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Friday, August 06, 2010

Blognetnews Calls It Quits

Blognetnews.com has shut down and this time it looks like they're done for good. This is unfortunate but things got so far out of hand several months ago, we stopped participating with them and pulled their weekly rankings.

Should they remain shut down, Salisbury News will go down in history as the #1 Most Influential Political Blog for four years straight. Don't get me wrong, I'm confident for 2010 we remained #1 throughout the year as well but we may never see the end results since they shut down.

Perhaps someone else out there will pick up the same concept and create a similar website. There's no doubt in my mind there's money to be made at it. However, it takes a lot of time and effort.

Andy Harris On The July Unemployment Report

SEVERNA PARK, Md. – Andy Harris released a statement today regarding the July unemployment rates:

“Nancy Pelosi and Congressional Democrats spent close to a trillion dollars to create jobs, but unemployment has only gone up in the past year. July’s unemployment numbers remained stagnant and still Nancy Pelosi hasn’t learned her lesson that government spending doesn’t create jobs. Congressional Democrats have spent our way into a $13 trillion debt and are headed back to Washington next week to spend $26 billion more.”


Brown calls Ehrlich's comments about military voting "selfishly political" and irresponsible

PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, Md. (August 6, 2010)
- Lt. Governor Anthony G. Brown, the highest ranking elected official to serve in Iraq, released the following statement in response to Bob Ehrlich's incredulous and distorted comments about military voting:

"Once again, Bob Ehrlich's playing political games with our military families. First, he attacked Governor O'Malley for visiting our troops in Iraq, and now he's making misleading and irresponsible comments that will discourage our military families from requesting an absentee ballot and exercising their right to vote - a right they are fighting to protect.

"Bob Ehrlich doesn't get it. Our brave servicemembers and their families should not be used to advance the selfish political ambitions of a former governor who doesn't understand what it means to wear the uniform."

Lt. Governor Brown understands that public officials have an obligation to serve those who serve. He has spent a quarter century as a member of the United States Armed Forces, is a Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves and is the nation's highest-ranking elected official to have served a tour of duty in Iraq.

Article About Social Security

"The author of the article details how the Social Security System will go RED this year for the first time. The author fails however to point out that were it not for the THEFT of the Social Security Trust Fund (how can you "borrow" against a Trust Fund?) the program would have NEVER run out of money."


"Americans are being brainwashed into believing Social Security is an "entitlement - or gift" of our beautiful government. The reality is that we were FORCED to pay into the program which became a Ponzi Scheme once the Congress began "borrowing" from the Trust Fund years ago. It is impossible to borrow money from a Trust Fund, hence the term TRUST FUND, yet the gullible American Public doesn't have the intelligence to understand the criminality of our own government and therefore we remain SUBJECTS of a tyrannical government of elites."

Daily Times Chimes In On Martin – McDermott Controversy

SbyNEWS has seldom been a cheerleader for the Daily Times.  However, after yesterday’s article by Jenny Hopkinson regarding the “emergency suspension” of 38-B House candidate (and Deputy) Lt. Mike McDermott by Worcester County Sheriff Chuck Martin, we have to give the devil (or paper) his due.  Hopkinson’s article was fair.  As we noted in the attached post, we wish a few more questions were asked; but the overall piece was a good one.

We also wish to thank Daily Times opinion editor Susan Parker for her excellent op-ed this morning.  While we wish that it were a little more forceful, that isn’t Susan’s style.  Any complaint that this matter was soft pedaled in comparison to other issues Parker has addressed is unwarranted in the extreme.

This matter potentially does a grave disservice to the voters of Worcester County and the the 38-B portion of Wicomico.  We are gratified that the Daily Times concurs with us that this issue deserves serious coverage and that this issue should be concluded in a fair and speedy manner.


Camden, NJ Closing Library System

CAMDEN, N.J. - New Jersey's most impoverished city will close all three branches of its public library at year's end unless a rescue can be pulled off.

Camden's library board says the libraries won't be able to afford to stay open past Dec. 31 because of budget cuts from the city government. The city had its subsidy from the state cut.

The library board president says the library system, which opened in 1904, is preparing to donate, sell or destroy its collections, including 187,000 books.

GO HERE to read more.

EDITORS NOTES: "Because of our current "o" economy; many people use the Library to "cool off or warm up". they can also use it for free internet service. And to think in our City they wanted to build a NEW Library. like we can really afford it. just amazes me!!"


Democrats Continue Ruinous Economic Policies, Special Interest Payoffs While Americans Suffer

– Republican small businessman and Eastern Shore native Rob Fisher released the following statement regarding today’s sobering economic news:

“Last month our economy lost another 131,000 jobs and unemployment remained alarmingly high at 9.5%, yet Nancy Pelosi and Frank Kratovil continue to pursue the same flawed and failing policies that have resulted in fewer jobs and mountains of debt for all Americans. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results, this has to be the most absurd Congress in our history.

Since the passage of the so-called stimulus Maryland has lost over 14,000 jobs, but Kratovil and his fellow Democrats remain intent on rewarding the special interest groups that got them elected and pursuing economic policies that have failed throughout the world. It’s clear the only jobs career politicians are interested in saving are their own.

It’s time we held our representatives accountable for their actions. We need people in Washington who understand that small businesses, not the government, create jobs, and who will fight to fix our economy and get our fiscal house back in order. The First District deserves a Congressman who will listen to his constituents, stand up to career politicians and Put Maryland First.”

Community Meeting Scheduled To Discuss Parking At The Cove Road Recreation Area

(Salisbury, MD) Wicomico Recreation, Parks and Tourism will host a community meeting regarding parking at the Cove Road Recreation Area, located in Bivalve, Maryland on Monday, August 9 at 6:00pm.

Wicomico Recreation, Parks and Tourism Director Gary Mackes will field comments and recommendations on how to accommodate the demand.

The meeting will take place at the Cove Road Recreation Area, which is located on Cove Road (off of Nanticoke Road). In the case of inclement weather, the meeting will be moved indoors to the Westside Community Center 21109 Bivalve Lodge Road in Bivalve, MD.

