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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Let's Settle The Ireton Phone Call Issue Right Here And Now

Since the group from the Daily Times claims they were involved in an alleged phone spoof, I have a way in which this whole thing can be settled.

For the good of the community, how about we get the alleged SPOOFER to call Bryan Russo tomorrow at noon and imitate Mayor Jim Ireton for the entire world to evaluate. He can do his impersonation of Jimmy for 7 minutes and 30 seconds and THAT should satisfy everyone concerned.

Of course we'd have to make sure Jimmy was some place public at the same time. Now, isn't that an easy resolution. Put your money where your mouth is. IF this kid can convince the public he can imitate Jimmy, case closed.

I know who I spoke to on the phone that evening. Now let them prove me wrong. Of course it will never happen because the kid never made the call. Come on kid, call Bryan Russo and fool him and every one else. Do it for the good of the community.


The consensus had been that the Supreme Court would overturn Obamacare. Upon the announcement that it was upholding the law, the stock market tanked. My biggest problem with Obamacare is that it was sold to the American people on the false pretense that it would reduce healthcare costs for the average person and would be deficit neutral.

The truth is that the provisions already implemented have made health premiums and copays go up dramatically, as covering kids until they are 26 years old costs money. There is absolutely no doubt that Obamacare will result in the National Debt going up by trillions of dollars. You cannot add 30 million people to the healthcare system and not drive the costs up. Doctors will be screwed as more government bureaucrats and IRS agents run the healthcare system. Care will be rationed. Only rich people will get excellent service. Why would any bright teenager decide to become a doctor?

Let’s here your opinion. I’m especially interested in our doctor member opinions.

Chamber Of Commerce Political Activities Being Reviewed

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is taking a close look at the Chamber of Commerce's political activities.

On Tuesday – Schneiderman issued a subpoena to executives with organizations that have funneled millions of dollars into the Chamber of Commerce under the disguise of charitable contributions, to determine whether or not that money was actually used for political purposes – like running ads against Democrats and lobbying Congress. Conservatives like Karl Rove and the Koch Brothers may have been violating the tax code, claiming tax-exempt status, to shield their donors, while they run blatant political advertising. But now, Attorney General Schneiderman is on to them, and his investigation could blow open the doors of these giant pools of dark money – revealing exactly who is behind at least some of the cash flowing into the 2012 election. Republicans had hoped this issue wouldn't be litigated before the election, so as to keep the anonymous money flowing in and assuming that a Romney administration wouldn't prosecute them, but with Attorney General Schneiderman throwing around these subpoenas, we may well soon see some much needed transparency in our politics. Keep an eye on this one.

Obama Touts National HIV Testing Day, Does Not Include Facts about Highest Risk Group

President Barack Obama issued a statement on Wednesday marking National HIV Testing Day that includes praise for better access to testing because of the Affordable Care Act but does not include facts about the disease and those who are at highest risk of contracting it.

“National HIV Testing Day highlights the importance of HIV testing and the fight against HIV/AIDS,” Obama said. “Of the over 1.1 million Americans living with HIV, more than 200,000 are unaware of their infection, and may unknowingly be transmitting the virus to others.

“The Affordable Care Act now requires many health insurance plans to provide recommended preventive health services with no out of pocket costs, giving millions of Americans better access to HIV testing,” Obama said.

The president did not, however, cite the statistics from Health and Human Services’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that show while “gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM) represent 2 percent of the U.S. population” in 2009 “MSM accounted for 61 percent of new HIV infections.”


Now Bush Accused in 'Green Stimulus' Madness

Scores of companies have received federal loans and grants from President Obama’s 2009 “stimulus” to manufacture an experimental fuel called cellulosic ethanol, which has not been successfully produced in the

U.S. and might not even work.

The fuel, which is supposed to come from wood chips, was first pushed and funded by the George W. Bush administration.

Despite the fact that no company has been able to produce the fuel, Congress previously passed a law imposing mandates on oil companies to mix the non-existent cellulosic fuel into gasoline.


‘Journalist of the Year’ and ESPN Writer: People Killed by Fast and Furious Just ‘Collateral Damage’

The American people need to stop being so darn “nosy” and demanding to know why our federal government recklessly armed murderous drug cartels with thousands of guns and then let them walk across the U.S.-Mexico border — at least according to CNN contributor and “Journalist of the Year”* LZ Granderson. He is also a senior writer and columnist at ESPN.

In an Op-ed posted on CNN.com on Tuesday, Granderson argues “times have changed” and “not everything is our business,” so we need to just butt out already. And as for those killed because of the operation? “Collateral damage.”

Granderson even invokes former President Ronald Reagan in a bid to prove to Republicans that it’s OK that the government keeps secrets, it’s for our own good.


No Bath Salts Detected: Causeway Attacker Rudy Eugene Had Only Pot in His System, Medical Examiner Reports

An autopsy report says testing for a number of street drugs, including “bath salts,” came back negative, and that Rudy Eugene had only marijuana in his system.

Rudy Eugene, the man who chewed off a homeless man’s face on the MacArthur Causeway and was shot to death by Miami police, had no drugs in his system other than marijuana, the Miami-Dade Medical Examiner’s office said Wednesday.

On May 26, Eugene stripped off his clothes along the causeway from Miami Beach before attacking 65-year-old Ronald Poppo in a ghoulish, drawn-out assault in plain view on a city sidewalk captured by a Miami Herald security camera. Eugene was shot by a police officer who found him chewing chunks off Poppo’s face.


Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/06/27/2871098/mes-report-eugene-had-no-drugs.html#storylink=cpy


Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/06/27/2871098/mes-report-eugene-had-no-drugs.html#storylink=cpy

Attorney Asks Judge to Have Obama Vetted

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Just make sure Barack Obama meets the requirements of the Constitution to be president.

That’s essentially what a lawsuit pending before a Florida judge is seeking, according to attorney Larry Klayman, who has proposed to Judge Terry Lewis an order the judge could adopt, excerpt or reject.

Lewis is best known for presiding over the 2000 Bush v. Gore election dispute and is credited with making crucial rulings in that case.

Klayman filed the current challenge to Obama’s eligibility for the Florida ballot on behalf of Michael Voeltz, who identifies himself in the complaint as a registered member of the Democratic Party, a voter and a taxpayer in Broward County.


Florida Judge Smacks Down Holder over Non-Citizens Voting

The Department of Justice tried to prevent Florida and its Governor, Rick Scott, from removing non-citizens from its voter rolls, asking for a restraining order and arguing that removing non-citizens would be a violation of the National Voter Registration Act. Today, a U.S. District Judge appointed by former President Bill Clinton denied the Department of Justice's request, according to the Miami Herald. Florida will now be able to rightfully remove non-citizens from its voter rolls.

