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Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Obama Poised To Win Financially, Even If He Loses

The latest national polls show the race for the White House remains in a dead heat with just hours remaining before Americans head to the polls to decide this pivotal election.

Mitt Romney’s strong initial debate performance in October has fueled a fall comeback that raises the chances President Obama may be looking for a new job come January. 

But don’t feel too bad for Obama's bank account: Former presidents typically rake in tens of millions of dollars after leaving the Oval Office by delivering highly sought after speeches, writing best-selling books and landing lucrative corporate directorships.


  1. Like him or not (and I am NOT a fan) anyone who takes over that office for four - or eight - years, deserves to rake in all the money they legally can. It is, beyond any doubt, the toughest job on earth. Life and death decisions every single day. Let 'em get rich and relax!

  2. It is the Presidential Retirement plan and they should get all they can, impossible job.
    5:37 You said it better but I just wanted to affirm.

  3. It is a privilege to be in that office. Financial gain should be the last thing people think of in regards to being president.


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