Yard Sales

CLICK HERE for the latest upcoming yard sale. (sorry for delay)

If you have a yard sale you would like to post in the near future, please email me at atlanticjw@aol.com. Please type "yard sale" in the subject of your email. Please have all requests to me by Thursday for Friday's post.

Julie Brewington Interview Gets 1,743 Views So far

Well there's no question about it. Me, Myself & I have outdone any candidate interview to date. The Julie Brewington name has become a houshold name on Delmarva.


A hooded robber burst into a Texas bank and forced the tellers to load a sack full of cash.

On his way out the door a brave Texas customer grabbed the hood and pulled it off revealing the robber's face.

The robber shot the customer without a moment's hesitation.

He then looked around the bank and noticed one of the tellers looking straight at him. The robber instantly shot him also.

Everyone else, by now very scared, looked intently down at the floor in silence.

The Robber yelled, "Well, did anyone else see my face?"

There are a few moments of utter silence, in which everyone was plainly afraid to speak.

Then one old man tentatively raised his hand and spoke,

"My wife got a good look at you."

Today's Survey Question

Do You Use Food Past The "Use Date"?

Next Generation Of Traffic Camera Detects A Lot More

WASHINGTON -- You thought speed cameras were bad. The next generation traffic camera makes speed and red light cameras look like they are in kindergarten.

Meet the Trafistar SR590. Not only can it track speeders and red light runners, but it can detect drivers who are tailgating, ignoring stop signs, not yielding for pedestrians, making illegal turns, crossing over the center line and more.

If that's not enough, the SR590 can keep its electronic eye on 22 different cars at the same time.

GO HERE to read more.

Israel To Deport Children Of Illegal Migrant Workers

Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by Newsy.com

Human rights groups are asking the Israeli government to reconsider the deportation of 400 children of migrant workers.

Postal Service Slides Deeper Into The Red

Officials are concerned agency may not be able to pay its bills

WASHINGTON — The Postal Service was $3.5 billion in the red for the third quarter and may not be able to make a required payment for future retiree health benefits, the agency said Thursday.

Losses for the April through June quarter were $1.1 billion more than the post office lost in the same period a year ago.

The post office has been rocked by declining mail volume as people and businesses continue switching to the Internet in place of letters and paper bills.

"Given current trends, we will not be able to pay all 2011 obligations," Joseph R. Corbett, the Postal Service's chief financial officer, said in a statement.

GO HERE to read more.

Mexico Baby Declared Dead Revives Inside Coffin

MEXICO CITY — Authorities in Mexico say a newborn baby girl declared dead by doctors revived inside her coffin during her wake.

Hidalgo state Attorney General Jose Rodriguez says the parents heard a strange noise coming from the tiny casket. Opening it up, they found her crying and very much alive.

Rodriguez told state public radio Thursday that the doctor who pronounced the girl dead at a hospital in the town of Tulancingo is being investigated for possible negligence.

The baby, who was born prematurely Monday, is in stable condition at a different hospital.


How Fast Will Your Internet Be In 2020?

Congress is debating America’s broadband network with more urgency. How quickly can the U.S. catch up with other world technology leaders?

How high quality is the type of video that YouTube recently announced support for? So high, you need a 25-foot screen to appreciate it. It’s the latest reminder that as technology companies invent cooler and cooler applications, they won’t just eat up bandwidth—they’ll devour it. Can America’s broadband network, already under strain, handle what’s coming next?

Measuring Internet speed can be tricky, but few dispute that America’s network has fallen behind South Korea, Sweden, and other global leaders. A growing group of policymakers agrees that America needs to make its broadband faster, while also extending service to the one in three Americans who don’t use it. The current average broadband download speed in America is about 10 megabits per second, according to speedtest.net, a site that allows you to test the speed of your current connection. Those with dial-up obviously have much slower average speeds. Determining how to speed up Net access for everyone is a question that Congress, broadband companies, and interest groups are debating with greater urgency than usual, thanks in part to a federal appeals court decision in April that raised legal questions about how the government subsidizes and regulates broadband. For now, there’s no telling how (or when) the fight will lead to something substantial.

GO HERE to read more.

4 Found Dead In PG County Home

Prince George's County Police are investigating the deaths of four people found in Riverdale, Md.
Police have responded to a home in the 6800 block of Third Street.

Police spokeswoman Lt. Tammy Sparkman said police received a call about an assault at about 2:40 a.m. Friday. Sparkman said when officers responded to the home they discovered the bodies inside.

She said all four were pronounced dead at the scene.

Police have not released any information about how they died. There is a news conference scheduled for 11:30 a.m.

GO HERE for updates.

Jim Rutledge Wants To Trim More Than Just His Hair

In a pleasant visit yesterday at 300 W. Main Street, (Salisbury News Headquarters) Jim Rutledge came by for a visit. What better time to get a haircut and support a local business, right. Well, Jim isn't the only candidate giving Eric Ludwig's Downtown Barber Shop additional business. Senator Andy Harris was in there just two days earlier getting his hair cut as well.

Both men want to trim the fat in Washington and Annapolis and are working very hard to earn your vote.

AL Baseball

Joe, here is a link for anyone who would like to watch any of the American Legion Baseball tournament games. Even replays.


Schools Seek Lucrative Naming Rights Deals For Facilities

Schools across the country are dropping their resistance to advertising, selling the rights to name their facilities to local businesses as education budgets fall further behind in the stagnant economy.

GO HERE to read more.

Alan Keyes: Under Obama ‘We Shall All Become Slaves On The Government’s Plantation’

Alan Keyes, a conservative activist and former diplomat, said Wednesday that President Barack Obama and liberals in Congress are promoting a dependence on government that mirrors slavery.

Keyes appeared with more than a dozen other black conservative leaders at a gathering in Washington to condemn accusations by the NAACP that the Tea Party movement has a racist faction. Keyes said real racism occurs when race is connected to ideology -- as was the case, he said, when Barack Obama was campaigning for president.