Scott said in a statement that "the court made a common-sense decision consistent with what I’ve been saying all along: that irreparable harm will result if non-citizens are allowed to vote." 



This 65-Year-Old Clerk Was Fired for Refusing to Sell Cigarettes to a Food Stamp Customer

After four years on the job, a New Hampshire woman was fired because she refused to sell cigarettes to a customer who tried to pay with an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card (the debit card equivalent of food stamps), according to the Sentinel Source.

Jackie R. Whiton said that a 20-something-year-old male came into her Big Apple convenience store on May 29 and handed her an EBT card while trying to purchase two packs of cigarettes.

It’s important to note that there are two types of EBT cards: one is for essential grocery items and the other can be used for pretty much anything. The customer had the latter.

Whiton told the customer that EBT cards shouldn’t be used to purchase luxury items such as cigarettes. Of course, the EBT holder didn’t take her refusal lightly and the two “had a little go-around” while the checkout line grew larger.


One Dead In Fort Bragg Shooting

Soldier in custody after allegedly killing another soldier, then injuring himself at Fort Bragg, N.C.

Congressional Black Caucus Plans Walkout During Holder Contempt Vote

The Congressional Black Caucus plans to walk out of the House tomorrow when the contempt-of-Congress vote on Attorney General Eric Holder is taken. Apparently, they have scheduled a meeting at 10 a.m. to discuss the walkout and urge other Democrats to join them. Holder, the first black attorney general, has not released documents relating to the Fast and Furious debacle, and Darrell Issa, the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has been relentless in his search for the truth.

The Democrats are certain to mention the fact that House Republicans, then in the minority, walked out in 2008 when contempt charges were filed by the House Democrats against Josh Bolten and Harriet Miers, staffers in George W. Bush’s administration. Of course, they will neglect to mention that when the Republicans walked out, it wasn’t over the contempt charges per se, but the fact that the House Democrats used the contempt charges to avoid passing the FISA bill, which was about to expire and allowed the federal government to initiate new activities monitoring terrorists. House Republicans were furious that the Democrats were putting partisan politics before the nation’s security.

Conservatives Have Broader Moral Sense Than Liberals, says ‘Righteous Mind’ Author

In 2004, Jonathan Haidt had an experience that changed his intellectual life.

The influential moral and social psychologist — at the time an atheist and a liberal — was at the Strand, a used-book shop in New York, when the brown spine of a book called “Conservatism” caught his eye. Edited by historian Jerry Z. Muller, it was an anthology of readings from David Hume to Philip Rieff.

Three pages into the book, Mr. Haidt was floored — that is, sitting on the ground of the bookstore — paging through “all these gems of insight on the relationship between human flourishing and society,” the spirited 48-year-old academic recalled over tea and chocolate in his office at New York University’s Stern School of Business.


‘These Stereotypes Are Ridiculous’: New Video Mocks Un-Fair Campaign‘s ’White Privilege’ Ad

Remember the Un-Fair Campaign, that august collection of enlightened and thoroughly non-racist individuals who believe that whites have an irrevocable privilege that gives them an advantage in society (and that, by extensions minorities will always need special favors to get a leg up)? Well, if you don’t, for the purposes of this story, it may be advisable to rewatch this ad of theirs:

As you can see, the Un-Fair Campaign is aptly named. Their perspective on race is deeply unfair. Fortunately, at least one group has set out to make a video that rebuts the above, and shows how the perspective involved is unfair not just to whites, but to minorities as well. The resulting effort may cause you to spontaneously break out into applause:


Google's Futuristic Glasses Move Closer to Reality

Google helped create a world brimming with digital distractions for people spending more of their lives tethered to the Internet. It's a phenomenon that seems unlikely to change so Google is working on a way to search for information, read text messages, watch online video and post photos on social networks without having to fumble around with a hand-held device.

The breakthrough is a wearable computer _ a pair of Internet-connected glasses that Google Inc. began secretly building more than two years ago. The technology progressed far enough for Google to announce "Project Glass" in April. Now the futuristic experiment is moving closer to becoming a mass-market product.

Google announced Wednesday that it's selling a prototype of the glasses to U.S. computer programmers attending a three-day conference that ends Friday. Developers willing to pay $1,500 for a pair of the glasses will receive them early next year.


Face-to-Face: Bullied Bus Monitor Meets the Canadian Who Raised Nearly $700K on Her Behalf

Karen Klein, the elderly bus monitor who recently swept the news after video of her being mercilessly bullied was brought to the public’s attention, has finally met the man who raised $662,000 on her behalf (and counting).

According to ABC, she welcomed Toronto native Max Sidorov into her home Tuesday night, where the two discussed how it would be spent, and how they never expected such generosity.

“Nice guy, nice guy,” Klein commented. “I’m very appreciative.”


BREAKING NEWS: Supreme Court Lets Stand ObamaCare, Including Individual Mandate Provision

Supreme Court lets stand the Affordable Care Act, including the Individual Mandate provision, but strikes down Medicaid expansion

Al Sharpton Clashes With Rep. John Mica Over Fast and Furious in Tense Interview

Visibly unhappy about tomorrow’s scheduled contempt vote against Attorney General Eric Holder, MSNBC’s Rev. Al Sharpton invited Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.) onto his show Wednesday only to call him a “conspiracy” theorist and shout over him as he answered questions about federal gun-walking operations “Fast and Furious” and “Wide Receiver.”

Sharpton began by asking Mica about previous statements he made about Fast and Furious being invented to impose stricter gun regulations and whether he thought the Obama administration was “hoping” for the resulting gun violence. Mica replied no, but stood by his assertion that the federal government was trying to find a way to increase gun control and blame drug cartel violence on guns sold in the U.S.

The Reverend then asked whether or not the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee believed Holder had specific knowledge about the gunrunning that took place and claimed the committee’s chairman, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) had said the attorney general was not aware of the program.


In A Bipartisan Vote, Attorney General Holder Found In Contempt Of Congress

Washington, DC – Today, in a bipartisan vote, the House of Representatives held U.S. Attorney General Holder in contempt of Congress for refusing to provide any documents that the Department of Justice previously indicated it could and would produce. It took the Department of Justice ten months to admit that their February 2011 denial to Congress of reckless conduct was false. In addition, the Wall Street Journal has reported that the government official whose office led Operation Fast and Furious may face criminal charges for leaking sensitive information in an attempt to smear a whistleblower.

