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Friday, December 08, 2006

Time To Retire Some Poll Questions

Well, you have spoken and we have listened. Here is a rundown of results on some recent poll questions that have been posted over the past weeks.

Do you think the sludge pit at the WWTP should be removed immediately?
Yes 80% 90
No 15% 17
Not Sure 5% 6
113 votes total

Where do you obtain your local news from?
Television 26% 130
Newspaper 20% 102
Internet News Sites 25% 126
Blogs 29% 146
504 votes total

Would you like to see a County wide Law Enforcement Agency, including the City of Salisbury, Delmar, Fruitland and all other surrounding municipalitie
Yes 70% 306
No 30% 134
440 votes total

If a candidate has a medical condition, such as MS, bi-polar disorder, cancer, etc. Should their condition be publicly reported?
Yes 53% 153
No 47% 135
288 votes total

Have you ever been to a "strip club"? (Answer separated by sex)
Male - Yes 55% 133
Male - No 10% 24
Female - Yes 14%35
Female - No 21% 52
244 votes total

Should you or should you not tell your best friends wife or husband if he or she is cheating on them?
Yes 51% 122
No 49% 117
239 votes total

Do you think the chief of police and other emergency personnel should live
within city limits 44% 112
within county limits 48% 121
outside county limits 8% 19
252 votes total

If a male employee urinated on a windshield to defrost it with female employees inside the vehicle you would...
Have them arrested 15% 41
Terminate them immediately 37% 99
Keep them on and attend classes 3% 7
Laugh it off and let it go 45% 122
269 votes total

What do you believe the legal age should be for a child to use a gun for hunting?
5-7 years old 9% 16
8-10 years old 16% 27
11-12 years old 24% 41
13-15 years old 26% 45
16-21 years old 26% 45
174 votes total

Blog Sites should post stories...
once a week 11% 17
twice a week 4% 6
4 times a week 9% 14
everyday (7 times a week) 76% 120
157 votes total

Should slots be legalized in Maryland?
Yes 80% 180
No 20% 44
224 votes total

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