take his advise, All real firefighters stay off this losers site as I will not be back at all and for the good citizens of delmarva you should stay off this site to.

  23. joealbero said...

    We're talking about a municipal organization, NOT a recreational park. OMG, get a grip, will ya?

    Thats a cop-out you racist asshole.

  24. Hell i am going to post as much crap as I can since all your doing is shoveling crap!

  25. Question?

    Is Wheel Barrell related to Wayne Barrell? Are they brothers from differant mothers?

  26. Ask T. Collins how Mellisa tastes.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. Is the Sheriff's Department not a municipal organization? I hardly think I am making a fool of myself. I asked a legitimate question and expected a legitimate answer.

  29. Oh by the way T.C. is black.

  30. A legitimate answer from Albero? Never happen. Now an illegitimate statement I'd expect. Much like the munchkin himself.

  31. I find it VERY interesting how Karen posts a comment and within seconds there's another right behind it stating anonymous. Look at the comments Folks and you'll see what I'm talking about.

    Looks like a set up to me. Nonetheless, count the amount of Zoo's on the Eastern Shore Karen, ONE!

    When this is your profession, the pickins can be slim, especially if your from the area.

    Jennifer, (my Wife) is not complaining. I was simply comparing her job to others and the difficulties she went through, do remember that please.

    Jennifer certainly doesn't look like a bruiser, LOL. Thank you for the compliment. Nevertheless, I can assure you of one thing. There isn't even a young man today that I know of that could keep up with her when it comes to hard work and determination, seriously.

    So when these guys get on here trying to sound tough. My bet would be, even with a bad back, she could out work these pansies any day of the week, seriously.

    Jennifer knows many of them very well and she knows how they chat and wine like little girls on a regular basis, back stabbing one and other regularly.

    It's not a brotherhood at all. Don't get me wrong. There are MANY good solid men on the Salisbury Fire Department. However, there are far more pansies doing the wining and complaining, (evidently spending most of their time here) than good men.

    Just my observation. Jennifer is retired now and will never have to work another day in her lifetime. That being said, if she gets bored enough there's nothing saying one day she might want to get out there and do something. Right now we're raising our Grandson full time.

  32. Joe, was your wife fired because of your mouth?

  33. Are you freakin insane? A Setup? A setup for what? She asked you a question idiot about the WSO and a lack of afro-americans. Yet in true Albero fashion, you dodge the question because your head is planted so firmly up Mike Lewis' hind parts that you refuse to answer.

    Come on Joseph. ANSWER THE QUESTION.

  34. She is raising her grandson? Whare is its parents?

  35. I do not have the exact numbers but I know Mike Lewis has more than doubled the minority staff on the WCSD.

  36. You have to stoop that low, don't you?

    The funny part is, we're raising this young man so he doesn't turn out anything like YOU!

    When you were born they smacked your mother.

  37. WOW...that's a convenient statement. Doubled? What from 1 to 2?

  38. Smacked my mother?

    LOL this coming from the guy whose best part ran down his mutha's leg.

  39. You asked the question, I answered your question.

    Funny part is, let's compair that to the Fire Department. Even if it went from one to two, it's twice as good as you're capable of performing.

  40. Yea it would be a shame for him to turn out like me Retired and owner of 2 corporations as well as over 110 residential rentals and wharehouses, not enough said 1 of my undevelo[ed properties ie. the smallest is worth 5 million alone.

  41. Are you implying that I am trying to set you up? That's ridiculous and I resent that commment. I have always put my name on my comments and I have never once spoken or commented to you in any sort of disrespectful way. I don't always agree with what you say and frankly, I am beginning to agree less and less, but I have always questioned you with what I believed to be respectful, legitimate comments. I do not come on here and use any sort of nasty language, nor so I personally slam you or your family, unklike many of your anonymous commenters, yet you seem to single me out...I guess it is because you can as I refuse to post anonymously. I'm simply asking for answers to my questions.

