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Thursday, January 26, 2012

There Are No Better Viewers Than Salisbury News Viewers

The big topic of the day today has clearly been the story about the two dogs that went missing yesterday and the a-hole who shot the dogs in the back of the head at point blank range.

Look Folks, my morning started literally at 3:00 AM and I thought at some point during the day I'd be able to take some kind of nap, that failed miserably. That story went up and my phone started going off the hook. Text messages like I've never seen and e-mail messages like I've never experienced before.

The monster that shot the two dogs is names Ty Chatham. We've been told he called the dogs up to him, they came. Its been reported he held the dogs by their collar and shot each one of them in the back of the head at point blank range.

Now, the reason I am posting this message is because I want to reach out to each and every one of you with my deepest gratitude. Veterinarian Hospitals, the Bank of Delmarva, businesses, citizens and even the Holloway Funeral Home have been contacting me to reach out with donations towards a reward and services like we've never experienced before.

I have been in regular contact today with the Family and I have to tell you, I came so close to breaking down myself today. Its one thing to hear about such a thing but its another talking directly with those people who owned these animals and hearing their voices/pain. Something needs to be done about this and quite frankly there are no real laws that stop people from simply claiming these animals were a threat and they can kill them on the spot.

I have spoken to many people today who said, I have never seen a Lab that seemed threatening. Why would someone do such a thing. I have seen many comments in which people are saying, you take these animals in and care for them until the owners are located.

Look Folks, there are simply some very sick people out there. Heck, when we first started doing the animal rescue here on Salisbury News, one Anti Albero Blogger was calling people telling them the dog they had found was his, it wasn't. He even threatened to call the Police if the people didn't give him the dog. There are simply mental people out there who have issues.

I have contacted Delegates and Senators on this matter today. Trust me, one way or another, something will be done. In the mean time, please do your best to keep your pets contained to your yard. Dogs and Cats are escape artists, we all know that. Heck, we've even experienced our own Horses finding ways to get out of the pasture, it happens.

In the mean time, you people are what I call "Good People" and YOU make all the hard work we put into this every day well worth our time. Thank You so very much!

More Than 400,000 Buried At Arlington

Arlington National Cemetery is a lot more full than anyone knew. It is estimated that more than 400,000 people are now interred there, which is 20 percent more than the previous estimates of about 330,000.


Bradley House Goes To Sheriff’s Sale

Lewes — The Lewes home of convicted pedophile Earl Bradley is set to go to sheriff’s sale this summer.

Bradley is currently a resident of the James T. Vaughn Correctional Center in Smyrna, serving 14 life sentences and 164 years in prison for rape and sexual exploitation of 86 children at his BayBees Pediatrics office on Route 1.


Concrete Tents

This is pretty neat stuff. What a great application in MANY venues, military and other.

Tents that turn into concrete in less than 24 hours.


What a tremendous asset/tool for our deployed military.

Now this is neat stuff, click below------------- Video clip

Tents that turn into concrete in less than 24 hours. [VIDEO]


Time To Bring Back Bill Clinton

If Republicans, in their fervor to rid the White House of Barack Obama, are yet again experiencing The Temptation of Newt, then Democrats have only one illogically rational response in this modern American political hall of mirrors.

They should bring back Bill Clinton.

Of course, the law prohibits the Comeback Kid from coming back to serve a third term, and Obama might not go for it, but only old-school twits would let any of that get in the way. The Constitution and its amendments are so 18th, 19th and 20th century. The notion of persuading good ol’ Joe Biden to step aside in favor of Hillary as vice president is not sufficiently grandiose when it comes to going after Gingrich. As the former speaker his ownself might declare, Democrats frankly must unequivocally and eloquently undertake fundamental change so extraordinarily revolutionary that America will not be the same again.

Enter the Big Guy.

It is tit for tat all the way when it comes to those two. Still sick, after all these years, of Clinton and his melodrama? Who can say that with a straight face and not be equally tired of Gingrich? Still feeling queasy about the character questions surrounding the Arkansas traveler’s sexual behavior? How does that hurt him in a world where Pope Limbaugh pronounces that it was a “mark of character” for Newt to ask his second wife for permission while cheating on her. If nothing else, Clinton vs. Gingrich might banish from campaign rhetoric all pious baloney about sex. Not a word could be uttered about Clinton’s impeachment, not with the hindsight that the married Javert of the House was at the same time fooling around with an aide named Callista down at the agriculture committee.


Clovis New Mexico

Read the bottom line to see who paid for it.

Buying An Extended Warranty From Lowe's? Keep The Paperwork Very, Very Safe

When the dishwasher that Greg bought at Lowe's broke down after a failed repair, he called up the store. A manager instructed him to bring the appliance, which was covered under an extended warranty, in to the store and they would exchange it for one that actually worked. Only when he brought it in, the employees on duty treated him "like a criminal" because he had lost the receipt in a recent move. Wait, don't appliances have serial numbers that they can use to look up warranty information? Nope.

More »

Obama To Address House Democrats In Maryland

President will speak to party conference in Cambridge

— House Democrats, hoping to regain the majority in their chamber, are meeting on Maryland's Eastern Shore this week to hash out an agenda for an unpredictable election year that will hinge largely on President Barack Obama.

The three-day meeting, which follows a similar retreat by House Republicans in Baltimore last week, is taking place mostly behind closed doors at the Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay in Cambridge. Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will offer separate pep talks to the caucus on Friday.


Bet I Can Pick Your Favorite Movie???

This is amazing -- it's a simple mathematical exercise that can predict your favorite movie. It must have been created by a real genius. Don't know how it works, but it works every time! Be honest and don't look at the movie list below till you have done the math!

Ok, just humor me and do it!

Movie Quiz:

1. Pick a number from 1-9.

2. Multiply by 3.

3. Add 3.

4. Multiply by 3 again.

5. Now add the two digits of your answer together to find your predicted favorite movie in the list of 17 movies

Movie List:

1. Gone With the Wind

2. E.T.

3. Blazing Saddles

4. Star Wars

5. Forrest Gump

6. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

7. Jaws

8. Grease

9. The Obama Farewell Speech of 2012

10. Casablanca

11. Jurassic Park

12. Shrek

13. Pirates of the Caribbean

14. Titanic

15. Raiders of the Lost Ark

16. Home Alone

17. Mrs. Doubtfire

Now, ain't that something...?

FHA Raises Subprime Debt Insured For Housing Rebound: Mortgages

In Honolulu, on the southern coast of the island of Oahu, there’s a four-bedroom home priced at $785,000 that has views of the sun setting over the Pacific Ocean. The beaches of Waikiki are 15-minutes away.

Starting this month, the property is available to buyers with a subprime credit score, limited cash reserves and a 3.5 percent down payment using a loan backed by the Federal Housing Administration. Without the agency, a buyer would need a 20 percent down payment and an unblemished financial history for a jumbo mortgage.

The FHA is betting housing can recover enough to expand financing and earn bigger fees to revive its record-low capital levels. The agency increased the size of mortgages it’s willing to insure to as high as $793,750 in Hawaii and $729,750 in the costly real estate markets of states including California, Florida, and Virginia. In his State of the Union address on Jan. 24, President Barack Obama proposed a new refinancing program that may expand FHA’s responsibilities, and risks, even further.

It’s “not the best time to begin guaranteeing houses that the average American couldn’t afford,” said Anthony Yezer, director of the Center for Economic Research at George Washington University. “It may be that the insurance fund even now is insolvent.”


Ron Paul Responds To Obama's SOTU

President Obama once again showed that he does not represent the fundamental change this country needs. Instead of offering solutions to the problems our country faces, the President was intent on delivering a campaign speech, further dealing in the typical Washington political gamesmanship that has gotten us exactly nowhere close to improving the lives of the American people.

