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Sunday, October 28, 2018

Dem Sen. Cardin: We Should Be Helping the Caravan

"America's strength is in our values," says Sen. Ben Cardin: "We have been a leader standing up for people at risk. If they qualify for asylum...there should be a process by which that case could be heard in a fair manner, protecting the individuals." http://cnn.it/2D0MOXw 
Tuesday on CNN’s “New Day,” Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) defended the migrant caravan that is heading to the United States from Central America, saying the United States should be “trying to help.”

“America’s strength is in our values,” said Cardin. “We have been a leader internationally standing up for people at risk. The people of Central America, many are at risk. If they qualify for asylum, we believe there should be a process by which that case could be heard in a fair manner, protecting the individuals.”



  1. I'm sure your backyard is big enough to house at least 100 of them in their tents. I'm sure you probably have a few spare rooms in your house as well.

  2. typical dumbass democrat! putting everyone else first before the american people. let him and jim mathias who voted to make maryland a sanctuary state,move the migrants into their homes and see how they like it! it is starting to be apparent the dems are behind the convoy.they dont look like desperate people to me! the red wave is going to be a sunami on the blue ripple come nov.6th.

  3. If we believe immigrants are good for America there should be some law and order. A civil process. What about those immigrants that are going thrr the process legally - don't forget about them. This caravan are people who want to rape America not become an American.

  4. We should help them alright, send them straight back to Central America!

  5. Sorry, but because you can swim, run, climb, or jump and get to put two feet on the ground in the USA, DOES NOT mean we now become responsible for your life and welfare.
    Put huge tent cities up along the border and THAT is where they stay while they wait for their hearing. Prison food and no heat or A/C.
    Separate children from adults.
    Tattoo's on your neck or face? Beat them to death in front of the rest of them.
    MS-13 ANYWHERE on the body? Same punishment.
    From the Middle East or Africa? Shot on the spot.
    Been deported before and trying to sneak back in? Bullet to the head.
    THIS is an INVASION by a small army. We better start acting like it.
    Cheer that.

  6. How many did he say he would take to his house(s)?

  7. This liberal Socialist needs to be removed from office. Maryland needs to get out of the illegal business. We don't want the sanctuary state label. If he wants them so bad let them live in his neighborhood and let him support them not using my tax dollars.

  8. Hey Ben how many you putting under you roof?
    Oh that's right I didn't think so

  9. and he is re-elected every time. go figure.

  10. Uh, NO. Stand in line, fill out the necessary paperwork AND and wait your turn to become an American citizen. There are already 270 MILLION Americans ahead of you for all preferences!

    No FREE rides anymore!


  11. Cardin's re-election commercials have been casting him as Joe Everyman doing regular guy jobs, a role he's never known or aspired to.

    He inherited a seat in the MD Legislature when LBJ was still President and has been dining at the public trough ever since.

    Perhaps his next commercial could show him way South of the Border driving a bus filled with wanna be illegals while styling himself as Mi Amigo Ben.

    Enough; send him out to find a real job and pull the lever for the Republican. Overdue for a change.

  12. HAHAHA I'm confused. Where exactly in that quote did he say something wrong or controversial? Should we just go ahead and erase the words on the statue of liberty? Always funny how you guys wax on about American exceptionalism and ideals.....but flip the script when it comes to people of color.

    Whats funnier, you get mad at latino immigrants, but don't say a word to your farmer or construction neighbors who are hiring these guys left and right. I guarantee that you don't refuse to take the money from the sales of goods and services to all the immigrant families. And I know you are not giving back the tax dollars generated when these folks start businesses of their own or buy homes. Lets not even start on the social security money collected by all those immigrants who have came over here and joined the labor pool. Oh wait, you guys believe these folks are simultaneously taking your jobs AND sitting at home sucking up welfare. My bad.

  13. Yes but...you let these people in who are for the most part "unskilled". So, yes they take the jobs most citizens won't; the operative word is "unskilled". They take the day labor jobs etc. that pay minimum wage; how do they support a family? Where do they live? They are illegal, why would they assimilate? Of course they are going to take advantage of the "system". They have no choice. Bleeding hearts like Cardin don't give a crap about the human element; purely a political ploy.

  14. Time for Ben to lose his job. Even if he loses he still gets his pension, premium healthcare and other perks, right? How can we stop him from working without paying him for the rest of his life.

  15. Please post Ben Cardins address. They will need a place to stay when they get here.. With any luck, maybe the MS 13 gang will request his home.

  16. This dumb ass looks like a turtle sticking his big head out of the shell where he should stay.


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