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Sunday, March 30, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Shots Fired In Downtown Salisbury

A silver truck in Downtown Salisbury struck a Police Cruiser. Shots have been fired, we're told multiple shots, as many as 10 shots.

More to come very soon.


Ambulance just arriving. 

This information is coming LIVE.

Paramedics are now on the scene.

I have an eye witness on the scene who actually saw the shots being fired. 

The person who is down, (shot) is sitting down. We do not know if this is the suspect or the Police Officer, or just someone who was somehow involved as a victim of the shooting. 

Sheriffs Department is arriving on the scene. This is all happening around the back side of the Vernon Powell building. They are carting someone away on the stretcher and crime scene tape is going up. 
We're told a helicopter if hovering above the scene. The roads are all blocked off at this time. 

MSP Trooper injured after stakeout gone bad. 

We're told a suspect is still at large in the Winder Street area. We do not have details of the suspect. PLEASE STAY INDOORS AT THIS TIME. 

The suspect is still at large. We're told a "fleet" of K-9 Units are on their way from surrounding areas.

We've been told Salisbury University is on lockdown but there is nothing on their Facebook or Twitter page stating such.  

Edwin Lamont Fletcher 

Suspects vehicle is now on a rollback and being taken away.

Ladies & Gentlemen, we are providing as much information as we can on this matter. Unfortunately there are some jackasses making comments that are NOT accurate or confirmed so please stick with what we publish HERE on the main page and we will keep you updated with confirmed information as the evening goes on. 

Believe me, I'm getting multiple calls from sources but it is not first hand information so I cannot publish it. Please be patient as we have been on top of this story well before anyone else. Thank You.More to come... 10:23 PM

U/D confirming officers were injured. officers did not sustain injuries related to gunfire & they will be treated & released. 10:51 PM





Law enforcement officers are actively searching for a suspect involved in assaulting an officer. The suspect was last observed in the area of Camden Ave and Ohio Ave, which is near the campus of Salisbury University. Members of the campus community are urged to avoid the area of Camden Ave and Ohio Ave. This is an on-going and dynamic situation, and the suspects location could change. Be attentive to your surroundings. 11:45 PM






Update: 3/27/2014 12:37 AM
Salisbury University Police have completed a sweep of campus buildings following a campus lockdown Wednesday evening. Students in academic buildings returned to their residence halls or cars under the watch of officers. No signs were discovered of an intruder following a violent off campus incident involving area law enforcement agencies. The campus lockdown, which is now over, was taken as a precautionary measure. Residence halls will remain locked through the night with officers on patrol. Allied police agencies are continuing their search off campus and the campus is not believed to be in any imminent danger. As always, the campus community is urged to be alert and report any suspicious activity to University Police. Unless otherwise notified, the campus will resume normal operations Thursday morning. University Police would like to thank all those who assisted in the evening lockdown, including students, faculty and staff.

Chief Edwin L. Lashley
Salisbury University Police Department

See Updated Press Release Below This Post.

Originally Posted at 8:20 PM 3-26-14


  1. It's a white dodge truck they are looking for

  2. Saw 9 cops fly past the Evo brewery 5 min ago

  3. I'm so glad that crime is down in the Bury!

  4. I heard a barrage of gunfire sounded like multiple shooters

  5. Wow I just drove thru downtown minutes before this happened.

  6. Had Camden blocked at South Blvd and down toward Maryland Ave and St Francis. Helicopter circling. Police cars now moving toward north end of Camden.

  7. ...so happy I moved away years ago!

  8. I can see the helicopter from my house on Snow hill rd.

  9. We are gone in just 10 days!!! Yes, Salisbury is the 2nd. most dangerous place to live in Maryland!

  10. I live on Wicomico Street, right next to Winder.... Helicopter is hovering overhead!!!!! Didn't hear the shots, but my doors are dead bolted!!!

  11. Way to go Joe! You broke the story first. Not one othere news outlet has broke the story. Have not even seen it on facebook.

  12. In Delaware you have town cops and state police.Here you have city police,sheriffs dept,state cops,town police and still crime is out of control.