“In a speech where much of the rhetoric was devoted to job creation, it was strange that President Obama would brag about his job-destroying national health care plan, Obamacare, and the Dodd-Frank bill, which, contrary to the President’s claims, guarantees future taxpayer bailouts of large institutions. Unfortunately, President Obama’s ‘job creation’ policies amount to little more than continuing to allow government bureaucrats to pick winners and losers, which is a recipe for continued economic stagnation.

“President Obama claims to want an economy where everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules. Yet he remains committed to the same old system of debt, deficits, bailouts, and cronyism that created our economic problems. The President speaks of giving us energy independence from unstable nations, yet he refuses to allow the type of development needed to achieve this goal, while at the same time his administration hands out favors to the politically connected – those given to the likes of Solyndra, who fail to produce jobs or energy but succeed in ripping off the taxpayers.

“Of course, President Obama refuses to even mention the role the Federal Reserve plays in creating an economic system where some are denied a fair shot or even to support my efforts at bringing transparency to the Federal Reserve. Also not mentioned by President Obama is the very crucial need for reining in spending and balancing the federal budget. What is called by some ‘the greatest threat to our national security’ seems not to be of great importance to this President, although I, like many Americans, believe it to be cause for immediate measures, like the $1 trillion in spending cuts that would take place in my first year as President under my Plan to Restore America.


Contrary To Widespread Claims, There Is NO EVIDENCE That Iran Is Building A Nuclear Weapon

Even Israel Admits that Iran Has Not Decided to Build a Nuclear Bomb [16]

Earlier this month, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said [17]:

Are they [the Iranians] trying to develop a nuclear weapon? No. But we know that they’re trying to develop a nuclear capability. And that’s what concerns us.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper confirmed [18] in a Senate hearing – following the release of the classified National Intelligence Estimate in 2011 – that he has a “high level of confidence” that Iran “has not made a decision as of this point to restart its nuclear weapons program.”

Mohamed ElBaradei – who spent more than a decade as the director of the IAEA – said [19] that he had not “seen a shred of evidence” that Iran was pursuing the bomb.

Six former ambassadors to Iran within the last decade say that there is no evidence that Iran is building nuclear weapons [20], and that Iran is complying with international law.


TSA And A Free Country: Are They Compatible?

Why does the TSA annoy so many of us? Not having the resources to do a survey, I resort here to what might be called educated speculation. I suspect it is because free men and women consider it invasive for government agents to order them around, pat them down, make them endure electronic surveillance, etc. − unless they have given their permission.

Just because someone embarks upon air travel it doesn't follow that such permission can be inferred, especially if the search is conducted by government agents. If a private carrier states up front that utilizing it will require submitting to various intrusions there is a difference. People may require visitors to their homes or business establishments to submit to certain reasonable precautionary measures, say, for hygienic or security purposes. That's because their home belongs to them and they may impose conditions for accessing it to others even if these others do not quite understand the rationale behind the measures to which they are subjected. They can choose to go elsewhere.

But when government imposes such requirements, given the overwhelming force it wields and its monopolistic powers, certain due process provisions must be met. In the case of air travel, one cannot escape the government since it runs air traffic. Thus, not unless there is solid reason to suspect someone of misconduct or ill will may they be interfered with by the government. Otherwise the policy is arbitrary.


Md. To Reconsider Zero-Tolerance Policy Toward Conduct Violations In Schools

BALTIMORE (WJZ)– The state’s zero-tolerance policy at schools may be doing more harm than good. Now, some school leaders are calling for some sweeping changes.

As Gigi Barnett explains, there’s one city school that’s seen a drop in suspensions.


It's Over: No Second Term for Geithner At Treasury

It's time for Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to cash in the chips.

Geithner said he doesn’t expect President Barack Obama to ask him to stay in office if he’s re-elected.

“He’s not going to ask me to stay on, I’m pretty confident,” Geithner said in an interview with Bloomberg Television today. “I’m confident he’ll be president. But I’m also confident he’s going to have the privilege of having another secretary of the Treasury.” He said he would do “something else.”


Arlington Officials Trying To Find $12 Million That Went Missing

•Arlington National Cemetery is on the mend. That's the view of both the Army's inspector general and the Government Accountability Office. Just a year a half ago, the IG issued a report condemning management weaknesses that led to hundreds of mismarked graves. The superintendent and his deputy were both pushed out. Lt. Gen. Peter Vangjel, the Army IG, tells lawmakers there's been a 180 degree turnaround. But cemetery officials are still trying to find $12 million that went missing between 2004 and 2010.


The DeWolfe Opinion: HB119’s Solution

- “HB119, “Criminal Procedure - Public Defender- Representation” resolves many of the issues arising out of the recent Maryland Court of Appeals Opinion, DeWolfe v. Richmond and has the potential to save Maryland from costs that exceed $100 million.” In DeWolfe v. Richmond, the court ruled that indigents had a statutory right to appointed counsel at the initial appearances of a case. Essentially, this requires the Office of the Public Defender’s appearance at bail review hearings in front of the District Court Commissioners for indigents.

“Right now, the Public Defender’s Office is unable to comply with the mandate arising out of Dewolfe.” In 2011, there were over 176,000 bail hearings in Maryland. The Public Defender’s office currently does not have the staff or economic backing to attend the projected amount of bail hearings for 2012. Public Defenders’ have far exceeded caseload standards and are not prepared to attend bail hearings that occur 24 hours a day. Some estimates show that the Public Defender’s budget of $83 million will need to be doubled to comply with the DeWolfe standards. Moreover, the State’s Attorney will also need to comply with these standards for a fair trial and their budget will likely double as well.

“HB119 allows for the Office of the Public Defender to focus on the critical stages of any case, where it’s focus should be. By requiring representation during these initial proceedings, the DeWolfe opinion further spreads out an office that is already spread thin--into an area where representation is unnecessary.” In Maryland, District Court Commissioners dismissed a little over half of those who had bail hearings last year. The cases that are not dismissed are scheduled to be hear by a judge in District Court within 24 hours -- where indigents will have representation from the Public Defender. Moreover, there were only four individuals last year who requested Private Counsel during their bail hearing.

The initial draft of HB119 by Delegate Mike McDermott did not require the presence of the Public Defender’s Office in the District and Circuit Courts of Maryland, but has recently been amended to only require the Public Defender’s presence after the initial bail hearings. HB119 is scheduled for a hearing in the Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, January 26th.

Helicopters To Buzz Downtown LA In Urban Warfare Drill

Exercises “designed to ensure the military’s ability to operate in urban environments”

Joint military training exercises involving helicopters are being conducted in downtown LA all this week through Thursday with the police providing support, according to a statement issued by the LAPD.

As reported by CBS News, the LAPD statement says that the exercises, closed to the public, are “designed to ensure the military’s ability to operate in urban environments, prepare forces for upcoming overseas deployments, and meet mandatory training certification requirements.”

Training sites “have been carefully selected to ensure the event does not negatively impact the citizens of Los Angeles and their daily routine,” a department spokesperson said.



Salisbury News HAS in fact been able to find out who shot and killed these two dogs. Ty Chatham of Worcester County is the man who grabbed both dogs by their collars and shot them both in the back of the head at point blank range. More to come...

The update we received is by far the most alarming we have ever received on Salisbury News. BOTH animals were shot and killed. One was only 14 months old and the other 3 years old. These were loving dogs who wouldn't have hurt a fly, yet some son of a bitch shot and killed them.

Salisbury News is now offering a $250.00 REWARD, CORRECTION, $300.00 REWARD, (Woody's Pest Control added to our reward) UPDATE: (Make that a $400.00 Reward as two additional individuals have increased the reward) for the name/s and conviction of the person/s who did this. I want you to think about this for a second Ladies & Gentleman. A human being that would do such a thing to an animal is usually the beginning for a killer of another human being.

Please, put the word out there and lets find who is responsible before something more serious happens. The Family is on their way to the Worcester County Humane Society to pick up the bodies. Let's stick together, work together and find this SOB.