  42. "LOL this coming from the guy whose best part ran down his mutha's leg."

    You're a sick bastard.

    Time to turn off anonymous comments. I believe I've proven my point with you Idiots.

    Now let's see who the real men are from here on out?

  43. Karen,

    I answered your question, respectfully.

    Seems to me your very quick to become defensive? I look at the time of your comment, how long it might take for someone to even read it and then their response and the timing just doesn't cut it Karen.

    Oh, and don't feed me this, I always use my name shit. You're so full of it, it isn't funny. You're respectful under Karen and attack under anonymous. I've dealt with your type in the past. Nice try.

  44. Here's a PERFECT example, KAREN!

    karen said...
    Again, not trying to be a smarta$$, but back in the day, some had no choice but to work the fields. Now, people have choices to make when considering employment. I'm assuming your wife knew what the job entailed before becoming employed at the zoo? Or did they make her do those things after she began work. In either case, from the pictures I've seen, she doesn't look like she was suitable for lifting that kind of weight. Why didn't she simply look for other employment. I don't know the situation your wife was in, so I'm just wondering.

    4:59 PM

    Anonymous said...
    That is a good pi[oint Joe so let's take his advise, All real firefighters stay off this losers site as I will not be back at all and for the good citizens of delmarva you should stay off this site to.

    5:00 PM

    On Blogger, there's NO POSSIBLE WAY someone could respond so quickly. Sorry Dudette but you've been snagged!

  45. Call Mike Lewis yourself, the game is over with you Karen, or whoever else you are?

    Come back when you've got some answers. Better yet, take your game to another Blog.

    Looks like my answer just wasn't good enough for you. It also looks like each and every Fire Fighter isn't smart enough to create their own name and comment on the Blogs. ROTFLMAO!

    Oh, by the way Karen, IF you'd like to prove me wrong about all od this, e-mail me at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com . Let's see just how real you are?

  46. You are a liar. As much time as it takes to type in the images to get approved...which I usually have to do twice for some reason...there is no possible way I could have typed in another comment almost simultaneously. AND obviously, you don't know me if you think I would not cut you to the quick under my real name. I have nothing to fear. I am not a member of the Fire Department, a public official a zookeeper or anything other person or position you find it neccessary to keep slamming. Although I read this blog, there was really not much in the past I had interest in commenting about until you brought up a friend of mine in one of your posts. I WOULD IMPLORE YOU TO PROVE BEYOND A DOUBT that I have EVER posted anonymously. You can't, because I haven't.

  47. I'm still waiting for the e-mail Karen?

  48. Joe give it a break man. Karen is a very respectful woman and is very trust worthy. You have a poster that is leaving her name, not cussing you and she's telling you the truth. Why you being so hard on her? This lady has nothing to hide.

    I have not posted on here in a while, just being reading and laughing. Man you really need to learn how to back off sometimes. I don't see any way that you are trying to help the City of Salisbury in anyway!

    Karen.. Don't waste your time. You are a better person than he is!

    Wayne Barrall

    PS: Hey Joe I have 3 screwed up disk in my back also. I have the x-rays to prove it!

  49. As I am a man of my word, Karen has in fact sent me a e-mail and I truly must respect her for being so much better than so many of the pansies from the Fire Department not man enough to act responsible.

    Karen, thank you and please forgive me?

    Wayne, STFU!

  50. Joe,

    You need to slow down and take a couple of deep breaths. Enough with the Fireman, enough with Jim Rapp and enough with John Robinson. Get back to real issues that affect the community. Drop the personal vendettas.