“Since the White House is now refusing to even negotiate with Congressional leaders to provide information to Congress, this contempt vote unfortunately became necessary,” said Rep. Andy Harris. “The American people and slain Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s family are entitled to receive the answers they deserve about what went wrong with this reckless operation.”

BREAKING NEWS: House Finds Holder In Criminal Contempt

House votes 255-67 to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in criminal contempt of Congress for withholding documents in the Fast and Furious probe.

From Fox News

Supreme Court Upholds Health Care Law

In a dramatic victory for President Barack Obama, the Supreme Court upheld the 2010 health care law Thursday, preserving Obama’s landmark legislative achievement.

The majority opinion was written by Chief Justice John Roberts, who held that the law was a valid exercise of Congress’s power to tax.

The 2010 law, the Affordable Care Act requires non-exempted individuals to maintain a minimum level of health insurance or pay a tax penalty.


Colorado Fire Update

A Colorado wildfire jumped a firefighter perimeter line Tuesday night – forcing the evacuation of 32,000 residents and destroying a number of homes. The fire now covers 24-square miles and is even threatening the nearby U.S. Air Force Academy. The Colorado Springs fire chief called it a "firestorm of epic proportions." It's also a firestorm brought to us by climate change. As Derek Arndt, the head of climate monitoring at the National Climatic Data Center, noted – the nation is in the middle of a "super-heated spike on top of a decades-long warming trend." Climate change study after study has warned us about more frequent and more intense wildfires coming, yet Republican lawmakers are ignoring these warnings to keep the big bucks rolling in from the oil and coal barons.

Securing and Defending Our Border

Arizona rancher's hidden cameras capture illegal activity

Watch the video HERE

OCPD Officer Earns National Distinguished Marksmanship Medal

The Ocean City Police Department is proud to announce that acting Lieutenant Mark L. Paddack has earned the National Rifle Association (NRA), Law Enforcement Division, Distinguished Revolver Medal. On June 16, 2012, A/Lt. Paddack received the NRA Distinguished Revolver Medal #779 after placing in the Palmetto State Regional sponsored by the South Carolina Police Combat League and hosted by the Charleston (SC) Police Department.

The NRA Distinguished Revolver Medal program, which was developed and instituted in 1973, recognizes law enforcement professionals in the excellence of Police Combat Competition using a stock service type revolver. A/Lt. Paddack began utilizing his police handgun training in service revolver competition in 2004, in preparation for the distinguished revolver medal. Paddack has traveled over 15,300 miles to matches in Jackson, MS, Tuscaloosa, AL, Charleston, SC, Richmond, VA, Frederick, MD, Upstate, NJ and Peekskill, NY representing Ocean City’s law enforcement community in competition.

Thus far in 2012, Paddack is only the second law enforcement officer in the United States to earn the distinguished revolver medal. Since1973, when the distinguished revolver program began, Paddack becomes only the 779th law enforcement officer to receive the medal during the 39-year history of the program. In the State of Maryland, Paddack became the 41st Marylander to receive the award.

“I am proud of the commitment, skill and determination shown by A/Lt. Paddack,” said Chief Bernadette DiPino. “Earning a Distinguished Ribbon takes a specialized skill, specific knowledge, training, experience and complete dedication. He has gone well beyond the average law enforcement practitioner and I am pleased to have him represent the Ocean City Police Department.”

Paddack’s accomplishment brings the total to five past and present members of the Ocean City Police Department to earn the title as distinguished. Previous OCPD members earning the distinguished revolver medal are retired Captain Robert Bokinsky #539 in 1994 (currently Chief of Police, Pella, Iowa), Lt. Richard Moreck #668 in 2001, Captain Greg Guiton #686 in 2002, retired Lt. Mark Doyle #701 in 2003.

Allen West Tells Fox and Friends That Stealth Jihad Is Being Waged on America

Current Congressman and former Army Lt. Col Allen West appeared on Fox and Friends this morning to discuss what he described as “stealth jihad” within United States institutions. Rattling off examples and historical data, West accused organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood of trying to subvert practically every American institution under the sun, from the military to churches to the United States government. Moreover, West argued, the reality that it was a predominately Muslim threat was being ignored on both sides of the aisle because of political correctness. Or, as West put it, a “Tolerance that will lead to our cultural suicide.”
Watch West make his case HERE

Marriage Equality Is Gaining Support Among Young Republicans

A new poll by the Washington Post reveals that marriage equality is rapidly gaining support among young Republicans – people between the ages of 18 and 44. That demographic is dead-locked on marriage equality with 46% approving it and 46% disapproving it. But that's a substantial change from 2004 – when 59% of Republicans opposed marriage equality. Currently, Speaker of the House John Boehner is using taxpayer dollars to hire a lawyer to defend DOMA – the Defense of Marriage Act – which defines marriage as being exclusively between a man and a woman. Increasingly, America agrees that Boehner and today's Republican Party are on the wrong - and bigoted - side of history.

British Journalist Details Horrific Sexual Assault in Tahrir Square After Muslim Brotherhood Victory

Tens of thousands of Egyptians crowded into Cairo’s famous Tahrir Square Sunday to celebrate the victory of presidential candidate Mohammed Morsi, but British journalist Natasha Smith is issuing a stern warning against getting caught up in the “wave of euphoria” like she originally did.

Despite the atmosphere of “jubilation, excitement, and happiness,” she said, the festive crowd quickly turned on her, pulling her from her male companion, ripping off her clothes, and violating her.

Natasha Smith explained on her blog [content warning; all emphasis added]:


Governor Markell Signs Bill Limiting Payday Loans

Governor Jack Markell signed legislation Wednesday aimed at breaking the cycle of debt thousands find themselves locked into via the predatory practice of short-term “payday” loans.

Payday loans are small-amount loans with a repayment period of less than 60 days. Up to now, there has been no limit to the number of payday loans an individual could take out in a given time. Many of the annual percentage rates commonly run in excess of 400 percent, and many who take out loans are forced to repeatedly take out and roll over loans because they can’t pay them off, which often leads to them defaulting.

“We recognize some people need immediate access to an immediate loan. This bill maintains that choice,” Governor Markell said. “Instead of a financial hand-up, though, repeated use of these loans can become a set of financial hand-cuffs. This law helps limit those worst-case scenarios.”

Under House Bill 289, sponsored by Reps. Helene Keeley and Gerald Hocker and Sens. Anthony DeLuca and Colin Bonini, borrowers would be limited to taking out five payday loans of $1,000 or less in any 12-month period, including loan rollovers or refinancing. The bill also would create a database to track the number of payday loans a person has obtained. The state banking commissioner’s office would be required to provide the General Assembly with a report on the prevalence and nature of payday loans.