Hey Joe,

Can you please post this picture of my friend's lost dogs. They were seen today Jan 25, 2012 at 10am. They are a black and chocolate lab. The black one is Ace and the chocolate is Bernie. They were lost in the Eden area. She lives on Meadow Bridge Rd. Thank you for your help.

New Posts to fall below.

Defense Secretary Unveils Administration's 2013 Military Budget Proposal Today

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta unveils the administration's 2013 military budget proposal later today. He's expected to call for cutting up to a dozen Army brigades. Panetta says some parts of the budget will grow. The Obama administration wants to reduce the military footprint in Europe but devote more resources to watching China. It also wants to boost special forces and cybersecurity. To save money, the Pentagon is expected to stretch out big acquisition programs for planes and ships. The DoD budget comes out two weeks before the administration rolls out its entire 2013 request

Just How Much Control Over Central Banks Do The People Have?

Formal central bank independence is increasingly under pressure as societal preferences for a lender of last resort savior grow ever stronger (and more priced into nominal risk markets) as do demands for politicizing the monetary authorities under the pretext that they should more politically independent. Morgan Stanley takes on the question of constitutionality among the G3 Central Banks and rather unsurprisingly finds the mandates, targets, and prohibition treaties to be 'flexible' at best and 'practically meaningless' at worst. We-the-people appear to have little if any remit to constrain - even if our collective call for more printing leads to 'be careful what you wish for' reactions, as Michael Cembalest noted yesterday, "first prize in the Central Bank balance sheet expansion race is not necessarily one you want to win".


Secret Slaughterhouse Pipeline Fills Texas Creek With Pig Blood

An amateur drone pilot in Texas was flying a simple rig with a point-and-shoot camera attached for fun, and noticed something strange in a creek. There was an awful lot of dark red in the water. He notified the county, and a Department of Health and Human Services investigation showed that the substance discoloring the water was blood. Raw pig blood from a nearby meatpacking plant.



The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns, as it were, instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish squirting out ink. George Orwell

What’s “just” has been debated for centuries but let me offer you my definition of social justice: I keep what I earn and you keep what you earn. Do you disagree? Well then tell me how much of what I earn “belongs” to you – and why? Walter Williams

Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants; but debt is the money of slaves. Norm Franz

Economics is extremely useful as a form of employment for economists. John Kenneth Galbraith

The nation could be ruined, its democracy destroyed, and millions of people scattered or killed. Or America could enter a new golden age, triumphantly applying shared values to improve the human condition. The rhythms of history do not reveal the outcome of the coming Crisis; all they suggest is the timing and dimension. Strauss and Howe, “The Fourth Turning”

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it’s just the opposite. John Kenneth Galbraith

The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers. Thomas Jefferson

Politics should be limited in scope to war, protection of property, and the occasional precautionary beheading of a member of the ruling class. P.J. O’Rourke

One man with courage is a majority. Thomas Jefferson

Once the principle is admitted that it is duty of government to protect the individual against his own foolishness, no serious objections can be advanced against further encroachments. Ludwig von Mises

JC Penney Does Away With Sales In Favor Of Permanent 40% Markdowns On All Merchandise

No more waiting for items to go on sale at JC Penney, as the company has announced it'll be marking all of its merchandise down by at least 40%. The move is part of a new pricing plan aimed at getting customers into its doors more regularly.


Statistical Evidence You Should Just Stay Home And Eat In On Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day doesn't just suck for singles who don't want to be reminded of their singlehood. It's also a pain in the tuchus for couples scrambling to find a dinner reservation, sometimes at a restaurant with ridiculously marked-up menu "specials." Thankfully, statistics have come to the rescue to show that you should really just stay in and avoid the hassle.



President Obama’s State of the Union: Ten Skirted Issues

I confess; I expected to be bored out of my mind listening to President Obama’s campaign – I mean, State of the Union – I mean campaign, speech. I kept hoping some truly earth shattering story would sneak in there beforehand, like say some discovery that Mitt Romney had been having an affair with Newt Gingrich’s ex-wife while he was creating jobs at Bain capital, and we could all focus on that instead.

It turned out that my pre-determination proved accurate. I wonder if the members of Congress felt the same sense of same déjà vu that I did, as they were bopping up and down and applauding.

Obama’s speech was a compilation of highlights from his past ones. One part optimism, two parts repetition equals one total uninspiring. Maybe it’s so boring, because it matters so little at this point. Taking away popularity polls, our national threshold for belief in hope or change has been trampled, not just because of Obama or Romney, but of the whole political apparatus that thrives on deflection of reality and posturing. We don’t have the same energy to expend listening to politicians, the endless spin that renders fact obsolete, responsibility absent, and true accomplishment, unnecessary.


Hold Cheaters, Fraudsters And Exploiters Accountable To Get Our Economy Back

The spiral-to-the-bottom and inequality we are suffering is not an inevitable result of globalization, it is what happens when we don't hold cheaters and exploiters accountable and stop them. This is not just about Wall Street, it is the story of what has happened to our wages and benefits, jobs, factories, companies, industries, economy and democracy in the last 30-or-so years.

Cheaters, Fraudsters and Exploiters

If cheaters and exploiters are not held accountable and fraudsters are not prosecuted, then the advantages this brings them forces honest players out. We're all waiting to see if there is a deal in the works that lets big banksters off the hook for mortgage fraud and other (uninvestigated) crimes, making their shareholders pay fines for them instead. But that story of the 1%'s fraud and cheating and the consequences to the 99% are not what I am writing about here. This post is about how letting 1%er cheaters, fraudsters and exploiters off the hook has hurt America's manufacturing and trade.

Apple Can't Make It Here

Recent news stories about Apple hilight how we allowed our thriving, high-paying manufacturing sector to erode, with the result that our middle class is in decline. Apple used to proudly make their computers in the United States, but now everything is made in Asia. The NY Times' Charles Duhigg and Keith Bradsher, in How the U.S. Lost Out on iPhone Work describe how China's massive government subsidies and exploitation of workers mean “Those jobs aren’t coming back.”


Newt Backed Reagan, Romney Opposed Him

A newly surfaced video shows that no less a figure than Nancy Reagan asserted that President Ronald Reagan passed the “torch” of Reagan conservatism to Newt Gingrich — belying efforts by Mitt Romney supporters to cast Gingrich as anti-Reagan.

Nancy Reagan has said her husband had a close relationship with Newt Gingrich and that "Ronnie turned that (conservative) torch over to Newt and the Republican members of Congress to keep that dream alive." One political watcher notes “Much of the anti-Newt conservative media accuses Newt of ‘insulting’ Reagan...It is part of a smear campaign that started when Newt surged in Iowa.

And Reagan’s eldest son Michael has endorsed Gingrich, voicing strong support for the former House speaker’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination.

Read more

41 Obama White House Aides Owed $831,000 in Back Taxes

Here are a few lines from the President’s State of the Union Address:

“Let’s never forget: Millions of Americans who work hard and play by the rules every day deserve a government and a financial system that do the same. It’s time to apply the same rules from top to bottom: No bailouts, no handouts, and no copouts,” he said. “An America built to last insists on responsibility from everybody.”

Remember these words as you read this article.

You and I sweat each year about this time trying to figure out the tax code and ways to keep as much money as we can. Then we have to listen to President Obama telling us that we are not paying our “fair share.”

Now we learn why the President wants more tax dollars from us. His own aides owed the IRS close to one million dollars in back taxes at the end of 2009. Remember Timothy Geithner? He is the current United States Secretary of the Treasury. He was previously the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He didn’t pay Social Security and Medicare taxes for several years while he worked for the International Monetary Fund. He didn’t have to. He’s special. He knows what’s best for us, but he doesn’t have to abide by the same rules.

To show you how stupid Republicans are, here’s what Orrin Hatch said when he learned about the back taxes issue. “I still support him. He’s a very competent guy.” Next time you’re up for an IRS audit, give Orrin a call and ask him if he’ll support you.

To my surprise, the Los Angeles Times, and Washington Post reported on government tax delinquents that did not get much attention.