    You remind me of a story about three southern ladies who were sitting on the veranda in rocking chairs, sipping mint juleps. The first turns to the others and says, in a delightful southern drawl, “My….. husband bought me a new red Mercedes Benz convertible for my birthday.” The second southern lady said. Oh my! How sweet.” And the third lady said, “ How nice…… how nice….. how very, very nice.” After a few more sips the second southern lady says, “My husband bought me this four carrot diamond ring for my birthday.” The first lady says, “Lovely, simply lovely.” The third lady says, “ How nice…. How nice…. How very, very nice.” After a few minutes more of sipping and rocking the first two ask the third lady what had her husband given her? She said, “My husband sent me to charm school for my birthday.” The other two said, “Why in heavens name did he do that?” The third lady replied, “Before I went to charm school, I used to say, Who gives a shit, now I say How nice…. How nice…. How very, very nice.”

    Joe you need to attend Charm School 101 while you still have a few friends and supporters left.


  51. Joe,
    Why the coment STFU?

    Why do you always have to come off so hard to everyone? What did I do to you to deserve that?

    Please explain!

    I left my name just like you ask all men!

  52. Let me put it to you this way.

    When there are literally hundreds upon hundreds of messages coming through talking about my Wife, my Mother In Law, my Father In Law and my Grandson, many of which are sexual remarks publicly, I'm going to respond.

    If you, or anyone else doesn't like it, go somewhere else, respectfully.

    This is a free service and once in a while I'm going to say my peace. If it were happening to you, HELL, NONE of you can even think of handling what I deal with every day, so what's the point.

    I deal with unbelievable shit every day with bigotry, sexual harassment, crooked politicians, you name it. I do my best to deliver you information you're NOT getting from anyone else and the truth hurts.

    When these Fire Fighters go after my Family, I'm going to expose them like there's no tomorrow. They want to show me respect, I'll show respect back.

    That goes for Rapp, Robinson or anyone else for that matter. Right now I'm not too pleased with what these men and women are capable of saying and doing to my Family, so they're dealing with the consequences.

    I'll calm down soon enough. Till then, the fire is burning, like it or not.

  53. Wayne,

    I don't answer to you. I don't tell you how to run your Blog/Website. I don't know why you think you can come on here and publicly tell me what is right and wrong. You are welcome to send me a private e-mail and show some respect. Till then, we're just going to have our differences.

    Secondly, don't try to make me feel bad for you because you have 3 herniated disks in your back, PUBLICLY. As you can only imagine, how can I not feel for your pain. However, trying to compare yourself to my Wife, GTFOH! Like I said, she's a woman, hurt it on the job and was forced back to work the next day! YOU? Oh, then fired on top of that because the Mayor stated if she couldn't perform her job 100% she would terminate her, in which she did.

  54. But Joe.. Im not trying to argue with you noe anyone else. But sometimes you do bring it on yourself.

    And not taking up for the firefighters but how do you know that all the "anno" post are them? Im sure that some of them may be but some might be someone just trying to piss you off and its working.

    Man you need to relax some. Go and take your grandson that you talk so much about out for some ice cream and leave the anno post turned off for good and alot of these bs post will stop.

  55. You're never going to get it Wayne, respectfully.

  56. If I will get the problems that you say you have then I don't want it, respectfully

  57. So, Joe, does this mean your going to go after NASCAR next because of their racial imbalance?

  58. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  59. Go here and listen to what someone recorded off the scanner tonight.. http://www.thewatchdesk.com/forum/showthread.php?p=419223#post419223

  60. Someone told me that Jim Rapp and John Robinson were in the group. lol..lol..

  61. Thats some funny chit write der

  62. To Wayne, brother of Wheel, you're never going to get it. Because in Joe's World (the world we all live in) he is the know all, end all to all things. Joe is the only POS that get's it. In fact, he get's it alot more than poor old wifey.

  63. Hey how did you know that the wheel and I were famliy? I thought that was a tight secret. Who let the cat out of the bag?

  64. Joey boy did. He was talking about wheel barrells. I was smart enough to put two and three together and figure that Wayne Barrell and Wheel Barrell were related. That Albero is smart cookie I tell ya.

  65. Well I really don't like talking about wheel. Hes a little smarter than me and better looking also..lol.. Buts hes my bro and I love him dearly.