  13. Stay indoors? What would I really be doing out in the friggin cold?

    1. Yes I used to work 4 to 11 shift but now thank God I work during the day. Its just not safe especially for a young single woman.

  14. Su sent email to students saying suspect was on campus

  15. Joe, all these shocked readers comments have lead me to believe that your popularity has spread beyond Salisbury.

  16. Why go anywhere else...March 26, 2014 at 9:23 PM

    We can always depend on JOE for Objective NEWS in the Country and in our TOWN....

  17. Good job Joe thanks. You ought to start your own news station. Gotta be way better than what we have now.

  18. Anonymous 9:21 PM - no they didn't. Reread the email. They said near.

  19. Thanks for this news Joe we have just
    warned a friend that lives off Camden Ave.

  20. State Police, County Sheriff, SPD all over the place near Winder Street and Georgia Avenue. Even a police vehicle with temp DE tags.
    Helicopter still circling and spotlighting the area. Looks like about a 10 block area from the end of Camden to South Blvd has some police presence.

  21. 9:24, Take notice how this article went all the way to #1 on the Top 5 articles of the week in ONE HOUR.

    The entire COUNTY is on Salisbury News right now, that's how crazy our traffic is.

  22. I wish you had live feed,maybe someday you can get a drone.

  23. Just think no one is closer than WMDT and its not on their site. They must be afraid to go outside

  24. Ok the white dodge pick up is parked outside our house on winder MSP Wicomico sheriff's office K9 tracking with dogs filled by officers wearing DEA flack jackets packing M16. Will update as I watch more out the window

  25. Have cell phone pictures of the truck not the greatest but appears the window has been shot out.

  26. Have no fear. The Mayor is skipping down from the bar to find out what's going on. But, he can't stay late because he has a date in Rehoboth at 11:00.

    1. Uncalled for and a complete lack of couth at this moment

  27. Heard on the scanner that 2 cops were shot, and the orders given are shoot to kill! The suspect is armed and extremely dangerous, officers are to take no chances in try to capture him!

  28. Joe, that is because Salisbury/Wico is the gossip capital of the world. Everyone wants to know something before anyone else. Marketing gold for you!!

  29. When I drove by shortly after shots fired person sitting on ground possibly cuffed not LEO

  30. Did they get them?

  31. Time to address the gang issue we don't have !

  32. 9:39 How about we want to know what's going on you moron.

  33. Cops were shot at but were not struck, officers were not hurt.

  34. Are those cars taped off involved in the center err time?

  35. They would not give a "shoot to kill" order, much less over the radio.

  36. Local news has not reported anything...

  37. helicopter still hovering

  38. Geesh. . This city is just as bad as a bug inner city. I don't go out after dark and I am in my 30s.

  39. Please, everyone, offer up a prayer for all those out there.

  40. David, alberobutzo@wmconnect.com

  41. From SU to students:

    "Law enforcement officers are actively searching for a suspect involved in assaulting an officer. The suspect was last observed in the area of Camden Ave and Ohio Ave, which is near the campus of Salisbury University. Members of the campus community are urged to avoid the area of Camden Ave and Ohio Ave. This is an on-going and dynamic situation, and the suspects location could change. Be attentive to your surroundings.

    The suspect is a black male, 6'2", 180lbs, wearing dark clothing and should be considered dangerous.

    A campus wide lockdown is underway.

    An update will follow"

  42. I'm told that one suspect is in custody but he is not believed to be the shooter.

    I have other info but I don't think this is the place to release it.

  43. SU has sent multiple messages and doing very good job of keeping students informed. Well done since the issue didn't initially take place near campus.

  44. NONE, I have that info as well. HOWEVER, you are correct. We will NOT publish those names and I think you know why. Let's leave it at that.