Georgia Court Told Obama Disqualified

Georgia citizens delivered sworn testimony to a court that Barack Obama is slam-dunk disqualified from having his name on the 2012 presidential ballot in the state, because his father never was a U.S. citizen, which prevents him from qualifying as a “natural-born citizen” as the U.S. Constitution requires for a president.

The historic hearing was the first time that a court has accepted arguments on the merits of the controversy over Obama’s status. His critics say he never met the constitutional requirements to occupy the Oval Office, and the states and Congress failed in their obligations to make sure only a qualified president is inaugurated. His supporters, meanwhile, argue he won the 2008 election and therefore was “vetted” by America.

The hearing was before Judge Michael Malihi of the Georgia state Office of State Administrative Hearings. In Georgia, a state law requires “every candidate for federal” office who is certified by the state executive committees of a political party or who files a notice of candidacy “shall meet the constitutional and statutory qualifications for holding the office being sought.”

State law also grants the secretary of state and any “elector who is eligible to vote for a candidate” in the state the authority to raise a challenge to a candidate’s qualifications, the judge determined.

Several of the attorneys introduced passages from Obama’s own writings that Barack Obama Sr. was his father. They then introduced evidence that the man never was a U.S. citizen, that he was a citizen of Kenya at the time of junior’s birth and was therefore a subject of the United Kingdom.

His father’s citizenship, they said, precludes him from serving as president, since the Founders required that officer to be a “natural-born citizen,” not just a “citizen.”

More here

Washington Post CEO, Kaplan and Predatory Accounting That Hits Poor Students Hard

In a 2010 letter to shareholders, Washington Post CEO Donald Graham admits that Kaplan University engaged in a scheme to raise tuition on poor students. The scheme was launched for the sole purpose of avoiding a violation of the Department of Education's (DOE) "90/10" rule and to assure Kaplan's profits' successful and continual reliance on subsidies from the pockets of publicly funded, federal student loan money. Most Kaplan revenues come from the federal government's Title IV program. If enough students borrow the cost of tuition, Kaplan would be in violation of the 90/10 rule.

As Graham casually noted in the letter to shareholders: " ... each time the federal government raises the maximum amount granted under Pell Grants or the maximum federal loan amount, we end up compelled to raise tuitions to comply with 90/10" (Ibid).


Federal Employees Owe $1.03 Billion in Unpaid Taxes

Congressional staffers owed about $10.6 million in unpaid taxes in 2010, a slight increase from the previous year and a growing slice of the roughly $1 billion owed by federal and postal workers nationwide, says the Washington Post.

•About 98,000 federal, postal and congressional employees owed $1.03 billion in unpaid taxes at the end of fiscal 2010, according to records provided by the Internal Revenue Service.
•The total number of delinquent employees dipped slightly from 2009, but the amount owed jumped by $32 million.
•On Capitol Hill, 684 employees, or almost 4 percent, of the 18,000 congressional staffers owed taxes in 2010 -- a jump of 46 workers from 2009.
•Four percent of House staffers owed $8.5 million and 3 percent of Senate employees owed $2.1 million, the IRS said.
•Civilian employees of the Defense Department -- the federal government's largest employer -- fared the worst: More than 25,600 workers at the departments of the Army, Air Force and Navy owed a combined $225.7 million, while another 4,600 civilian Pentagon employees owed $39.4 million.
Overall, American taxpayers owed $114.2 billion in unpaid taxes, interest and penalties at the end of fiscal 2010, according to the IRS.


Jury: Deputy Not Liable In Md. Stun-Gun Death Case

BALTIMORE (AP) - A former sheriff's deputy is not liable for the death of a man he shocked with a stun gun as the 20-year-old lay face-down and possibly unconscious, according to a federal jury's ruling Wednesday that said the officer used only enough force to protect himself.

Retired Frederick County Cpl. Rudy Torres, a 13-year veteran of the force, sighed in relief after the jury forewoman read the verdict at the end of a five-day trial. Outside the courthouse in Baltimore, Torres said Jarrel Gray's death was tragic but that justice had been done.

"Tasers are a useful tool. They've saved many more lives than they've taken, if they've taken any at all," he said.


FBI Releases Plans To Monitor Social Networks

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation has quietly released details of plans to continuously monitor the global output of Facebook, Twitter and other social networks, offering a rare glimpse into an activity that the FBI and other government agencies are reluctant to discuss publicly. The plans show that the bureau believes it can use information pulled from social media sites to better respond to crises, and maybe even to foresee them.The information comes from a document released on 19 January looking for companies who might want to build a monitoring system for the FBI. It spells out what the bureau wants from such a system and invites potential contractors to reply by 10 February.


SOTU: Obama Wants Government Power Consolidated Under Executive Branch

Glenn was more than a little disturbed by comments made by Barack Obama at the State of the Union address and wonders why Obama’s call to consolidate bureaucracy (aka POWER) under the Executive Office isn’t getting noticed by reporters and politicians.

Last night, Obama said, “The executive branch also needs to change. Too often, it’s inefficient, outdated and remote. That’s why I’ve asked this Congress to grant me the authority to consolidate the federal bureaucracy so that our Government is leaner, quicker, and more responsive to the needs of the American people.”

You can see the statement at about 50:36 in the clip below:

“The executive branch? Hold it. Are we now talking structural changes to the Constitution? The executive branch needs to change,” Glenn said.

“Did he just say he wants to consolidate all of the powers into the executive branch? Did he say he’s consolidating the bureaucracy under him? Yes. That’s exactly what he said.”


Gingrich Admits ABC Claim Was False

After nearly a week on the defensive, CNN's John King reports tonight that Newt Gingrich's claim about offering witnesses to ABC News in his defense — to rebut the network's interview with his second wife, Marianne Gingrich — was not true.

"Tonight, after persistent questioning by our staff, the Gingrich campaign concedes now Speaker Gingrich was wrong — both in his debate answer, and in our interview yesterday," King said on tonight's edition of John King USA. "Gingrich spokesman R.C. Hammond says the only people the Gingrich campaign offered to ABC were his two daughters from his first marriage."

See Video Here

Foreclosures Flood Housing Market

Foreclosures sold for an average of $236,190 in Virginia, second only to Hawaii. In Maryland, the average price is $176,985.00.


Indiana Senate Panel OKs Creationism Teaching Bill

INDIANAPOLIS — An Indiana Senate panel has approved a bill that would allow creationism to be taught in Indiana's public schools.

The Times of Munster reports the Republican-controlled Senate Education Committee voted 8-2 Wednesday to send the legislation to the full Senate despite pleas from scientists and religious leaders to keep religion out of science classrooms.


Breaking Update: Obama Attorney “Suspends Participation” In January 26 Georgia Ballot Hearing


Atty. Orly Taitz has published a letter written from Obama attorney Michael Jablonski to the Georgia Secretary of State stating that he is refusing to appear on his client’s behalf at the hearing scheduled for Thursday morning in Atlanta.

Judge Michael Malihi had denied Jablonski’s request to quash subpoenas issued by Taitz seeking information from Obama on his background, including a certified original birth certificate, school records, social security number application, and documentation of any other names he might have used in the past.

Three sets of plaintiffs and their attorneys have filed ballot challenges to Obama’s constitutional eligibility to be placed on the state ballot. Over the past four years, questions have arisen about whether or not Obama qualifies as a “natural born Citizen” as required by Article II of the U.S. Constitution. Also at issue is the authenticity of the “birth certificate” which Obama revealed to the public on April 27, 2011 and the stonewalling on the part of Hawaii Department of Health officials to release the original allegedly held in their files.


Victim Kills Teen Robber On Trail, Police Say

A 65-year-old man shot two teens, one fatally, as they tried to rob him Wednesday morning on a trail near the Schuylkill River, police said.

The Berks County coroner's office did not release the name of the boy who was killed, saying only that he was a 16-year-old from the city. Officials said his mother asked them to give her time to notify relatives before releasing his name.