“The notion that you owe some allegiance or vote to an individual simply because of the color of their skin" is racist, Keyes said. He said such a notion was "constantly pushed at me by the American media" during the Obama campaign, when black Americans were expected to "feel proud" of Obama.

Keyes compared the institution of slavery with liberalism and socialism.

“What did it mean to be a slave?” Keyes asked. “It meant that you actually had guaranteed shelter, guaranteed clothing. Your master guaranteed your food, your clothing, your shelter and a job. “Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?” he said. “That’s exactly what the Obama faction and the leftists and the socialists and the so-called ‘liberals’ want to pretend is what all Americans should aspire to."

Keyes added: “The notion that somehow or another – the fact that you take a different point of view about political issues, about economic approaches, about fundamental issues of human character and decency; that that somehow means that you’re a traitor to your race is patently racist.”

More from CNSNews

The Fruits Are Out In Fruitland Today!

OK, you tell me. Is he a pirate, a colonial patriot or a candidate for County Council? If you really want to turn the Wicomico County Council into a joke, give Mike Calpino your vote and put the Eastern Shore on the map.

U.N. Backs Israel’s Position On Border Clash

Arab and Muslim governments that accused Israel of aggression against Lebanon this week did not withdraw their accusations Wednesday, despite confirmation from U.N. peacekeepers that Lebanese troops opened fire on Israeli soldiers who were on the Israeli side of the international border.

An Israeli lieutenant-colonel was shot dead when Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) across the border opened fire Tuesday. In retaliation, Israel returned fire, killing two Lebanese sergeants and a journalist.

The two sides disputed whether the location of the Israelis when fired upon was on the Lebanese or Israeli side of the internationally recognized border, the Blue Line.

The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) affirmed Wednesday that the incident happen in Israeli territory, prompting the U.S. State Department to denounce the firing by the LAF as “wholly unjustified and unwarranted.”

But there was silence from the Arab and Islamic governments and organizations, which had blamed Israel for the incident.

UNIFIL military spokesperson Lt. Col. Naresh Bhatt said Wednesday that after an investigation at the location of the firefight UNIFIL had established “that the trees being cut by the Israeli Army are located south of the Blue Line on the Israeli side.”


GOP Site Slams Dems With No Town Halls Planned

Republicans accusing vulnerable House Democrats of avoiding town hall-style meetings during the summer recess have created a new website calling them out on it.

The National Republican Congressional Committee site is set to launch Friday and shows a list of scheduled town halls that 70 of the chamber's 255 Democratic members have so far declined and encourages visitors to contact them.

"Congress [members] are refusing to face the American people when they return to their districts," say Republicans on the site, called Where Are the Dems?. "Instead, they are running for cover. To date, few vulnerable Democrat members of Congress have committed to engage their constituents face to face this August."

All 435 House seats are in the November elections.

Exactly how many of the chamber's 255 Democratic members are vulnerable depends upon who is doing analysis. The nonpartisan Cook Political Report lists 66 Democrats and seven of the chamber's 178 Republicans as vulnerable.

Among the Democrats on the list and largely considered vulnerable are first-term Rep. Frank Kratovil of Maryland, as well as frequently targeted Reps. Carol Shea-Porter of New Hampshire and Larry Kissell of North Carolina.

More here

Thank God Its Friday

What Will You Be Doing This Weekend?
Don't miss all the events this weekend on our calendar of events.

Black Conservatives Say Black Liberals Are Using Race To Discredit the Tea Party Movement

Black conservative leaders from around the country gathered in Washington on Wednesday to denounce the NAACP for its resolution charging that elements of the Tea Party movement are racist.

“The accusation by the NAACP is just another example of playing the race card because of failed policies,” conservative talk show host Herman Cain said at the event, which was organized by the Tea Party Express and held at the National Press Club.

“And it’s being used as a distraction from what really ought to be happening and what the NAACP, in particular, ought to be doing -- and that is focusing on many of the problems in the black community.”

Cain said in his opinion, “the NAACP has lost its relevance and they are looking for relevance in all the wrong places.”

Niger Innis, spokesperson for the Congress of Racial Equality, said the NAACP has betrayed its own legacy by adopting the same tactic it was formed to fight in the first place. “The same racial terror that was employed by whites in hoods is now being employed by blacks and whites in suits,” Innis said. “The victims now are Americans who just want to exercise their First Amendment rights,” namely members and leaders of the Tea Party movement, he said.

Innis and others at the event also blamed the Black Congressional Caucus for injecting racism into politics and using it as a weapon against the Tea Party movement.

They noted that the first racism charge against the Tea Party movement followed rallies on Capitol Hill against the Democrats’ health care. “And it was the fraudulent and phony charge issued by the Congressional Black Caucus, or some clueless members of the Congressional Black Caucus, that alleged that the ‘N’ word was dropped and that people were purposefully spit upon,” Innis recalled.

Innis mentioned that one of the Tea Party factions wrote a letter to the caucus, stating they “take very seriously any charge of racism within our ranks” and asking the caucus to join them in investigating the matter. “The Congressional Black Caucus has yet to respond to this letter,” Innis said.

Here's more

Arizona Immigration Law Author: Failure To Enforce Law Impeachable Offense

State Sen. Russell Pearce, the chief architect of Arizona’s tough immigration law, tells Newsmax that the recent court ruling on the law was a “huge win” for Americans fighting to stem the flow of illegal aliens in this country.

Pearce, a Republican who represents parts of suburban Phoenix, also says the law “scares” the Obama administration because it will lead to the enforcement of immigration laws — and agrees that Obama’s failure to enforce those laws is an “impeachable” offense.

A highly decorated former law officer, Pearce crafted and co-sponsored Arizona SB1070, the immigration bill that was passed in April. Federal Judge Susan Bolton blocked some of the most controversial parts of the legislation, but Pearce remains cheered by the results.

“It’s been a long battle,” he says. “I prepared for the fistfight. I knew it was coming, getting sued by the open border crowd, the left-wing folks who fight you on any effort to enforce the law. So I knew what was coming.

