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Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Bell Ringing Schedule UPDATE

Sams Club Update

North Walmart Retail Entrance Update

North Walmart Grocery Entrance Update

Click on images to enlarge

The schedule has been updated by the Salvation Army as of 5:00pm this evening. THANK YOU, to all that have volunteered to give of yourselves. We still have a lot of slots to fill, so PLEASE, if you can, take a couple of hours and help those that help many, within our community. We will keep you updated as we are updated.

Contact either Joe via email at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or via phone 410-430-5349 or call the Salvation Army at 410-749-7771 ext. 100

Remember, 'Tis better to give than receive.

Notice To The Campus Community

Dear Campus Community,

At approximately 4 a.m. today two Salisbury University students near
Severn Hall were approached by three suspects displaying a weapon and
demanding money. Because these students made detailed observations of
their assailants and promptly reported the incident to University Police
on the campus emergency telephone system, University officers were able
to react immediately. A speedy apprehension was made by the Fruitland
Police assisted by the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office.

Safety is Salisbury University’s paramount concern. University
Police has been working collaboratively with area police agencies to
increase the safety of our students and the local community. We ask
that you exercise caution when moving on and near campus both in daytime
and in evening hours. University Police offers an escort service at
night for students who feel particularly uncomfortable walking alone.
Students may access the Escort Service by calling ext. 3-6222.

We want to praise the students, University Police and their colleagues
in area agencies for their excellent work on this incident.

Dr. Ellen J. Neufeldt
Vice President of Student Affairs
Salisbury University
1101 Camden Avenue
Salisbury, MD 21801

HUMAN EVENTS Article: Thinking Anew and Acting Anew: A People’s Bailout Or A Politicians’ Bailout?

Thinking Anew and Acting Anew: A People's Bailout Or A Politicians' Bailout?
by Newt Gingrich

America is about to enter the post-Bush era. Two recent events -- the terrorist attack in Mumbai and the collapse of CitiBank -- are vivid warnings about the complex, uncertain and potentially very dangerous time we are about to enter.

In the New York Times last week, columnist Tom Friedman made the following stunning point:
I spent Sunday afternoon brooding over a great piece of Times reporting by Eric Dash and Julie Creswell about Citigroup. Maybe brooding isn't the right word. The front-page article, entitled "Citigroup Pays for a Rush to Risk," actually left me totally disgusted.

"Why? Because in searing detail it exposed -- using Citigroup as Exhibit A -- how some of our country's best-paid bankers were overrated dopes who had no idea what they were selling, or greedy cynics who did know and turned a blind eye. But it wasn't only the bankers. This financial meltdown involved a broad national breakdown in personal responsibility, government regulation and financial ethics.
The Pelosi-Paulson Model of Crony Capitalism, Predatory Politicians and Micromanaging Bureaucrats

It is vital that every American understand the implications of Friedman's last sentence. "The financial meltdown involved a broad breakdown in personal responsibility, government regulation and financial ethics."

Righting such a systemic wrong requires far more than the Pelosi-Paulson model of crony capitalism, predatory politicians and micromanaging bureaucrats. In fact, in the face of the scale of collapse Friedman is describing, throwing trillions of the American peoples' dollars into a cynical, corrupt, unethical system is exactly the wrong thing to be doing.

And the scale of the problem we face in the financial world is matched by the scale of the challenges we face in the national security world.

Both these challenges require new thinking.

"As Our Case is New We Must Act Anew and Think Anew"

I often quote President Abraham Lincoln at times like this because he captured the challenge so perfectly in his annual address to Congress on December 1, 1862:

"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present and the occasional is piled high with difficulties, and we must rise to the occasion. As our case is new we must act anew and think anew. We must disenthrall ourselves and then we shall save our country."

Lincoln's call to think anew and act anew is especially important today because of the establishment nature of the team President-elect Obama is gathering. I write this with admiration and not with criticism.

The Danger of Looking to the Past in Times of Dramatic Change

President-elect Obama has done a good job of assembling sophisticated and highly respected teams for both national security and economic-financial policy.

Yet these two events -- Mumbai and CitiBank -- should remind us that knowledge about past systems and confident expectations based on past rules can actually be a detriment in dealing with periods of dramatic change. Peter Drucker wrote brilliantly about this problem in The Age of Discontinuities. Drucker argued that one can be an expert on the period before the discontinuity and one can learn to be an expert on the new period emerging after the discontinuity but during the discontinuity itself there is a real danger of past knowledge becoming very misleading.

Drucker's argument is illustrated expertly in David Halberstam's study of Vietnam War policy making in Washington, The Best and the Brightest. The new team being assembled by President-elect Obama would do well to heed its lessons.

A New Team of "Whiz Kids" In Washington DC?

Halberstam argues that it was precisely the confidence and the certainty of the team of "whiz kids" President Kennedy assembled which led them to make assumptions that proved to be false and to reject fact-based information which conflicted with their previous theories of how the world should work. They rushed into policies in Vietnam confident that what Halberstam called their "brilliant policies that defied common sense" would enable them to impose their will on reality. But with agony they learned that a harsh and unyielding reality was imposing its price in blood and treasure on America.

The new Obama teams for national security, finance, and the economy should ponder deeply the lessons of Drucker and Halberstam and question whether the theories and principles they are bringing into office are in fact the right solutions for today.

Mumbai and Citibank should be sufficient proof that the election of a new president has not changed any of the fundamental challenges facing America and threatening the civilized world.

How Much Damage Could a Mumbai-Style Attack Do To An American City?

The terrorist assault on Mumbai is a profound reminder that the world remains dangerous and there are many terrorists dedicated to destroying liberty and the rule of law as we know it.