He was pronounced dead at the scene at 12:17 p.m. by Deputy Coroner Jonn M. Hollenbach. An autopsy is scheduled this afternoon in Reading Hospital.


Chances Slimming For Big Snow Storm

The region could dodge a winter weather bullet, but Meteorologist Doug Hill says some major snow is still possible.


Fukushima's Animals Abandoned And Left To Die

Inside Fukushima Exclusion Zone, Japan (CNN) -- When you stand in the center of Japan's exclusion zone, there is absolute silence. The exclusion zone is the 20-kilometer (12-mile) radius around the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, an area of high radiation contamination.

On March 12, the day after the quake and tsunami hit, 78,000 people were evacuated out of this area, believing they would return within a few days. As such, thousands of people left with their dogs tied up in the backyard, cats in their houses and livestock penned in barns.

Nearly a year later, animal carcasses litter the region.
Cows and pigs starved to death, their bones still in pens. Dogs dropped dead with disease. A cat skull sits on a neighborhood road.


Additional Charges Placed On Sussex Tech Teacher

Location: Various Locations in Sussex County

Date of Occurrence: Various Dates beginning in January of 2012

17 year old female

Defendant, Charges, and Bail Information:
Charles B. Coursey, 38, of Milton, DE (Photo Attached)
Dealing in Child Pornography (2 counts)
Obscenity (2 counts)

Arraigned at JP3 and committed to SCI on $80,000.00 cash bail

Georgetown, DE- Additional charges have been placed on Charles Coursey in connection with an apparent sexual relationship he is assumed to have had with a 17 year old student.

Further investigation revealed, the suspect and the victim entered into a cellular phone text messaging relationship while at school. This developed into them meeting outside of school and engaging in a sexual relationship. In the course of this exchange, Coursey sent obscene photos of himself to the victim.

Coursey has been charged with two counts of Dealing in Child Pornography and two counts of Obscenity and was arraigned at JP3. He is committed to SCI on $80,000.00 cash bail.

President Obama Reveals Who He Really Is -- And This Picture Isn't Pretty

By rejecting the Keystone XL oil pipeline, President Obama did more than just pander to environmentalists. He shredded attempts by his handlers to cast him as a pragmatic and reasonable man who can appeal to independent voters.

Instead, he stands naked as an ideologue willing to sacrifice workers on the altar of special-interest politics.

Thousands of jobs were cast aside with no more thought than yesterday’s socks. Demolished, too, is the promised commitment to energy independence.

The $7 billion pipeline would carry Canadian oil to Gulf Coast ports. Despite three years of study by the State Department, Obama tried to put off the decision until after the election.

But Canada offered to change the route to avoid an aquifer in Nebraska, and unions demanded to know whether he would approve a permit, so Republicans put a 60-day deadline in December’s payroll-tax legislation.

Now we have undeniable proof of the president’s priorities. The man who insisted that “making sure jobs are available is the first thing I think about when I wake up every morning” was just reading empty words from a TelePrompter.


Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Press Release 1-26-12

On Thursday, 1-26-2012 at about 0629 hours, Worcester County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to Cedar Lane Road West of Evans Road outside of Berlin Md. for a motor vehicle crash. The preliminary investigation revealed that the driver of a 2003 Chevrolet Suburban, identified as Laura Widgeon, 55 years of age from Berlin Maryland, was west on Cedar Lane Rd. west of Evans Rd. Ms. Widgeon crossed the center line of the road and then over corrected and entered the West bound shoulder. The vehicle began to rotate and then overturned. Ms. Widgeon was not wearing her seatbelt and was ejected from the vehicle.

Ms. Widgeon suffered traumatic injuries when she was ejected and died. Ms. Widgeon was pronounced dead at the scene by the Medical Examiner.

Alcohol consumption appears to be a contributing factor to the crash. The Worcester County Collision Reconstruction Unit is investigating the crash.

The incident is still under investigation.

Mississippi AG: Convicted Murderer's Whereabouts Unknown

Jackson, Mississippi (CNN) -- Mississippi authorities say they don't know where a convicted murderer is, more than two weeks after a pardon from then-Gov. Haley Barbour released him from prison.

The state's attorney general said authorities were offering a reward for help tracking down convicted murderer Joseph Ozment, but he declined to say how much they would pay.

"We have some money available to confidential informants who provide us with information that will lead to the whereabouts of Joseph Ozment," Attorney General Jim Hood said.

Ozment is one of four convicted murderers Barbour pardoned early this month. Ozment did not appear at a court hearing in a case challenging the pardons Monday.


Va. Senate Panel Backs 1-Handgun-A-Month Repeal

RICHMOND, Va. - A Senate committee on Wednesday endorsed legislation to repeal Virginia's one-handgun-a-month law, but two other measures supported by gun-rights advocates were carried over until next year.

The Courts of Justice Committee voted 8-6 to send Sen. Bill Carrico's one-handgun-a-month repeal to the Senate floor, where it will be up for a vote next week. That law was enacted in 1994 to curb the trafficking of guns from Virginia into the Northeast.


How Google Keeps Your Secrets Private

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- How does a company that collects so much information from its users keep all that data private?

Meet Alma Whitten, Google's director of privacy.

At the end of a miserable 2010 filled with privacy blunders including the disastrous Google Buzz fiasco, Google appointed Whitten to the position of privacy director. Since then, Whitten has instituted what she calls a "culture of privacy" at the company. So far it has been paying off.


Warren Buffett To Benefit From Obama’s Job Killing Rejection Of Keystone Pipeline

It would appear that the Obama administration’s astounding decision, regarding the Keystone pipeline XL, will benefit more than just environmentalist groups.

According to IBD, since the plans for North Dakota’s Bakken fields to use the Keystone pipeline were circumvented, they will be forced to ship the oil to refineries by way of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad. The BNSF is owned by none other than Warren Buffett. North Dakota is the fourth largest oil producer in the US, according to The Republic and is forecast to soon trail only Texas in crude output. What’s more, 75% of the oil currently shipped, by rail, out of North Dakota is administered by Buffett’s Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC.

Similarly, back when Obama began cessation of offshore oil production, another famous billionaire, George Soros, invested massively in Brazilian oil company Petrobras. While no offshore oil production was taking place in the US, at that time, the US Export-Import Bank loaned $2 billion to Petrobas…for deep-water drilling off of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.


Is Maryland Cut Off From Dulles International Airport?

HERNDON, VA. -- When it comes to access to D.C. area airports, are they all created equally? Maybe not, when it comes to Dulles International.

Leo Schefer, head of the Washington Airports Task Force, says Maryland residents are isolated from Dulles, and that needs to change.

"The Potomac River has become a barrier. We need to see the access to Dulles expand across the River to the north," said Schefer at a recent transportation summit.


Florida Teen Calls Police To Report Mom Having Sex

A Florida teenager called 911 last week to ask police to place her in a children’s shelter because she “heard her mother having sex.” 
The 15-year-old girl felt disrespected when overhearing her mother having sex late one night, so she called Panama City police to report the situation, The Smoking Gun first reported on its website.
When police arrived at the home in the early hours on Jan. 19, the girl’s mother explained that she was with her boyfriend and didn't intend to wake her daughter. But their bedrooms are right next to each other, according to the police report, which was obtained by FoxNews.com.

Read More

The Demise Of The Petrodollar

Rumors are swirling that India and Iran are at the negotiating table right now, hammering out a deal to trade oil for gold. Why does that matter, you ask? Only because it strikes at the heart of both the value of the US dollar and today's high-tension standoff with Iran.

Tehran Pushes to Ditch the US Dollar

The official line from the United States and the European Union is that Tehran must be punished for continuing its efforts to develop a nuclear weapon. The punishment: sanctions on Iran's oil exports, which are meant to isolate Iran and depress the value of its currency to such a point that the country crumbles.

But that line doesn't make sense, and the sanctions will not achieve their goals. Iran is far from isolated and its friends – like India – will stand by the oil-producing nation until the US either backs down or acknowledges the real matter at hand. That matter is the American dollar and its role as the global reserve currency.

