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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A Hard To Believe Story, But True!

My Son came to visit me from Annapolis today and we were enjoying each others company on the front porch catching up on things when this Butterfly came passing by. I started to tell him that this was a very unique Butterfly because for the past few days I would stick my hand out and it would land on my hand and completely trust me. He replied, "Come On Dad!" I said, you know what Nick, let me get my camera and maybe you can take a picture of it, maybe we'll get lucky? I went and got the camera and showed him how to use it and we snapped a picture of the Butterfly in the bushes right in front of us. Enjoying playing around with the camera I said, are you ready? I no sooner stuck out my hand and the Butterfly flew over to me and landed RIGHT ON IT! He must have snapped 10 pictures and complained that they were all out of focus, except ONE! Hence the photo above. I have to admit, we were both kind of in shock but it's a pretty cool story.


  1. Hard to believe is right! Come on Joe, in the lower picture any fool can see that the arm-bone ain't connected to the shoulder-bone. And there's no thumb on the mannequin hand! I can buy those butterflies 6 for $1.oo at Michaels. Ya' been busted Boy!

  2. Alright man, alright! I'm sorry, I'm sorry for the previous post. I didn't mean to impugn your honesty. After more careful examination, the arm in the foreground is real, but the guy in the background IS a mannequin.

  3. LOL! Try telling that to my son who was taking the pictures in awe. The only sale I ever needed was the one with my son sitting right there. I know you're playing around but it's truely a true story.

  4. Yeah, I thought you might say that about me, being so perfect and all. LMAO!

  5. I went out to din-din this evening with my wife, and we were discussing your butterfly photos during the drive. We can only surmise that perhaps you wear some kind of aftershave/cologne that contains a pheromone that attracts the butterflies. I have never seen anything like this anywhere. Well, now maybe I'll get a little unbelievable too. My wife and I are on our way home after a good enough dinner, we're cruising dowm Mt. Olive Rd.(we call it the scenic route to home)and we observe something moving on the left shoulder of the road. Lo' and behold it turns out to be a red fox kit! A beautiful creature! We slow down to a crawl, my wife says," Where is my camera?" Guess what? We left it home, and The fox isn't moving. We're actually talking to this critter, and it looks like it wants to talk back! I tell my wife to start packin' that camera, because nobody will ever believe us, we've got to send pix like these in to Mighty Joe Albero's blogspot, otherwise no one will believe us. There you have it.End of story, different huh?

  6. Hey Anonymous,You know, of course I'd never play a game of One-Up-Man-Ship with you. But truth to tell I live on a large enough piece of ground that accomodates all kinds of animals.(myself included) Right now my hummingbird feeder is host to 5 birds. The males are veritable bullies, and a gas to watch. One of our great joys is looking out the window at supper and enjoying the evenings' airborne antics. And talk about human-to-non -human interaction, the mosquitos here will land right on your arm! Amazing!

  7. My Wife Jennifer taught me something very interesting. We have 4 ponds on our property and living in DE. most properties have a very shallow water table level. This being said, one would expect a ton of mosquitos.

    Any evening on my property it is just about impossible to speak on a cell phone or cordless phone in the evening because the frogs are so loud. Anyone who knows me and has spoken to me on the phone in the evening can confirm this.

    Anyhow, Jennifer had said, the great part about having so many frogs on your property is living proof that you live on very healthy land. She also said, because we have so many frogs, that's why we have NO mosquitos!

    Any land that has mosquitos and no frogs is proof that it is unhealthy land filled with pesticides and chemicals. Do you live on a healthy piece of land?

  8. Very interesting about the frogs and the mosquitos. I actually live on a tree farm and for the most part it is fairly well-drained. I am very familiar with my piece of ground, its' soil profiles could definitely accomodate several ponds. After reading about your foal-rescue Joe, my wife and I had discussed clearing several acres and following suit. I'm always busy on one project or another here. You provide food for thought.I suppose that's why you're regarded as being dangerous.


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