“Payday loans are a stopgap fix to financial problems, not a long-term solution. People who regularly take out or roll over payday loans are in untenable financial situations and desperately need relief,” said Rep. Keeley, D-Wilmington South. “This bill will hopefully help break that cycle and put people back on the right path. There are many other avenues out there for people facing financial problems – nonprofit groups can provide counseling and assistance, and banks are probably a more viable option for people who need a more long-term solution.”

The state Justice of Peace Court system reported that last year, payday lenders filed more than 2,400 cases in Justice of the Peace Courts for payday loan defaults.

“The testimony we heard in the Senate on payday lending was compelling and indicated a strong need that something be done,” said Senate President Pro Tempore Sen. DeLuca, D-Newark, the measure’s prime Senate sponsor. “Both the limits on the number of loans a person can take out and the data we hope to develop through this law is a good start in dealing with the issue.”

Thirteen other states outright prohibit payday loans, while another 21 states prohibit payday loan rollovers. Thirteen states have statewide databases to track payday loans.

Illinois, which enacted a payday loan reform law in 2005, reported a steady drop in the number of unique borrowers through 2008, from a high of nearly 120,000 in 2006 to about 80,000 in 2006. That is an average annual drop of 20.4 percent.

“This legislation still gives people the freedom and flexibility to manage their own finances as they see fit, but it reduces the risk that they may be victimized by predatory lending practices,” said House Minority Whip Rep. Hocker, R-Ocean View.

“This law provides needed protections for consumers while still allowing for access to cash for those in need. I am very proud to be a sponsor of this important law,” said Sen. Bonini, R-Dover South. “Thank you to all who worked so hard to make this happen.”

Teens Opt For Nip, Tuck As Quick Fix For Body-Image Issues

It’s no surprise that many young people don’t like what they see in the mirror, but a significant number now think about going under the knife in search of the perfect body.

Nearly 1 in 6 of 15- to 25-year-olds have considered breast implants, nose jobs, liposuction or other cosmetic procedures, according to a survey from global marketing agency InSites Consulting.

Each year, thousands of them go through with the procedures. Nearly 77,000 teenagers underwent elective plastic surgery last year, accounting for 5 percent of all cosmetic procedures performed in 2011, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).

Rhinoplasty topped the list, with 33,892 teens attempting to reshape their noses last year.


An Estimated 800 Delawareans Have HIV And Don't Know It

The Division of Public Health (DPH) and its community partners are urging everyone that have not been tested recently and are not in a strictly monogamous relationship to help control the spread of HIV by getting tested-on National HIV Testing Day (June 27) or any day.

"Free and rapid HIV testing is always available throughout the year at statewide sites, but a national day of observance is an important reminder that people should know their HIV status." said Dr. Karyl Rattay, DPH Director. "The best way to protect your health and the health of your loved ones is to get tested, get treatment if you are HIV positive, and, as always, help prevent the spread of this disease." Jim Dickinson, DPH HIV Prevention Program Administrator explains, "As many as 800 people in Delaware right now may have HIV and don't know it. The only way to stop this epidemic is for everyone to know his or her HIV status. The only way to know is to get tested - it's that simple." He continues, "It's not complicated. Use condoms. Get tested. Get treatment, if needed. Stop the transmission of HIV."

The CDC recommends that everyone age 13 - 64 receive routine HIV screenings as part of regular medical care. Men who have sex with men that are not in a monogamous relationship should be tested for HIV at least once a year. Mr. Dickinson warns, "HIV infection cases among gay or bisexual men are on the rise again - especially among young, African American, gay and bisexual men."

Heterosexuals who engage in high-risk sexual practices and anyone who shares needles for any reason are also encouraged to get tested at least once a year. Testing is also recommended for women considering pregnancy and pregnant women in the early months of pregnancy.
Preventive treatment can prevent an HIV positive mother from passing HIV to her baby.

"HIV is not just "somewhere else", continued Mr. Dickinson. "It is in our neighborhoods, our towns, our rural areas. We are giving it to each other. Still over thirty years after the AIDs epidemic began. Get tested and stop the cycle of transmission."

To prevent HIV, use condoms, limit the number of your sexual partners, and do not share needles for any reason. To reduce your HIV risk, personalized risk reduction counseling is available at HIV testing sites.

To find the closest risk reduction counselor and free HIV testing, visit www.hivtest.org and type in your ZIP code. If you do not have internet access, call 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636). You can also visit the DPH HIV Prevention Program at www.dhss.delaware.gov/dph/dpc/hivaidsprogram.html for additional information.

New Black Panther Declares: We Will Hunt ‘Pink A**es’ Down, ‘Kill ’Em, Dig ‘Em Up & Kill ‘Em Again & Again & Again!’

“That’s our brother, brother General Taco!” the New Black Panther radio host announced.

General T.A.C.O. (Taking All Capitalists Out) of the New Black Panther Party had some less than encouraging words for white people this week.  Mr. Taco, speaking on NBPP Radio on Sunday, decided to let white America know that the NBPP will “hunt” their “pink asses down.”  Hunting white people down will serve to accomplish General Taco’s other stated goal of “destroying white supremacy and capitalism.”

Gen. Taco also justifies his killing of white people because of their “history” of pushing “crack, AIDS and unemployment“ on black men and women in order to ”exterminate” them.



On June 21, 2012, at approximately 12:30 a.m., Ocean City Police were conducting traffic enforcement on Coastal Highway when they observed the driver of a black Honda driving without wearing his seatbelt. Officers stopped the vehicle in the area of 46th Street and Coastal Highway.

During the traffic stop, officers learned that the passenger of the car, who was later identified as Nicholas Lane Percoskie, 23, of Herndon, PA, had a handgun in the vehicle. The .22 caliber handgun, which was found underneath the front passenger seat, was recovered by officers.
Parcoskie was arrested and charged with possession of a handgun and possession a handgun in a vehicle. After an initial appearance by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner, Parcoskie was released on his own personal recognizance.

Nation Bakes as Serious Heat Wave Hits Early

If you're feeling hot this week, it's not a mirage. From Montana to Louisiana, hundreds of heat records have been slashed as harrowing temperatures leave cornfields parched and city sidewalks sizzling.

On Tuesday 251 new daily high temperature records were set, boosting to 1,015 the number of records set during the previous week. Many more records were expected to have been set Wednesday.

The consequences range from comical_ a bacon-fried driveway in Oklahoma _ to catastrophic, as wildfires consuming parts of the Rocky Mountains are fueled by oppressive heat and gusty winds.


