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Thursday, December 11, 2008


We had 262 comments yesterday and 225 comments so far today. It will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings.

Tomorrow's Posts

Tomorrow morning will bring quite a few unbelievable Posts as well as educational. I don't usually leave Posts the night before describing what tomorrow will bring but tomorrow will be a big day for comments.

The WCDC should be on the edge of their seats as we'll be delivering stories from the Detention Center that should Rock Their World!

Now unless someone calls in and volunteers to fill in the open spots with the Salvation Army, I will be out ringing the bell for a good part of Friday, so comments won't be moderated as often as normal. I personally think it will get quite interesting having a delay tomorrow because once you see these Posts, you're going to go NUTS wanting to see what others have to say about the issues at hand.

I believe we'll be delivering the best Posts we've ever delivered in one day.

Diesel & Gas Prices

"PizzaBoys in Delmar is $.10 cheaper than Salisbury on diesel fuel! $2.39! Gas is $1.55, same as in town, though. You guys ROCK!

Barry G"

Editors Note: I'll add, Sam's Club is $1.50 a gallon today.

Mayers Still Keeping Up Her My Space Page

She actually logged in today with posts from two of her students saying they got their substitute teacher but she isn’t as good as her. This thing has freaky written all over it.




For Immediate Release

December 11, 2008

Wicomico County sold $20,170,000 in bonds at competitive bid today. These bonds will finance the on-going James M. Bennett High School construction and various public works projects. There were five bidders, with interest rates ranging from 5.188% to 5.332%. The award went to Hutchinson, Shockey, Erley & Co., the low bidder.

The sale came after a successful trip to New York City to meet with the three leading bond rating agencies. This year, Standard & Poor’s (S&P) upgraded the County’s rating from A+ to AA-, which followed last year’s outlook upgrade from “stable” to “positive” from Fitch Ratings. “To achieve a ratings upgrade in this economic climate is a considerable accomplishment,” said Wicomico County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr.

“Based on the latest information on market rates, the 5.188% interest rate is less than what other AA rated groups across the country would receive,” continued Pollitt. “In other words, we will be paying a lower interest rate than we could have anticipated, given current municipal bond market conditions and our ratings of AA- (S&P), A+ with positive outlook from Fitch, and A2 from Moody’s Investors Service. We believe this interest rate reflects the bidders’ confidence in Wicomico County and can be directly tied to the ratings upgrade from S&P.”

“I am very pleased with the results of our bond sale,” concluded Pollitt. “We have prepared two budgets under my administration and in each year we achieved forward progress with the New York rating agencies. It is clear that the rating agencies feel we are managing our financial affairs well.”

The Wicomico County Council met in special session today and unanimously approved the sale.

City Employees Shopping On Paid Time?


I was in Lowes this afternoon (Thursday 12/12) at 1:27, and Dan Hogg (Tom Stevens Citation Guy) walked past me. I wondered why he wasn't at work today, and thought perhaps he had taken a personal day.

As I checked out, I noticed he had his City truck parked out front. I went back in to see what he was buying, perhaps a new set of pens to write more housing violations, and to my surprise, he was purchasing an "outdoor christmas light timer".

Now, I'm sure he must have purchased it for the City, as he was using City fuel, a city truck and on the city's time. Maybe someone could call over to Tom's office and ask if that purchase was "official business". I question that! I would assume that purchases for the city would be done with a credit or city debit card, not with cash out of his pocket that he used.

I am including the pic of his truck out front, taken by my cell just an hour and a half ago. (1:22pm as indicated on the jpg file name taken from my cell phone)

Sad day....In times when everyone is trying to be more cautious with their money, this guy (and I'm sure many others) just conduct personal business at taxpayers expense. Shame!"

OK, here's the deal. The gentleman driving this vehicle was in fact on official business for the City. I contacted Mr. Tom Stevenson directly just a moment ago and Tom was kind enough to fill me in on what they were doing and why. I will tell you that the timer was being purchased on a City Credit Card and there IS a receipt for it. Secondly, the timer was being purchased to assure the taxpayers wouldn't have additional electric bills for unnecessary use of electricity.

