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Friday, December 29, 2006

Saddam Hussein is Dead

10:05 PM EST 12/29/06 Saddam Hussein is executed by hanging.

Many Local Blog Sites Are Failing

Not that long ago we produced a poll question asking everyone how many days a week they would like to see posts on the Local Blogs. The answer was an overwhelming 7 days a week.

I created this poll because I wanted these other part time Bloggers to realize that if they really wanted to get into the game they'd need to step it up a bit and it looks like no one was willing to listen. Do keep in mind that even these Blog Site Owners participated in the poll.

Fertilizer For Our Bay hasn't posted anything new in 10 days. Crabbin rarely posts and has left a painting of Jesus Christ on his Blog for some 5 days now. Westside Wisdom hasn't posted anything since Dec. 14th, (15 days now). Integrity Matters hasn't posted anything new in 7 days now as well.

There are a few more but they're not even worth mentioning as they are simply attack Blogs put out by Charles Jannace against me personally and Bill Duvall. They haven't posted in quite some time either but I believe that was caused by someone slapping Charles on the hands and telling him he better cut it out before his career as a Lawyer would come to an abrupt end.

More than likely this will bring an aggressive group of comments from these so called Bloggers but you know me, I don't care. They're wanna be bloggers that can't keep up with the big boys and they post some of the most ridiculous posts with borrowed information/pictures most of the time from other news sources and Blog Sites.

Perhaps these few could get together and create one Blog where they can actually post something interesting and news worthy once a day?

Till Then, enjoy Duvafiles, Monoblogue, Salisbury News and Delmarva Dealings as these Blogs are delivering everything the Daily Times won't, the truth.

If You Work/Live On Tha Plaza Or Nearby, Please Drop Your Trash Off In The Cans On The Plaza From Here On Out.

Look, there's simply no reason to go to the Dump any more. Do like everyone else is doing and use the "DRIVE THRU PLAZA" to discard your trash. You never even have to leave your car. Just reach out the window with your bag and whalla, plop! Oh, the conveniences of the City of Salisbury. Barrie, who would have ever thought of it?

It's That Time Of Year Again, NOT!

Yep, December 27th and the City is actually sending out crews to weed whack? Your tax dollars hard at work Folks!

Does It Ever End?

Illegal parking on the Plaza continues mainly at the same place it always is. Can you figure that one out Barrie? Do you need more pictures to see where most of the violations are? Oh, that's right, it's dark out and you roll up the City's sidewalks, including the Police Department. How about you appoint me a Special Ticketing Agent where I would have the powers to write these Idiots tickets? I'll await your telephone call.

The Most Embarrassing Insult Barrie Tilghman & Chief Webster Can Place On The Taxpayers!

This graffiti is directly outside the old Courthouse and in VERY plain view of anyone traveling down Main Street heading towards the Plaza.

Now it's one thing to run around demanding building owners remove the graffiti off their buildings right away, yet the City allows crap like this to sit there for a week now and do NOTHING at all about it!

Graffiti is getting out of control in the City and they cannot keep up with it. The next thing we'll all know is Barrie will punish the taxpayers and create a new position/positions that will house a task force for graffiti alone and charge it back to the taxpayers.

You know how she works. She'll make it sound like she's doing everyone a favor. I say, get the witch out there herself and let her scrub the graffiti off this one single monument and maybe then she'll get a feel for just how difficult it is and hopefully step up the police patrols to stop this from happening?

In the mean time Barrie, you and Chief Webster are destroying the City of Salisbury and you know what, there's NOT ONE example of someone who has been arrested for this in how many years Barrie? Do us all a favor and go back to being a housewife Barrie.

Tim Spies Is The First Out Of The Gate To Run For City Council

Talk about a good man! Tim is the President of the Camden Association. There will be a lot more information and news about this man but for now it should be known he has stroked his check for $15.00 and will be running up against Mike Dunn, Gary Comegys and Lynn Cathcart.

Here they come Barrie!!!!!

Wind Turbine Troubles By Dr. Jimmy Tragle, Part IV

Industry claims no adverse effect on property values. I think this is a hard one to justify as one is required to disclose any problems with a property when putting it upon the market. There are a two reported instances where a wind plant purchased property at fair market value then sold them considerably below market value. One to a farmer that had either power lines or turbines sited on his property and was making money in rent from the facility owner. The other was sold cheaply to an employee of the wind plant.

There is another reported instance where a family was forced to abandon their home in Nova Scotia this year. The property had been in the family for generations. They were all suffering the adverse effects of sleep deprivation and the ripple effects that one might imagine would follow. Three members of the family have also been reported to be suffering from some visual disturbances that may represent permanent damage subsequent to long term exposure to low frequency vibrations. There is a condition that industrial workers experience after many years of working in noisy environments known as vibroacoustic disease (VAD). A few doctors in different countries are considering VAD to be an issue for residents near wind plants.

Given all that information ask yourself and answer honestly, if someone was offering to sell you property and they disclosed all this would you walk away? If a lot of people want to buy a property it increases in value. If no one wants to buy it the value plummets. Simple market behavior.

Apart from the health impacts there is also the matter of spoiled view sheds. Night skies tainted by flashing lights aren't what someone after rural property is going to see as a drawing point. Opinions of the turbines as seen by day depend upon one's personal taste I suppose. I've seen them up close and personal. Once was enough although I suppose I'll go back a few more times in an attempt to record them again under more appropriate conditions. It was a bit nasty when I went the first time and I'd like to experience them under more calm conditions at ground level.

Industry advocates will claim the turbines boost tourism. There are a few locations where tourism directly linked to wind plant visitation have failed miserably. If wind plants become commonplace they'll certainly cease to be an attraction.

For Jack Mountain there are numerous tourism draws in terms of hunting, fishing, camping, rafting, and hiking. There is a good probability many of these will suffer due to environmental damage resulting from the blasting for foundations and the clearing of forested land for turbines, access roads, and power lines.

It would appear that the net effect on tourism stands a really good chance to be in the red.