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Friday, March 06, 2015

Netanyahu Delivered Just What Obama Feared

Israel's prime minister delivered a sober reminder of the risks of dealing with Iran—and painted Obama as naive in the process.

Congressional Republicans haven't had many victories in their lasting conflict with President Obama, but Tuesday brought one. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's somber, provocative speech to Congress checked all the boxes.

It called into question the efficacy of any deal the administration might strike with Iran over its nuclear program; it likely renewed momentum for another round of Iranian sanctions on the Hill; it positioned the GOP politically as the party more worried about Israeli security, and, despite the White House's best efforts, made the president appear petty and churlish.

Obama, in an interview with Reuters, had dismissed the speech as a "distraction," and aides made sure everyone knew he would be too busy to watch it. But if the president didn't cast an eye at a TV, he might have been the only person in Washington not to. And that's the problem.



  1. Problem is Obama is not naive. His actions are intentional.
    He is siding America with traditional enemies.

  2. Obama is Muslim.

  3. Obama is a Traitor and Narcissist Tyrant who is criminally endangering Israel and USA.

  4. But yet there are MANY who approve of this traitor and narcissist tyrant! I truly cannot stand listening to Obama or even looking at his big ears and lying eyes!

  5. His aim is to unravel the fabric of the United States of America.

  6. He is already unraveling the fabric of America. Americans need to look closely at the constitution of Iran as described by Netanyahu.

  7. Wake up clowns. You actually think Bibi has American interests in mind? Keep the billions flowing to Israel and keep American lives in war zones that the Israelis won't go in themselves. They are like the little runt talking smack because they hang with a big guy. Why are you dumb enough to fall for the trap and be the dumb dumb that fights all their battles?

  8. I am so sorry that we had to hear this speech from someone other than our own elected leaders. Whats worse is the comments made afterward. It truly is time for change. Why are we allowing this group to steal our paychecks, retirement, healthcare, and children's future?

  9. Keep listening to this YAHU and you are going to get into a another WAR that you cant win. This is the same idiot that George Bush listen too about Saddam Hussein , He has weapons of mass destruction and He is trying to make a Nuclear Bomb. This idiot is the one that shouldn't have a nuclear Bomb. Speaking about the lie He told about Moses and Jews in Egypt , He knows very well that was Allegory. The Jews were never in bondage in Egypt. He also knows that Jews were Hebrews Not Europeans.

  10. please this was a campaign speech thats it thats the list.

  11. WW3 here we come,full speed ahead.


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