Like my comment stated earlier on this Post, there's probably a good reason for this and quite frankly there was. While I encourage citizens to Police City Employees, Mr. Stevenson has absolutely no problem with an open form of Government and encourages everyone to make contact directly with him any time you have a question about HIS department.

NPR National Propaganda Radio Not Immune to Layoffs

The economic downturn combined with the changes in how people communicate has forced NPR AKA National Propaganda Radio, long a government funded bastion for the ultra left wing radical press announced today they are laying off 7% of their workforce or 64 employees and cancelling two radio shows; "Day to Day" and "News & Notes" from its lineup.

This comes on the heels of the Tribune owner of the Baltimore Sun filing for bankruptcy protection and the nosedive in stock values for traditional media companies such as Gannet, with its local daily times.

NPR offers a different perspective on news and world events and is funded by State & Federal tax revenues, private foundations and individuals with left leaning political ideology.

Wonder who is going to be next?


More bad news from Gannett - (GCI trading symbol). It appears that Gannett will issue more pink slips as it tries to get a handle on dwindling sales. Publishing sales slipped 18% for the first two months of the last quarter as advertising revenue continues to plunge.

The stock price tumbled on today's news release and is on pace to setting yet another record low.


2008 NHSCA High School Basketball Tournament

Sandy Fulton announcing the 2008 NHSCA High School Basketball Tournament to take place Dec. 26th thru Dec. 30th. This Tournament will be held at two locations. The Civic Center and WiHi.

Life for kids in Iraq

The Raad brothers, and tens of thousands of children like them in this poor walled-in Shiite Muslim district, have been shaped by war, honed by poverty. They are witnesses to sectarian violence, Shiite militias, angry sermons echoing through mosques, Humvees gurgling through streets and pictures of religious leaders and wanted men hovering on billboards. These children may not know grammar and punctuation, but they know what to do when the bullets come, how to take cover, to hide from the kidnappers, the militants and the soldiers.

Bloodshed and years of unrest are harsh teachers, especially in Sadr City, where 30% of children have quit school, according to a Baghdad human resources office. That estimate is probably low. A United Nations report found that 94% of boys in Iraq attend elementary school, but that drops to 44% by high school. For girls, 81% start elementary school; 31% go on to high school.

Angel Mom Reaches Out To Willards Family

"Hi -

My name is Lauren Brown and I am with a web site called "Project Angel Mom." You can look it up here at www.projectangelmom.com. What Project Angel Mom does is turns “the news” into Good News! by giving direct-donation information for the real families behind the most heartbreaking news headlines. It’s micro-philanthropy: Person-to-person giving, from one family to another and 100% of all donations go directly to the family in need.

I'm a writer for the site and look for the families in need that we would like to try and help by featuring on the site. We are interested in the family (Lucy Willis and David Zentmeyer) who lost their home and young son in a fire in Willards last week. I read your blog on the tragic event and was hoping you could help me contact the family in some way for the purpose of Project Angel Mom.

My contact info is below. Please let me know if there is anything else that you may need from me and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.


Lauren Brown

"Everything you want is on the other side of fear."

Did The Daily Times Realy Do This?


Typical Daily Idiots. Front page says "Trooper escapes jail time in DUI case". Before you print it, get it right. Now relax everyone this isn't a trooper vs. deputy complaint, because if it were a trooper that got fired and the headline read "Deputy escapes jail time in DUI case" you would want it printed correctly also.

But then the article reads Deputy......"

Standard & Poor's Upgrades Wicomico County Bond Rating


Wicomico County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr., announced today that the county has received an upgrade from the prestigious bond ratings firm of Standard & Poor’s. “The county had previously been rated A+,” said Pollitt, “and just this week, S & P informed us that we are now rated at AA-. A rating upgrade is a substantial and rare accomplishment in these times of economic stress. It is particularly welcome today since we conduct our bond sale tomorrow. The upgrade could save Wicomico taxpayers considerable dollars in interest payments on capital projects.”

As the result of a voter referendum, the county switched to an executive form of government in December, 2006. Since that time, Executive Pollitt has emphasized a strong conservative approach in crafting his first two budgets. In response, the New York rating agencies have rewarded the county for its fiscal policies. Last year, the county received an outlook upgrade from “stable” to “positive” from Fitch Ratings.