  66. I wouldn't say wheel was better looking. I always found him to be a little slow. Like Short Bus slow. He was a few bricks shy of a load. Much like the owner of this blog. But keep that info to yourself. The owner here thinks he's a pretty smart chap. We don't want him to think otherwise.

  67. I never rode the bus...lol..

    Your a funny dude yourself!

  68. Nah...Wheel wasn't the only short buser. I can still see Joey's tongue print on the windows. Wheel had it all over Joey too. Two handles, one wheel and a barrell. All Joey could offer was greasy hair, plaid shirts and two left Chuck Taylors his mumma picked up at a yard sale.

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  76. Um.....if there is no loading dock and you have to get a wheelbarrow load up into the bed of a dumptruck that is several feet off the ground,you pretty much HAVE to dead-lift it unless you can fly.....
    And BTW Joe,dont sweat it.I know its a "wheelbarrow" but I still call it a wheelbarrel when speaking....

  77. I'm not sweating it. If I was I would have changed it long ago. When these people start paying to come here and read what I post, then I'll start worrying about being more perfect. Till then, I look at their spelling and laugh all the way to the bank.

  78. If nobody pays to come here, how are you laughing all the way to the bank?

  79. Oh and BTW,leave the little boy(Joe's grandson) out of it PLEASE!It is no ones business WHY he is with his grandparents and if the the truth be told,the fact that he is raising his grandchild says a helluva lot more about him than any thing or person can.Give the man a little credit,people.My daughter has a grandfather she has NEVER seen,and its his choice because he is a mean old selfish prick-but luckily she also has two other "Pop-pops" who adore her,and one isnt even blood-related.Some people never take time to see their grandkids at all.
    How many of you people who are close to Joes age would alter your lifestyle and take a grandchild into your home and raise it?

  80. If we only knew? You can explain, I think we can handle it.

    I agree, we can pick our friends but not our family. It's really none of our business.

  81. blutojthetotmom,

    So you know, he's not my blood Grandson, but that's just a fact. I love this young man as much as I did any one of my own children and the rewards are just as grand.

    I retired some 4 years ago and was looking forward to getting in the motor coach and seeing the Country little by little. Instead, we got a knock at the door and there stood this little young man who looked like he hadn't eaten in a month. Yeah, life has taken a major turn but honest to God, I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

    You're right. Why we have him is no one's business.

  82. If the little guy is in a better situation, salute to you Joe. There's a lot of kids out there that need a break. Sounds like you've given this kid one.

  83. Let me put it to you this way.

    When I think back to the way I grew up, I never even dreamed life could be this good.

    The little guy has everything he could ever want, without being spoiled.

    I know what spoiled is and I just won't raise this little guy that way.

    Besides having a really cool place to live, he's got Grandparents that are showing him more unconditional love than he's ever experienced before and the results are more impressive than we imagined.

    The dreaded child Teachers hoped wouldn't show up that day for School is now a child they adore and can't wait to work with.

    The kid with nothing but ribs showing when we first got him is now sporting what he calls a Grandpa Belly. LOL No, he's not fat, just full.

    OMG, I could go on and on and on about the rewards of having this little guy but I'm sure you can tell, ALL of us are happy about our situation.

    So before you piece of shits come back attacking this little child again, think about what still goes through his head when he hasn't heard a word from his Mother in 15 months! Then after I punch you in the face for making such said remarks, I'm sure a Judge will clearly understand why I did so and side with me for defending a defenseless little child being attacked by abusive pedophiles.

  84. That post was excellent until you had to show your ignorant angry side. You have issues Joe and you should really address them. It's great that you've taken this little kid in and are giving him a decent upbringing. You need to cool it with the "punch you in face" BS. Deal with your anger man.

  85. joe don't accuse all of the salisbury firefighters of sitting around waiting for something to happen. not all of us is like that fat lazy ass r. hoppes.