“But we won. It’s a huge win. We won everything we really needed to win.

“The main thrust of 1070 was [against] sanctuary policies” that restrict the enforcement of immigration laws in certain jurisdictions. “They’re actually illegal under federal law. But [federal officials] don’t sue them, they sue Arizona because we decide to enforce the law.

“The other parts that she blocked temporarily were important tools, but what did go into effect, people need to understand, is that sanctuary policies in the state of Arizona are now illegal. She didn’t block that piece. So law enforcement may enforce the federal law to the fullest extent of the law.

“And if they don’t, we the people will sue government — that’s also in the bill. If they block or interfere or limit the enforcement of these laws in any manner, we will sue.

“The other piece that stayed in there is on day laborer issues. It’s a felony to hire them. We’re going to stop the hiring of illegal aliens that take a job from Americans. If you pick up an illegal alien day laborer, you’re going to go to jail. Your car is going to be impounded for 30 days, mandatory. So some significant pieces are still in effect and are huge in this bill.

“This law has teeth. That’s what scares people. That scares the Obama administration, which has a non-enforcement policy.”

Read the rest here

ACLU To Virginia Police: Ignore AG's Opinion

Virginia police have received conflicting guidance from Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli and the ACLU on enforcement of immigration laws.

From Cuccinelli: Police have authority to inquire into the immigration status of any person they have stopped or arrested, much like the power given Arizona officers under that state's tough new immigration law.

From the American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia: Ignore Cuccinelli. His opinion lacks a legal foundation and presents constitutional and public policy problems.

Cuccinelli issued the advisory opinion Monday at the request of state Del. Robert G. Marshall. Rebecca K. Glenberg, legal director of the ACLU of Virginia, followed up with a letter to Virginia's police chiefs Thursday saying the opinion is legally flawed and should be disregarded.

So how do Virginia police respond to these opposing viewpoints?

They continue what they've been doing, according to Dana Schrad, executive director of the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police.

"In terms of practice and policy, it varies across the state depending on the priorities of the locality," Schrad said. In some localities, police generally don't ask about immigration status because doing so could have "a chilling effect" on the immigrant community's cooperation with law enforcement, she said. In others, officers inquire.

"Virginia code is silent and does not prohibit law enforcement from asking about immigration status," Schrad said. "We have to give officers a certain amount of discretion in the field. We don't expect any of this will change procedures."

Read more at the Washington Examiner

Obama's Zealous Civil Rights Enforcer Gets Busy

"I love this job," said Thomas Perez, the hard-charging head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, in a speech last December to the liberal legal group American Constitution Society. "We have a very broad, a very ambitious vision. It's a very exciting vision, and I wake up every morning with a hop in my step."

There's no doubt Tom Perez is hopping a lot these days. Of all the transformations that have taken place in the Obama administration, perhaps none is so radical as that within the Civil Rights Division. Under Perez, it is bigger, richer and more aggressive than ever, with a far more expansive view of its authority than at any time in recent history.

Perez is playing a leading role in the Justice Department's lawsuit against Arizona's new immigration law. He is promising a huge increase in prosecution of alleged hate crimes. He vows to use "disparate impact theory" to pursue discrimination cases where there is no intent to discriminate but a difference in results, such as in test scores or mortgage lending, that Perez wants to change. He is even considering a crackdown on Web sites on the theory that the Internet is a "public accommodation" as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act.

To do all this, Perez has come up with some novel ideas. For example, in a recent lending discrimination case, he forced the defendant -- who settled the case without admitting any wrongdoing -- to pay not only the alleged victims but to funnel $1 million to unrelated "qualified organizations" to conduct social programs.

Perez is pushing just as hard on smaller issues. In a little-noticed move last year, he threatened several universities because they took part in an experimental program to allow students to use the Amazon Kindle for textbooks. At the time, the Kindle was not fully accessible to blind students, and under pressure from Perez the schools agreed not to offer the e-reader to any students until it was fully accessible to all.

Perez is pursuing his goals with a lot of muscle, powered by a major appropriations increase in President Obama's 2010 budget. "I am going to be calling each and every one of you to recruit you, because we've got 102 new positions in our budget," Perez told the liberal lawyers last year. "One hundred and two people, when added to a base of 715 people. ... that's a real opportunity to make a difference."

Heading the Civil Rights Division is the opportunity of a lifetime for Perez. A former aide to the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, he was an activist and later a councilman in Montgomery County, Md., where he made a name for himself pushing in-state tuition and drivers' licenses for illegal immigrants. Now, he's on a much bigger stage.

More on this here

Gaza: Blast That Hurt 50 Hamas' Fault

A mysterious explosion that obliterated eight Gazan homes, damaged another 30 and wounded over 50 people on Monday originated in a house used by Hamas to manufacture weapons, The Media Line has learned.

The Deir el-Balah refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip was rocked Monday by an explosion centered in an uninhabited house belonging to Alaa al-Danaf, a field commander of Izzadin Kassam, the military wing of Hamas.

Izzadin Kassam blamed the explosion on Israel, claiming it was an assassination attempt on their field commanders.

But speaking on the condition of anonymity, camp residents told The Media Line that Hamas was using the house to store weapons. Neighbors said that in the past they had appealed to Hamas to cease their activities in the camp, but were quickly silenced.

“Usually when such explosions occur the armed groups in Gaza announce it’s Israel’s fault,” Hamdi Shaqqura, deputy director for program affairs at the Gaza-based Palestinian Center for Human Rights, told The Media Line.

“But our investigations often find that this is not the case.”

Shaqqura said armed groups try to hide the existence of bombs in residential areas, because local residents “would not agree to live on a barrel of explosives.”

The rights group sent a team of field researchers and attorneys to collect testimony from victims and eyewitnesses following the explosion. Witnesses told the rights group they saw a red glow emanating from the house before the explosion.

Here is more

Ruling Weds Both Parties To Gay Marriage Issue

Federal judge complicates campaigns as midterm elections approach

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal judge’s decision on Wednesday overturning Proposition 8 — California’s ban on same-sex marriage — has tossed a largely unwanted issue into the middle of the November midterm elections.