  45. Give me immunity and I'll take care of Fletcher and the area gang problem.

  46. Joe, I have even more info but won't post on here.

  47. Sent the pics from when the truck first was chased down camden ave by MSP task force Grey expedition which nearly struck sheriff k9 explosives trying to turn back to pursue the vehicle down winder st. Truck is stopped at the corner of winder and Oakhill ave. MSP DEA sheriff now tracking through the yards. More pics to come

  48. 9:39 Orders were to shoot the guy? In this liberal world of Democrats , why would you have to wait for orders to shoot someone who's shooting at you. Just shoot the Obama loving welfare sponging moron and we will save a bunch of money.

  49. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:39 How about we want to know what's going on you moron.

    March 26, 2014 at 9:45 PM

    Why? Are you going to get a posse together and go after the suspect? If you live in the area, lock your doors and go to bed, if you don't live in the area why do you care?

  50. At 9:10, I was driving on Camden toward downtown. The first thing I noticed was a hovering helicopter, too high for a PRMC landing. Then I noticed the police lights ahead on Camden near the Synagogue. I turned off to go down South Blvd. Every intersection from there through downtown had a law enforcement car - no lights, just sitting still. Downtown near your SBYNews old office, there were flood lights and multiple police agency cars with lights flashing. Everything settled down by the time I drove by Brew River. Thanks for filling me in!

  51. Well 9:57 why even bring it up then.

  52. Post the information! My friends live on Oakhill!

  53. Orders given so they don't have to wait for them, they can now use deadly force.
    Remember officers get in trouble for shooting at innocent suspects!

  54. Say it ain't so, Eddie is an outstaying pillar of the community, volunteers at Goodwill, sings in the choir, was a straight A student all they wyr thru 8th grade….

  55. Md Case search shows he knows the courts well

  56. 9:59 Some people care what is going on in this town. What an apathetic little man you are. You are part of the problem with Salisbury.

  57. Little Eddie knows the system well, but it looks like he has always gotten out of the worst of it, due to the prosecutor's no processing or stet docket most of the bad stuff.
    Lack of good prosecutions allowed this creation to rome the streets again and again!

  58. He's outstanding COMMUNITY SERVICE!!!!

  59. Anybody? Any news on our LEO..are they OK?

  60. 9:59, you are the problem with this town, not Joe, he exposes the truth as to why this town sucks! It is stupid people like you that think everything is fine and don't make waves!

  61. scanner said they want rooms in SU campus checked

  62. Any new photos, info? I think I still hear the helicopter in the distance. WBOC and WMDT aren't really getting into detail like the blog post and comments here!
    -concerned downtown citizen with a best friend even closer to the ordeal! :(

  63. No, I was smart enough to move to a waterfront estate with a gated driveway, 2 dogs and plenty of 7.62x39. No worries here.

  64. Joe's "live" story gave wrong truck color. Gets the facts straight before posting (just so you can claim to be first). You look dumb when you give false details.

  65. Any body still hear the helicopter? We're on south blvd and it left about 30 mins ago along w the police car sitting out front our house.

  66. 10:21, I WAS RIGHT on the color AND information. YOU need to get YOUR facts straight.

    1. Sent you a better picture of the truck leaving on the roll back.

  67. Ok the scene over here has calmed down somewhat MSP is still on location however the k9 and DEA have gone down closer towards south Blvd. MSP tactical officers still walking down Oakhill and winder in tactical search.police have towed away the dodge pick up used. Minor damage to the driver side bumper/fender. Truly amazing scene to watch play outside my windows.

  68. 9:59 - stick it! Some of us live in this area. Our doors are locked, but go to bed? Enjoy your home out in the suburbs, but keep your condescending instructions to yourself.

  69. Until now, maybe just a medium-bad guy, doing a bunch of dealing and generally not cooperative with police. 5 year joint at DOC.

    With shots fired in the commission of a felony (more drug dealing), he's graduated to Real-Bad Guy.

    Hope that the evidence people get all their ducks in a row.

  70. 10:32, more than that...shooting a cop.

    With you on catching him and putting him away for real.

  71. I'm taking a sick day tomorrow. This sucks to live so close to such drama.

  72. Th;ank you for all the info. I moved away from that area but still live in the country. It is good to be informed as things are happening. Although I don't go out at this hour, there are a lot of people do and they need to know. Thanks again.