  86. I didn't say "ALL."

    However, the rest of it, LOL

  87. Hope you do a better job raising this kid than you did your own.

  88. This blog, as RObinson's has gone right into the shitter. It used to be a place to get news, now it's just a place to trade high school insults (on both sides, Joe included).

    Oh well, on to the next blog.


    There are no other Blogs!

    They either haven't posted in a while or they're 100% Anti Albero Blogs, (which you obviously don't like) or they shut down without saying so.

    Although, (IMO) you're trying to use the power of suggestion, the hits each and every day clearly prove we're growing every day, not falling apart.

    I will agree that things, (Post wise) have been out of the norm lately but like I said elsewhere, this can't be all about you and what you want. There are going to be some personal Posts as this is a Blog, NOT a Newspaper.

    Respectfully, you are welcome to create your own Blog and see how well you do and or last? The more the merrier, I say.

  90. By the way John, it's OK to use your real name on here.

    Think about it! The RObinson Blog, (LOL) has been gone forever and out of nowhere you're going to act as if it was a quality Blog at one point? I DON'T THINK SO!

    How's that Coast Guard career Johnnie?

  91. Hey Joe.
    Just found this on the Daily times site.
    Would this be "PRO ACTIVE" like what you said about lewis doing his job which the tax payers pay him for?

    Oh this is from the Salisbury Police Department why would you ever help them out?

    Stolen car leads to gun and drug charges
    SALISBURY -- A Salisbury police officer on patrol in the area of West Main Street observed a vehicle matching a description of a previously reported stolen vehicle Thursday.

    An attempt to stop the vehicle was made, but the vehicle fled from the officer.

    The vehicle came to a stop on West Road near Rose Street and all the occupants fled from the vehicle. The officer was able to apprehend Jamar LaPrince Butler, 24, of Cambridge, and James Lee Johnson, 25, of Salisbury.

    Butler was charged with theft over $500, possession of cocaine with intent to distribute, possession of cocaine and possession of a firearm. Johnson was charged with theft over $500.

    A search of the vehicle led to the discovery of a loaded shotgun in the vehicle and a quantity of suspected cocaine on Butler to indicate distribution.

    Both released to the custody of Central Booking.

    Erratic driving leads to firearms arrest
    SALISBURY -- A Salisbury police officer on patrol in the area of Route 50 and Civic Avenue observed a vehicle allegedly committing several traffic violations Thursday.

    After the traffic stop was completed, the driver of the vehicle, Jeffrey David Emm, 43, of Salisbury consented to a search of his vehicle.

    The search yielded two handguns that police say Emm was in illegal possession of.

    Emm was taken into custody and released to Central Booking on charges including illegal possession of a regulated firearm, straw purchase, unlawful purchase of a firearm and multiple purchase of firearms within 30 days.

  92. Actually, I just signed up today. I don't think I could commit myself to posting each and every day. Of course I do not have the luxury that Mr. Albero has of being retired, although I would like to be! I have read this blog for quite sometime and have seen it's peaks and valleys. Lately, I'd have to say there have been quite a few valleys. Too much personal crap for my liking. But I come here a couple of times a week to see what is going on. Mr. Albero, I did like it more when you posted more news items. The personal stuff I can do without.


  93. I can't put it out there and let everyone know the bang up job the SPD is doing is Chiefy won't give me the information.

    Till then, you'll just have to BUY the Daily Times and get this wonderful information there. After all, that is what so many people pay for, isn't it?

  94. I guess the little bastard is from the Goetz side of the family, that explains a lot.

  95. Mark,

    I respect your comment and I can assure you next week will bring things back to normal.

    I hope that will make you and others happy?

  96. Joe, I think many people would be happy with more news and less personal bull. I happen to think your readership would grow. Just my thoughts on it.

    You folks really should back off of the family stuff. I know he's pissed alot of you off but the guys family doesn't have to be included.


  97. Joe im sure you know but the daily times web site is free and offers much more quality news and less BS than your site

  98. Hey Joe,
    What about that recording off the scanner that guy did last night and posted on here. You didnt say much about that.

