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Gas Prices Are All Over The Place!

Yesterday I drove to Georgetown, DE. and I couldn't believe my eyes. Usually Delaware has much higher gas prices but as I saw the gas price in the North part of Salisbury at $2.31 per gallon, gas was down to $2.09 a gallon in Laurel, DE. right on Rt 13!

$ .22 cents per gallon, 7 miles apart is a serious problem. Next we'll hear from the Mayor telling us Salisbury has a special blend of gasoline that is better for the environment like we've heard her state before. Dee, Dee, Deeeee!

Another FREE Daily Times Plug Today

The Daily Times gave yet another free plug for Charles Jannace recognizing something stinks with the PACE group as well as the Alessi Campaign.

Think about it Folks, we know they're scared to death to face this guy and even Rick Pollitt won't step up to the plate and face him.

However, debates don't win races like this and although we'd love to participate, we'll take the free advertising instead and post our platform ideas on our website. Stupid is as stupid does.