For America, the scale and coordination of the Mumbai attack are a grim warning that our Homeland Security preparations are almost certainly inadequate.

If the Department of Homeland Security were to run a series of exercises in the first six months of 2009 replicating the Mumbai attack in cities like Boston, Charleston, Baltimore, Savannah, New Orleans, Houston, Long Beach, San Francisco and Seattle, it would be shocked to discover how much damage a ship-based assault team using simple weapons could inflict on an American city.

Pragmatic Decision Making Versus Institutional Reform

And if the Department of Homeland Security had the courage to go a step further and run tests involving simulated nuclear and biological weapons, the results would be so horrifying Americans would demand a crash program of preparedness beyond anything the current authorities can imagine.

The new Obama national security team is competent and professional and he is to be commended for his courage in recruiting Senator Clinton, Secretary Gates, and General Jim Jones. These three nominees are intelligent, tough minded, and hard working.

The greatest danger they will face is in their own belief that hard work and methodical pragmatic decision making can substitute for strategic planning and institutional reform.

America's Immediate National Security Threats:

The fact is Mumbai is a grim reminder that more than seven years after the attack of 9/11 the United States and its allies have no solutions to the most difficult problems of terrorism on the planet.
• The Saudis are still shipping money overseas to recruit for the most militant wing of Islam.
• The Iranians are still trying to develop nuclear weapons so they can dominate the Persian Gulf and eliminate Israel from the face of the Earth.
• Pakistan has more nuclear weapons and is more unstable today than it was in 2001.
• The Taliban and its Pashtun allies in Northwestern Pakistan are as entrenched as they were in 2002 and are regaining strength in Afghanistan.
• The erosion of Western rule of law under the onslaught of internal Islamic demands is continuing to spread through Great Britain, Holland, and other countries.
America's Long-Term National Security Needs

The long-term challenge of China as an economic, scientific and technological competitor requires a national security based assessment of the requirements for change in America. If we are to remain the leading power in the world 25 years from now we have to reform litigation, taxation, regulation, education, health, energy, and infrastructure. The scale of change needed is greater than the New Deal but in a fundamentally different direction.

As Tom Friedman has written in other columns and in several best selling books, the United States needs an extraordinary level of achievement to remain the most productive and most creative country in the world. And our national security leadership depends on precisely those characteristics as well.

Out: Republican and Democrat. In: Honesty, Productivity, Creativity, Effectiveness

The key words describing the kind of reform that will solve our economic and national security challenges in the next decade will not be liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat.

They will be:
• Honesty
• Productivity
• Creativity
• Effectiveness
Next week I will focus on these four words and what they will mean for public policy in 2009.

Why Would You Give One More Dime of Your Taxpayer Money to a Company That Paid $400 Million to Name the New York Mets' New Baseball Stadium "Citi Field"?

But for now, it's worth stating what should be obvious: The Pelosi-Paulson centralized government, politician defined, bureaucratically implemented bailout system fails to meet the test of any of these four words of reform. It will not lead to more honesty, productivity, creativity or effectiveness.

Remember the reason for Tom Friedman's disgust over the article about Citigroup: "Because in searing detail it exposed -- using Citigroup as Exhibit A -- how some of our country's best-paid bankers were overrated dopes who had no idea what they were selling, or greedy cynics who did know and turned a blind eye."

Why would you vote for another $350 billion to go to people and institutions which fit that condemnation? Why would you give one more dime of your taxpayer money to a company that paid $400 million to name the New York Mets' new baseball stadium "Citi Field"?

A Politicans' Stimulus Package or a People's Stimulus Package?

It's the very bankruptcy of the current establishment which makes Congressman Louie Gohmert's (R-TX) tax holiday proposal so intriguing.

Congressman Gohmert has calculated that the amount Speaker Pelosi and Secretary Paulson will be advocating for the second installment of the bailout -- $350 billion -- is more than the amount needed to allow every American to have a two month tax holiday from both the FICA (Social Security and Medicare) and income tax.

Let me repeat that: What Pelosi and Paulson are proposing to pour into crony capitalism is more than what it would cost to give every American taxpayer a total federal tax holiday for two months.

Which do you think would do more to get America growing again? $350 billion to failing managements, "overrated dopes" and "greedy cynics" or allowing every American to simply keep all their money for January and February?

The Money You Will Keep? Your Monthly Income Multiplied by .66

For the working poor a FICA tax holiday (the $350 billion Paulson was going to send to Wall Street would simply be used to cover the revenue losses in the Treasury so Social Security and Medicare would not lose a penny) will be a dramatic increase in take home pay. This one act will save more homes from bankruptcy than any centralized government bureaucratic red tape ridden system.

If you want to figure out how much Rep. Gohmert's tax holiday would save you, Jed Babbin of Human Events has this advice:
Most Americans pay about 25 percent of their income in federal income tax and another 7.25 percent in FICA (Social Security and Medicare taxes). Computing how much money Gohmert's tax holiday would leave in your family's checkbook is very simple.

Take your monthly income (the gross amount shown on your pay stubs before tax and any other withholding) and multiply it by 0.66. That amount is roughly what Gohmert's two-month tax holiday will leave in your pocket.
If a Two Month Tax Holiday Sounds Good, Why Not Six Months?

But there's more.

Speaker Pelosi's desire for an additional $700 billion Washington centered, government stimulus program would actually create the opportunity to offer an additional four months of FICA and income tax holiday for the American people.

If the American people knew they were going to have no personal federal taxes until July, 2009 how much debt could they pay down? How many mortgages would be saved? How many college tuitions could they pay? How much could they invest to rebuild their retirement accounts?