“I am very pleased with the results of the ratings process,” continued Pollitt, “It is clear that the ratings agencies feel we are managing our financial affairs well. That is reflected in our rating upgrade this year and outlook upgrade last year. Accomplishing this in these trying economic times demonstrates that we are good stewards of the county’s fiscal resources and worthy of the trust that citizens have placed in the executive form of government.”

In announcing the upgrade, Standard & Poor’s cited the following strengths:

· “The county has proven its ability to maintain its solid financial position while increasing reserves through various economic, financial and governmental changes.

· “The county has a proven record of achieving continuous sound financial performances while growing reserves despite operating under a self-imposed property tax limitation and a recent charter revision.

· “The county is committed to its ongoing conservative management practices, coupled with well-adhered-to existing fiscal policies.”

County officials made presentations to the three major New York bond ratings agencies in October in anticipation of tomorrow’s $20,170,000 competitive bid bond sale.

Veteran Ceremonies Friday & Saturday

Friday 12 Dec at 1130, there is a Flag Ceremony at the Fountains for WW II vets and POWs.

Saturday 13 Dec at 1200 Wreaths Across America; Eastern Shore Veterans Cemetery - Hurlock. MD

Contact Information
Lead Squadron or Group: Patriot Guard Riders - Maryland
Location Leader: Elise Maley
Contact Number: 410-239-8994

Real Tilghlman Chamber Pot Gets Put To Use

I received a Disconnect notice from the City. That notice was posted on my front door while at the same time the City was turning off my water. Where? I asked, does it state on my bill that there is a Disconnect Date? It doesn't! So why not just incur the late fee?

Watch out! your water may be turned off AND when you attempt to deal with the CIty you will get a lot of groveling from "The" supervisor in Rm 103 complaining "they only get paid to work 37.5 hours a week and no overtime". And don't expect to get into the City Adm. Bulding anywhere near 4:30 - I personally found out that they close and lock the doors EARLY!

So goes my latest battle with the Mayor, her City, her lackies, and this embarassing
situation about the Water bill ....I get a Disconnect Notice on my door, race to the CIty Offices to pay it the same day and find the Office doors locked at 4:22PM Although it is clearly printed on the door they are open until 4:30, We were standing outside at 4:22 PM facing locked doors when an employee exited as we slipped in and ran face to face into "The" Supervisor (heavy set woman with dirty blond hair) who demanded that it was 4:30 and the offices were officially "closed" (Our cell phones and watches told us it was now 4:28.). "The" supervisor tursely said "we go by CITY time" (is this different from Eastern Standard Time?) So we were not allowed to pay the water bill - which we didn't know in the first place that it was going to be disconnected that day UNTIL the Disconnect Notice appeared on the front door. Duh!

She "The" Supervisor, also suggested as a way to remedy the situation, that we "call the police" (like they have nothing better to do but take calls for Public Works from disgruntled citizens after 4:30), and pay $40 EXTRA for the pleasure of having the water turned back on.....I don't think so! So, we made the best of a bad situation and washed with bottled water and uncapped the old-fashioned chamber pot. Note, I actually DO own an authentic chamber pot that came from the Tilghman family of Tilghman Island - no kidding! No time like the present to christen it in Salisbury.

So, the next morning (Wednesday), at 8:45 AM I marched into Room 103 to pay "THE" Water bill once again. I asked the clerk for a copy of my bill and if she could point out where it states when the water will be turned off. She was civil and professional, but stated " there is none". So, now I am supposed to be clairvoyant and actually know that I am going to be without water .....

I asked the nice clerk "what time did you close last night?". The supervisor, standing near the rear of the room and overhearing my question, laughed out loud and said to the others working at desks around her, "Oh, it's those same people from last night".... then mumbled something sarcastic under her breath. They all laughed. Nice to know how much "The" supervisor in Rm 103 appreciates her job. I could tell she has a lot of humility and knows how to spread good will among the tax paying citizens of Salisbury who pay her salary. I wouldn't wish my humiliation and embarassment on anyone, however, on second thought, I WOULD suggest that she be fired for her be-sooted behavior, mockery of the situation -an unfortunate situation for which she is PAID to handle with diplomacy and professionalism, and for her inability to tell time and tell the truth. Perhaps then "The" supervisor will appreciate actually "having" a job.