Superintendent, Board Member To Participate In NAACP Discussion Tonight

Superintendent Dr. John Fredericksen and Board of Education member Marvin Blye will participate tonight in the Wicomico NAACP meeting discussion on the topic "Are Black Students Given Harsher Punishment Than Other Students." The meeting is at 7 p.m. at the United Church of the First Born on Robinson Street in Salisbury, and is open to all. 410-543-4187.

Publishers Notes: We're not sure if this was last night or tonight. You'll have to call the number to find out. You know how they like to just pop information like this up at the last minute.

Stowaways Suspected in Ship's Container Loaded in New Jersey

Authorities in New Jersey are unloading stacked containers from a cargo ship that may contain an undetermined number of stowaways after a Coast Guard team heard sounds consistent with humans coming from a container buried under a stack of others, authorities said.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement public affairs officer Harold Ort told FoxNews.com that over 150 of the 200 targeted containers have been examined and no stowaways were found as of Wednesday evening. The ship is carrying 2,000 containers all together.

"Officials will continue to examine containers overnight," Ort said. "Additional updates will be provided as available."



(EASTON, MD) – Although motorcycle fatalities are down compared with last year and despite special traffic enforcement initiatives by state and local police on the Eastern Shore, three recent motorcycle fatalities are prompting additional police warnings to both motorcycle and automobile drivers to use caution, especially during the warm weather months.

Maryland State Police on the Shore have investigated three fatal motorcycle crashes in the past two weeks, with two occurring this past weekend. The first fatal crash occurred on the night of June 9, 2012, at the intersection of Rt. 404 and Rt. 313 in Caroline County. A tractor trailer pulled into the path of a motorcycle headed east on Rt. 404. The motorcycle operator was pronounced deceased at the scene.

The second motorcycle fatality occurred on the afternoon of June 23rd on eastbound Rt. 50 at Nesbit Road in Queen Anne’s County. For unknown reasons, the motorcycle operator veered across the eastbound lanes and onto the Nesbit Road exit. The driver lost control and struck a light pole. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

The third motorcycle fatality occurred just after 8:00 p.m. on June 24th on Rt. 300 east of Duhammel Corner Road in Queen Anne’s County. The preliminary investigation indicates the motorcycle operator was rounding a curve on westbound Rt. 300 when, for unknown reasons, he drove off the right side of the road and struck a culvert. The operator was pronounced dead at Chester River Medical Center.

“Maryland State Police barracks across the Shore have been working special traffic enforcement initiatives on their own and in coordination with local law enforcement since before Memorial Day Weekend in an effort to reduce fatalities and keep motorists safe during the increased summer holiday flow,” Major Jerry Jones, Assistant Chief of the Maryland State Police Field Operations Bureau said. “We urge motorcycle operators to use caution and ensure they are doing all they can to be safe and be seen. Automobile drivers are urged to be on the alert for motorcyclists, who are more difficult to see than the average highway vehicle and to be cautious and courteous when traveling in the proximity of motorcycles.”

Through the third week of June 2011, 36 motorcycle operator fatalities had occurred in Maryland. During that same period this year, preliminary figures indicate there have been 22 motorcycle operator fatalities. That decrease is significant and one that Maryland State Police want to see maintained throughout the rest of the year.

Here are important tips from the State Highway Administration and the Maryland State Police:

Tips for Riders

• Make yourself visible. Choose riding gear that increases your visibility in traffic in addition to providing protection in the event of a crash. Use bright colors and retro-reflective strips or decals, especially at night.

• Ride so you are seen. There is no one safe place to ride. Use lane positioning to be seen. Ride with your headlight on and consider using a modulating headlight.

• Give yourself space and time to react. Allow space for emergency braking or for avoiding a crash. Make your lane moves gradually.

• Signal your intentions. Signal before changing lanes. Avoid weaving between lanes. Flash your brake light when you are slowing down and before stopping.

• Be courteous and respect other road users. Being courteous, non-aggressive and cooperative can go a long way in reducing crashes.

Tips for Drivers

• Respect the motorcyclist. Motorcycles are vehicles with the same privileges as any vehicle on the roadway. Give the motorcyclist a full lane of travel.

• Look for motorcycles. Motorcycles are smaller profile vehicles that are harder to see and whose speeds are more difficult to estimate. Look for motorcycles at intersections, especially before making a left turn. Check your blind spots frequently and before changing lanes. Always signal your intentions.

• Allow plenty of space. Traffic, weather and road conditions require the motorcyclists to react and maneuver differently. Allow enough room for the motorcyclist to maneuver and enough time for you to adjust.

• Be courteous and respectful. Being courteous, non-aggressive and cooperative can go a long way in reducing crashes.

‘Audit the Fed’ Bill Advances in House

The House oversight committee voted Wednesday to demand a broad audit of the Federal Reserve system by congressional investigators - a major move lawmakers said is designed to bring accountability to the murky workings of the independent board.

The bill was sponsored by Rep. Ron Paul, the Texas Republican who turned the push for an audit into a powerful campaign slogan and whose criticism of the Fed’s monetary policy drew hundreds of thousands of voters into the political process.

It passed by voice vote, signaling the growing sense among lawmakers that the time has come for a full review. Committee members said they hope for a vote in the full House next month, and the legislation has been sponsored by 263 members, virtually assuring its passage.


College Avenue Roadwork Continues Through June 30

Road construction continues on College Avenue through Saturday, June 30. Plans call for the westbound lane to be closed from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, June 26-30, to allow a new concrete curb and sidewalk installation at the CVS construction site. University Police asks drivers to please anticipate traffic restrictions in this area during the construction period and adjust driving plans accordingly.

University Police asks drivers to please anticipate traffic restrictions in this area during the construction period and adjust driving plans accordingly.

Victory For Delaware's Dogs

Thanks to your calls and emails, Senate Bill 211 passed the House yesterday 32 to 8, banning continuous tethering of dogs. Your voice was heard!

We are grateful to sponsors Senator Patricia Blevins, Senator Karen Peterson, Representative Earl Jaques, and Representative Melanie George Smith for their leadership; as well as to all the legislators who voted in favor of this bill. SB 211 now returns to the Senate for the procedure of alignment, and then will head to the Governor for signature in July.

It is a great day for the dogs in Delaware!


The July 4th holiday is quickly approaching and the Ocean City Police Department is reminding citizens to put safety at the top of their holiday to-do list. As residents and visitors plan to come together to enjoy Ocean City’s beautiful beach, breathtaking bay and magnificent boardwalk, the OCPD is also encouraging citizens to practice safety first.

The Ocean City Police Department is reminding citizens of a few important safety tips to keep in mind during this summer:

Walk Smart. Use a marked crosswalk and cross with the light.