    That could have been to your use on gangs in Salisbury but I guess you were in defensive mode and didnt think of that did you?

    You didnt say anything about the post. To me being a home owner in Salisbury I was glad but frighten to hear something like that

  99. Let me just put it to you this way Mr. Smart A$$,

    You DO realize that you're visiting MY site, don't you?

    My guess is that you spend far more time here than you do there. LOL

    As for the quality of the Daily Times, well, I don't think you're going to get ANY support there from anyone here. They, AND YOU are here for a reason. LMAO!

  100. The minute YOU move to Church street is the minute you should start worrying.

    That being said, why aren't YOU calling the Chiefy of Police and speaking to HIM about your concerns?

    I happen to think there are numerous problems in the City of Salisbury but I happen to believe even MORE that the SPD, WCSD and the State Police are in fact trying to work together as a team and make a positive difference in Salisbury.

    That being said, I have to be more careful how I say things here because it is a FACT that the SPD Officers are in fact great Officers, many of which move on to the other organizations ultimately, which speaks volumes of the quality work/results they can offer.

    My issue is with the Chief, NOT the Officers.

  101. JM Stryker said...
    I guess the little bastard is from the Goetz side of the family, that explains a lot.

    11:38 AM

    JM Stryker I am not sure how to take this comment, but it makes me want to kick your @$$

  102. Maybe you could go and see if any of those thugs that were walking the streets breaking peoples windows out with rocks would like to apply for the Fire Department Joe, I'm sure they would love to have them...not

  103. So Joe you are going to advoid a major issue in Salisbury. But hey lets talk about why there is not a nigger in a group photo of very close friends.

    You are one sided

  104. Tell me Folks, do you feel like you justb stepped BACK 100 years in time with some of these Fire Fighters?

  105. Take it anyway you like, dickhead.

  106. Avoid the questions much?

    I dont think the firefighters are going around throwing rocks at your cars that you work hard for. Oh thats right you have a hard on for the ff's.

    The man gave you proof of what happened last night and you cant even run with it.

    One side short man you are!

  107. That's EXACTLY what I wanted to see. Absolutely NO denial that you are a Fire Fighter.



    You got snagged dumbass!

  109. Oh guess you went to the bathroom to flush a little joe down.

    Keep avoiding the real problems in salsibury.

    Your readers even asked you to get back to real news and you avoid it!

  110. Yea. Be careful about what you say about the SPD Officers. If they transfer to Lewis' Department the following statment then becomes true: The toes you step on today may be attached to the ass you'll have to kiss tomorrow.

  111. I have warned Wayne in the past about posting links up on my Blog, yet I allowed it.

    Wayne has his own Site. Funny how you're NOT ragging on one of your own Brothers for NOT putting it on his Website?????

    Nevertheless, it is up for others to see and as I have already responded, I am NOT out to bash the SPD any longer, period.

    Well, unless they really screw up, that is.

  112. How come Wayne never exonerated you from your little brush with the Delmar PD for what you did to the Delamr FD? His comment was weak. VERY WEAK.

  113. It's also interesting how desperate Wayne is to post something like that on my Blog because he gets nowhere near the hits on his. That's ok though, it was worthy of posting and I thank you Wayne for sharing that with others.

    I do find it an interesting audio and if Wayne would like to provide the direct link to the audio I would be glad to put it up as a Post?

    As for the other comment mentioning my perhaps having to kiss somsone's a$$ down the road, that just doesn't happen with me. Obviously you don't know me well enough and isn't that a tough statement by a pansie using the name anonymous?

  114. What changed your mind about the SPD? The lawsuit...lol.. Now thats funny.

    How was it going to be about bashing the police departnment? It was crime in salisbury! You said you brought out the bad in salisbury. I bet if they were throwing rocks at your little ranch in Delmar then you would do something about it.