The decision, which ruled Proposition 8 unconstitutional, has complicated the political tasks before President Obama, whose aides had to explain in the wake of the decision that the president supported equal gay rights but opposed marriage rights for gay men and lesbians.

Meanwhile, Republicans said that dwelling on the issue could become a distraction in the effort to win back the House or Senate from Democrats this fall. At a meeting of the Republican National Committee in Kansas City, Mo., several party leaders and strategists said it would be a mistake for the midterm election campaign to suddenly become focused on gay marriage, immigration or other hot-button issues. The only path to winning control of Congress, they said, rested on making an economic argument.

“This election needs to revolve around five issues: taxes, spending, the economy, jobs and debt,” said Ron Nehring, chairman of the California Republican Party. “That doesn’t mean that other issues aren’t important — they are important — but the first issue on the minds of people is the economy.”

GO HERE to read more.

I Can't Afford Cable Anymore. How Can I Revive My Analog TV?

We hear the same exhortation everywhere: cut the cable! Save money! Ditch your cable company and live free! But if you had cable TV during the great DTV switch back in 2009, you probably didn't think to send away for any government-subsidized converter boxes. If you've recently dropped your cable subscription out of rage or frugality, what are your options? Karen wants to know, and hopes that Consumerist readers have some ideas.

More »

U.S. Economy Sheds 131,000 Jobs In July, More Than Expected

Government layoffs account for most of the lost jobs; private employers added 71,000 positions, not enough to jumpstart the economy.

GO HERE to read more.

Unbelievable Photo

This is a beautiful photo of a giant American flag in Arizona . The photo is authentic, UN-Touched and was taken on regular Kodak 35mm film. The person who took the Picture couldn't believe the image created by the sun's rays.



ANNAPOLIS, MD (August 6, 2010)
– Governor Martin O’Malley will join Baltimore City Police Commissioner Frederick Bealefeld, III; Terry Long, Director of the Maryland State Police Forensic Sciences Division; and Baltimore City Council President Bernard “Jack” Young today to announce the achievement of significant new milestones in the effectiveness of Maryland’s DNA collection program since reforms implemented under the O’Malley-Brown Administration.

Governor O’Malley has championed the use of innovative technology in making Maryland neighborhoods safer, including using DNA evidence to convict violent offenders. Upon taking office, Governor O’Malley inherited a shameful backlog of 24,000 DNA samples that had not been entered in the State’s database, representing potentially hundreds of offenders walking the streets unnecessarily. Tomorrow, Governor O’Malley will announce the achievement of a significant new milestone in the effort to clean up that backlog, and enhance local and state police use of the DNA database.

County Executive 'Outraged' Over Dog Shooting

ANNAPOLIS, Md. - Anne Arundel County Executive John Leopold says he was "outraged" and "deeply troubled" to learn about the killing of a Siberian husky by an off-duty federal police officer in a Severn dog park.

After county police initially said the matter was closed, Police Chief James Teare called the case a "priority" Wednesday and pledged a full investigation.

GO HERE to read more.


(Chestertown, MD) - Maryland State Police investigators arrested a Queen Anne’s County man, who is a registered sex offender, on multiple charges of child abuse and sexual assault of a family member.

The identity of the 15 year old victim will not be revealed. It is Maryland State Police policy to withhold information that may lead to the identity of a victim of child abuse and/or sexual offenses. She is currently in custody of a maternal family member.

The accused is identified as Tracy D. Ferguson, 40, of Queen Anne’s County, Maryland. He is charged with sex abuse of a minor, third and fourth degree sex offense and second degree assault. On December 10, 2007, Ferguson initially registered as a child sex offender after being convicted of a fourth degree sex offense in Dorchester County.

Shortly before 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 3, 2010, troopers from the Centreville Barrack responded to Ferguson’s residence for a reported child abuse. The victim’s mother, who had received information regarding the alleged abuse, made the initial phone call asking for police assistance.

Once police arrived, other family members arrived on the scene, including Ferguson. Ferguson was arrested and taken into custody. The 15 year old victim was transported to the Chester River Hospital for an examination. After the examination, the victim was transported to Queen Anne’s County Social Services where a forensic interview was conducted by Child Protective Services.

After consulting with Queen Anne’s County Assistant State’s Attorney, Ferguson was charged and taken before a District Court Commissioner. He is currently being held at the Queen Anne’s County Detention Center on a $500,000 bond.

State police urge anyone with information or who may have been a victim to contact investigators at the Centreville Barracks at (410) 758-1101.

Post 64 Wins Opener In Mid Atlantic Regional Play

Wicomico Post 64 baseball opened up Regional play yesterday with a first round win over West Virginia in a match up of two explosive offensive teams. West Virginia opened up with three runs in the 1st off started Zack Sterling (Team MD; JMB 2011). Salisbury went up 5-3 with 2 in the second and three in the third inning. Sterling settled in and gave up one run over the next seven innings. With Wicomico up 8-4 in the 7th the MD starter ran out of gas and left with the score 8-6. Salisbury added on 2 more in the 8th with a single by Connor Shockley and back to back bunt singles by Josh Wyatt and Tyler Illian followed by RBI s by Seth Illian and Jake Ross.KJ Trader who came on in relief of Sterling in the 8th gave up a lead off double in the 9th followed by back to back singles to make the score 10-7. He then got the next three hitters to fly out to secure the 1st round win.

"This was a BIG win" said Coach Bill Cropper. The W VA kids were big kids and swung the bats well against Sterling. To score 6 off of him is not the norm They could hit it. We also got timely hittting from Wyatt, Tyler Illian, and Connor Shockley.as well as Canaan Cropper making a couple of defensive plays that were big at third base. .KJ Trader came in and shut them down late. To be only 15 and 16 year olds and step up on this level is what we needed from our young guys to win.

Today's matchup at 4pm will be against DE who defeated NY yesterday in opening round play by a score of 13-8. Live coverage begins at 4pm at www.baseball.legion.org on Gametracker..

