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Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Police & Even The Fire Department Are All Over The Plaza

It's become very obvious, the City isn't going to take it any more.

As If Things Weren't Bad Enough For The City!

While you're out there building a $10,000,000.00 Fire Station, perhaps you should be keeping tabs on structures that aren't known to be on marsh land and how badly they're shifting?

This is the Parking Garage across the street from the Library. If I had a car that needed to be parked there every day, I'd find a new location. Not only would I be in fear of my own life every time I entered that structure, I'd do everything in my powers to relocate my huge investment and park elsewhere.

Just like the Zoo, just like the WWTP, they'll come back with, oh, there's really nothing wrong with this. HOWEVER, I was standing there with one of the biggest Contractors on the East Coast who saw it and immediately said, "That's A Problem!"

Ladies, park somewhere else for a while.

I Personally Removed The Graffiti In Pittsville

A week ago I went over to Pittsville and decided to remove the graffiti that had been painted in the Car Wash, owned by the Pittsville Fire Department. Nothing was getting done and with so many volunteers over there getting the biggest awards because they're so strong, no one even knew it was on the walls. No biggie though, it's removed and gone and it actually didn't take all that long to remove it.

Old Courthouse Disrepair

I find it VERY interesting how the City can go around to all the black neighborhoods and throw their weight around insisting good tax paying people fix their older homes to perfection or they'll lose their home.

The City treats their own buildings like crap and this building is a perfect example. If I were Shanie Shields and I wanted to prove a point, I'd insist there be an inspection in the basement of this building on behalf of the African American Community. I'd expect to find asbestos in the lower level of this building and illegal fluorescent fixtures throughout the rest of the building.

You want to call a spade a spade, bring it on Shanie. Do something for once for your people. IMO, you do nothing for them. Oh, you're a nice woman and you know I like you personally. However, business is business and you are paid to do a job. IF they want to go around your neighborhoods and put a hurting on people so badly they'll take away their homes, hit them below the belt like I always do.

This is a story just as big as the Zoo problems and the WWTP problems. People may be getting sick in these buildings and if you don't care, prove it by doing nothing at all. Show the people you represent you have no powers to do anything about anything in the City of Salisbury. Come on Shanie, show the world Joe Albero is completely wrong! The ball is in your court now Shanie.

The Dog Is Back!

Look, all of you know how much an animal lover Jennifer and I are. However, we do not subject people to our animals like this guy does. I could see if this dogs tail was wagging, he looked inviting and the whole nine yards. However, when I walked pas this dog yesterday he started growling, (which never happens to me) and the owner instantly yelled at him to come back into the store.

As far as I'm concerned, the dog must go. If this man doesn't voluntarily remove this animal from this building for good, I'll take maters into my own hands and have him removed. This is the second time this dog has growled at me and it will not happen again. I'm not waiting around till the dog gets to know me, there's something wrong with that animal.

Shopping is for humans, not animals, unless the name of your store is PetSmart.

There Is NO Money!

Although the Riverwalk, (IMO) could have been the biggest attraction to Salisbury, if done right, it is falling apart everywhere you turn! Sink holes are evident, large sections of concrete are slowly sinking, effecting the railing along the walk way and probably supporting the concrete to stay in one place while there's actually no ground underneath it!

Filling in these large and deep holes with pebbles isn't going to cut it and pretty soon someone is going to get killed. The City knows there's a problem, just like the blacktop road conditions all over the City. However, Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn & Gary Comegys have spent every dine the City has and are covering up the budget and the audit in order to make sure you citizens don't know just how bad things actually are.

Look Folks, there's no question that Barrie Tilghman's legacy will be similar to Marion Barry in Washington, D.C. years ago. Not in the drug sense but in the corruption sense. We're not going to get to the bottom of her shenanigans unltil she's gone from office. However, it's time to crack the whip. It's time to vote and get a total replacement team in there and that means the removal of Gary Comegys.

It's time to bite the bullet and deal with all the financial dreadlocks this Mayor has put us all in and get out of these holes. 2 more years of her bullshit and the City will be bankrupt for sure, seriously. "Anyone" with a Gary Comegys sign on their property is a person in which Gary & Barry have done favors for in the past. No one can be that stupid to think this guy is a light at the end of the tunnel. Gary has been popping out light bulbs the entire time he's been on the Council and he must go.

Talk About Trash

This woman walked right up to this Dumpster and threw a bag of trash into it and walked away. Hey Bubba, is this the woman you and Mikey were speaking about at that City Council Meeting where you stated you even saw this person walk out to the dumpster on the Plaza with a bag of trash and actually put it in one of those cans? Is this that woman Bubba?

No different from any of the other things you two have promised, nothing has been done about it, IDIOTS! There is no plan, we all know that. I know, here's an idea! Why don't you take one or two of those cans and place them towards the west end of the Plaza so people don't walk the final quarter of the way and throw their trash right on the ground instead? Your last can is by the City Bestro, yet you have 4 cans, (at least) at the east end, closer to your Offices. Go figure?

We want equal rights at the west end of the Plaza! We promise, we won't throw our trash in those can. We understand it's for the patrons only. Oh, we're all still waiting for your bright ideas and solutions for this problem?

Copyright Protection Laws

For those Bloggers out there copying posts from my Blog and using them on theirs, without my permission, you are breaking a Federal Law. "Anything" I write is protected by copyright laws, ask any Lawyer.

Copy one more thing from my Blog, (including photos) and you'll not only make my day, (since you've now been warned) we'll get to know exactly who you are as the Feds will get involved from this point forward.

Dirty Old Man (LOL)

When you get to be Bill Duvall's age, seeing a photo of a naked young lady is the thrill of a lifetime! This is what Bill Duvall is asking me to personally produce. Yet, (like a typical lawyer) he doesn't do so directly. He suggests people go over to Gunpowder's site and review an article in which Bill Duvall simple says, "I AGREE."

Well Bill, rather than exposing Mike Dunn's Wife all over the Internet, how about I just send you the picture for your personal pleasure with the understanding and agreement that you will not post it and or give it out to others to use?

This way you'll get the goods and do with it what you'd like, other than exposing this woman in bad taste. She's done nothing to you and she's done nothing to me. As much as I can't stand Mike Dunn, this would be over the top, unless he asks for it like lying to the Press that it does NOT exist.

Therefore, I strongly suggest to the Press that they go ahead and ask Mike Dunn if such a photo exists and IF Mike Dunn lies, I'll produce the photo on my Blog. Other than that, I'm NOT producing it, period. Get over it Dirty Old Men because it's not going to happen. Let me know if you'd like to see it Bill?