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Sunday, May 07, 2017

President Trump Statement on Obamacare Repeal House Vote 5/4/17


  1. Andy Harris voted for the repeal/replace bill.

  2. It's been six hours, is anyone dead yet from not having health insurance?

  3. House Republicans were sure to exempt themselves from the changes per usual. The new bill provides a 300 billion dollar tax break to the wealthiest 2%. Millions of people are now without healthcare. And yes 9:28. Those who relied on that insurance for chemo will probably die. Get your head out of your ass and look at how we're being screwed again by the guy we elected to represent us

  4. Well, look here, 952 is regurgitating garbage he's heard on the news and from idiot Democrats in DC. Pure originality and intellect. SHM, if you used half your 10% brain, you'd be a dangerous thing. Keep smearing!

  5. to add to what 952 said states can opt out of providing essential services like chemo or emergency room visits. sounds like many Americans will be up sh!t creek without a paddle but hey republicans will save money

  6. 952, want some Lucky Charms with your unicorns and rainbows?

  7. 1002 Henny Penny said the sky is falling, too. You people will believe anything the Democrats slosh over the airwaves. Such ignorant idiots. You're too stupid for healthcare insurance. What you need is a good shrink! Your paranoia is so unattractive and ludicrous.

  8. I know someone who can't work because they have stage 2 leukemia, guess what presidents plan paid for her treatment? Not anymore. I guess she should have just worked harder and bought her own insurance while she was laid up in the hospital huh 928

    1. Your brain will be covered and that will help ALL of us

  9. People who chose ignorance don't deserve TV sets.

  10. 1005 theres's black smoke belching poison into the sky and granny just got thrown off the roof along grandpa. The whole world is ending. OMG! Shutter the thought. God, how much more stupid can people be. 952, 1001 if you haven't read the bill, don't talk about it.

  11. As someone who is pregnant with identical twins, I have chosen to get a c-section because it is too high risk to try to deliver my babies vaginally, as they share a placenta. This was recommended by my doctors. So now, because I am having a planned procedure that is recommended due to something completely reasonable, I will have a pre-existing condition. This will mean that should we ever switch insurance, I will probably have an exclusionary period for claims related to my uterus or abdominal issues. They could probably deny claims that are completely unrelated. For having had a procedure that is safe and recommended. Luckily, we don't plan to have more children and I don't plan on leaving my company anytime soon, but this could really screw over people who want to build their families after having a c section

    1. Untrue totally false fake news. jimmy kimmel the ACTOR tells a dark story and then you phonys jump on it! Why? Who are you helping? Not your party. The democrats are losing seats over and over. The propaganda YOU are spreading isn't WORKING. YOUR A COMMUNIST.

  12. This is what happens when the lives and welfare of citizens is a business

  13. None of you morons have bothered to read the bill. I dare you to go read the whole frigging thing. Then come back and share with the class how moronic you look talking about people losing their treatments and emergency room visits being denied and all the other LIES you are continuing on behalf of the Democratic party. You look as out of touch as they do. Liberalism is a MENTAL DISEASE! An incurable one at that.

  14. 1008 what is your DEDUCTIBLE? Do you even know? Get hysterical. Get all upset for nothing. Keep those tempers flaring. Sky's falling.

    It's been 8 hours, anyone dead yet?

  15. As expected the hysterical lunatic fringe is out in full force. Babies, people all will die. OMG. The sky is falling, the sky is falling. All hell in the street. Dogs. Cats. Living together. Healthcare is gone in America. We're all going to die.

    Get a grip people. You look ridiculous.

  16. 1005 now your friend will be able to get a good doctor to possibly look after her. Many people have opted out of medical school because of Obamacare. There's actually a shortage right now of medical personnel because they can't afford to be in business. Insurance companies aren't paying because the government reneged on their deal with them, so many aren't getting the appropriate care. Maybe it wouldn't kill you to read the bill before passing judgement on it. Sounds like you don't know squat about the bill or what it actually contains. No, you're relying on Pelosi (another person who hasn't read the bill) to translate it for you. Lazy minded idiot.

  17. Ryan still needs to go.

  18. It's not even law yet I think you need to get a grip Obamacare ate any savings we had the deductibles are huge. Go to Canada and die on thier great plans because they don't have the equipment and staff to treat you.

  19. It wont be any better than the affordable care act, all of this "production" ill call it is leading the sheep to the single payer system. Well we tried ahca that didnt work we repealed it and did this and it didnt work, then all the sheeple will gladly try single payer. You are being fooled folks. Its not a democratic or republican issue, its the corporate government revolving door at work. If it was so good they wouldnt exempt themselves from anything 10:08 was on it.

  20. Hey 9:52: why shouldn't the tax cuts go to the people who actually pay the taxes? Eight years of Obummer were nothing but a great big redistribution of wealth from the makers to the takers. It's about time the rich get their money back.

  21. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 5, 2017 at 3:43 PM

    FYI these MSM outlets like MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CNN and local WBOC, WMDTV are all controlled by Democ-rat Party. So with this bill passing, their main job now is to wreck havoc and paranoia onto the uninformed masses of public. Didn't these Liars and Deceivers already proved to all of us, They Cannot Be Trusted? Didn't they tell all of us in November '16 that Hillary was shoe in President? So, would you expect anything truthfull from these Fake News? And FOX is now in the same mold, since Murdoch Liberal sons took control of it, so get on internet and read and think.

  22. Its been 72 hours since this was passed. Anyone dead yet from not having insurance?


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