Don’t drive distracted. In addition to cell phone use, distracted driving also involves all non-driving related objects. When driving, avoid focusing on external objects such as billboards, buildings or stereos.

Share the road. Be aware of all traffic on the roadway, including pedestrians, scooters, bicycles and motorcycles. Oftentimes people cannot see scooters, bicycles and motorcycles because of blind spots in their mirror. Be extra cautious of this when driving, especially when changing lanes.

Cross the street at a marked crosswalk or intersection.

Make eye contact with drivers when crossing busy intersections.

Continue to watch for traffic the entire time you are in the crosswalk.

It is illegal to wear headphones in both ears at the same time while operating any vehicle.

Vehicle operators should be extremely vigilant while driving, keeping consistently aware of pedestrians, bicycles, mopeds and scooters.

Avoid making quick, un-signaled turns or abrupt stops. If you can’t make the turn safely, proceed past the turn and turn around when safe.

Allow plenty of time to stop or proceed through intersections.

Pedestrians should not take unnecessary risks crossing busy streets against traffic lights.

Parents are reminded to pay extra attention to children when crossing busy roads. Keep hold of small children’s hands while waiting for traffic lights to change and while crossing.

Bicyclists are encouraged to wear helmets and must ride in the bus lane. In addition, bicyclists must abide by all traffic laws, including stopping at red lights and stop signs.

Moped/scooter operators and passengers are encouraged to wear helmets and footwear. If you are renting a scooter you are required to wear a helmet and footwear.

In addition to safety tips, the Ocean City Police Department also reminds citizens that it is illegal to discharge fireworks in the Town of Ocean City. Finally, visitors should expect heavy traffic through the city on July 4th, particularly downtown. Parking is expected to be limited in the downtown area and inlet parking lot. Ocean City Police recommend visitor’s park in the Park and Ride and take the bus.



4: 30 p.m. Rivers Edge presentation— Andrew Hanson/ John Pick
5: 00 p.m. Downtown Initiatives— John Pick
EDU Free Zone
Surplusing parking lots
5: 30 p.m. Payment plans for large comprehensive fee charges— John Pick/ Teresa Gardner
6: 00 p.m. General discussion/upeoming agendas
Surplus of" The Bricks"
Council criteria for staff appointments " advice and consent"
6: 30 p.m. Adjourn

Salisbury City Council will hold a Special Meeting at 7: 00 p.m. in Council Chambers, Room 301.

Public comments will be allowed on the following items, which will be considered by Council:

Ordiriance No. 2207— 2° d reading— changing Bateman Street from two-way westbound to one-way westbound between South Division Street and Wayne Street

Resolution No. 2169— accepting a grant from Salisbury University for streetscape improvements


On June 22, 2012, at approximately 10:30 p.m. Ocean City Police stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation. During the traffic stop the officers identified the driver and owner of the vehicle as Jason Maldonado, 26, of Lancaster, PA. Officers also identified two passengers as Matthew Quinones-Torres, 22, of Lititz, PA and Davontaye Harrison, 19, of Colombia, PA.

While verifying the three individuals’ identification, officers received a hit for a potential warrant for Matthew Ray Quinones-Torres. The warrant was from Lancaster Sherriff`s Department for violation of parole for a prior drug distribution charge. Police confirmed that Quinones-Torres was wanted and he was subsequently arrested.

After he was arrested, Police searched Quinones-Torres during which police recovered a quantity of suspected marijuana, which was wrapped in several dollar bills. Police seized the marijuana and a total of $296 in U.S. currency from Quinones-Torres.

While at the scene police noticed the odor of marijuana coming from the clothing of both Maldonado and Harrison. When officers searched the vehicle, they located in the center console of the vehicle three separate plastic bags that contained suspected marijuana.

Police also located four packages of “Bluntville” brand single cigars. Maldonado and Harrison were also placed under arrest for being in possession of a controlled dangerous substance and controlled dangerous substance drug paraphernalia.

A search of the vehicle revealed more suspected marijuana as well as a loaded .380 caliber handgun, which was located in a bag belonging to the suspect identified as Maldonado. A computer check of the handgun revealed the handgun was reported stolen from Lancaster County in March of 2011.

As a result of this traffic stop police recovered a total of seven individual packaged bags of suspected marijuana, a stolen handgun and $296.

Matthew Ray Quinones-Torres was charged with: possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession with the intent to distribute marijuana, possession of a handgun and possession of a firearm during a drug trafficking crime, as well as being a fugitive from the State of Pennsylvania for the outstanding arrest warrant. Quinones-Torres was seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner and was held on $10,000 bond; he was transferred to the Worcester County Jail.

Jason Maldonado was charged with possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of a handgun. Maldonado was seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner and was released on his own recognizance.

Davontaye Harrison was charged with possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia and was seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner; he was released on his own recognizance.

Man Charged With Slinging Marbles at Speed Cam Van

There has been another violent incident against a speed camera van in the D.C. area.

An Ellicott City man was arrested on Tuesday for repeatedly driving past a speed camera van and firing glass marbles with a sling shot.

Around 5 p.m. on Tuesday, the speed camera van operator, who is a civilian employee of the police department, was clocking driver speed near an elementary school on Tridelphia Road in Howard County. He heard something hit the side of the van and saw a gray minivan passing.



ANNAPOLIS, MD (June 28, 2012) – Governor Martin O’Malley and Lt. Governor Anthony G. Brown today released the following statement on the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on the Affordable Care Act:

“President Obama and Congress chose to pass the Affordable Care Act because the status quo was hurting our ability to create jobs, expand opportunity, and protect the health of our children and parents.

“In upholding the Affordable Care Act, the U.S. Supreme Court chose to protect the lives of millions of Marylanders and millions of Americans. American businesses will be more competitive in the global economy with lower health care costs and a healthier workforce. Parents will be able to keep their children on their health care plans until age 26. Seniors will avoid the Medicare Donut Hole. And by 2014, no American will be denied health care coverage because of a pre-existing condition.

“Today’s decision gives considerable momentum to our health care reform efforts here in Maryland. What it does not – and indeed must not – do, is give us license to take our eye off the ball or slow our progress. Moms, dads, and kids throughout Maryland are counting on their elected leaders to continue the mission of lowering costs, and improving the quality of care.

“We remain as committed as ever to moving forward on behalf of our families. We must move forward, not back.”

Troopers Investigate Bridgeville Robbery

20000 block of Coverdale Road, Bridgeville, DE

Date of Occurrence:
Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 10:35 p.m.

