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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Poll Question

Do you think the local Blogs should also be invited to all press conferences?

The Cat Is Out Of The Bag!

Mr. John Harris, (the man that made the $5,000.00 donation for the Otters at the Salisbury Zoo) is throwing in his hat to run for City Council on Monday or Tuesday.

In a telephone conversation this evening, Mr. Harris explained how he wanted to make a difference for so many voices within the City he feels are simply not being heard.

I will give a more detailed interview with Mr. Harris after he makes it official but as of this evening he's ready to make the jump and run for Council.

I'd like to add a personal note to this Post. Mr. Harris was wined and dined, (so to speak) by Mayor Barrie Parsons Tilghman to make the donation for the Otters and in return Mr. Harris asked to be appointed to the Zoo Commission. The donation was made in good faith by Mr. Harris and when he sent toe formal letter to ask to be on the Zoo Commission, Barrie Tilghman to this date has NEVER replied!

Even though one of the Zoo Commission Members died several months ago she has never shown the respect Mr. Harris deserved by at least letting him know she's gone another route.

It's going to get quite interesting out there Folks but you know, it's only my own personal opinion. More to come.........

Exceuse Me, Can Someone Tell Me Where "ANYONE" Working At The Zoo Is?

I'd say they're "all" playing on their computers posting comments on Salisbury News Blog Site. Perhaps Mr. Alessi can explain why they changed and added so many new rules if there's never anyone on the grounds to enforce them?

Today at the Salisbury Zoo

The violations at the Zoo for such a short period of time today was just unbelievable. There will be posts to follow this one but I thought this particular photo was quite interesting.

First of all you have an adult bike rider clearly violating the rules with NO ZOOKEEPER in sight to stop them.

More importantly, the lady you see to the right with her back to us in the photo is CARRYING HER PET DOG!

It depends but did they add two women holding hands as one of their new violations at the Zoo as well? They changed so many of the rules, I wasn't sure.

Carrying or bringing in your Dog is something that is really bad as the animals in the Zoo go nuts over any animal like that. It could stress out animals and they can die from the stress alone.

Look at the rules the next time you go to the Zoo and you'll clearly see they are extremely difficult to read.

Like I said in my post yesterday, the Zoo will fall apart on its own and these people working there truly don't care. They were sitting around in the office today posting nasty comments on this Blog Site in which I've been busy removing them all day before anyone really got the chance to read them.

There's a new Council coming soon and without a doubt a new Mayor. IMO, I'd start looking for new jobs because these people are driving the Salisbury Zoo right into the toilet and the people coming into office won't stand for not only their past, they will not tolerate sleeping on the job any more in "any" department.

You can click on the image to enlarge it.

Today's Daily Times

As I walked to my mailbox this morning I could see something floating in the water and I thought to myself, there's no way that's my newspaper? Low and behold, there was my Daily Times floating in the run off ditch well behind my mailbox. It was completely useless and perhaps they could deliver me today's paper along with the Sunday paper? I'd appreciate that very much.

Grease Trap! Is Youz Guys Kiddin Me?

What da hell does yuz need a grease trap for when da city provides a storm drain right behind our joint? This Flavors of Italy joint must be a FOB! Once again, do I hear "HEALTH DEPARTMENT?

Even John Jacobs knows this is a clear violation. I know because I was in this business once and the Town/City made it VERY clear that if things clogged up their system they were going to fine us in a big way.

The Surgeon General Announces Smoking Can Make You Go Blind!

Researchers have proven recently in Salisbury, Maryland that smokers have lost the ability to hit their target by up to two feet, depending on how many cigaretts you smoke per day.

Smokers argued, "We thought it was a large brick ash tray and the blue thing was a water bowl for big dogs." How can you argue with that?

Delmarva Model Railroad Club's Open House This Weekend

Don't miss this rare opportunity to take your kids out and truly enjoy this special event. Click on the photo to enlarge.