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Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Fire In Delmar, It Was Wayne Barrall Sr.'s Home!

Looks like common sense doesn't run in this Fire Fighters Family? My earlier Post expressed how neighbors had been complaining how tons of white smoke would regularly come out of this chimney and it was only a matter of time.

It doesn't surprise me Wayne Jr. is now using a camera and not instructing or fighting fires. I will say, I'm certainly glad no one was hurt but this is the type of fire someone should have known better. We're not talking about faulty wires. We're talking about someone not taking proper care of their chimney and now their home stinks, bad! It's probably a bit water logged now too.

Fire Moments Ago In Downtown Delmar

After another Tip, I was asked to check out a fire in progress in Downtown Delmar, Delaware. While speaking to the neighbors, this home is constantly burning huge fires in their fireplace and they said it was just a matter of time. One Fire Fighter said when they first arrived there were flames coming out of the chimney. Delmar quickly responded and got things under control in no time. Salisbury arrived after a while to back Delmar up. The DT, 47 & 16 were nowhere to be found. LOL Thanks Fire Woman.


While this woman litters all over this parking lot in Downtown Salisbury, she wasn't too please that I was snapping pictures while she dumped trash off this car seat all over the ground. So, do you know this woman? What's her name? Where does she live?

The AZA Goes Into Damage Control Mode

"AZA-accredited zoos are safe. Until this incident, there had not been a visitor fatality resulting from an animal escape at an AZA-accredited zoo."

Yes, this is true. HOWEVER, they fail to mention the Keeper Staff Deaths possibly in the hundreds. Zoo's are in fact to be designed to keep the public safe, duh. However, look at what happened in Salisbury with the Jaguar. Both Bears got out at one point where the current interim Director used carrots to walk Chumley back into his Exhibit. The male Bison got out of his Exhibit because a Zookeeper didn't have the pin on properly on one of the gates and he simply pushed his way through and got out. Everyone had gone to lunch at the Zoo and some lady and a child in a stroller came up to the Office and told the Staff the Bison had escaped.

So the AZA can go pound their chest all they want, it's HUMAN ERROR that causes these severe problems at a Zoo and to think the Salisbury Zoo is WINGING it and the chances of error grow much stronger without a consistent and professional Staff.

"The San Francisco Zoo is a great zoo, it's an accredited AZA member in good standing, and it has our support during this difficult time." Yeah, that's what you'd expect from the AZA when someone is current on their dues.

The San Francisco Zoo Is Lying!

Similar to the shenanigans at The Salisbury Zoo back when the Jaguar "escaped," The Salisbury Zoo did everything they could to lie and skirt around the fact that a Zookeeper made TWO HUGE mistakes and was not properly trained before being in charge of that Exhibit. He not only left the door open from the den into the exhibit, he also left the gate open that takes you from the exhibit to the outside world.

Some are questioning the actual physical ability of such an animal at the SF Zoo to take such a leap and if there's one thing Zoo's are notorious for, it's lying. It was Christmas Day, the Zoo was open. More than likely the normal Professional Staff wasn't there and someone more than likely let this animal out. Oh, let me rephrase that the way we do it locally. The animal ESCAPED.

The Salisbury Zoo Staff lied by stating they had the drugs to dart the animal and THEY DID NOT. They claimed the Police were there, yet they never entered the grounds and stayed outside the gates. That day, the Salisbury Zoo was closed and young children had just been in that area on a private tour. Several people were very lucky they didn't lose their lives and or get badly hurt that day as well.

To this day the Salisbury Zoo is still without a Director, Vet Tech. and is being run by a shoestring. They're so desperate they hired yet another Security Guard to become a Zookeeper.

I'm sad for those people who lost their life and or were hurt by this Wild Animal. However, I'm just as sad for the animals life being taken at the expense of someone who could have been hung over or inexperienced doing someone else's job. We'll see what the investigation brings but my guess is that the AZA will do everything possible to cover up the truth.

The Tilghman Times Is Forced To Publish SPD Press Releases

Salisbury News, (ME) has been posting the Salisbury Police Department Press Releases for quite some time now and I had always wondered why the Tilghman Times hadn't been doing so for many years past? Before I found a way to access this information, The Tilghman Times always had access to it, yet they never produced it unless it was front page news.

I had heard Chief Webster state that they always sent their Press Releases to The Tilghman Times but they never chose to print them. Nevertheless, all of a sudden The Tilghman Times is now producing these releases and the community is now reading some, (NOT ALL) of them as they pick and choose what they'll print.

Maybe there's a certain standard Newspapers agree to put out there in the hopes of not letting too many people know just how bad things are in their communities? Nevertheless, the pressure is on and they finally started to fold and you are starting to become better informed as to what's truly going on in Salisbury.

I personally feel the SPD is doing a pretty damn good job and knowing they are partnering up with the WCSO makes perfect sense. They are ALL in the business to fight crime and Salisbury is in Wicomico County. With any luck criminals will start to learn Salisbury isn't as easy a target as they have enjoyed in the past.

Now if the SPD could only keep up on these Press Releases and produce them every other day, instead of once a week or up to 9 days at a time, that would be nice.

Breaking News!

Ladies & Gentlemen,

The City of Salisbury Audit is still NOT complete. I don't understand why this Mayor would flat out lie to the entire community and I also don't understand why The Tilghman Times isn't on top of this like true professionals?

Gone are the days when Bill Duvall would be all over things like this, as well as GA Harrison. Has Duvall also turned to THE DARK SIDE?

My guess, the Mayor will have something by days end and we'll be reading about its introduction in tomorrow's paper?

One Year Ago Today

Yes, they were weed whacking Downtown in late December. And people wonder why John Jacobs is no longer with us? LOL