70 year old male

Black male, 20-30 years of age, 5’10”-6’0” tall (No further physical description available). Last seen wearing dark clothing. Suspect armed with unknown type handgun.
Black male, unknown age, 5’06”-5’08” tall (No further physical description available). Last seen wearing dark clothing.

Bridgeville-The Delaware State Police are investigating the armed robbery of an elderly man that occurred in the 20000 block of Coverdale Road, Bridgeville, DE last evening.

The incident occurred at approximately 10:35 p.m. last night as the 70 year old male victim was inside his residence and heard knocking at the front door. The 70 year old male victim opened his door and was met by a suspect who requested assistance with a disabled vehicle. The victim proceeded outside to the front of his house to offer assistance when he was confronted by a second suspect armed with a handgun. Both suspects began to physically assault the victim, with one suspect striking him in the head and face with the handgun, forcing him to the ground and rifling through his pants pockets. The suspects then forced the victim back into the house and rummaged through various rooms removing an undisclosed amount of money. Both suspects fled the residence on foot in an unknown direction.

The 70 year old male victim was transported to a local hospital where he was treated and released with multiple injuries.

If anyone has any information in reference to this incident, they are asked to contact the Troop 4 Major Crimes at 302-856-5850 Extension #3 or Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333. Information may also be provided via the internet at www.tipsubmit.com

Send an anonymous tip by text to 274637 (CRIMES) using the keyword "DSP."

Rep. Harris Responds To Supreme Court Decision To Uphold Obamacare

Today, the Supreme Court ruled that President Obama’s healthcare law is constitutional. In the 5 to 4 decision by the Court, the Court made a legal interpretation of the law’s constitutionality. The Court did not make a determination on whether the law was good policy. As a physician, Congressman Andy Harris will continue to work to repeal Obamacare and replace it with common-sense, step-by-step reforms that will protect Americans’ access to the care they need from the doctor they choose, at a lower cost.

Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. released the following statement on the Court’s ruling:

“While I am disappointed by the Court’s decision, I respect its authority to determine these matters. The Supreme Court’s decision determined the law’s constitutionality, not whether the law is good policy. Americans have already made up their mind on that issue. A majority favor repealing the law. As a policy, the President’s healthcare law is making things worse by driving up health costs, restricting access to physicians, and making it harder for small businesses to hire workers. The only way to change this is by repealing Obamacare in its entirety. Today’s decision does not change the overwhelming opposition of the American public to Obamacare.”

Get Your Yard Sale Information In Today

If you'd like us to publish your yard sale this weekend you have until the end of today to get the information in.

Today's Survey Question 6-28-12

Do you believe gas prices will continue to drop?

Free Kittens

There are still a few kittens left from the litter we published last week. If you have any interest please call Suzie at 410-422-2172.


(JESSUP, MD) -- Maryland State Police homicide investigators are investigating the apparent murder of a state prison inmate found dead in his cell early this morning in Anne Arundel County.

The inmate victim is identified as Robert J. Tunnell, 21, who was serving a six year sentence for a sex offense. Tunnell was pronounced dead at the scene.

A suspect has been identified as a state prison inmate who was the cellmate of the victim. Charges against him are pending and he remains in the custody of the Maryland Division of Correction. State Police investigators will be consulting with the Anne Arundel County State’s Attorney’s Office regarding criminal charges.

Division of Correction officials contacted the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit early this morning after the inmate was found. Homicide investigators and State Police crime scene technicians responded to the Jessup Correctional Institution, Jessup Md., to conduct the investigation and process the scene for evidence.

The preliminary investigation indicates that at about 2:00 a.m. today, a correctional officer was making routine rounds in “A” building. The officer was on a tier used as a transitional area to temporarily house inmates often from other institutions prior to their appearances in court. When he reached the cell occupied by the suspect and victim, the suspect made statements to the officer that prompted him to initiate an emergency response by staff and enter the cell. The victim was found unresponsive in the cell and EMS personnel were summoned. Medics determined the victim was deceased at the scene.

Investigators found signs that the victim had sustained trauma to his body. What appeared to be a shoe string was found around the victim’s neck. The victim’s body was transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore for an autopsy to determine the cause and manner of death.

The investigation is continuing.

FDA Clears First New Weight-Loss Pill in 13 Years

The Food and Drug Administration has approved Arena Pharmaceutical's anti-obesity pill Belviq, the first new prescription drug for long-term weight loss to enter the U.S. market in over a decade.

Despite only achieving modest weight loss in clinical studies, the drug appeared safe enough to win the FDA's endorsement, amid calls from doctors for new weight-loss treatments.

The agency cleared the pill Wednesday for adults who are obese or are overweight with at least one medical complication, such as diabetes or high cholesterol. The drug should be used in combination with a healthy diet and exercise.


BREAKING NEWS: Supreme Court About To Rule On ObamaCare

Supreme Court about to deliver its decision on ObamaCare. Watch live on Fox News and FoxNews.com

Important Ruling By Maryland's Court Of Appeals

Michael S. Barclay v. Ports America Baltimore, Inc., CA No. 41, Sept. Term 2011. Decided: June 27, 2012. Opinion by Greene, J. Reported.


Do employers have a duty to the public when the employee's extended work schedule caused sleep deprivation, resulting in the employee falling asleep at the wheel of his/her vehicle during his/her commute home, & causing a foreseeable injury to members of the general public?


No; affirmed. The court ruled on-the-job fatigue is not a “special circumstance” sufficient to prevent applying the general rule that employers are not responsible for employees’ behavior traveling to and from work.

Lost Dog

Lost Dog
Brendal Mix Mutt
Last seen Walston Switch Rd
Morris Leonard RD
Medium Build Female
Very friendly but flighty
Call 443-366-1583

Democratic Convention Plagued

The Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., is shaping up to be a rickety display of party unity, with labor boycotts, fundraising shortfalls, scheduling changes, official snubs, a major gay-rights embarrassment, a sex scandal and a Republican resurgence in the host state.

The latest setback for President Obama’s renominating party is the cancellation of the convention’s kickoff event at the Charlotte Motor Speedway on Labor Day, as organizers contend with a fundraising deficit reported to be $27 million.

“To be sure, the optics are bad when these sorts of negative stories dominate the news coverage of the lead-up to the convention,” said John Dinan, professor of political science at Wake Forest University.



Cliff Asness, head of the quant hedge fund AQR, has been known to be a vocal opponent of various failed governmental policies in the past few years. Today, he has shared his “dictionary” (of “humorous” persuasion as he himself notes, with definitions “written sarcastically as a faux left-winger, some just conservative/libertarian interpretations of what the left really means.”) of the key terms dominant in Progressive America right now. In a world in which other people’s money has pretty much run out, and ahead of a rather historic Supreme Court ruling tomorrow, we believe some of these are quite relevant.