    And as far as wayne is, i have never seen the BS on his site that I have on yours. There is a big difference in web sites between yours and his!

    Just say your scared to face the facts. The man handed your proof in your silver spoon and the choose not to do anything with it!

  115. He didn't choose to nothing with it. He has no clue what to do with it.

    Yea Yea...everyones a pansie posting anonymous. Turn it off little man if you can't take the heat.

  116. wayne has always put us in the good light. He has never put anything up trying to make us look bad such as you have! dont try and change the subject.

  117. Answer the question about Wayne vouching for you Joe. You said he knew what happened. He said he couldn't verify it didn't.

  118. Sound of crickets chirping...chirp chirp chirp.

  119. someone is not responding...

    Must of took little turd joey to burger king...

  120. someone is in hiding!

  121. Why are you so against firefighters?? What if your wife was having a heart attack from "lifting"?? I bet you'd be calling for them then. If your house catches fire in the middle of the night while your sleepin, don't expect anyone to try to save you. Payback is a B!tch!!

  122. Maybe he took him to WCDC to see his Daddy?

  123. maybe mike lewis gives him special sunday visit's

  124. think i just heard a needle drop

  125. Could be he took to Church St. to find his grandmom Dot.

  126. Maybe there was one in the woodpile.

  127. Maybe a crack whore?

  128. Newsflash - Salisbury - Location Sams Club.

    Albero just spotted buying overpriced dog food. No word on if he'll actually feed it to his dogs or eat it himself. Film at 11.

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  130. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  131. thought they were the same person... my fault

  132. Maybe they're the same?

  133. Somebody's going to need a new backspace button.

  134. someone is reading our post

  135. im sure joe will come back and say these post are from all you firefighters and only firefighters from salisbury...lol..

  136. joe is sitting bacl looking at all the hits hes getting today. and most of them are bs post but then he will bragg about having the number 1 blogg in md next week.

  137. If a posts is delted does it count as a post in Albero's book of statistics?

  138. his blogg and his rules...

    his sheltered life

  139. looks like the recording from last night has shut joe up. when we started to ask joe about that he up and left.

    we know is watching because he took down the post about his grandmom

  140. joe in your own words you are a pussy to confront the issue at hand. I thin 75-100 kids throwing rocks at cars is a major issue. why are to scared to talk about it. Oh your lawyer told you to back off the spd

    your a pussy not the firefighters. they deal with heat everyday and you cant handle it

  141. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  142. joe is avoiding the recording question..

  143. What does a bunch of kids throwing rocks have to do with any of it?


  144. How does a recording of a fireman saying there is a crowd of 100 people throwing rocks at cars prove that there isn't racism in the Salisbury Fire Department? What does that have to do about you Kloset Klansmen calling black people the "N" word?

    You fireman are really sickening and I hope the Attorney General investigates this city and shuts you down. I am so glad that all fireman aren't like you.

    The person that posted the recording labeled it as the Hood. Isn't that racist itself?

  145. Sarah,

    What does my Wife, my Grandson, my Father In Law & my Mother In Law and or the child's Mother & Father have to do with it either?

    Why would decent people call all of them whores and the "N" Word?

    The SFD makes me sick.

  146. I believe poor crappy parts of cities are called "the hood". NEWS FLASH white people and latin people live on naylor street too. People of every color live in the hood.

  147. Joe, I agree with you, but I'm not positive that every ignorant post on here is SFD. And please do not ever refer to me as Robinson or a fire fighter as I am neither.

  148. I don't disagree with you Sarah but the majority have proven to be such and they're not in denial. That being said, they, (many of them) make me sick.

  149. you make us sick you worthless peice of crap your a no good punk

  150. wow,who ever the last few comments are from the "anon" person really has problems. does this person sit on here all day just to try and attack you and your family joe???? and i do agree with some of the reasonable people on here, lets get back to the news, and leave the cry baby FF's out of it. i do really like to read how offensive they get, sorry to say guys "THE TRUTH HURTS"


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