This is an example of what President Lincoln meant by "thinking anew."

Send me a note at Newt@newt.org letting me know what you think of the tax holiday idea.

And if you like the idea of not paying federal taxes until July, 2009, please send this newsletter on to your friends and encourage them to speak out on these new solutions.

And remember, coming next week: The four key words to getting America moving again and how to apply them to federal, state, and local government.

Your friend,

P.S. My friend and advisor, Randy Evans, has written an insightful piece on what's next for the Republican party. You can read it here.

P.S.S. John Mauldin has written an excellent column on the need for new thinking about our economic challenges, which you can view at his website.

HE Newsletter – December 2, 2008

American Solutions has initiated two new projects for the coming year.

The American Solutions Airline Passengers (ASAP)
initiative is an effort to improve technology and reduce flight delays. The current air traffic control system uses analog radar technology from the 1950's. A new system, called NextGen, using global positioning satellites has been proposed. It would allow planes to fly closer together while increasing safety and would boost the capacity of our airways by about 40 percent. Best of all, it would eliminate nearly all delays, except for those caused by weather. It would mean more efficient airlines, using less fuel, having higher profits and higher wages, and offering better service at lower costs.

It is time for a twenty-first century solution. Become an American Solutions Airline Passenger, and join the action team! Submit your travel "horror stories" to our blog.
American Solutions is calling for a repeal of Sarbanes-Oxley. Now, with signs that our economy is moving toward recession, Congress should take this opportunity to repeal the law for four reasons: It was insufficient at preventing insolvencies and accounting shortfalls in companies such as Bear Sterns, Lehman Bros., American International Group (AIG) and Merrill Lynch; It takes longer for a company to enter the Capital Market. In addition, by creating criminal liabilities for board members, Sarbanes-Oxley has made it harder to find experienced members to join corporate boards; it initiated a movement among smaller public companies to return to private status or merge; it is resulting in a trend where companies choose to go public on foreign, not American, stock exchanges.

Get involved with this movement and share your stories.

Read more articles like this at HUMAN EVENTS ONLINE!

This Week's DVD releases 12/02/2008

One of this weeks hottest DVD releases is "Casablanca:The Ultimate Collectors Edition", which is a 3-disc special edition of the classic 1942 film, just in time for the holidays. Young or old, this movie is a must-have for any serious videophile!

Theatrical releases

"The Chronicles of Narnia:Prince Caspian"-144 minutes,rated PG,widescreen,3 disc set,also on blu-ray-fantasy

"Stepbrothers"-98 minutes,rated R single disc or unrated 2-disc set,widescreen,w/digital copy,also on blu-ray-comedy

"Wanted"-110 minutes,rated R,single disc or 2-disc set available,widescreen,w/digital copy,also on blu-ray-action

Other DVD movie releases

"The Contract"-also on blu-ray

"Curious George:Leads the Band and Other Musical Mayhem"-animated,fullscreen

"The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)"-2 disc set,also on blu-ray

"The Longshots"-also on blu-ray

"The X-Files:I Want to Believe"-3 disc set w/digital copy

"White Dog"(1982)Criterion Collection-widescreen,also on blu-ray


"Law & Order:The Sixth Year"-5 disc set

"Mythbusters:Big Blast Collection"-2 disc set

"The Best of Dr.Katz"-fullscreen,animated series

"Saturday Night Live:The Complete Fourth Season"-7 disc set

Here's The Salvation Army Bell Ringing Schedule

Sams Club Schedule

North Walmart Retail Entrance Schedule

North Walmart Grocery Entrance Schedule

Click photos to enlarge.

All of the spaces that are white, (with no names) are the spots we need to fill. Perhaps your Boss is interested in having you fill in the blanks and we can post the updates where everyone can see who has helped out. Nice plug for your business!

To those already on the schedule, God Bless All of you. If we can find people to fill in 2 hours at a time that would be great! You can call me directly at 410-430-5349 to fill in the blanks but you're welcome to call the Salvation Army as well at 410-749-7771 ext. 100 and we'll do our best to keep each other updated. You can also reach me at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com .

Thank You for your support.

Joe Albero

Press Release: From Jim Ireton

Daily Times Grapevine Caller Gets It Wrong

The Wicomico Neighborhood Congress has accomplished much in the previous 3 years...including:

-Crime - educating residents about the issue of gangs in Salisbury and Wicomico County through a Forum on Crime in Delmar
-Environment - educating residents about the pollution in the Wicomico River and tributaries through a Forum on the Environment at Mallard Landing in Salisbury
-Growth and Development - educating residents about the issues and options that Wicomico faces through a Forum on Growth in Hebron

Local, regional, and national experts have been brought to Wicomico County by the leaders of the congress in order to give citizens the resources and options they need to bring change. The Neighborhood Congress has always had as its mission the educating and empowering of the community. The support from County Executive Pollitt, City Councilwoman Debbie Campbell, and many other elected and appointed county and city officials, and all the expertise they have brought to this endeavor, has been greatly appreciated. The recent Fall Forum on Foreclosure was cancelled when a national speaker pulled out. Any questions please contact Jim Ireton at 410-749-5712.

Want to Know Where Joe Is?

Joe is at the present time standing in front of the Grocery entrance at Walmart on the North end of town. I thought I'd post his location in response to the many that have asked where Joe is going to be. Now you know where you can find him.

He's the guy wearing the red Salvation Army apron.

Berlin Christmas Parade


Thursday, December 4th at 7:00 pm

Fire Department trucks, local merchant floats, horses, cars . . . and Santa!!!

