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Thursday, August 10, 2006


The Salisbury City Council has dropped the ordinance regarding pet limits from consideration! The council will no longer be hearing the changes to the ordinance as proposed by Chief Webster but will consider the issue at a later date only if the police dept considers using the nuisance laws as their main focus of attack in place of the limit on pets within the city.

Please be on the lookout for a woman driving a white Volvo Station Wagon pouting and crying and possibly drinking heavy and goes by the name B. Tilghman.


  1. Has anybody else noticed that meeting minutes haven't been posted since June 12?

  2. ablogbunny - limiting the *number* of pets allowed is not going to solve that problem. Actually enforcing the existing animal control policies, and possibly having the animal experts (AKA Humane Society or SPCA - they REALLY need to have jurisdiction and law enforcement capabilities w/in city limits, but that's an issue for another time) come up with new policies and procedures, is the only way to deal with it.

    I've heard that the dropped item is actually already on the books but that people can buy an exception...this just goes back to the whole issue of: if existing laws were actually looked at and enforced, we wouldn't need to be enacting new legislation to accomplish the same goals.

  3. AMEN ravenwolf!

    ablogbunny is clueless and simply likes to rattle everyone's cage, very bipolar. Look at Ceser Millan, the Dog Whisperer! It's all a matter of how you care for these animals.


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