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Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Businesses And Residents Want A Better Salisbury

Hundreds of Joe Albero for Mayor signs (that are actually in front of the homes of real, registered, voters) have popped up throughout the City because citizens are tired of higher taxes, reduced services, crime and no jobs. Citizens and businesses are sick and tired of roads falling apart, property values plummeting, businesses forced to shut down or leave the city because of the city's unwillingness to process permits, cut red tape, or simply allow businesses to succeed by leaving them alone.

It's been a very long time since a business person has stepped up to the plate to run for Mayor and actually offer solutions. You have two choices on April 2nd. You can either continue to have a mayor who does little more than grandstand OR ... you can have a NEW mayor who will roll up his sleeves, go to WORK and help to make Salisbury a better place to live and to work.

You want a better Salisbury, get out and vote. 

A. Ireton =  Entitlements / Grants / Higher Taxes
B. Albero = Accountability / Jobs / Revitalization


  1. If a picture could speak a thousand words - these photos would quantify a book.

    I to am seeing more and more Albero for Mayor signs all around town. The people are waking-up as to the gravity of our local sagging economy.

  2. A and B is a great way to describe Dems and Repubs in the nation also.


  3. The one thing I have noticed is that for an encumbent mayor there seem to be far less signs for or present mayor. That usually is a sign that things are about to change. @

  4. Once again Salisbury City politics repeats a pattern--SAPOA backs a candidate who will serve as a rubber stamp for the slumlords to convert the last remaining owner ocupied areas into "rental stock" , signs suporting said candidate appear prominently on the lawns of the rentals they own in the city and the usual smear campaign ensues against Campbell, Cohen and Spies--who truly represent the average hardworking taxpayer. Salisbury, are you going to be snookered ONCE AGAIN by a Louise Smith/Laura Mitchell tax and spend liberal? Campbell has SAVED THE CITY, and the TAXPAYER MILLIONS--she should be regarded as a fiscal warrior and hero!!! The Ireton administration has proven itself to be dishonest and incompetent, where the taxpayer and homeowner gets screwed and SAPOA and the FOB's continue to get rich.

  5. I would LOVE to put my Joe Albero for Mayor sign up in my yard but the homeowners association says No Political Signs. Regardless, my vote is going for Joe!

  6. I'm hoping something will come of the old mall property in the foreseeable future.

  7. You go Joe, you can win. I'm telling everyone I know which includes liberals, which I am finding are more concerned about taxes than social issues, there is a viable alternative to the tax and spend mayor.

  8. To the person who stated I don't have signs in the Moss Hill area, I haven't been there yet. I rejected your comment as requested/suggested but let me assure you that you will soon see my signs there as well. There are some 14,000 registered voters. Unlike other candidates, I started early because "I" wanted to personally greet people face to face, not volunteers. I want to look you in the eye and tell you what I plan to do for Salisbury. I intend to have YOU hold me accountable, not a volunteer.

    I still have almost four weeks and believe me, if I haven't been to your neighborhood, I will be there. When I'm done I'll start all over again.

  9. When can I pick up my sign Joe?

  10. Signs are available at 304 W. Main Street or I can deliver one to your door.

  11. Joe while you "fix" Salisbury could you PLEASE FIX WICOMICO COUNTY I am still in shock of how wicomico countys income tax is half of the state amount and worcester is so much SO MUCH lower. Hopefully you can find a Wicomico County leader to MENTOR!

  12. For those in communities with restrictions on signs in yards..put one in the window of your car.

  13. Joe,

    Are the slumlord owners still allowed to be registered voters - if they don't actually occupy a room in the rental they own?

    Owning property does not automatically qualify one as a registered voter. Does living in a rental property qualify one as a registered voter?

    If these absentee owners votes are questioned and invalidated - there will certainly be fewer votes for 'the other guy'.

  14. 9;12....in case you missed it, worcester county has an ocean and the associated tourism. that enables the residents there to live off of visitors.