The parade starts at the Berlin Fire Department on Main Street and marches through Downtown Berlin.

Sponsored by Berlin Lions Club and town merchants.
For more information, please call 410-641-4245.

I Have No More Time For Blogging

Ladies & Gentlemen:

Over the last 4 days I have been out doing what I feel is a wonderful thing for our community with some unbelievable people. I have been ringing the Bell at Sam's Club and WalMart and I can't tell you enough just how rewarding it is.

That being said, the Salvation Army is extremely short handed this Holiday Season and has asked me to help them in any way I can. So, that being said, I have committed myself to the Salvation Army until the Holidays are over and or we can achieve enough Volunteers to fill in the gaps for me.

Later today I will be Posting a schedule in which we'll need filled. I will be working the Sam's Club location for the next 8 days from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM, excluding Sunday. Now of course I'd like a break during that time and if anyone can fill in parts on those days and or the entire shift, that would be wonderful. If not, I'll cover it but I won't be Blogging.

The Salvation Army does incredible things for this community and if we can't get the Firefighters, Police Officers, Elected Officials, States Attorney's Office, Public Works, City and County Employees to help out in their spare time, that's cool, we'll make it work one way or the other.

There are evening shifts available as well as day shifts but we need your help. As for this Blog, well, I do this for all of you. I do not advertise and I do not make a penny at this. I am making the decision to give of my time elsewhere until people step up to the plate and free me up so I can get back to what I do best, pester the crap out of some and bring issues to every one's attention you might not hear elsewhere.

If you'd like to contact me directly you may do so by calling me at 410-430-5349 or alberobutzo@wmconnect.com . Again, I'll be back later with a schedule and thank you for considering helping a great cause. In the mean time, see ya at Sam's.

Salisbury Police Department Press Releases

On November 25, 2008 at approximately 11:33 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department received a call to respond to the Walmart Department store for the report of an internal theft. Upon arrival, the officers were advised by security personnel that the below listed suspect, an employee, had been observed making fraudulent transactions to purchase items from the store.

ARRESTED: Jenney Lee Arvey, 19 years of age Snow Hill, Maryland

Theft (over $ 500)
Theft scheme

DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200800043276

On November 25, 2008 at approximately 2:55 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department arrested the below listed suspect for an assault reported on October 20, 2008. The investigation of the assault revealed that on that date, the suspect assaulted a family member following an argument. The suspect had struck the juvenile victim in the face and head several times and had choked him. The suspect was taken into custody without incident.

ARRESTED: Hammond Cleo Taylor, 36 years of age Salisbury, Maryland

Second degree assault
Second degree child abuse
Reckless endangerment

DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200800040960

On November 25, 2008 at approximately 5:38 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police arrested the below listed suspect following the investigation of an assault that occurred on September 6, 2008. The investigation revealed that on that date the suspect assaulted two (2) victims with a machete following an argument in a residence. The victims received minor injuries and one (1) of the victims was treated and released from the Peninsula Regional Medical Center. The second victim refused medical treatment. The suspect was arrested without incident.

ARRESTED: Phillip Daniel Thomas, 24 years of age Salisbury, Maryland

First degree assault (2 counts)
Second degree assault (2 counts)
Reckless endangerment (2 counts)
Possession of a dangerous and deadly weapon

DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200800033595

On November 27, 2008 at approximately 11:00 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department were on routine patrol in the area of U.S. Route 13 and Homer Street and attempted to stop a vehicle operated by the below listed suspect for traffic violations. The suspect failed to stop for the officer and attempted to flee from the area in his vehicle. The vehicle stopped in the intersection of Hillcrest and Spring Garden and the suspect fled from the vehicle on foot. The officers pursued and caught the suspect behind a residence on Bryn Mawr Avenue. The suspect was taken into custody and a search of his person, incident to arrest, revealed a quantity of suspected cocaine and a quantity of suspected marijuana. The vehicle was also checked and a loaded handgun was found in the passenger area with additional ammunition.

ARRESTED: Jemar Andre Gardner, 19 years of age Salisbury, Maryland

Possession of marijuana with intent to distribute
Possession of cocaine with intent to distribute
Possession of marijuana
Possession of cocaine
Possession of CDS/paraphernalia
Wearing and carrying a handgun
Possession of a prohibited firearm
Possession of a handgun while under 21 yoa
Possession of ammunition while under 21 yoa
Numerous traffic violations

DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200800043555

On November 28, 2008 at approximately 8:47 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle operated by the below listed suspect for traffic violations in the area of Church St. and Isabella St. During the traffic stop, the vehicle was consensually searched and as a result the officers located a quantity of suspected marijuana

ARRESTED: Russell John Bagnall, 26 years of age Rockaway, New Jersey

Possession of marijuana
Possession of CDS/paraphernalia

DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200800043678

On November 29, 2008 at approximately 12:35 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle operated by the below listed suspect for traffic violations in the area of Carroll St. and Waverly Drive. During the traffic stop, the suspect exited the vehicle and attempted to discard a smoking device. The officers retrieved the smoking device and found that it contained a quantity of suspected cocaine.

ARRESTED: Michael Jerome Lewis, 37 years of age Salisbury, Maryland

Possession of cocaine
Possession of CDS/paraphernalia

DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200800043696

On November 30, 2008 at approximately 6:50 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department received a call to respond to the Golden Corral Restaurant on Naylor Mill Road for the report of a theft. Upon arrival, the officers were advised by restaurant employees that the below listed suspect had entered the restaurant and started eating food from the salad bar without permission or making any attempts at making payment. The suspect left the restaurant and was located by the officers a short distance away.