  73. Salisbury University is still on lockdown. I'm stuck inside a building here. It is currently 10:38pm.

  74. David, Thank You for the pictures.

    As for the comment about the color of the truck...

    Our witness saw the truck hit the police vehicle. It is night time and he saw it as gray/silver. An EYE witness. Now, if it is white, so be it.

    I'm sure it all happened very quickly. Truck hits cop car, shots fired, truck takes off. Other news sources, (a long time later, hours) claimed it was a van, so give it a rest.

    To ALL of the other news agencies trying to pass off anonymous comments stating you now have information, BITE ME.

    Salisbury News is Delmarva's News Leader and we continue to prove it each and every day.

  75. This is the FIRST email students received from SU at 09:19PM:
    "Law enforcement officers are actively searching for a suspect involved in assaulting an officer. The suspect was last observed in the area of Camden Ave and Ohio Ave, which is near the campus of Salisbury University. Members of the campus community are urged to avoid the area of Camden Ave and Ohio Ave. This is an on-going and dynamic situation, and the suspects location could change. Be attentive to your surroundings.

    The suspect is a black male, 6'2", 180lbs, wearing dark clothing and should be considered dangerous.

    A campus wide lockdown is underway.

    An update will follow"

    This is the SECOND email that SU students received on campus at 09:34pm:



    1. This is the FIRST email students received from SU at 09:02 PM:




  76. I used to live on Winder. Sad

  77. 10:43, I used to live DOWNTOWN where the shots were fired.

    We have been saying for weeks, these criminals are getting worse and bold.

    Police involved Shot fired three times in the past two months. This is getting really bad.

  78. Spd needs to do more. Not just be a department of patrolmen

  79. Praying for everyone's safety and for the law enforcement officers that try to protect us. Been getting conflicting stories. Did officer or officers get shot? Praying that they are okey.

  80. I'll Repeat, keep watching the Post for updates. There are a LOT of rumors going around, most of them NOT TRUE. I just did another update so please be patient and you'll get the truth.

  81. If this guy doesn't get indoors soon he won't last outdoors very long in this cold.

  82. My question is why are we only picking on SPD? I don't know for sure but I thought the sheriff trumps city and state trumps them both. We live in salisbury and all 3 agencies have some type of assistance agreement. How come SPD takes all the heat. I think we need to be thumping our bibles and what not at the ones with the staffing and money. I think the sheriff needs to be the one we fussing at. He's has the most of resources correct??

  83. Anonymous said...
    In Delaware you have town cops and state police.Here you have city police,sheriffs dept,state cops,town police and still crime is out of control.

    March 26, 2014 at 9:19 PM

    Don't forget Salisbury University PD and the various "Police" officers at places like Deers Head and the Holly Center.

  84. Great Job reporting events

  85. Joe, in your best knowledge, does this have anything to do with gang activity?

  86. Why are they evacuating the university library?

  87. 11:09, I couldn't honestly tell you that answer. Are there Gangs in Salisbury, absolutely. However, this was drug related, that's for sure.

  88. Anonymous said...
    In Delaware you have town cops and state police.Here you have city police,sheriffs dept,state cops,town police and still crime is out of control.

    March 26, 2014 at 9:19 PM

    That's because they don't work together. If the County Police took over Salisbury, Fruitland and Delmar there would be less problems and crime would go down.

  89. Folks, stop beating up on police. This incident involves police doing their jobs.

    Be mad at the bad guys, okay?

  90. Have they caught him?

  91. Joe, Do you know if there is a news conference or update coming soon from police? Thanks

  92. Just got a robocall from WDSD. BOLO AA male, on foot, last seen Camden and Winder.

  93. 11:17, Yes. We have been informed there will be a Press Conference tomorrow morning.

  94. I don't know why everyone needs someone to blame people do crazy things, cops try to do their job. Stuff happens, if we didn't have criminals we wouldn't need cops. How can you be mad at the cops and not the criminal?

  95. 11:17, While I think that's really cool, IT'S A LITTLE LATE! This guy could be in Crisfield by now. It happened THREE hours ago.

