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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Pittbull Attack In Delmar

A Viewer informs us the victim experienced face lacerations, severed finger, broken wrists, paramedic and ambulance response. My concern is children in the neighborhood after this with no record of aggression. It happened on North Umberland Drive, Delmar MD.


  1. if theres no record of aggression how do u know about it

  2. Let's see a picture of the actual dog and its surroundings, just to be fair.

    1. No need, sounds like a neighbor with too much time on their hands

  3. That; why I'll shoot one if it comes on my property, neighbor's dog, or not.

    1. You can sure as hell comma them to death

    2. Why? Just because he used 1 extra comma? Wheres your effing PERIOD????

  4. all the way at the end of Northumberland, the owner has a K9 german shepard police dog that is very vicious and not trained properly. I used to do delivery for that area and we knew not to go anywhere near that house. It's like having a loaded gun in the driveway. only a matter of time before a kid hits a ball in their yard and tragedy.

  5. That’s what happens when your animal control officer,just set in the office playing on there phones waiting for a call instead of making patrols around the area

    1. Hey where did you get your spidey sense to detect any and all dog incidents from? Any chance you'll figure out the correct their/they're/there usage?

  6. Arrest the owner and neighbors. Arrest the person reporting it. Destroy the animal and any other dogs in the house. Everyone is complicit. This is who we are now.

  7. Somebody's going to get sued.

    1. They live on North Umberland Drive in Delmar....how much money can they have? Lawsuits don’t mean a thing if you can’t recover the money.

  8. That’s why I hate a pit bull they are too unpredictable. It always seems like the nice family pit bulls are the ones who attack too!

    1. It was not a pittbull that attacked. It was a Lab but hey all news these days is just a bunch of fabricated bullshit. Because “Labrador Bite in Delmar” wouldn’t have been as catchy.

  9. Wonder why Wicomico First Alert didn’t post about this lmao!! Funny how they are quiet now that their admin is a rapist who likes little kids

  10. It should be illegal to own a pit bull

    1. You are part of the problem. I bet you text and drive too.

  11. We really need to examine the rights of people to own vicious animals that their whole entire existence is to be a killer. Pitt-bull, breed to take down and kill a 1000 pound Bull!
    These dogs are the AR-15 of dogs!

    1. There it is. The stupidest thing I've read all day.

  12. But, but, but, they're not dangerous dogs. It's how they're raised, not the dog.

  13. Some of your comments here are irrelevant at best. To set the record straight; this occurred in MY neighborhood. The homeowner has an Electric Fence that is at least 5 feet high...No one goes in their yard. She was by herself at night and took the small pit bull outside to let it run and play for awhile. She has 2 more grown pit bulls and they were just running around and got very excited about her playing with the small pit bull; then the 2 grown pit bulls started to attack the small dog and she tried to protect the small dog. Then the grown pit bulls began attacking her. 3 neighbors heard her screaming and came to her rescue. They called 911 and got help right away. These dogs DON'T run lose in the neighborhood and never have.

    I don't like Pit Bulls or any very aggressive dog or animal, but some of these comments are so stupid and senseless.

    1. Yeah no matter what the reason, when my dog starts to attack me its got to go!!!!!

    2. Thank you for your post. Correct she was protecting the pup, but only one dog ( 1/2 pit 1/2 Lab) attacked her and she had been removed from the home.

  14. Delmar needs to bring back their own animal control unit,instead of depending on Wicomico County animal control,tax payers need to say something to the mayor or chief of police

    1. First, the neighborhood referred to in this article IS in the county, not the town. Second, Delmar has a paid contract with Wicomico animal control which was less cost to the taxpayers than having one on the payroll.

  15. I would bet good money that pit bulls kill more people each year than guns. Let's ban pit bulls and other vicious dogs. Dogs are not protected under the constitution, however, guns are. Think about it please.

    1. 4:45 this one is a close 2nd!