ARRESTED: Michael Andrew Hodges, 34 years of age Fruitland, Maryland

CHARGES: Theft (under $ 100)

DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200800043869

Found Puppy

Hey Joe.....we are loyal viewers of your blog. Thanks for all you do!

Yesterday as we were leaving work here @ Milford Street Professional Center, there was a pit bull puppy roaming our staff parking lot. This puppy obioulsy belongs to somebody!!! She is affectionate, obedient, and full of personality!!!! I would love to find her rightful owner...PLEASE HELP!!!

She is a pit bull and she has black and brown markings.

Please have owners call me ASAP!!!
Nicole 443-523-2880


A Mother's Worst Fear

"My story is hard to tell but needs to be heard..... i moved back to the eastern shore in October of 2001 from Annapolis. Things had changed, people had changed and i didn't know a lot of people here anymore so i went to work for my mom and started my life over... My sister turned 21 in July of 2003 and i took her out on the town being the older sister and we wound up at a local nightclub where i met my soon to be ex husband. Everybody there loved him. They all told me they had only known him a short time but truly seems genuine. After dating a few weeks he told me that he had to take these state mandated classes they were "no big deal" of course i asked what they were for he told me that when he was 18 he met a girl at a haunted park and they made out and her parents found out and pressed charges she was 15 at the time. Which was a similar story he told everyone at the bar... well to me kids will be kids that wasn't anything to hang over someones head for the rest of their life....boy was i wrong....

I got pregnant while on birth control and i figured i am a mature 25 year old adult i will do the right thing so we got married and my daughter was born on June 2 2004 and the nightmares began. A few days after my daughter was born, my soon to be ex husband was arrested for sexually assaulting the girl across the street... he swore it was a set up someone targeting him just for having his picture on the sex registry. I believed him... i fought for him and he was found not guilty after being retained in Jessup for my daughters first 10 months of her life... then when he came home he was never here.. always out with guys, shooting pool, working extra shifts in a bar, you name it he did everything except be a father or a husband.

On March 28 2006, we were shooting pool together on a league at a local bar and when i came out of the bathroom i saw my soon to be ex husband with his hands down another woman's pants playing the mega touch machine.... My mouth dropped i was in shock if he did this when i am in the same building what was he doing when i wasn't with him.... i kicked him out that night. However i am still being to nice at this point in time because we drew up a guideline of visitation, child support everything including the fact that he didn't want my daughter left with his own parents or have her stay at there house for more than an hour... From April till June i let him visit my daughter twice a week as agreed upon. In the beginning he didn't even visit with her he chased me around the house making threats starting fights i had to call the police to get him to stop cursing me and threatening me. He got so violent and irate with me it was bad for her so i would leave the house for a hour so they could spend quality time together only my idea of quality and his idea of quality defiantly have two different definitions.. that was my biggest mistake ever. i left my daughter with a monster.... during one of his episodes he punches holes in the hallway of my house because my daughter wouldn't stop crying.. my daughter acted out his behaviors at 2 years old.. a couple weeks go by and i was giving my daughter a bath and i was on the phone with a friend and when i went back into the bathroom after getting a towel out of the hallway my daughter was inserting a baby nemo toy into her vagina and i gasped and said" what are you doing?" she replied with " nemo is giving me kisses" i was in shock to say the least and my girlfriend told me i had to calm down and take her to er for exam. Social services was called and an exam was done that said her Hyman was intact but there were cuts and bruises that could be self inflicted but the behavior is learned... the hospital and social services told me that excessive petting and touching is almost impossible to prove and that without rock solid evidence or a confession don't expect anything to come of this. He was asked by social services to take a lie detector test and he declined and the the case was closed. I immediately put my daughter into counseling where she has been ever since and still continues to go. She had to relearn what was appropriate touching, who is and isn't aloud to touch there, etc...My soon to be ex husband also became very violent with me. There were many times he would throw objects at me threaten to kill me if i kept her from him you know the rest; same story different girl i had to get a protective order to protect myself and my little girl...The order expired in July of 2007 i was worried i was going to have to battle for divorce yet nothing so my lawyer and i decided to give him a year to make a move...NOTHING... he only ever made four child support payments,so he is behind a little over $14000.00, he lives six houses away from me and no note, no knock on the door nothing done by him to show he cared or wanted to be a part of her life

In September of 2008, i amended my divorce papers to read i want sole custody; no visitation for the father and the father is to have no obligation to the child; no child support no visits, surrender your rights to her and i will leave you alone forever.... he now is fighting me for joint custody and visitation. i just cannot do it.... i failed my daughter once by leaving her alone with the worst monster any mother fears....I am now being told that he is probably going to get supervised visitation and i am not OK with that why, because our state gives fathers the right to their children no matter what their criminal background is. I didn't have enough evidence to convict him of assaulting his own child, her testimony and acting out what daddy did wasn't enough .... put yourself in my four year old daughter shoes... she has to sit a a table with a man she doesn't know that sexually assaulted her when she was too little to know better... and what is she going to think of me for letting this happen when she gets old enough to understand everything.

I still to this day do not know the truth about what happened with why he is on the sex registry for Maryland other than he sexually assaulted little girls between the ages of 10 to 14 and in Delaware he raped a 16 year old girl all of which I found out after I threw him out of my house. This man has committed countless other uncharged sexual acts in our community but i cannot say what they are but i am asking for help... if he has assaulted you or someone you know help them take the steps forward to take action so this man can rot in jail for the rest of his life and so my daughter can have the normal life i have created for her... what is the old saying" you have to break the cycle for the abuse to stop" please help me break the cycle he can NEVER see her again.....