  96. Maybe if the police stopped sitting around handing out alcohol citations to college students all day and decided to actually try to prevent some serious DRUG-related crime (meth,crack,heroin) then there wouldn't be shootouts like this going on twice a month.

  97. I'm not mad at the police I think they did a fantastic job letting everyone know this guy went through our backyards. I'm mad that after all the frigging events that has transpired around us, our local civil services that we all pay for in taxes aren't on the same frigging page! I like the idea of having the county absorbing local police and uniting everything and everyone on the same page. But instead I personally think it's about which agency gets the glory. At the end of the day you all have to watch each others back to go home to their loved ones. Why can't you work together in the same page, same channel. Instead of covertly operating in each others back doors.

  98. Is the university out of lockdown?

  99. 11:11 spot on! Good grief. It was a stakeout gone bad. And surely it could've gone much worse. Be grateful there are people who leave their families at night to work at getting these sorry sons-of b****es off the streets, so your children don't wind up dead from a heroin OD or anything of the like. How does nitpicking police agencies even come to the forefront here? Focus on the issue, you mud-slinging a**holes.

  100. I'm willing to wager that he didn't swim across the river….

  101. If there is going to be a news release we all know the Media Whore, Sheriff Lewis will be in front of the camera's!!!

  102. There's a lot more inter-agency cooperation than ever before here in our little burg. Still, it could always use improvement in the area of one-upmanship, especially on the county side, but, hey, it's an elected position - if you don't grab it while you can, you might not be around after the next election.

  103. The issue is stakeout gone bad. How can a covert operation go bad and not catch him if everyone knew of what was going on then I think there could have been tactics in place for immediate metal aid and assistance instead. This guy is running loose in the area armed and dangerous. And his face is all over the outcome isn't going to be pretty he's desperate. And all ready attempted murder of not one but 2 law enforcement officers. It will be either a shoot out or this guy gonna hurt more people.

  104. Was Matt on scene?

  105. We have more cooperation among our police departments under Duncan than we ever had under Webster.

    11:23, grow up. We've had kids die in this community because of alcohol. Some of the lucky ones didn't die, they just spent time in the hospital and recovering. Maybe if the college students didn't take up police time with those issues, they'd have more time for the others, ever think of that? Behave yourselves and we'll all be safer, how about that?

    1. If it weren't for the college students this town probably wouldn't even exist. Go to sleep, your McDonalds shift starts in three hours

  106. Campus still on lock down... they haven't said much to us as to what's going on. The first email only said there was criminal activity on or near campus and to be safe.

  107. 11:41, Thank You for that update.

  108. 11:23 PM:

    Sorry, but you don't have a clue about what our police department does or doesn't do, aside from your tunnel view.
    But it does sound like you have an adolescent's ax to grind.

  109. Yep Downtown is great. Envision Salisbury say Jake Day and Jim Ireton. You can get people to build with OPM Other Peoples Money such as grants and giving away firehouses and parking lots, but that WILL NOT STOP THE CRIME. Crime is committed by People just like people kill people and not guns.

    Jim Ireton and Jake Day you are idiots.

  110. Just wondering if Sheriff Mike is working this case or if he is out of town teaching?

  111. I guess no one bothered to read the official press release which gives no indication the suspect is armed and ver explicitly states it was the police shooting at the suspect, not the suspect shooting at the police. Just like in the last shooting in Salisbury...

  112. 11:47, Come on now. Jim and Jake have nothing to do with this.

    Look at the article below and read it carefully.

    Police were looking for a wanted suspect. They chose, (I'm sure) that open parking lot area to pull a wanted suspect over as there was more than likely no one in the area.

    I'd say it was good police work.

    That being said, they took 10 shots and didn't hit the suspect. Now THAT is something I'd worry about more than anything.

    And don't come back here saying I would have missed too. These are PROFESSIONALS highly trained for this kind of situation. Now the entire community is at risk.

    Maybe instead of selling off parking lots they should get the Police a shooting range.