The short version of the story is that a 1970s deal cemented the US dollar as the only currency to buy and sell crude oil, and from that monopoly on the all-important oil trade the US dollar slowly but surely became the reserve currency for global trades in most commodities and goods. Massive demand for US dollars ensued, pushing the dollar's value up, up, and away. In addition, countries stored their excess US dollars savings in US Treasuries, giving the US government a vast pool of credit from which to draw.

We know where that situation led – to a US government suffocating in debt while its citizens face stubbornly high unemployment (due in part to the high value of the dollar); a failed real estate market; record personal-debt burdens; a bloated banking system; and a teetering economy. That is not the picture of a world superpower worthy of the privileges gained from having its currency back global trade. Other countries are starting to see that and are slowly but surely moving away from US dollars in their transactions, starting with oil.

If the US dollar loses its position as the global reserve currency, the consequences for America are dire. A major portion of the dollar's valuation stems from its lock on the oil industry – if that monopoly fades, so too will the value of the dollar. Such a major transition in global fiat currency relationships will bode well for some currencies and not so well for others, and the outcomes will be challenging to predict. But there is one outcome that we foresee with certainty: Gold will rise. Uncertainty around paper money always bodes well for gold, and these are uncertain days indeed


More On Wicomico County Board Of Education

Hello Joe,

Could you possibly tell me why the principal of Prince St. School Chris Nunzio,Sandra Drummond and several teachers from Prince St. attended a conference in Seattle,
Washington? Isn't that a bit far? You would think they were working for a multimillion dollar company.

I was informed that all expenses were paid for by the Board. They left on Friday the 20th and returned today the 25th. Wow, how much did that cost the taxpayers of this county?

A Concerned Tax payer

Jury Finds Deputy Not Liable In Md. Stun Gun Death

BALTIMORE - A federal jury in Baltimore has found a former Frederick County sheriff's deputy is not liable in a case stemming from a man's death after he was shocked twice with an electric stun gun.
The 10-member panel announced its verdict Wednesday.
The jury found that although former Cpl. Rudy Torres assaulted Jarrel Gray, Torres was shielded from liability because his actions were in defense of himself or others and that he only used the amount of force reasonably necessary to protect himself.

T-Minus 11 Months Until Geithner Resignation

Oh well, life is tough. Surely that basement office at Goldman Sachs will have some daylight and a TruboTax manual to make post-administrative life bearable for Geithner.

More from Bloomberg:

"He’s not going to ask me to stay on, I’m pretty confident,” Geithner says in an interview with Bloomberg Television.
"Confident" Obama will win second term
Not concerned about Wall Street complaints over Dodd-Frank;
"I would worry more about the basic confidence of Americans that they’re going to face more opportunities, more likely to find a job, keep a job, save for college, save for a dignified retirement"
And this is the last time Timmy was confident about something.


15 Questions The Mainstream Media Would Ask Barack Obama If He Were A Republican

During the practically endless series of Republican debates, we have heard almost every question imaginable asked to Republican candidates – if by every question imaginable, you mean horribly slanted, often irrelevant questions designed to make them look bad and help Obama. We’ve heard questions about contraceptives, religion, Newt’s angry ex-wife, Gardasil, etc., etc., etc. So, what would happen if the mainstream media treated Barack Obama the exact same way that they treat Republicans? The questions might sound a little something like this.

1) Numerous Mexican citizens and an American citizen have been killed with weapons knowingly provided to criminals by our own government during Operation Fast and Furious. If Eric Holder was aware that was going on, do you think he should step down as Attorney General? Were you aware that was going on and if so, shouldn’t you resign?

2) In 2010 you said Solyndra, which gave your campaign a lot of money, was “leading the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future.” Today, Solyndra is bankrupt and the taxpayers lost $500 million on loans that your administration was well aware might never be paid off when you made them. What do you say to people who say this is evidence of corruption in your administration?

3) Unions invested a lot of time and money in helping to get you elected. In return, they gained majority control of Chrysler, the taxpayers lost 14 billion dollars on General Motors, and General Motors received a special 45 billion dollar tax break. What do you say to people who view this as corruption on a scale never before seen in American history?


Occupy Feldman's

With the occupy movement going on in America, one animal thought they could get away with occupying the old Feldman's building in Downtown Salisbury.

All kidding aside, I saw this little guy yesterday morning and called Code & Compliance to see if they couldn't get him, worried he had nothing to eat. The next thing I knew he caught one of the pigeons inside the building and was feasting away.

This morning they had captured the cat and Animal Services is going to take it to the Humane Society. As far as I could tell he was very friendly and had obviously been some one's pet.

So if you're looking for a nice small cat, this guy should be available at the Humane Society.

Men More Than Women Likely To Experience Memory Loss

Men more than women are at higher risk of developing mild memory loss, according to a new study published in the journal Neurology. The memory dysfunction, called mild cognitive impairment, or MCI, is the stage between normal brain aging and dementia.

 The study has stirred interest, as many other studies have found that women are at higher risk of developing dementia than are men.

 "Since MCI is a risk factor for dementia, and large numbers of the baby boomer generation are reaching this age, we must prevent or reduce the risk of MCI, or the increased development of dementia will have a tremendous impact on the cost of health care in elderly persons," said Dr. Rosebud Roberts, lead author of the study and a neurologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.

More (If You Can Remember It LOL)

What Would You Do If You Saw Someone Wearing This Shirt?

We're constantly clubbed on the head with the claim that the Muslim world condemns 9/11, abhors 9/11, etc. - Yet every day Shirts like this are mass produced, marketed, and sold by street venders throughout the Middle East and it's simply OK.

K-9 Graduation

MD DOC K9 division hosted graduation ceremonies yesterday. Sgt. C Guy and K9 Jazz have been certified and assigned to Eastern Correctional.

Bridge Repairs Will Require The Daytime Closure Of Front Street

Seaford -- The Department of Transportation (DelDOT) has scheduled maintenance repairs to the drawbridge over the Nanticoke River in Seaford.

To decrease the impact on commuter traffic, all work will occur from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., each day beginning on Monday, January 30 and ending on Friday, February, 3, pending weather.

The detour route will be clearly posted for motorists.

Motorists should drive with caution, slow down in work zones, and never enter a roadway that has been blocked with barriers or cones.

Parkside Sports Boosters Annual Longaberger Basket And Vera Bradley Bingo Saturday, Jan. 28

Parkside High School will hold its Annual Longaberger Basket and Vera Bradley Bag Bingo on Saturday, Jan. 28 to benefit the Parkside Sports Boosters. The event will be held at the Salisbury Moose Lodge on Snow Hill Road. Doors and kitchen will open at 5 p.m. and games will begin at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $20; must be 18 or older to play. In addition to 20 games of regular Bingo (you win, you pick your prize; each basket/bag will be filled with goodies and there will be all-new Vera Bradley bags/designs that come out in January), there will be a Chinese Auction, 50/50 raffle, door prizes, concessions for sale, and the SPECIAL raffles. We will also be having a SuPeR fAN raffle as well. Parkside is also remembering others during the season and asks attendees to bring canned or nonperishable items; for each item brought, the person will receive a special raffle ticket towards a chance at winning a special prize. All items donated will be given to the Maryland Food Bank.

For more information or to purchase tickets, please contact Courtney Lewis at 410-251-5032 or 410-677-5143 or colewis@wcboe.org.