  15. I hear JTs/Shields is out stealing your signs.

  16. Salisbury deserves better than the current mayor.
    His ongoing lack of integrity, lack of ability and questionable morality make him suspect in his capacity as mayor and even more so as a mentor/teacher of our children.
    We need decent upstanding citizen's as our elected officials and teachers in Salisbury.
    Would you want your 9 year old boy in a room alone with Jim Ireton???

  17. Keep it going.

    Let's keep fighting the good fight!

  18. Joe, why does the Daily Times continue to ignore your campaign and your excellent platform. Whats wrong with those people? Don't they want a better community?

  19. If Joe isn't elected i am OUT of this SH/thole,BC it will get worse trust me.

  20. "When I'm done I'll start all over again."

    That is one of the most intelligent comments you made about your campaign so far Joe. Start over so they don't forget your message.

    You have my vote.

  21. Anonymous said...
    I hear JTs/Shields is out stealing your signs.

    March 6, 2013 at 1:10 PM

    I saw one knocked over on Priscilla Street.

  22. When are we going to get the true story on the incident involving the school teacher/mayor of Salisbury? The citizens and the parents of the school children he teaches needs to know!

  23. To ALL, please keep your eyes open as my signs are getting stolen as well as pulled out and thrown on the ground, BEFORE the storm arrived.

    Jim is running scared right now, as he should. They will do just about anything to hurt my campaign, even in forums. Jim is calling me a racist, a homophobe, he claims I hate women, hispanics, jews and the list goes on and on. Shame on ANYONE who believes his statement. He's desperate because he has nothing to run on. Thew NAACP, Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Salisbury Committee didn't buy his rant so he's really ticked off now.

    Remember, this is the guy who called me a Delaware Blogger and LIED to the public. THINK, he is a LIAR and he is your Mayor. He didn't challenge my residency because he knew he was lying, just like the spoof phone call.

    It's time for a real man to step in as your next Mayor and turn things around. If you like the DRAMA you've had for the past 16 years, vote for Jim Ireton. If you want to vote for a clear LIAR, vote for Jim Ireton.

  24. I noticed from a previous post when you talked about Ireton/Day signs on rental property within several days someone came around and removed them.
    Joe, you spoke the truth, Ireton/Day put their signs on rental property all over the city. On the other hand, you have visited the home owners and have been open and honest.
    In the last election many of my friends and myself (sorry to say) voted for Ireton but not this time. All of us are voting for you, and your vision.

  25. Jim will never get another vote from me or my husband. You have sacrificed and proven you want to be our next mayor. You have our votes and your sign is just fine in our yard.

  26. You're an idiot. No one is stealing your pathetic signs. The large majority of people in this down either can't stand you or don't care about you. That is the truth, print it Delaware gossip blogger.

  27. anonymous 3:06, I told you Jimmy is running scared.

  28. Anonymous said...
    You're an idiot. No one is stealing your pathetic signs. The large majority of people in this down either can't stand you or don't care about you. That is the truth, print it Delaware gossip blogger.

    March 6, 2013 at 3:06 PM

    Um, Jimmy? Sarah?, Cookie? Guess what... the majority of those signs are still standing. If he is hated that much and they don't care wouldn't you think they would have disappeared by now?

  29. I would ask every supporter of Joe's to keep an eye out for his signs. If they have blown over or look like they will blow over soon please stop and put them in the ground again. When the wind blows it loosens the ground up and they will eventually fall over.

  30. I spoke with John Robinson about you running for Mayor today. He was more than kind in what he said about you. Kind of surprised given your past. He said the only thing keeping him from voting was you and supporting you is that he and Jimmy were long time friends and even college roommates. Even through he said he isn't supporting you he said he his politics were much more in line with yours. I am very much on the fence but after talking to him I am in your corner. He said you had signs and I live on Monticello Ave. Can i come by your place Downtown and get signs or do you deliver?

  31. anonymous 8:14, I do have signs Downtown but I can also drop one off for you.

  32. Joe I see your signs on Rockawalkin Rd., you have so much support.

  33. I like your sign design BTW

  34. Lets see if people are HYPOCRITES or NOT when it comes down to voting that day or will they just smile in your face and say one thing or STEP up and VOTE, I guess we will see APRIL 2 2013.


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