The first link is Maryland showing he has been convicted of sexually assaulting a child the second link is Delaware showing he was convicted of raping a girl between ages of 16 and 17...."

Editors Note: The balance of this story, (as I know it) is in the state of Maryland the laws need to change to protect the CHILD. Even this Father should respect the fact that he allegedly doesn't want to play the roll as a Father by paying child support and or consistent visitation to his own child. It seems that the only time he cares is when the Mother wants to take him away for all the right reasons. We need to contact our Senators and Congressmen to demand these laws be changed to better protect the child.

I personally know the Mother and Child in this case and feel their pain. Perhaps our new Congressman Frank Kratovil can open his busy schedule for this case and at least let this woman and child be heard. His past history as a States Attorney would certainly help her cause and quite frankly he could make one hell of a name for himself in the State for doing so.

If any of our readers have a similar situation or as requested in the above message, know of someone who has been abused by this man in the past, please don't hesitate to let us know so we can help this child's future.

WCCPTAs Legislative Night

DECEMBER 4, 2008
6:30 PM

Delegates Paige Elmore and James Mathias,
Mr. Rick Pollitt, among others,

Black Friday Fire Lane's Own Barney Fife

Last Friday, Chief See, (Barney Fife) was cruising up and down the Boulevard looking stern just trying to nab that criminal parking in the Fire Lanes. The one bullet wonder didn't get a chance to shoot off his load ed gun and went home once again completely frustrated.

We have yet to see the Fire Department out looking for violators since this day and probably won't again until Black Friday next year. What would we do without this guy! He's so impotent to Salisbury.

Would The Last Honest Reporter Please Turn On the Lights?

By Orson Scott Card

*Editor's note:** Orson Scott Card is a Democrat and a newspaper columnist, and in this opinion piece he takes on both while lamenting the current state of journalism. **
An open letter to the local daily paper — almost every local daily paper in America:

I remember reading All the President's Men and thinking: That's journalism. You do what it takes to get the truth and you lay it before the public, because the public has a right to know.

This housing crisis didn't come out of nowhere. It was not a vague emanation of the evil Bush administration. It was a direct result of the political decision, back in the late 1990s, to
loosen the rules of lending so that home loans would be more accessible to poor people. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were authorized to approve risky loans.

What is a risky loan? It's a loan that the recipient is likely not to be able to repay.

The goal of this rule change was to help the poor — which especially would help members of minority groups. But how does it help these people to give them a loan that they can't repay? They get into a house, yes, but when they can't make the payments, they lose the house — along with their credit rating.

They end up worse off than before.

This was completely foreseeable and in fact many people did foresee it. One political party, in Congress and in the executive branch, tried repeatedly to tighten up the rules. The other party blocked every such attempt and tried to loosen them.

Furthermore, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were making political contributions to the very members of Congress who were allowing them to make irresponsible loans. (Though why quasi-federal agencies were allowed to do so baffles me. It's as if the Pentagon were allowed to contribute to the political campaigns of Congressmen who support increasing their budget.)

Isn't there a story here? Doesn't journalism require that you who produce our daily paper tell the truth about who brought us to a position where the only way to keep confidence in our economy was a $700 billion bailout? Aren't you supposed to follow the money and see which politicians were benefiting personally from the deregulation of mortgage lending?

I have no doubt that if these facts had pointed to the Republican Party or to John McCain as the guilty parties, you would be treating it as a vast scandal. "Housing-gate," no doubt. Or "Fannie-gate."

Instead, it was Senator Christopher Dodd and Congressman Barney Frank, both Democrats, who denied that there were any problems, who refused Bush administration requests to set up a regulatory agency to watch over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and who were still pushing for these agencies to go even further in promoting sub-prime mortgage loans almost up to the minute they failed.

As Thomas Sowell points out in a TownHall.com <http://townhall.com/> essay entitled "Do Facts Matter?" ( http://snipurl.com/457townhall_com] ): "Alan Greenspan warned them four years ago. So did the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers to the President.. So did Bush's Secretary of the Treasury."

These are facts. This financial crisis was completely preventable. The party that blocked any attempt to prevent it was ... the Democratic Party. The party that tried to prevent it was ... the Republican Party.

Yet when Nancy Pelosi accused the Bush administration and Republican deregulation of causing the crisis, you in the press did not hold her to account for her lie. Instead, you criticized Republicans who took offense at this lie and refused to vote for the bailout!

What? It's not the liar, but the victims of the lie who are to blame?

Now let's follow the money ... right to the presidential candidate who is the number-two recipient of campaign contributions from Fannie Mae.

And after Franklin Raines, the CEO of Fannie Mae who made $90 million while running it into the ground, was fired for his incompetence, one presidential candidate's campaign actually consulted him for advice on housing.

If that presidential candidate had been John McCain, you would have called it a major scandal and we would be getting stories in your paper every day about how incompetent and corrupt he was.

But instead, that candidate was Barack Obama, and so you have buried this story, and when the McCain campaign dared to call Raines an "adviser" to the Obama campaign — because that campaign had sought his advice — you actually let Obama's people get away with accusing McCain of lying, merely because Raines wasn't listed as an official adviser to the Obama campaign.

You would never tolerate such weasely nit-picking from a Republican.

If you who produce our local daily paper actually had any principles, you would be pounding this story, because the prosperity of all Americans was put at risk by the foolish, short-sighted, politically selfish, and possibly corrupt actions of leading Democrats, including Obama.

If you who produce our local daily paper had any personal honor, you would find it unbearable to let the American people believe that somehow Republicans were to blame for this crisis.