Main St Gym Event

The new Main St Gym is proud to announce its grand opening with the new locations first ever Boxing event. The show will held on Sat Aug 21st at the new gym. Located at 310 Bowl Dr off North wood Dr in Salisbury.

Amateur boxers will be coming form all over the east coast to test themselves in the ring. Main St , Gym’s up and coming Abdiel Rivera will finally get a chance to perform for his hometown after winning his way to USA National Jr Olympics at Camp Lejuene N.C.

On hand will be Fernando and Alexis Guerrero to talk about their next step and sign autographs. Tickets are $10 for 17yrs and under and $15 for 18 yrs and older.
Doors open at 6:30pm and bouts at start at 7:30pm.

We are excited about this event and hope it will start a long line of top-level boxing events and tournaments right here in Salisbury” said Coach Hal Chernoff. “The new Gym is something we are all very proud of and love the opportunity to showcase it. It will help youths for here and other places by providing a place for these kids to get real ring experience. The gym was designed as a state of the art training gym and as a place where we can hold these events. And other things like camps as well. We hope this can benefit not only the Main St Gym Boxers, but also the whole South Atlantic Association and at times USA Boxing in such things as duel meets with other countries. We are both proud of this gym and very appreciative of the businesses and people that help make this a reality”.

For GPS directions please use 1706 Northwood Dr get to Bowl Dr, , Gym is at the end of Bowl Dr.

Tickets can be purchased at the Gym Monday through Friday from 6 to 8 PM or call Hal Chernoff at, 410-430-6687.

Salisbury Police Department Press Releases

On August 5, 2010 at approximately 5:58 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the Walmart Department Store on North Salisbury Boulevard for the report of two (2) shoplifters. Upon arrival the officers met with store security who advised the officers that store employees had observed the below listed suspects take cosmetics from the store without making any attempts at payment. The property was recovered and returned to the store.

ARRESTED #1: Female Juvenile, 17 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
ARRESTED #2: Female Juvenile, 16 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES (both): Theft (under $ 100)
DISPOSITION: Released to parents/guardian
CC # 201000031032

On August 5, 2010 at approximately 6:15 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police arrested the below listed suspect on an outstanding arrest warrant charging the suspect with obstructing and hindering an investigation. The warrant was obtained by the officer following the investigation of a shoplifting. The officer originally arrested the suspect for a shoplifting at the Walmart Department Store on North Salisbury Boulevard on July 31, 2010. The officer then learned through further investigation that the suspect had given the officer a false name and identification during that arrest.

ARRESTED: Rochelle Lynn Russell, 21 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Obstructing and hindering an investigation
False statement to a police officer
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 201000030341

“Salisbury Safe Streets Week”

Friday, August 6, 2010

1. Law Enforcement Appreciation Night – Downtown Plaza Salisbury – 5:00 - 7:00 PM
The City of Salisbury and Urban Salisbury, Inc. invite you to come show your appreciation and meet people from many different Maryland law enforcement entities. Food provided by Escape, Flavors, Market Street Inn, Jimmy’s Grille, Sushi De Kanpai, Cake Art and Perdue. Drinks by Pepsi. Plaza will be closed for Law Enforcement and their families to visit with citizens of Salisbury.


AUGUST 10, 2010

1:30 p.m. Draft Resolution - legal bills "privileged and confidential" – Paul Wilber
2:05 p.m. Follow-up discussion on snow emergency routes – Teresa Gardner
2:40 p.m. Policy on reimbursement of capacity fees waived for affordable housing – Teresa
3:15 p.m. Further discussion – Fire Service Agreement – John Pick
3:50 p.m. General discussion/upcoming agendas
4:00 p.m. Adjourn

Bob Ehrlich Pledges Support For Voting Rights Of Military Personnel Overseas

ANNAPOLIS – In the shadow of the U.S. Naval Academy, Bob Ehrlich today joined with veterans to pledge his full support for the voting rights of American military personnel risking their lives serving our country overseas. Ehrlich pledged that as Governor he will work to make Maryland fully comply with the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act – or MOVE Act – which requires that states send absentee ballots to servicemen and women abroad at least 45 days before an election. Currently, the State of Maryland is seeking a waiver from the law.

“Maryland’s military men and women deserve to know their state government is taking all measures necessary to protect their right to vote,” said Ehrlich. “As Governor, I will work to change State policy to comply with the MOVE Act and ensure our soldiers, sailors, and airmen receive their ballots with sufficient time to return them. This may require heavy bipartisan lifting with the Maryland General Assembly, but we owe it to our military personnel to get the job done. They don’t shirk from their duties, and neither will Maryland if I am elected.”

The State of Maryland applied for a waiver from the MOVE Act’s requirements July 28th, 2010. President Obama signed the legislation into law in October 2009.

Andy Harris To Appear in Parade Of Combines

Andy Harris to Appear in Parade of Combines
Blessing of the Combines – Snow Hill, MD

What: 12th Annual Blessing of the Combines Parade of Combines

When: Saturday, August 7, 2010 11:15 am

Where: Downtown Snow Hill, MD

Note: Andy Harris will be available for interviews after the parade.
Photographers welcomed. Contact Anna Nix to set up an interview. (443-822-3770)

For more information, please visit http://www.andyharris.com/

Sen. Colburn Announces August 28th Fundraiser

Cambridge, Maryland - Senator Richard F. Colburn (R-Eastern Shore) announced today that on Saturday, August 28th, 2010 Lori and Duane Zentgraf will graciously host a fundraiser from 7-10 pm to support his campaign at their Cambridge home. Colburn stated, “Gubernatorial candidate Robert Ehrlich, Maryland 1st congressional District candidate Senator Andy Harris, and Delegates Addie Eckardt and Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio are all scheduled to attend. Hors d’oeuvres by Snapper’s Restaurant will be featured along with entertainment provided by The Golden Touch Band. And there will be much discussion surrounding the upcoming primary and general elections.”