Coming Soon: James M. Bennett High School's Rock & Roll Revival

Feb. 9-12 and Feb. 16-19
JMB’s 14th annual Rock & Roll Revival
James M. Bennett Auditorium, Salisbury

Tickets are on sale now for James M. Bennett High School's annual showcase of Clipper talent, the Rock & Roll Revival. Students sing, dance, play instruments, and work in many areas behind the scenes to put on this highly successful show, which this year returns to the stage of the James M. Bennett Auditorium in Salisbury. Show directors are Christie and Larry Wersen, and net proceeds benefit the JMB PTSA. Shows will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9, Friday, Feb. 10 and Saturday, Feb. 11, and 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 12, and then 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 16, Friday, Feb. 17 and Saturday, Feb. 18, and 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 19. Tickets are $15 for the two Thursday night shows and $18 for the weekend shows. Tickets are available now at the Bank of Delmarva branch on Eastern Shore Drive. For ticket information, e-mail jmbrockandrollrevival@gmail.com or call Chris Wilde at 410-430-8634. Check out the show news on Facebook at RockRoll Revival.

Michael Oher, Baltimore Raven And Author Of "I Beat The Odds"

Tickets to Be Given Out Saturday, Feb. 4 for Visit by Michael Oher, Baltimore Raven and Author of "I Beat the Odds"

Michael Oher, Baltimore Raven and author of "I Beat the Odds," is coming to Prince Street Elementary School on Friday, Feb. 10th to take questions and sign books for students, staff, and the community.

Free tickets to the 7 p.m. public event will be handed out at the school from 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, Feb. 4th.

The news of Oher’s visit has generated excitement at Prince Street, where everyone from prekindergarten through grade 5 as well as staff members have been learning about Oher's inspiring success story through study of his book "I Beat the Odds," published in 2011 and poised for paperback release on Feb. 7th.

Prince Street is partnering with Barnes & Noble in Salisbury to have paperback "I Beat the Odds: From Homelessness to The Blind Side and Beyond" books at the school Feb. 10th for purchase and signing. Barnes & Noble will have a limited number of tickets to give out to people purchasing the book at its Salisbury store once the paperback goes on sale Feb. 7th.

Oher was a born into a poor family with a drug addicted mother, but even though the odds were stacked against him he had a burning desire to break out of poverty and into a better future. He spent years in foster care and struggled through homelessness, before finally finding his path to stability and success through football and a loving foster family. Part of his story was movingly told in the 2009 movie "The Blind Side."

Oher's visit on Feb. 10th will focus on students during the day, followed by a public event at 7 p.m. for those with tickets. At both times, Oher will make brief comments, respond to questions submitted in advance, and sign paperback copies of his book. Copies of the book will be available for $16. He will not sign memorabilia, in order to serve as many people as possible.


Help Wanted 01/26/12

Businesses looking to fill positions can put their information in comments for FREE.

Does the GOP Deserve To Lose?

I sympathize with Bret Stephens' frustration with the Republican field, I truly do. I have been wrestling with many of these same midnight doubts for a long time myself.

Yet Stephens' specific complaint about Mitt Romney seems to me if not unfair, then misplaced — or more exactly, misplaced coming from a writer for the Wall Street Journal.

The usual rap on Mr. Romney is that he's robotic, but the real reason he can't gain traction with voters is that they suspect he's concealing some unnameable private doubt. Al Gore and George Bush Sr. were like that, too, and not just because they were all to the proverbial manor born. It's that they were basically hollow men.

Thus the core difference between Mr. Romney and Mr. Obama: For the governor, the convictions are the veneer. For the president, the pragmatism is. Voters always see through this. They usually prefer the man who stands for something.


Newt Gingrich Called Spanish “Language Of Living In The Ghetto”

In 2007, Former House speaker and current GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich  described bilingual education as teaching “the language of living in a ghetto,” and he mocked requirements that ballots be printed in multiple languages.
“The government should quit mandating that various documents be printed in any one of 700 languages depending on who randomly shows up” to vote, Gingrich said. The former Georgia congressman, who is considering seeking the GOP presidential nomination in 2008, made the comments in a speech to the National Federation of Republican Women.

Valentines Tea Poplar Hill Mansion

THURS. FEB. 9, 2012, 11:30 A.M.
$20.00 per person, Reservations only
Bring a loved one, or two, or
Just come yourself.
Perhaps pick up a special gift
By Joan Devaney or one of
Poplar Hill Mansion’s artists in our gift shop. We hope to see you here!!!!!
410 749 5168 for information

Bill Introduced To Allow Cancer Patients Access To Easier, More Affordable Chemo

Several legislators were joined by cancer advocates and even a cancer survivor for a press conference introducing a bill that would require insurance companies to provide equal payments to patients for both oral and intravenous treatments.
House Bill 265, The Delaware Cancer Treatment Access Act, would require insurers to provide the same reimbursements for patients who use either IV or oral chemotherapy. Cancer advocates say under prescription plans, the co-pays are much higher than the IV infusions, which under a health insurance plan usually costs around $20 to $30 an office visit. Rep. Ruth Briggs King is one of three Representatives and two Senators who are sponsoring the bill, which was written with help from a pair of oncologists.

Should Teens Be Jailed for Sex Offenses? A Growing Parental Rebellion Says No

Parents are fighting laws that imprison teens for sex. Prosecutors say kids should obey the law. Meet one young Romeo who didn't—and spent six years in jail. Abigail Pesta reports.

Francie Baldino, a mother of two from Royal Oak, Mich., can tell you the day she became an activist against America’s sex-offender laws. It was the day her teenage son went to prison—for falling in love with a teenage girl.

“The prison term was unthinkable,” says Baldino. “He was just a dumb kid.”
Her son, Ken, was an 18-year-old senior in high school when he was arrested for having sex with his girlfriend, a 14-year-old freshman, in 2004. The age of consent in Michigan is 16. He got sentenced to a year in jail and three years’ probation. After that, when the two teens resumed their relationship—violating his probation—he got five to 15 years.


How Far Can Steven Tyler Go With Icky Comments On 'Idol'?

Steven Tyler's had a number of memorable moments already this season as a judge on "American Idol," mostly related to the ridiculous hats he's been wearing at auditions.
But the one that was most notable was when 15-year-old Shannon Magrane showed up for the Savannah tryouts. Her parents and sisters were brought into the room, and her dad asked Tyler how it was going. "Hot, humid and happening -- just like your daughter," Tyler replied.

Working Long Hours Doubles Depression Odds

(Health.com) -- Working long hours appears to substantially increase a person's risk of becoming depressed, regardless of how stressful the actual work is, a new study suggests.
The study, which followed 2,123 British civil servants for six years, found that workers who put in an average of at least 11 hours per day at the office had roughly two and a half times higher odds of developing depression than their colleagues who clocked out after seven or eight hours.
 The link between long workdays and depression persisted even after the researchers took into account factors such as job strain, the level of support in the workplace, alcohol use, smoking, and chronic physical diseases.


County Executive Rick Pollitt Fires Up One Reader


I'm going to keep this brief as I'm fuming this morning. Just ready on the Daily Crimes/Liars website the following quote from Slick Ricky:

"Our community came together like nothing I've seen before", Pollitt said. "We've got people saying they are willing to pay more taxes".

Really Slick Ricky? Let me just tell you one thing Mr. Rick Pollitt, it's not what the majority of this county wants is to raise our taxes to pay for an over priced, ridiculous, absurd, foolish, ludicrous, nonsensical, unbelievably overpriced project that you want to build in a flood zone. Rick Pollitt you were voted in to do what is best for this county. We put our faith in you that you would do what was right, logical and fiscally sound for this county. I can't wait until I can vote you out of office. I'll just let everybody else comment on that since I don't think I can keep my mouth from cussing like a sailor.

Today's Survey Question 1-26-12

A new report says the easiest way to raise more money to fix crumbling roads and bridges and aging transit systems is to make drivers pay at the pump. Would you be willing to pay more for gas if it improved your commute? What do you think about that idea of paying a travel fee? You'd pay more if you drive more.