There are precedents. Even though President Bush and his administration never said that Iraq sponsored or was linked to 9/11, you could not stand the fact that Americans had that misapprehension — so you pounded us with the fact that there was no such link. (Along the way, you created the false impression that Bush had lied to them and said that there was a connection.)

If you had any principles, then surely right now, when the American people are set to blame President Bush and John McCain for a crisis they tried to prevent, and are actually shifting to approve of Barack Obama because of a crisis he helped cause, you would be laboring at least as hard to correct that false impression.

Your job, as journalists, is to tell the truth. That's what you claim you do, when you accept people's money to buy or subscribe to your paper..

But right now, you are consenting to or actively promoting a big fat lie — that the housing crisis should somehow be blamed on Bush, McCain, and the Republicans. You have trained the American people to blame everything bad —even bad weather — on Bush, and they are responding as you have taught them to.

If you had any personal honor, each reporter and editor would be insisting on telling the truth — even if it hurts the election chances of your favorite candidate.

Because that's what honorable people do. Honest people tell the truth even when they don't like the probable consequences. That's what honesty means. That's how trust is earned.

Barack Obama is just another politician, and not a very wise one. He has revealed his ignorance and naivete time after time — and you have swept it under the rug, treated it as nothing.

Meanwhile, you have participated in the borking of Sarah Palin, reporting savage attacks on her for the pregnancy of her unmarried daughter — while you ignored the story of John Edwards's own adultery for many months.

So I ask you now: Do you have any standards at all? Do you even know what honesty means?

Is getting people to vote for Barack Obama so important that you will throw away everything that journalism is supposed to stand for?

You might want to remember the way the National Organization of Women threw away their integrity by supporting Bill Clinton despite his well-known pattern of sexual exploitation of powerless women. Who listens to NOW anymore? We know they stand for nothing; they have no principles.

That's where you are right now.

It's not too late. You know that if the situation were reversed, and the truth would damage McCain and help Obama, you would be moving heaven and earth to get the true story out there.

If you want to redeem your honor, you will swallow hard and make a list of all the stories you would print if it were McCain who had been getting money from Fannie Mae, McCain whose campaign had consulted with its discredited former CEO, McCain who had voted against tightening its lending practices.

Then you will print them, even though every one of those true stories will point the finger of blame at the reckless Democratic Party, which put our nation's prosperity at risk so they could feel good about helping the poor, and lay a fair share of the blame at Obama's door.

You will also tell the truth about John McCain: that he tried, as a Senator, to do what it took to prevent this crisis. You will tell the truth about President Bush: that his administration tried more than once to get Congress to regulate lending in a responsible way.

This was a Congress-caused crisis, beginning during the Clinton administration, with Democrats leading the way into the crisis and blocking every effort to get out of it in a timely fashion.

If you at our local daily newspaper continue to let Americans believe — and vote as if — President Bush and the Republicans caused the crisis, then you are joining in that lie.

If you do not tell the truth about the Democrats — including Barack Obama — and do so with the same energy you would use if the miscreants were Republicans — then you are not journalists by any standard.

You're just the public relations machine of the Democratic Party, and it's time you were all fired and real journalists brought in, so that we can actually have a news paper in our city.

This article first appeared in The Rhinoceros Times of Greensboro, North Carolina.

2008 Pocomoke Christmas Parade A Success

The 2008 Annual Pocomoke City Christmas Parade appeared to be a resounding success for the organizers and participants. We are still waiting for the announcement of who won which awards but there were a lot of very good entries. The crowd enjoyed a cool but mild tempatures this evening and the weather cooperated with Mike Shannon and his team of volunteers.

ECI Unit Pocomoke City Christmas Parade There were the politicians of course but the good news is most of them rode at the front so everyone got to enjoy a variety of marching bands, church groups (reminding us of the reason) kids dancing, a motorcycle club and for a change there were more businesses, civic groups and troups of children having a great time.

Joy to the worldThe people in our stretch of Market Street around Sixth Street enjoyed having friends and family over to watch the parade. We had our first bonfire in the front yard which proved to be the 'hot ticket' for those wanting to stay warm while watching the event.

Overall the 2008 Pocomoke City Christmas parade was a very enjoyable family event. Many Thanks to those who participated as entrants and to those who volunteered in any of the countless ways to make something like this happen.

Inhumane Conditions At WCDC?

"I thought you might be interested in this information, I can not confirm all of this but I figured you had the resources to investigate more in depth. Mr Tomaszewski after being sentenced to 9 months was ordered to report to the detention center friday the 28th at 6 pm which he did. Mr Tomaszewski has several health conditions which were discussed before he even made his plea bargain, some of which included specific sleeping arrangements needed due to injuries to his back for which he has been on narcotic pain relievers for many years, pain relievers that with out them Mr Tomaszewski would first go through withdraw then would be in so much pain that he would be unable to walk, stand, or even sleep. As of monday night Mr Tomaszewski had not even seen the doctor, he had been denied his pain medication, medication for a skin condition, as well as medication for a thyroid condition. All of these conditions were discussed before his trial and Mr Tomaszewski was promised that he would be through medical at the detention center and receiving his medications in no more than 24 hours. Mr Tomaszewski has also received death threats from inmates for cooperating with the county and helping them make their case against Mr Townsend and Mr Lewis.

I can not imagine what Mr Tomaszewski and his family is going through right now after his complete cooperation with the county from the first time he was taken to the sherrif station at 3 am for "questioning". The best way I can think to describe how he is being treated is inhumane. If I were to treat a dog the way he has been treated I would be the one in jail, and probably receiving better treatment than Mr Tomaszewski.