    2. According to the CDC there are 20 to 30 deaths a year caused by dogs. We've already surpassed that with guns this year. Spreading your idiotic ideals unfortunately is protected

  16. What relief do you get to sue (as mentioned) if the vicious darling has removed your face and chewed your ass off? Pay the tariff for plastic surgery I guess. My thought would be to put the sweet pup out of it's misery if the owner hasn't already done so.

  17. With that picture thought it was one of the lawyer attorneys!

  18. We need to ban these killers! They are born vicious, and all should be put down. Like one guy said, they really are the Assault-Rifle of dogs!

  19. 7:52 sweet pup???? Hopefully that’s sarcastic! We should take all the “sweet” pit bulls out and see how low dog bites go down! Never hear of a Golden Retriever turning on the family.

  20. Does Wicomico County have a leash law? I am in that county and I would really like to know.

  21. This breed of dog is the Assault Rifle of dogs! Ban them, not my guns!

  22. So, the pitbull, went after it's owner and she (the owner) suffered the consequences. If I was her then, I would no longer be the owner of 3 pitbulls. These are very dangerous dogs and people still insist they are not. Duh, yes they are.

  23. 5:17 they didn't "get excited." What happened was their inherent traits revealed themselves which can happen at any time and with unknown triggers and they attacked. They saw the smaller dog as prey for whatever reason. They can also for unknown reasons see a human any human including their owners as prey. And it's not in how you treat the dog. That is utter nonsense and only proves sheer ignorance. You can not ever "love" out an inherent trait in a dog. The traits can remain dormant forever or can surface at any time.

    1. That's weird. I've had bullies my entire life and never had an issue. But I guess the logic of banning them because they can hurt someone only applies to pit bulls and not guns right? Even though my pit has never been used to kill 17 children in a school..

  24. Seaford and Delmar areas have pit bull fighting problems.

  25. All animals are unpredictable. Some of the stupidest comments on this thread but given who the commenters probably are, I'm not surprised. Any dog will attack not just pit bulls.

  26. 10:19 you’re the idiot. No gun has willfully killed anyone. Lumps of metal don’t get up, load themselves, find a target and pull the trigger.

  27. Pit bulls and parolees,both are bad news.

  28. "Anonymous said...

    All animals are unpredictable. Some of the stupidest comments on this thread but given who the commenters probably are, I'm not surprised. Any dog will attack not just pit bulls.

    February 23, 2018 at 3:51 PM"

    Nearly 90% of dog bites/attacks are from pit breeds. About 99% of death by dog is a pit breed. Of course any dog can attack but for many breeds attacking isn't an inherent trait like it is with pit breeds. Many such as live stock guardians will only attack as a last resort not the first one. LSG breeds will bark their heads off and if the perceived threat does not retreat or keeps advancing then they will attack. Not sure you can comprehend all of this but look up inherent traits in dogs. It's not really all that complicated.

  29. @ 10:21 If you are willing to ban AR 15 s but not your dog than you are a hypocrite.

  30. I live in Delmar and about 4 months ago I went to go outside and saw a pit bull sitting on my back steps. I have 2 young children. I called the Delmar police and explained to them what was going on. The man on the phone was unconcerned. It struck me as very odd considering there are a lot of young kids around.

  31. Since this has been brought to my attention and was involved with this situation. To all my anonymous neighbors that need to grow a pair can meet me in my lot next to the house so you can voice your liberal concerns! Just leave the time and date in my mail box and we can have a 1 on 1 conversation. Maybe we can also talk about how you need to worry about your house and household. We both know I could really make you ashamed of that. The sad thing is how many you, my so called neighbors put a sympathy card in their mail box for thoughts and prayers? Especially now that you know what has happened! You people have no clue! All in the kool aid and don’t know the flavor!! My heart and prayers go out to them and what they are going through. It’s sad to see thing like this happen to good people!


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