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Monday, September 24, 2007

"Harris: No ROTC, No Federal Funding"

In response to Columbia University allowing Iranian President Ahmadinejad to speak,State Senator Andy Harris today called on Congress to use the Solomon Amendment to eliminate federal funding for colleges and universities that refuse to allow ROTC activities or military recruiters on their campus.

The Solomon Amendment passed in 1996 allows the Secretary of Defense to deny federal funding for colleges and universities who prohibit or prevent ROTC or military recruitment on campus.

"Columbia University's decision to host the president of Iran today, a man who has publicly supported the annihilation of the United States and Israel is outrageous," said State Senator Andy Harris. "Even more disturbing is the fact they refuse to allow ROTC activities on their campus" said Andy Harris.

Columbia University Dean John Coatsworth even announced yesterday that he would support Adolf Hitler having the opportunity to speak at the prestigious Columbia University podium.

"It is clear that the President of Columbia University does not share the same values as most American taxpayers. He should not be able to ask for the taxpayers for funding."

Not only has Ahmadinejad advocated the destruction of the United States, but Iran is also actively funding the insurgency in Iraq. American soldiers have been wounded and killed with Iranian weapons. "While Ahmadinejad is speaking to the liberal elite at Columbia, Iranian weapons will be used to attack American soldiers in Iraq," Harris said. "America should fund universities who support American values. By allowing him to speak, they are helping to further the terrorist agenda around the world."


  1. I certainly agree with with- holding federal funding for Columbia University, in the light of their not allowing ROTC units on campus and especially for inviting the Iranian President to speak. This man is a comnplete nut and out to do away with Americans in anyway he can, and that I am sure would include Atomic bombs, when he is set to use them. Best he is stopped imediately, before we suffer his foolish rath and the world goes down with him!

  2. Does that surprises anyone?? What's even more sickening is that the Iranian president must be laughing his a$$ off.
    We aught to insist that the liberal cowards who run our Universities, be sent on a collective trip to Iraq for a month or two. Then we'll see how welcoming and open minded they will be after facing the Iranians supplied ied's, and witnessing the bloodbaths inflicted by the Iranian backed insurgent thugs. Can you see them run and hide behind the first 19 year old GI they'll encounter? COWARDS!

  3. Did you guys even watch the news? The president of Columbia U ripped the Iranian leader a new one. As for inviting Hitler, don't you think if Hitler had come to America and ranted in 1937 we might not have ignored the building of concetration camps for several years? I say, let the psychopaths reveal themselves. Now, all sorts of Americans who had no idea who the president of Iran was, or what he stood for, suddenly are familiar with him. The university did exactly what it should have done.


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