  113. Downtown Salisbury is great. Drinks, dinner and a show!

  114. Joe, thay have a shooting range.

  115. Yes, Joe is right! If highly trained cops can't hit a giant pickup truck, we are all in trouble!

  116. 12:02, Well, the side of that barn obviously isn't big enough.

  117. Campus just off lock down

  118. It is seriously cold out.

  119. Which parking lot is the photo of police taped off area? It is difficult to see the background area.

  120. Via SU email:
    Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 12:03 AM




  121. 11:52 I'm with you! 8 days plus and still no updates about the troopers shooting and killing Winfield C. Fisher III. My heart goes out to his family.

  122. Where was Mike Lewis on camera stating I think our deputies need more trainning???LOL LOL LOL

  123. So is he caught ?

  124. Weak laws and even wimpier judges in Maryland allowed this situation to happen!

  125. 6:48, No, he has not been caught.

  126. Another sting, set up in a public place, where they put citizens at risk. Nothing will change until an innocent person dies.
    They have botched several of these now. Someone wasn't paying attention in militarized police academy.

  127. If I don't see police at my daughters school, which is the closest in proximity to the incident I will be even more concerned with local police work

  128. attempted murder? that's a stretch.

  129. 11:52 I'm with you! 8 days plus and still no updates about the troopers shooting and killing Winfield C. Fisher III. My heart goes out to his family.

    Pretty simple - Loser, drug user dead. No trial, no lose of money in prison. Simple solution, dont be a bad guy and try to run over a trooper.

  130. To all of the armchair quarterbacks out there, including you Joe, dont be so quick to judge If you think you could do a better job then get a badge, strap on a vest & join the fight Until then, be grateful that there are men & women willing to do it for You

  131. 7:48 that is like telling the surgeon who botched the surgery and left you paralyzed that you should be grateful to be alive and if you could do a better job, pick up a scalpel.


  132. Lets put the cops on trial for this one. We should lets say charge them with reckless endangerment since under stress, they missed killing that poor guy; whom is just a product of his environment and misunderstood. Better yet, lets spin it to a civil rights violation or race issue since the suspect was African American. If his warrant was for POT, hell we got them cops then, right?

  133. 7:48 I would, but yall wont let me with my record. Will u start patrolling the Bury in hummers now?

  134. What a joke, they just happened to "find" him driving through a "parking lot" in downtown sby.

    State, county, and city PD were all there and "just happened" to see him drive in.

    More like the last one they botched, they saw him leave his house, followed him, called patrol to illegally stop him and ask him for ID for no legal reason and things got out of control.

    Cops are getting much worse at lying and even worse at their new tactics to catch a criminal

  135. Say what you want, the police screwed up somewhere or he wouldn't still be loose

  136. Guys, it was very cold last night, how were cops supposed to chase down a suspect in snow with a hot coffee in one hand, and a donut in the other!

  137. Agreed 8:16. I lived in another country for several years where the police wouldn't initiate chases in public. They would just follow and wait for the suspect to exit the vehicle on their own and then arrest them.

  138. Amazes me,even though it shouldnt since it happens all the time,that many are questioning the actions of the officers and not that of the suspect. Things do not go always go as planned in LE, if it did then this man would have been taken in to custody without incident. The incident happened as it did and any areas that went astray are the result of human instinct that we all have,fight or flight. You didnt see cops running away from the suspect when he accelerated his vehicle as a weapon...they made the split second decisions to discharge their firearms to end the threat and it didnt go as planned. If they did strike the suspect some would find other reasons to attack the officer experience,training or integrity when at the end of the day LE officers learn from all incidents like this to better adapt to future incidents to keep the community,each other and themselves safe. They go home at the end of each shift like the rest of you on here questioning them, so they can be with their families. Yet they have the burden of all these types of situations to cope with that others pick apart behind the computer and in the comfort of your home. You have just as much an obligation to support the police department in your hometown as they do to protect you and your town! If there are such serious concerns, follow up in a manner where it can be addressed officially and decided whether there is standing for allegations.. you ever try to "catch a cop doing something right" probably not but it happens every day.