Tickets for event are $75 per person or at a special rate of 2 for $100. They may be obtained in advance by calling (410) 924-0098. Checks can be made payable to Citizens for Colburn Committee and mailed to 5210 Heron Road, Cambridge, MD 21613.


ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Martin O’Malley will join Baltimore City Police Commissioner Frederick Bealefeld, III; Terry Long, Director of the Maryland State Police Forensic Sciences Division; and Baltimore City Council President Bernard “Jack” Young today to announce the achievement of significant new milestones in the effectiveness of Maryland’s DNA collection program since reforms implemented under the O’Malley-Brown Administration.

Governor O’Malley has championed the use of innovative technology in making Maryland neighborhoods safer, including using DNA evidence to convict violent offenders. Upon taking office, Governor O’Malley inherited a shameful backlog of 24,000 DNA samples that had not been entered in the State’s database, representing potentially hundreds of offenders walking the streets unnecessarily. Tomorrow, Governor O’Malley will announce the achievement of a significant new milestone in the effort to clean up that backlog, and enhance local and state police use of the DNA database.

Delegate Addie Eckardt - John Shaw Award From MD Business For Responsive Government

In recognition of her steadfast support of Maryland’s business community, Delegate Addie C. Eckardt recently received the John Shaw Award from the Maryland Business for Responsive Government for her legislative achievement on business issues. Over a minimum four-year period, she scored 85% based on MBRG’s annual evaluation of the Maryland General Assembly published in Roll Call. “I am honored by this award as I believe improvement in our economy is directly related to recognition that the business community provides work for job creation”, reports Delegate Eckardt.

Having a legislature that sustains a score of at least 70 percent on business-related legislation is an important objective for improving Maryland’s business climate. Similar evaluations in many other states demonstrate that an average score of 70 percent or above for all legislators is an accurate measure of a friendly business climate required to compete successfully in the interstate rivalry for job and capital investment. The states winning the most jobs have legislatures voting an average of at least 70 percent.

Delegate Eckardt also has been endorsed by the Maryland Chamber Political Action Committee in recognition of her history of leadership and advocacy on behalf of Maryland employers. Her work in Annapolis clearly demonstrates her understanding of the economic importance of a strong business climate. According to Delegate Eckardt, “without a stable and diversified business portfolio a community is unable to provide and sustain services to citizens.

Mikulski's Wasteful Stimulus - An Update

Wargotz Criticizes funding in so-called "Stimulus" bill

- Commissioner Wargotz M.D. criticized the spending in the massive so-called "Stimulus" bill supported by Senator Barbara Mikulski. The stimulus bill that was promised to create jobs and keep unemployment below 8% has failed in every regard. Unemployment is hovering around 10% and the national debt was increased by $787 Billion.

Here are some of the many wasteful projects contained in the bill:
$62 million for a tunnel in Pittsburgh, PA to nowhere that even Democratic Governor Ed Rendell called a "tragic mistake"
$308 million for a joint cleanup operation with BP
$39.7 million to upgrade the statehouse and political offices in Topeka, Kansas
$1.9 million for international ant research
Wargotz released the following statement:
"The "Stimulus" bill did nothing to stimulate the economy. It created almost a trillion dollars in new debt our children and grandchildren will be forced to repay. These wasteful projects show why we cannot trust those currently in charge of the government to spend our tax dollars wisely. We need to stop wasteful spending, reduce our national debt, and hold government accountable. Senator Mikulski is a liberal big spender and we need a fiscal conservative to get our country back on track. I am that fiscal conservative."

Salisbury Police Department Press Releases

On August 4, 2010 at approximately 10:56 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the Ross Store on North Salisbury Boulevard for the report of a shoplifter. Upon arrival the officers met with store security who advised the officer that store employees had observed the below listed suspect take shoes from the store without making any attempts at payment. The shoes were recovered and returned to the store.

ARRESTED: Randall Lee Snow, 43 years of age
Seaford, Delaware
CHARGES: Theft (under $ 100)
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 201000030833

On August 4, 2010 at approximately 11:27 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police arrested the below listed suspect on an outstanding arrest warrant charging the suspect with obstructing and hindering an investigation. The warrant was obtained by the officer following the investigation of a traffic stop. The officer learned through the investigation that the suspect had given the officer a false name and identification during a traffic stop. The suspect was driving on a suspended and revoked license and gave the name and information of a family member to the officer when stopped to avoid arrest.

ARRESTED: Lorell Keona Hall, 25 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Obstructing and hindering an investigation
Fraud to avoid prosecution
False statement to a police officer
Driving on a suspended and revoked privilege
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 201000029563

On August 4, 2010 at approximately 8:32 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police were on routine patrol in the area of Route 13 and Elizabeth Street and stopped a vehicle driven by below suspect # 1 for traffic violations. A routine records check of the driver revealed that his driving privilege was suspended resulting in his arrest. As the officers checked the passenger, below suspect # 2, the officers located a quantity of suspected marijuana in the suspect’s pocketbook.

ARRESTED #1: George Samuel Mills, 35 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Driving suspended
Driving without a license
ARRESTED #2: Susan Rae Warner, 31 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Possession of Marijuana
Possession of CDS/paraphernalia
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 201000030902

Deputies Attend The " CAMP RIGHT" Program At The St. James Methodist Church In Westover, Maryland

On Friday July 30, 2010 K-9 officer Dfc. Rick Daum and Chief Deputy Ronnie Howard were invited by pastor Carole Fields at the St. James United Methodist Church in Westover, Maryland to attend " Camp Right"

Dfc. Rick Daum spoke to the children in attendance about child safety. The children were able to interact with " K-9 Hanna" and were fingerprinted by Chief Deputy Howard. Child safety packets were given to all the children by Dfc. Daum.

Any associations of churches interested in having children fingerprinted as a part of the Somerset County Child Safety program are requested to contact the Somerset County Sheriff's Office at 410-651-9225.

Somerset County Sheriff's Office Report Recent Arrests

8-3-10 Jacquelyn Marie Cross of Crisfield arrested on warrant regarding failure to appear in court. Cross was later released on personal recognizance.