Does her employment entitle her to despise working (and getting PAID) for 37.5 hours a week? Does this entitle her to CLOSE and LOCK doors BEFORE 4:30? Does her employment entitle her to make FUN of anyone coming into her department for ANY reason ? This Supervisor should be THANKFUL (especially in this economy and at this time of year) that she has a job. I do NOT believe this Supervisor deserves to be allowed to continue to berate the citizens and be paid for it. The Mayor should dismiss her from her duties. Oh, get real, this will never happen. Actually, someone should dismiss the Mayor from her duties.

The story continues. Adding insult to injury, upon paying of the water bill in full (and then some), the Supervisor promised the water would be turned ON no later than 12:30 that afternoon. Sounds great, Huh? Just like everythig else Salisbury government promises, all talk and no action.....as at 8:15 PM that night, still NO WATER! Could it be that this is YET ANOTHER SLUG FROM THE CITY because I have challenged the lack of good service from the Mayor and her cronies???? Could my water rights have been withheld intentionally to punish me for questioning the actions of a City employee or
its Mayor previously? For questioning the CIty's slack decision making, back-scratching with slum lords and operating with smoke and mirrors? and do I actually think "The" supervisor of Rm 103 (answering to the Mayor), would INTENTIONALLY deprive me of water at my home for more than 24 hours, just because she was caught sneaking out of work early and maybe not fulfulling her required 37.5 weekly hours? Of course I do.

I shared my tale of woe with my CIty Council Representative who was, frankly appalled,
truly sorry, and embarassed for the way the CIty treated me, and for the CIty's employee who was so irreverent and un-thankful to be employed for 37.5 hours each week.

I have seen too much of the too little care and concern for tax payers and especially property owners (other than those back-scratching slum lords gaining wealth by destroying nice neighborhoods with multi-family rooming houses the size of match boxes that attract renters by-the-week and some by-the-hour. These tenants wield guns in front of neighboring children, block traffic to chat about drugs-for-dollars or sex-for-hire, and drive away respectable homeowners thus turning good neighborhoods into For Sale By Owners.

Now, Twenty minutes after asking the Police to notify the Public Works person, he shows up like Johnny-on-the-spot. Meanwhile, I have placed 3 (count them), calls to the Mayor's home. By the way, Mayor Tilghman's home telephone number is 410-749-7361 - but you will only get a recording (like her administration, a recording, but no action.

I show the nice man from Public Works my paid receipt with the time stamp of 8:47AM. He is apologetic! he understands my frustrations! He says he has seen this happen time after time! As he turns the water on I feel that he is truly the only dignified City workerI have encountered (besides my Council Representative) in 24+ hours. Gosh, I hope the Mayor doesn't fire him for speaking honestly and being helpful. That would truly be a loss. It is now 10:30PM. The Mayor has NOT called me back. I can only guess that she did not like my comments about her administration (or lack thereof). Why should I be surprised, it only took the police 90 days to get a sketch artist for the lady by the lake.

So, I wish you all a joyous holiday season and hope that you can all continue flushing your toilets without incident, I wish the Mayor many happy Flushes as the CIty continues to go down the toilet. If anyone else has a similar incident they would like to share I will be going on radio soon and will be glad to speak up for you so that you will not become the CIty's next target for retalliation. Leave message on the Spy blog for Tilghman Chamberpot. Also, if you find yourself "in need", you may borrow my "real" Tilghman
chamber pot, I am also thinking of having it bronzed and engraved as a tribute to the Mayor when she (finally) leaves office. Your thoughts and comments welcome, always.


A Loyal Reader Sends A Message About Christmas Lights In Ocean City

"This past Friday evening my family and I went to see the Christmas Lights in Ocean City and what we saw was a very pleasant surprise. There in front of us was a beautiful message;"Happy Birthday Jesus". I was so proud of the Town of Ocean City for this and wanted to say so. No where any longer are we "allowed" to say "Merry Christmas", much less say "Happy Birthday Jesus". This made me so happy and I am sure it made many other people happy as well. So, Merry Christmas, and yes, Jesus is the reason for the season. Praise God not everyone has forgotten this."