Thank you for your time

Darrin Payne"

UPDATE: Pretty much everything you have just read above is true. I have confirmed that these issues are being taken very seriously and will be resolved TODAY. While no one appreciates what Mr. Tomaszewski has done, he has certainly saved the County a ton of time by cooperating and a deal is a deal! Just because he's behind bars at this moment doesn't mean the Warden should not fulfill the County's end of the bargain. So Mr. Payne, not that this information will comfort you any but I have it on the highest authority this WILL be taken care of today.


(Fallston, MD) – A man who threatened relatives after breaking into their Harford County home early this morning was fatally wounded by a state trooper when he violently assaulted the three responding police officers and attempted to gain control of a deputy’s gun.

The deceased man is identified as John M. Abbate, 52, of the100-block of Fidelity Drive, Fallston, Md. He was pronounced dead at the scene. His body will be taken to the Office of the State Medical Examiner for an autopsy.

Shortly after 4:30 a.m. today, a Harford County 9-1-1 call was received from the home of Randall G. Willis, 51, in the 2700-block of Lakeland Drive, Fallston. Willis reported that Abbate, who was married to his sister, had broken into his house and was being violent. While police were on their way, Abbate allegedly threatened to kill Willis’ wife and said he could get a gun from his vehicle.

The preliminary investigation indicates two Harford County Sheriff’s Office deputies and one state trooper from the Bel Air Barracks responded to the call. They confronted Abbate inside the home and ordered him to take his hand out of his pocket. Abbate, who was described as being about 6 feet tall and about 300 pounds, refused all commands from police and lunged at the deputies.

A violent struggle ensued that involved all three police officers. Deputies used a Taser twice, but it had no effect on Abbate, who reportedly pulled the Taser prongs from his body. The trooper used an expandable baton, which also had no effect.

When Abbate attempted to choke one of deputies, the trooper and second deputy both attempted to intervene. Abbate threw both police officers off and reportedly picked up the trooper and slammed him onto a computer table.

Abbate continued to assault the deputy and attempted to pull the deputy’s gun from its holster. In fear for the life of the deputy and the lives of all three officers if Abbate gained control of the gun, the trooper fired his Department issued Beretta Px4 Storm .40 caliber pistol. Abbate was fatally wounded.

Investigators have not verified a clear motive for Abbate’s actions at this time. Information has been obtained indicating he was having domestic problems.

The trooper is identified as Trooper First Class Sean Harris, 27, who is assigned to road patrol duties at the Bel Air Barracks. TFC Harris has been a trooper for 6.5 years.

He was transported to an area hospital where he was treated for injuries to his arms and legs. He was released and will be recuperating at home. TFC Harris will be on administrative leave, which is procedure after a police involved shooting.

One of the two deputies was also taken to an area hospital. He was treated for back and neck injuries.

The Maryland State Police Homicide Unit is conducting the investigation. The State Police Internal Affairs Unit is also conducting an administrative investigation which is procedure in police-involved shootings.

Support For The Ocean City Elks Lodge Regarding Slots

I'm posting the below comment to wtopnews.com regarding the second attempt by the Elks to get approval for slots (5 machines) in their lodge. In the event you were not aware, the Salisbury Elks has had 5 machines in their lodge for years. The story originated from delmarvanow.com according to WTOP. Budget info is from OC's website. Local Slot revenue allocation is from several recent articles about Ocean Pines' desire to share in the windfall. The delmarvanow article nor any other I've seen indicates the magnitude of the revenue windfall to OC or the County. The delmarvanow article is at:


The Town's budgeted revenue for 2008 is $75M. Estimated State Slot yearly revenue - $600M Ocean Downs, one of 5 Casinos, could bring in $120M of the total. OC will receive 20% of Ocean Downs revenue - $24M (County gets 10%) This represents a 32% increase in total operating revenue or an amount equal to 55% of their current Property Tax revenue. It covers more than 75% of their current Public Safety (Police) budget. The Town of Ocean City and the County are being handsomely compensated for any impact that the forthcoming Casino at Ocean Downs will have. The local Elks Lodge has asked for permission to operate just 5 slot machines as other fraternal organizations on Delmarva such as the Elks in Salisbury have been permitted for years. OC Slot money will go into the Town's coffer. Any Elks Slot money would go to charity. I think the Town and County can clearly afford to support this request by the Elks. The challenge is whether they will have the motivation to go beyond their selfish interests to work towards legislative approval of the Elk's request. I am a member of the OC Elks and have worked for OC for several years driving a bus. I don't gamble, play slots, or buy lottery tickets. I am therefore familiar with the Town and the Lodge and can say with a gambling neutral view that the OC Elk's request that they be given equal treatment on the issue of Slots as other fraternal organizations on the Shore be supported by the Town, the County, and the State.

Elks to O.C.: Support slots
December 1, 2008 - 10:00am

Fraternal groups want to operate slot machines

OCEAN CITY, Md. (AP) - The Ocean City Town Council is being asked to support possible state legislation allowing fraternal organizations to operate slot machines.

Ocean City Elks Lodge treasurer Jim Flaig says his group has already raised the issue with state lawmakers in the area and hopes to meet with the Speaker of the House Michael Busch and State Senate President Thomas V. "Mike" Miller.

Flaig has sent a letter to the town council seeking its endorsement of the proposal.

A bill that would have allowed fraternal organizations to operate slot machines for their members and guests failed in the General Assembly this year.

Information from: The (Salisbury, Md.) Daily Times

A New Christmas Poem






















This poem was written by a Marine.