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Sunday, December 31, 2006

A Few Thoughts On The City Of Salisbury & This Stupid Sign

I look at this sign and I think, "continue the progress" my a**! Besides being one of the biggest a** kissers I've ever seen in my entire life, Michael Day rubber stamped anything and everything the Mayor threw his way. That's why you lost the last election, Idiot!

The phony message of "continue the progress" is something you should reflect on, you loser! Let's reflect on the "PROGRESS in the City of Salisbury!

This year alone we've exposed the WWTP and all the illegal activity there. Then there's the illegal pipes that were dumping chemicals and raw sewage into the river and multiple dead animals at the Salisbury Zoo! Then there was the cover ups from Chief Webster and Barrie Tilghman completely denying there were any gangs in Salisbury until Davis Ruark exposed everything in his Gang Seminars and Chief Webster was forced to attend! We've watched Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Gary Comegys and Lynn Cathcart financially support a developer of the Old Mall with attorneys to defend them AGAINST the citizens and taxpayers and get this, LOSE! Now we've got 20 buildings or more destroyed by graffiti and the Mayor wants to demand we clean up their mess.

Although there are many other stories to bring up that completely SHUT YOUR TRAP Mr. Day but the reality is, there is NO progress Idiot! I suppose jackasses like you are going to point a finger and blame Debbie Campbell for such, right? WRONG!

Debbie Campbell votes YES to pay increases to the failing Salisbury Police Department! It was your Idiot partners in crime that said no to the increases! Salisbury is more than just a failing city. The old mall failed because a new mall was built. The new mall is now aging and in the same exact danger of failing as well. The Zoo is so run down it isn't funny. The businesses downtown are leaving and condos are replacing them. There's no smart growth in Salisbury.

Most importantly, I want every reader of this Blog Site to realize the most important message here. Please notice how there are very few people getting very rich while they laugh and watch the City fall to pieces and fail. The Mayor, Webster, Dunn & Developers are all becoming millionaires while properties are getting bombarded with criminal activity and the value of Salisbury continues to drop. Prices go down, developers buy up whatever is left and they're rebuilding things as if they're "saving the City." BS! They're planning all of this and it's full steam ahead!

The Taylor's picked up a lot ON THE PLAZA for a song and a dance and they act like they saved the City for buying it! Mike Dunn's own Father steals property from the City, he's had it up for sale for 2 years now, (even though it clearly says in his contract he CANNOT sell the property, he must develop it) and they're crying and getting extensions because they haven't found a buyer for the property yet. They Mayor even tried to screw the Citizens by creating a CDC Corporation where she could steal properties from anyone and everyone she could and then have Randy Taylor rehab them and sell them at huge profits. Yeah, that's progress.

We are only hours away from 2007 and IMO I believe this should be the year to take these people down and take the City of Salisbury back. There's been NO progress! There's nothing NEW in the City of Salisbury. Businesses are leaving, taxes are going up and this Mayor flat out SUCKS! I hope everyone wakes up to this reality and they get out there and vote because things need to change immediately before it gets any worse.

STOP buying the Daily Times! Send a message to these a**holes who refuse to take a single picture of the graffiti and cover up the City falling apart. I'm not going to LIE to visitors of the City. I want them to see the graffiti outside MY building! Of course the Mayor wants me to clean it up right away. She doesn't want anyone visiting seeing everything look like sh*t, she wants it cleaned up right away while she cons other developers into buying up land and making her rich.

Well Barrie Tilghman, Michael Day. Mike Dunn, Gary Comegys, Lynn Cathcart and Chief Webster, Kiss My AS*! You want the City looking nice and misleading people who come to visit and ACT like there's no crime here, you clean it up!

Nevertheless, what progress, you Idiot?


  1. that's an interesting thought!
    I would vote for her, and Tim
    At least you didn't accuse me of being married to the Mare.
    Joe why did you change Blog names?

  2. Hey Joe,
    Your "non-bias" comment about "STOP buying the Daily Times! Send a message to these a**holes who refuse to take a single picture of the graffiti".

    You might want to look at Sunday's Newspaper published back on November 12, 2003. Not only did they do a 2 page article on the "Graffiti Explosion" in Salisbury, but they printed large color photos of it with a nice glossary and listing of web addresses so that young locals could learn more about it.

  3. Sorry fer the typo. The year was 2006 not 2003. But it was a full color article.

  4. Graphix,

    Day by day you seem to be going on the attack against me more and more. Nevertheless, you're twisting my points here. My original statement about them not exposing the graffiti was based around that last go around, not months ago.

    I'm keeping my eye on you!


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