Indian Government


Indian Chief 'Two Eagles' was asked by a government official, "You have observed the white man for 90 years. You've seen his wars and his technological advances. You've seen his progress, and the damage he's done."

The Chief nodded in agreement.

The official continued, "Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?"

The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied, "When white man find land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water. Women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing, all night having sex."

Then the chief leaned back and smiled. "Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that."

Hand Made 1/6 Scale Chevy 327 Engine

This is almost beyond comprehension. Unbelievable. This man has talents bordering on the supernatural. This goes beyond what most of us can only dream about. And he did it all on a Bridgeport milling machine. Surreal.

After viewing all of the pictures, be sure to catch both of the film clips of it actually running.


Kids With Food Allergies

"How many parents are dealing with a child(ren) with food allergies? I have a little angel that is practically allergic to the world and it can be very difficult at times. If she eats something she shouldn’t she itches all over and her skin breaks out with severe eczema. She is the last of my three kids and it get very hard to tell a 4 year old that she can’t have cake at a birthday party when everyone is eating it in front of her so I have to offer her something different that she is not allergic to so she doen’t feel left out. I have it down to a science what she can have now (meats, vegetables, fruit, & rice) and keep her on very strict diet of which has all but cured her skin condition at this time. I know there is a lot of kids out there that have issues with food allergies and was wondering how other parents are dealing with it. It would be nice to share some ideas and tips.

Proud Parent and Single Father

Ted Hastings"

Pedro & Mamacita

It's a romantic full moon, when Pedro said, "Hey, mamacita, let's do Weeweechu."

Oh no, not now, let's look at the moon!" said Rosita.

Oh, c'mon baby, let's you and I do Weeweechu. I love you and it's the perfect time," Pedro begged.

"But I wanna just hold your hand and watch the moon." replied Rosita.

Please, corazoncito, just once, do Weeweechu with me."

Rosita looked at Pedro and said, "OK, one time, we'll do Weeweechu."

Pedro grabbed his guitar and they both sang.....

"Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year."

You people with the dirty minds!

Last Eastern Shore Drive In Theater Closes For Good

This can't be. Will anyone be taking over the Drive In? What will become of
the land? This has been a staple in the Eastern Shore Community for over 14yrs.
The last, that I know of, Drive - In Theater that exists. Does anyone care??

GO HERE to see their Website.

Sent in by a loyal SBYNews reader.

Keep Up The Great Work Mayor Tilghman!

Hi Joe…

I’m an avid reader of the Salisbury blog, but completely techno challenged, which is why I’m emailing instead of posting on the blog. I live in the city on Middle Blvd, which happens to be a very lovely street. One of my neighbors next door lives in New Jersey, and maintains a beautiful home. These folks could rent this home if they wanted but don’t. I watch the house for them and they probably come down about ten times a year. They have a monthly landscaper and the home gets nothing but care and compliments.

Today I observed a city public works truck parked outside the home for about an hour or so, probably hiding from their supervisor. A little while later while getting ready for work, there was a knock at my door and it was Russell Taylor from the public works with a citation for a bit of mold on the side of the neighbors house. I asked him if he was kidding and he informed me if it was not taken care of the owners would be fined $100. I asked if he had noticed the disgusting college house behind us or the slum homes two blocks away. Seems they should do this on Friday mornings after all the beer parties and the puking on everyone’s lawns.

Anyway this just reinforces what we all think already. If you are hard working, tax paying individuals you get screwed. The next time I’m walking through the city park and see all these fat ass public works people leaning on their trucks doing what they usually do (NOTHING!) I’ll be calling it in every time. As soon as the market improves, you will see two very nice homes on Middle Blvd for sale. Thanks for allowing me to vent.

A soon to be ex-city resident…..

Salvation Army Bell Ringing UPDATE

Sams Club

North Walmart Retail Entrance

North Walmart Grocery Entrance

Click images to Enlarge

We're closing the gaps quickly thanks to all of you that are volunteering. Your selflessness will be rewarded, I firmly believe you receive what you give. If you want to volunteer but don't want to go on the North end of town, no problem. The Salvation Army needs volunteers for the K-Mart location. Give them a call at 410-749-7771 ext 100 or call Joe at 410-430-5349, send an email to alberobutzo@wmconnect.com I'm sure there is a time slot available that will accomodate your schedule.