JANUARY 30, 2012

10:30 a.m. Follow-up discussion on inspections

11:30 a.m. Follow-up discussion on BZA/nonconforming use

12:30 p.m. Break (brown bag encouraged)

12:45 p.m. Discussions with Administration and Legal [some portions of these discussions may be held in closed session as permitted under the Annotated Code of Maryland 10-508(a)]

Appointment of Acting City Clerk/acquisition of temp Fire Chief appointment process
Other attorney for Ethics Commission
Update on towing question
Legal transition update
Other/Q & A

2:15 p.m. General discussion/Upcoming Agenda items

2:30 p.m. Adjournment

Fruitland Police Department Press Release 1-26-12

DATE & TIME: Overnight between January 24th and January 25th

INCIDENT: Malicious Destruction of Property

LOCATION: South Division, South Brown and Nina Lane

CASE NO.: 2012-0100

PERSON CHARGED: Charges Pending

AGE: Unknown

ADDRESS: Unknown

CHARGES: Pending

DISPOSITION: Under Investigation

SYNOPSIS: During the night of January 24th to January 25th numerous businesses and residences were vandalized in the areas of South Division Street, South Brown Street and Nina Lane. It appears that the suspects used paint ball guns and fired at buildings and vehicles from a moving vehicle. Fruitland Police are asking anyone that may have seen or heard anything suspicious during those hours to contact Corporal Collins (410)548-2803. By narrowing the time frame it will expedite the process and make video review of area police cameras and private surveillance systems that much easier.

Good Samaritan, Shot By Carjacker, Dies In Front Of His 2 Sons

(CNN) -- A 44-year-old New Orleans man died in front of his two sons Wednesday after he responded to a woman's screams and was shot by an apparent carjacker, according to police and family members.

Harry "Mike" Ainsworth was with his two sons, ages 9 and 10, as the boys were waiting for a morning school bus, Ainsworth's brother, Bill, told CNN affiliate WWL.

The two boys saw their father try to help the female motorist in the Algiers Point neighborhood and, after their father was shot, the boys ran to him and sat with him until emergency responders showed up, Bill Ainsworth said. "They were there with him when he passed," Ainsworth said. "It's going to be hard on them."


Win Big At Bingomania on Saturday, February 4th

(Salisbury, MD) Bingomania, the Eastern Shore’s largest bingo cash prize event, returns to the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Saturday, February 4th. Doors open at 5:00pm for early bird games and regular games begin at 7:30pm.

Admission to Bingomania includes all regular and special games, including the Jumbo Jackpot Game. Regular games offer a $500 prize while special games pay out $1000. The Jumbo Jackpot Game pays a maximum of $10,000 depending upon attendance.

Increase your chances of winning and help a local food bank at the same time by bringing three non-perishable food items to the game. Those that do will receive three additional cards for the first early bird game, which has a payout of $500.

Tickets are $45 per person in advance and $55 per person at the door. Tickets are on sale now at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office (500 Glen Ave. Salisbury, MD), online at www.WicomicoCivicCenter.org and by phone at 410-548-4911.

All proceeds benefit the Mardela Middle and High School Bands. For more information contact the Mardela Band-Aides at 410-677-5170.

President Obama’s YouTube Forum Deems Marijuana Legalization Questions “Inappropriate”

NOTE: If you feel marijuana legalization was an entirely “appropriate” topic for debate, tweet your dissatisfaction of the White House’s censoring of NORML’s YouTube question by tweeting them using #WHchat and @WhiteHouse.
“Pres. Obama, what is inappropriate about saving billions and not arresting nonviolent american citizens for marijuana? #WHChat @WhiteHouse”
– E. Altieri, Comm. Coordinator

Arrest Made In Counterfeit Money Possession

Location: 18809 Coastal Highway, Anchorage Motel, Rehoboth Beach, DE

Date of Occurrence: Saturday January 21, 2012 at 8:55 p.m.

Defendant, Charges, and Bail Information:
Tara E. Faulkner, 34, of Milford, DE (Photo Attached)
Forgery First Degree (Possession of Counterfeit Money) 18 counts

Arraigned at JP3 and committed to Baylor Women’s Correctional Institution on $1,800.00 secured bail

Rehoboth Beach, DE- The Delaware State Police have arrested a women who was in possession of counterfeit money.

The incident occurred on January 21, 2012 at approximately 8:55 p.m. when Troopers were dispatched to the Anchorage Motel in Rehoboth to check on the welfare of a male subject. Upon arriving at the motel, Troopers met with the male subject who claimed Tara Faulkner, 34, had just given him counterfeit money during a recent sale of a television.

Through the investigation, Troopers were able to determine the $360.00, which was all $20.00 bills, was counterfeit due to the size, texture, color, and all bills contained the same serial number.

Faulkner was arrested and transported back to Troop 7 where she arraigned at JP3 for 18 counts of Forgery First Degree and committed to WCI on $1,800.00 secured bail.

The public is encouraged to learn how to detect counterfeit money by going to the following website established by the U.S. Secret Service: http://www.secretservice.gov/money_detect.shtml

If anyone has any information in reference to counterfeit money, they are asked to contact their local Troop or Police agency or Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333. Information may also be provided via the internet at www.tipsubmit.com

New Jersey Woman Arrested After Threatening Bus Driver

Location: 2230 South DuPont Highway (Southbound US 13) in front of Johnny Janosik Furniture, Dover, DE

Date of Occurrence: Tuesday January 24, 2012 at 6:30 p.m.

53 year old male bus driver from New York, NY

Defendant, Charges, and Bail Information:
Jennifer Quick, 26, Jersey City, NJ
Aggravated Menacing
Possession of a Deadly Weapon During the Commission of a Felony
Terroristic Threatening
Resisting Arrest
Disorderly Conduct

Arraigned at JP2 and committed to WCI on $6,250.00 secured bail

Dover, DE- A New Jersey woman was arrested last evening after threatening a commercial bus driver with a knife.

The incident occurred at approximately 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday evening when a commercial bus carrying passengers from New York City to Norfolk, VA had just departed the Rodney Village Shopping Center after having a meal at a restaurant. Once the bus was southbound on US 13, Jennifer Quick, 26, began hollering and screaming for the bus to stop which upset other passengers on the bus. Quick then approached the 53 year old bus driver and produced a knife threatening to kill him if he didn’t stop the bus and let her off.

A passenger on the bus, who happened to be an off duty correctional officer from Hampton Roads Regional Police Center, intervened and was able to safely disarm Quick, while the bus driver was able to bring the bus to a stop near Johnny Janosik.

Quick continued her disorderly behavior even after the responding Troopers and officers from Camden PD arrived on scene. She actively resisted the commands of the officers until they could place her into custody without further incident.

There were no injuries to anyone involved. The knife used in this incident was a three and three quarter inch folding knife which was secured by State Troopers.

Quick was arraigned at JP2 on the above listed charges and committed to Baylor Women’s Correctional Institution on $6,250.00 secured bail.

Teacher Arrested For Having A Sexual Relationship With Student

Location: Various Locations in Sussex County

Date of Occurrence: Various Dates beginning in January of 2012

17 year old female

Defendant, Charges, and Bail Information:
Charles B. Coursey, 38, of Milton, DE (Photo Attached)
Sexual Abuse of Child by a Person of Trust 1st Degree (3 counts)
Unlawful Sexual Contact 2nd Degree (4 Counts)

Arraigned at JP3 and committed to Sussex Correctional Institute on $17,000.00 secured bail

Georgetown, DE- Delaware State Police have arrested a Sussex Tech High School teacher who is accused of having a sexual relationship with a 17 year old student.

On January 25, 2012, State Police Detectives were contacted by Sussex Tech school administration that the victim was involved in a sexual relationship with a teacher. Through further investigation it was determined that the teacher and student have had an apparent sexual relationship since the beginning of January 2012.

Charles B. Coursey, 38, of Milton, was charged with three counts of Sexual Abuse of Child by a Person of Trust and four counts of Unlawful Sexual Contact. Coursey was arraigned on the charges and committed to Sussex Correctional Center on $17,000.00 secured bail.

Questions regarding Charles Coursey’s status with Sussex Tech High School should be directed to the Sussex Tech District Office.

Because of the sensitivity of this case, and in consideration of the victim, only limited information will be released.