8-2-10 Jerry Thomas Holland of Crisfield arrested for possession of suspected cocaine, possession of drug pharphernalia. The arrest was a result of deputies witnessing a suspected hand to hand drug transaction in the Somers Cove apartemtns in Crisfield. Holland was later held on a $ 3,000 bond.

8-2-10 Jacob Raphael White of Chance arrested on a warrant regarding failing to appear in court. White was later led on a $ 500.00 bond.

7-30-10 John Walter Lucas of Westover arrested on a warrant regarding violation of probation. Lucas was later held on a $ 25,000 bond.


7-27-10 Jason Marcellius Wright of Salisbury arrested for driving on a suspended drivers license. Wright was later released after signing citations.

8-2-10 Cindy Nichole Jester of Deal Island arrested for driving on a suspended drivers license. Jester was later released after signing citations.

8-4-10 Norma Lee Bradshaw of Crisfield arrested for two counts of driving on a suspended drivers license. Bradshaw was later released after signing citations.

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Press Release

The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office has investigated incidents where phone calls have been made from people who have represented themselves as Law Enforcement officers from official Law Enforcement agencies. These calls are being made to parents claiming that their children have been arrested and are in jail, usually for drug violations. These callers are representing themselves as high ranking officers and are giving return call back numbers. When these numbers are called they are being answered by someone stating they are an official Law Enforcement agency. A list of charges is given to the caller. The calls appear to sound official.

Upon further questioning, The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office has been able to determine that the calls, and the persons representing themselves are not official, and the children in question have not been arrested anywhere. The suspects are requesting the parent to wire money to “Bail Bondsman Acct” this is a fraudulent account used for the purpose of defrauding people. The parents are advised that the child will be released from custody upon receipt of the money. The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office has been able to locate the “supposedly jailed children” and confirm that they were not under arrest, and in good condition before any money was transferred.

If you receive a call of this type, ask for the name and call back number for the alleged agency. Then call your local law enforcement agency to help you verify whether or not this is a legitimate call or someone trying to commit a crime.

Remember that a legitimate Law Enforcement agency will not ask you to send money anywhere to secure the release of a person.


‘Birds Drop Season High Sixth Straight Game; Return to Perdue on Friday

Charleston, WV
– The West Virginia Power used solid pitching and timely hitting to sweep the doubleheader from Delmarva on Thursday night at Appalachian Power Park. The Power won game one 4-3 and took game two 5-1. West Virginia recorded their first four-game series sweep of the season.

The Power were lifted to an early lead in game one courtesy of back-to-back home runs in the second inning. Jose Hernandez hit a one out double to start the rally. Then, Ramon Cabrera belted his first home run of the season over the right field wall. The next batter, Kyle Morgan, hit a towering homer near the right field foul pole to give the Power a 3-0 lead.

The Shorebirds clawed back in the fourth inning. After the first out was recorded, Kieron Pope and Levi Carolus connected on back-to-back singles. Then, first baseman Kyle Morgan misplayed a grounder by Omar Casamayor to load the bases. Mikey Planeta proceeded to rip a two-run single to left field to cut the deficit to 3-2.

In the sixth inning, Levi Carolus leveled the score with a solo homer over the left-center field wall. It was his fourth home run of the season.

The game went into extra innings as neither side plated a run in the seventh.

In the bottom of the ninth inning, West Virginia plated the winning run against relief pitcher James Brandhorst. Kyle Morgan drew a one out walk. Morgan stole second base and scored on a flare single into left-center field by Bengie Gonzalez to give the Power a walk off win.

Both starters settled for no-decisions. Bobby Bundy went six innings and allowed seven hits and three runs. West Virginia starter Phillip Irwin went six innings and surrendered five hits and three runs.

Power reliever Gabriel Alvarado earned the win in three scoreless innings. James Brandhorst was pinned with the loss.

In game two, the West Virginia Power finally notched the first run in the bottom of the fifth. Elevys Gonzalez drew a one out. On strike three to Cunningham, Gonzalez stole second. Then, on a hanging breaking ball, Chambers hit a triple off the top of the left field wall to give the Power a 1-0 lead.

The Shorebirds knotted the affair in the sixth inning. Levi Carolus hit a one out single up the middle. Kieron Pope then yanked a single to left to advance Carolus to third. Mike Flacco followed with a sacrifice fly to left field to plate Carolus.

In the sixth inning, the Power exploded for three hits and four runs off reliever Tom Phelps. Rogelio Noris, Jairo Marquez and Elevys Gonzalez each recorded RBI hits. The Power built a 5-1 lead

Marc Baca earned the win in two scoreless relief innings. The loss was tagged to Tom Phelps.

The Shorebirds return to Arthur W. Perdue Stadium on Friday night for game one of a five-game series. First pitch is set for 7:05 p.m.

SHOREBIRDS GAME NOTES: 8/5 vs. West Virginia

PREVIEW: The Shorebirds have dropped eight of their last nine games as they enter the doubleheader against West Virginia. The ‘Birds dropped into sixth place in the division, 7.5 games behind Lakewood with 32 games left in the season. The ‘Birds are looking to avoid dropping their fourth straight series.

SIX-GAMER: Steve Bumbry extended his hitting streak to six on Tuesday night with a 3-for-4 game. The six-gamer is tied for his season high. He is 9-for-23 (.391) during the last six games. Bumbry has hit safely in 10 of his last 12 games.

5 OF 10: Garabez Rosa has five multi-hit games in his last ten games. He only notched one other multi-hit game in the second half.

1ST EXTRA-BASE HIT: Two nights ago, Justin Dalles recorded his first extra base hit since June 29 when he hit a homer. Dalles went 21 games without an extra-base hit.

TY KELLY: The third baseman has hit safely in five of his last six games. He has eight hits in the last six games. Kelly notched his team high 41st RBI of the season on Tuesday.

NO WINS FOR STARTERS: The last Shorebirds starter to win a game was Kenny Moreland back on June 21. No starter has won in 13 straight games.