There is not much more I can add to this post other than THANK YOU!

The Lone Star Rodeo Returns To The Wicomico Youth & Civic Center

The Lone Star Rodeo Company presents:

The Still Standing Tour featuring Bulls, Broncs & Barrels

Shine up your cowboy boots! The Lone Star Rodeo is returning to the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center on January 23-24, 2009 with the action-packed Still Standing Tour featuring Bulls, Broncs and Barrels. Both Friday and Saturday shows will begin at 7:30pm.

Contest events include bareback bronc riding, saddle bronc riding, cowgirls barrel racing and brahma bull riding. Special added attractions include a professional rodeo clown and funnyman Keith Isley.

Tickets go on sale to the general public on Friday, December 12 at 10:00am. General admission seating is $15 for adults and $12 for children under 12 with children under three are free. Reserved seats are available to both shows for $22 plus fees. The Friday, January, 23rd performance will be sponsored by Crush Beverages, and as part of the Crush Friday Family Fun Night all children’s tickets will be discounted to $9 plus fees.

To purchase tickets please visit the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office (open Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm), go online to www.wicomicociviccenter.org or charge by phone 410-548-4911.

The 2009 Still Standing Tour featuring Bulls, Broncs and Barrels is brought to you by The Lone Star Rodeo Company, the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center, Crush, Cat Country and Microtel.


Talk about a pain in the axx!

Unfortunately, the Salisbury News domain name was being hosted by a company called Pages Garden. I had been having some issues with them in the past but fortunately through some great help from friends we were able to get things straight. However, this year things got a lot worse as we paid for the name for the year but the company, (Pages Garden) never paid the other company for the name and we almost lost it. Fortunately my friend Steve was able to some how, some way, get it pulled from Pages Garden and relocate it to another Host.

First of all, thank you Steve! Now that this has been settled, it's time to really start moving forward to what will be an unbelievable new year for Salisbury News. For those of you who were sweating it out in the hopes of taking the name, better luck next time sucka's.

Delmar Elementary School Has Issues

The problem is, the physical facility is sorely lacking. I asked one of the teachers if they expect a new school, or at least an addition and updating, anytime soon.

She laughed.

There are currently 14 temporary modular classrooms in use. There are paraprofessionals working with students in the halls. The P.E. classes are apparently held in half of the cafeteria… I’m not sure how that works.

My point is, if there is not a timetable to modify and UPDATE this facility, there should be.

Does anyone know when and if Delmar Elementary will see upgrades? I believe we touched on this subject quite some time ago but wondered if anyone had heard anything new?

Salisbury Police Car Impound

This past Sunday evening, my son-in-laws' car broke down ( unable to change gears-manual transmission). He was in the Zion Curch Road vicinity when this happened. He steered the car off the road the best he could, but I understand part of the rear end of the vehicle may have still stuck out onto the road. He called my wife and when she found him they both left to call a tow company. She told me that when they returned to the car, ( approx. 15-20 minutes later) the police were there as was Grants tow service. She told them a tow company was on the way but the police said because he had called Grants, then Grants would be the tow company used. Not mentioned to either my wife or son-in-law, was the fact Grants charges a $50 a day storage fee in addition to the very expensive tow charge. I understand they do all the towing of non-drivable vehicles that are involved in auto accidents also. I'm assuming Grants is an impoundment lot for the City Police . It certainly wouldn't take many days at $50 a day for a young man working at Applebees to get in way over his head with debt. ( to the point of deciding if fixing the car plus the towing expenses and lot fees would be best avoided by just turning the car over to Grants.) What a racket!

My questions are: 1) Were the police justified in having the car removed in such a short period of time 2) Can they refuse to use a tow company called even if their tow company arrived first 3) Who determines the tow company for the police impound, is it a contractual agreement? If so, is the service bid on? How long is the contract if there is one...I know they have been towing for the city police at least 7 years. 4) Are there any ordinances that cover this type of impound? This was not a major highway, but a back road from Walston Switch to the mall.

I can't help but wonder what Grants towing could provide to the City Police that any other towing service could provide also.

Just curious about your take on all of this...I smell a skunk.