Some Useful Definitions to Understand Our Modern Progressive World

Failed Policies of the Past

Definition: Limited government, free markets, personal responsibility, liberty.

We Are All In This Together

Definition: For the love of God who do we tax back to the stone-age to get out of this!?

Social Darwinism

Definition: Essentially a darling concept of the progressive left of the first half of the 20th century (along with eugenics its even more vile cousin). It now is defined as “any attempt by conservatives and libertarians to rein in the unsustainable spending of out of control government.”


Definition: A word used to motivate making sure outcomes do not match abilities or effort. Note, pre-1970 it meant roughly the opposite.


Corkage Law Goes Into Effect This Weekend

A new law goes into effect in Maryland this weekend that would allow people to bring their own bottle of wine into some restaurants which already have a liquor license.

Nearby states like Pennsylvania and Virginia as well as the District of Columbia already have laws in effect.

Adam Borden, President of the Marylanders for Better Beer and Wine Laws tells WBAL Radio that the law will require restaurants which want to take part to get a special permit from the local liquor board.


Top Cannabis-Smoking Countries Worldwide

Yesterday we put together maps of illegal drug use from the U.N.'s World Drug Report 2012, and now we are going through the data to get a better idea of which countries use which drugs most.

Here is a "Top 12" list of countries with the highest annual prevalence of marijuana use (as a percentage of the population aged 15 to 64):
1) Palau: 24.2%
2) Northern Mariana Islands: 22.2%
3) Guam: 18.4%
4) Italy; New Zealand*: 14.6%
6) Nigeria: 14.3%
7) USA: 14.1%
8) Canada: 12.7%
9) Saint Kitts and Nevis: 11.7%
10) Bermuda: 10.9%
11) Spain: 10.6%
12) Australia**: 10.3%
*aged 16 to 64
** aged 14 +


The American War Racket

Normandy, France – One of the advantages of moving overseas is that you see home more clearly. We came to France last week. Already, America comes into clearer focus.

The French press seems fascinated by the relationship between Francois Hollande’s two mistresses. The former – a candidate for president herself – dumped him when he took up with the latter. The former is also the mother of Hollande’s 4 children, which complicates things further.

The latter hates the former. The former hates the latter.

We learned all this at dinner last night with a charming French couple we have known for years. They spent half the dinner telling us about the presidential ménage…the other half was spent telling us about what they had eaten recently. They seemed to recall the details of every meal. How it was prepared…what mistakes the chef made…and what the weather must have been when the grapes were picked for their wine.

As to the imminent financial catastrophe in Europe they were sanguine…even blasé.


Megyn Kelly Forced to Correct Dem. Guest on Arizona Immigration Law…Multiple Times

Fox Host Megyn Kelly delivered a no-nonsense correction to one of her guests Wednesday after, among other things, he tried to argue a factually inaccurate point.

She opened the segment with a clip of Rush Limbaugh explaining that the government is cutting support for Arizona’s efforts to help enforce federal immigration law. Rush said:
“It’s abundantly clear now [that] Obama’s given up winning Arizona.  He doesn’t care.  Written it off.  Now going Soviet on it, to make an example to every other state.  By the way, and do not discount that.  This is a message to every other state on the border, the same can happen to you if you try this stunt.  It’s good old-fashioned, political Soviet-style intimidation.

“Barack Obama has kicked Arizona out of whatever is left of the federal government’s border enforcement, and in the process, what has Obama, in real world consequences, just done here?  Obama has sent a special delivery Fed-Ex or UPS to smugglers and traffickers and criminals of all kind that Arizona is wide open.”

WCSO Press Releases 6-28-12

Incident: Malicious Destruction of Property
Date of Incident: 24 June 2012
Location: East Road Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Tahesha Y. Barber, 32, Salisbury, MD

Narrative: On 24 June 2012
at about 1:31 PM a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of a traffic accident. Further information reported was that a vehicle struck a building and was attempting to flee the area. Upon arrival the deputy contacted the driver of the vehicle, Tahesha Barber. The investigation revealed that Barber and a male subject were involved in an argument and Barber then attempted to strike the male subject with her vehicle. In doing so, she struck a scooter and a building on East Road. The scooter and building were damaged, no injuries were reported. Barber was placed under arrest.

The deputy transported Barber to the Central Booking Unit where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner placed a $20,000 bond on Barber.

Charges: Malicious Destruction of Property
Failure to remain at the scene of an accident

Incident: DUI
Date of Incident: 22 June 2012
Location: Jones Hastings Road Parsonsburg, MD
Suspect: Raymond A. Sharp, 38, Georgetown, DE

Narrative: On 22 June 2012
at about 10:45 PM a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for traffic violations. A report was received that the vehicle was operating recklessly. The driver of the vehicle was identified as Raymond A. Sharp. During the investigation, the deputy detected an odor of alcohol on Sharp’s breath. Field sobriety tests were conducted which led to Sharp being placed under arrest. Sharp refused a breath test. Sharp was later released with the issuance of citations.

Charges: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol

Incident: DUI
Date of Incident: 23 June 2012
Location: Jersey Road Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Jerry E. Davis, 49, Salisbury, MD

Narrative: On 23 June 2012
at about 6:03 PM a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of a traffic accident at the above location. The driver of one of the vehicles involved was identified as Jerry Davis. During the investigation, the deputy detected an odor of alcohol on Davis’ breath. Field sobriety tests were conducted which led to Davis being placed under arrest.
Davis refused a breath test. Davis was later released with the issuance of citations.

Charges: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol

Health Care Countdown: Who Wins, Loses _ Pays?

It seems as if the entire nation is holding its breath for the Supreme Court's health care ruling _ the presidential candidates, governors of virtually every state, insurers with billions at stake, companies large and small and countless millions of Americans concerned about their own medical care and how they'll pay for it.

Still, Thursday's expected ruling almost certainly will not be the last word on the nation's tangled efforts to address health care woes. The problems of high medical costs, widespread waste and tens of millions of people without insurance will require Congress and the president to keep looking for answers, whether or not President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act passes the test of constitutionality.
A look at potential outcomes:


Two Contract Legionnaires' Disease in Ocean City

Two people have contracted Legionnaires' disease while vacationing in Ocean City, Md., authorities say.

Both vacationers stayed at the Sea Watch condominiums, where Worcester County health officials confirm the bacteria Legionella has contaminated the water supply.

One of the affected individuals stayed at the 115th Street complex last fall. The other was there in the spring, officials say.
