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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Breaking Exclusive News

Wicomico County Sheriffs Department Chief Gary Baker and Sheriff Mike Lewis were driving down Mt. Hermon Road after their second meeting of the evening when a Pontiac Grand Am pulled out Carey Road in front of them and Chief Baker had to slam on his brakes to avoid hitting the vehicle.

Chief Baker turned on his lights and pulled over 18 year old Chelsea Truitt. Chelsea was asked for her Drivers License and Registration, she opened her Glove Box and an ounce of marijuana fell out of the Compartment.

When Sheriff Lewis went to retrieve the marijuana, the driver Chelsea Truitt attempted to start swallowing a bunch of pills whereas they had to actually grab her by the neck to stop her from swallowing the pills and overdosing.

Chelsea has been arrested and is currently in Custody of the WCDC. This is what we call PRO ACTIVE POLICING FOLKS!

My Response To One Fire Fighters Comment

you know i have to agree with wagonmaster we the vollies, do it 24/7 we can be called out at a moments notice. we drop everything we are doing and get to those engines to save people like you. It was not long ago that I saw a decal the said what we are all about. yeah you think we may be rednecks or whatever else you want to call us but you have to agree that if you or anybody you know need the fire deparment we would be right there to save you and yours. I am a proud vollie and I hold that fact close to my heart. cause you now have to think how many enemies have you made by this blog site?? what you dont think you dont have, that's funny. But just remember that every fire fighter across the world is in one family and we bleed the same color you do and we breath the same air, so why do you want to take some aggression out on us? there is alot of other idiots out there that need that more than we do. sincerly hell's fire

hell's fire,

That is, if your family is all white. That's my issue. IF you or any one of you use the "N" Word, I DON'T LIKE YOU. I have NO respect for YOU. That being said, how dare you dislike me because I not only spread the truth, how dare you disrespect me for my feelings between blacks & white!

You people are on the defense here because many of you do in fact use the "N" Word and you can't handle a guy like me that will in fact confront you and tell you it's not right.

If you or any one of your co workers DON'T use that word, then you should show ME the respect I deserve for standing up against so many of you because I've been told differently. NONE of you are obviously man enough to respect that, therefore none of you were my friends anyway. MY friends wouldn't treat Lorenzo Cropper that way or any other black person.

I can't wait to see your response to this comment.

If I have made enemies within the Fire Department, you obviously don't understand what this Blog is all about. I am NOT here to make friends and NONE of you are big enough to stand up for yourselves, let alone an entire City.

Is Robinson Back???????

"John R said...
I have decided to NEVER comment about J __ __ again. I will not read his site and he will not be a guest on my NEW RADIO TALK SHOW! My wife said commenting on him only give him crediblity. To drive someone like him even crazier, ignoring him is the best policy."


A Commenter Just Posted......

"Anonymous said...
slow news day joe? I bet the daily times will be thin tomorrow... oops no they have reporters that go find the news and not wait for it."

2:32 PM

I replied,

"I'm sorry,

Please provide your name, address and account information so that we may start billing you for our services."

"Perhaps you MISSED yesterday's Daily Times and information already provided by sbynews.com a month ago. Let's see, there was the front page of the new Sheriffs vehicles. Then there was the Delmarva Section about the old mall, been there, DONE THAT!

Yeah, the Daily Times is REAL competition to this Blog, NOT! Anyhow, don't forget to provide your billing information anyway. LMAO!"

The way I see it is, I could take an entire MONTH OFF before The Daily Times would catch up with me.

Something Cool From Xerox

If you go to this web site, HERE you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq . You can't pick who gets it, but it will go to some member of the armed services.

How AMAZING it would be if we could ge t everyone we know to send one!!! This is a great site. Please send a card. It is FREE and it only takes a second.

Whether you are for or against the war, our guys and gals over there need to know we are behind them...

Armed Robbery

Did anyone hear about the armed robbery at Cooper Insurance in Fruitland just off Rt. 13 recently?

As I have been away and used many of the old Newspapers for our puppies, I could have missed it if it was printed in the paper.

Your Tax Dollars Finally Hard At Work

Preventive maintenance is high on the priority list for the GOB.

Rick Pollitt & Co. have been working hard to make sure standard maintenance on the GOB is done and as many of you have seen this lift truck around the building for the past few weeks, they're getting it done.

Sealing up the windows, bricks and any other area that needs help, it's being fixed. However, since you have the lift truck, clean off the dead birds all over the place on the overhang just over the main entrance. If you go on the 2nd or 3rd floor and look down there are dead birds everywhere.

When you're done, send 50% of the Bill to Barrie Tilghman, your new partner.

False Alarm Hurts This Blog

A false alarm went off at a Bank on the Downtown Plaza the other night bringing out the Fire Fighters from the Salisbury Fire Department. There was a major dip in comments at that time on my Blog but 30 minutes later we were back in business.

Remember when Gordy said there was a 99.8% chance the Draw Bridge would never be up after they move to the new Station 16 on the West Side? Do you think Bubba informed him that long ago that they were planning on shutting down the Draw Bridge, yet none of the Tenders had a clue?

Something stinks and it isn't smoke.