  139. Even the police aren't safe in downtown Salisbury. When will you people finally wake up? When you are looking down the barrel of a gun?

  140. 8:43, Being this is a public forum, and the Internet has the power to revolutionize political discourse in the world, I believe that this is an excellent place to address the matter officially. Why is Chief Duncan hiding out?

  141. 9:00 so you expect comments here are going to revolutionize the investigation process of what some believe to be police misconduct?

  142. Anyone using this to related to downtown Salisbury or saying they are leaving Salisbury - GET OUT. You are a liar and you likely don't even live here. Keeping posting your lies to build up your town of Berlin, Cambridge, Hagerstown. We - who ACTUALLY LIVE DOWNTOWN - know it's the safest part of Salisbury. You aren't fooling anyone.

  143. 9:13 Ah, look at a map of the cities crime, and then tell me Downtown is the safest place in Slumsbury!

  144. 10:14 You got that right. More time in case law books and less time acting like detectives. Why are they crowding a scene. Isnt that what cell phones are for. Crime scenes are for police and sometimes EMS the rest need to stay the heck out.

  145. Edwin is a known drug dealer and has been on the run for a week. They had him cornered and he ran over the police vehicle with them in it.
    Also the guy you are talking about that got shot last week had a large amount of drugs on his front seat when he asked for an officer to come out to the parking lot of the police station and sign off on his equipment repair. The cop noticed it and called for backup and then the guy tried to run over him. And you say you feel sorry for him? What is wrong with you people? The cops are trying to do their job the best they can, get shot at and run over and you criticize them? Jeesh.

  146. @ 8:57 I am glad you ghave all the facts. Since the Police have decided to just ignore the public on the issue from last week. I have yet to hear an official statement from this altercation as well. As a matter of fact I do believe Salisbury University has released more detailed information from that night than the cops have so far. You don;t find it odd such a high profile occurance from last week has yet to be addressed at all besides Lewis stating they troopers need more training? Come on pull the wool off of your eyes for a few minutes.

  147. 9:13-Downtown is the safest part of Salisbury? Get the hell out from under the rock of denial you live in and face the facts-you liar-you enabler-you excuse maker!
    People like YOU are what is wrong with this country. You have no answers so you use the old "get out" answer. People like you are the pus that infects towns. Nothing but asinine responses instead of offering up any solutions. No wonder Salisbury is the Armpit of the Eastern Shore-try and deny that fact. Overwhelming poverty, overwhelming crime, overwhelming unemployment, overwhelming foreclosures and short sales.

  148. Wicomico militia .

  149. This past couple of weeks highlight the need for a FBI investigation into the bad law enforcement around this area. All the officer involved shootings, massive man hunts that end up with suspects escaping, even on a bicycle!! This is funnier than what a comedy writer could come up with, a bank robber escapes on a bike!!!
    Bomb threats, robberies, drug deals, shootings, escaped criminals, yes, Salisbury is defiantly a nice safe place to live......

  150. It's so easy to hide in plain sight anymore especially an area as transient as Salisbury. With so many rentals people don't even know who their neighbors are. Makes it easy for criminals to blend in. No one knows who belongs and who doesn't these days.

  151. Why is there a fire truck and ambulance and a fire SUV on the scene? Did they catch a building on fire?

  152. Anonymous said...
    Anyone using this to related to downtown Salisbury or saying they are leaving Salisbury - GET OUT. You are a liar and you likely don't even live here. Keeping posting your lies to build up your town of Berlin, Cambridge, Hagerstown. We - who ACTUALLY LIVE DOWNTOWN - know it's the safest part of Salisbury. You aren't fooling anyone.

    March 27, 2014 at 9:13 AM

    Let me guess?

    Jake Day?
    Jim Ireton?
    Chuck Cook?

    These are the only clowns that would "admit" downtown is the safest place in town.

  153. Why aren't we hearing anything about the rounds of gunfire heard coming from the tabernacle church building in Delmar , md last night?? A dozen cop cars and crime scene tape and yet, nothing is reported?


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