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Thursday, January 16, 2020

Michael Avenatti is ARRESTED by Feds for 'bail violations' during disciplinary hearing with California's State Bar Court ahead of his extortion trial

California attorney Michael Avenatti has been rearrested for alleged bail violations, prosecutors in New York told a judge late Tuesday.

The prosecutors said in a one-page letter to U.S. District Judge Paul G. Gardephe that they were told by prosecutors in Los Angeles that an arrest warrant had been issued and it was expected Avenatti would be arrested soon.

'We understand that has now occurred,' the New York prosecutors said in the letter.

'We are still gathering information and will provide an update to the Court as soon as we can,' the letter added.



  1. He completely fabricated story’s about Trump and Kavanah. He is a sick person and needs help. He can’t stop scamming people. Probably get a movie deal in 10 years.

  2. Can't wait to see him on an episode of American Greed.

    1. I hope he gets @&$#@@ in prison what stormy gets in porn

  3. What.a total piece of excrement! And, CNN called him presidential! 😂😂😂

  4. He won't be an attorney for very much longer.


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