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Friday, February 22, 2013

Marijuana Could Become Legal In Maryland

State officials say a Maryland lawmaker is proposing a bill that would legalize marijuana in the state.

Officials say Delegate Curt Anderson introduced the measure in the House of Delegates on Thursday. The measure would make marijuana legal for adults 21 and older as well as create a system to regulate and tax it, like alcohol.

According to the Baltimore Democrat, the measure would also direct the Maryland comptroller to license marijuana to be placed in retail stores, wholesale facilities, and testing facilities.



  1. As if we didn't have enough things to impair judgement...??? But, you want to disarm me? Just another way to fog the progressives heads, so they may continue their assault on this great nation!

  2. Is theres a breathalizer that police can use to detrrmine if someones driving under influance? That would be my only concern.

  3. Way cool! They can put the Weed rack right next to the beer cooler they will now allow in drug stores!
    MD legislators are starting to make the USPS clothing idea look more sensible.
    Now all the heads can trade Ganja for lower priced gas in surrounding states. Win-win!

  4. Is there anyway you could post all of the ES delegates so anybody that views this can contact them to get them to support this bill. It will save MD millions and also make the state millions in tax revenue.

  5. As long as there are pre-employment screening drug tests that look for the presence of THC, it may be legal - but it will impair your employability in addition to your motivation and judgement.

  6. Washington and Jefferson grew it, researched it, used it in many ways. Including smoking it.
    The weed may save this once great country.

    1. Bullcrap. Washington and Jefferson grew HEMP. There is a difference. Hemp has less than 1% THC and is far superior in the textile industry than cotton. Know your facts before you spout BS to support your buzz.

  7. Good, I don't like marajuana but the war on drugs is a proven failure.

  8. So, let me get this straight... If I drive a 2000 pound car into a crowd of kids waiting at the school bus stop thats okay if I am high on marijuana. But let take away weapons.

    What I take of this is, Omalley is a closet Gay who gets high all the time.

    1. Nobody has ever killed kids with a car high on weed.

  9. Great more drunk divers on the roads.

    1. There is a complete and total difference between drunk and high.

  10. it's about time! man made alcohol..god made weed! who u goin to trust?

  11. That is just NOT right!

  12. @8:37 AM

    To my knowledge there is no breathalizer for marijuana, but there is also no test for doctor prescribed pain killers, self medicated pain killers, depresants, cold medicine... etc, and no one seems too concerned about finding ways to come up with one. We live with an assumption that while under the influence of legal medications, someone will not drive... and no one seems too concerned. Marijuana would be no different.

  13. As long as it can be taxed by O'Malley, it's OK.

  14. Its gov's way of off setting and curtailing any civil unrest that is brewing, which is why there is so many hand outs now....and take away the 2nd for those that might resist the next phase of gov...all ready set to execute.

  15. It's about time we moved into the 21st century.

  16. Sometimes I get really annoyed that I live in such a wonderful place, but the people here are about 20-50 years backwards in evolution.

  17. I thought it was illegal to smoke in Maryland... Guess I quit for nothing.

  18. Keep the sheeple stoned and they won't care what we do in Annapolis, that's the plan. Take their guns, give them pot, we'll tax the hell out of it and continue to waste money on foolishness. That's the mentality in Maryland. It's a good place to be from.

  19. There are laws in place for impaired driving. The police are trained in the physical symptoms that are exhibited by someone. They can have a blood test done at the hospital that will prove the level of THC in the system is high enough to impair motor function. This has been going on for years. Enforcement and incarceration have been a very expensive failure, and in addition, increases the crime rate (black market and burglary). If something is not having the result you want, doing more of the same will not improve your situation. Let's control it (put the criminals out of business), tax it, and use some of the funds for treatment. I just returned from a Colorado resort, and I did not smell it even once. Surprise, surprise, society continued to function, and I did not notice anymore bad driving than here on the Eastern Shore.

  20. Just a suggestion, try and stay on the thread topic of legalizing marijuana. I am sure Joe would be glad to start another one for gun control.

  21. Let's go Maryland legalize it!!!!! The weed will definitely save this country!!!!

  22. If it can be taxed, it will be legalized in Maryland.

  23. Wow great job Governor Omalley?

  24. Wow the Gov is so supportive, this may help explain the intelligence level of Omalley's decisions.

  25. GREAT NEWS fellow Marylanders!!! Now drug-impaired DOPEY dope-smoking MD residents will have a legal and justifiable excuse for being unambitious and lackadaisical!
    I sure hope Meth, Crack & LSD are the next 3 drugs on our lawmakers' agenda to legalize in MD!!!

  26. Yeah, woo-hoo, can't wait. I haven't smoked pot in over 20-years, but now I'll be able to smoke pot during my mandatory 15 minute, every 2 hours, smoking break.

  27. to Donna

    Um there was no way to test the THC content way back then so how can u say it was just hemp and not MJ consdering they could not test and tell themselves. And also just so you know it was all called hemp back then.

  28. well it would be the final straw for me as i would move myself and my familly out of this state overnight........I think its a total sham.....

  29. 12:09
    You could not be anymore asinine for comparing marijuana to meth, crack, or LSD. Get a clue.

  30. Oh good another thing to impair people's judgement. Another reason to keep the unmotivated dopes living off tax money from getting off their a$$.

  31. I was being facetious 2:30.

    From your belittling "asinine" remark, I can tell your the bullying name-calling type who expects others to belittle you and call you a name so you can exchange endless back-and-forth insults in order to make you feel superior, but I 'aint into that.

  32. I'll smoke to that!

  33. Really, they might legalize it....

    Do you like my new haircut?

    Really, they might legalize it....

    Did I already say that?

  34. I smoked weed for well over 20 years and had no problem with it and thought it was great until about 3 days after I quit smoking it and felt like I had just awoke from a 20 year coma...this law is all about "comatosing" the citizens so they can do amything they want!

  35. I wonder how long after this law passes will Obama create a package giving all who receive other gov't funded handouts such as free cell phones, cable, healthcare, shelter, etc...be able to get their free nickel bag too? Ijs?

  36. Let the peaceful potheads smoke and those individuals who choose to progress in the professional world will do so with less competition. Keeps both parties happy, saves the governmental money, makes the government money, and allows those intellectuals who choose to partake to do so without the threat of fines and jail time. Sounds like a win win to me.

  37. Marijuana Smoking illegal? When did that happen?

  38. Moving to Sarasota,Fl soon.


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