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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Poll Question

Do you agree or disagree with the county councils decision to NOT extend the TIF for the old mall?

It Didn't Take Long For These Guys To Regroup!

I was taking care of some business on the Plaza this afternoon after the Council had made their decision when I came across the two Old Mall Developers having lunch with Paul Wilber. Unfortunately my camera was in my car, (too far away to go and get) but they're already on the rebound. From their looks in this photo, who'da thunk it?

More Fireworks At 4:30!!!!!!

The City Council will meet at 4:30 tonight to review the CIP Report from the Mayor. This should be worth seeing.

Here It Is Folks. The, WTF Did They Just Say Look!

This was the look on their faces when the County Council voted NO to extending the TIF! I'll have more later on this.

The New County Council Have Spoken!

Big Breaking News!!!!!!!!

The Wicomico County Councel have turned down the extension of the Old Mall TIF. There will be no extension for three years and or even 6 months, as begged for by City Council Member Mike Dunn!

Mike got up there and explained to all the County Councilmen how if they didn't vote yes to the extension "you'll be killing the project." Stevie Prettyman immediately stepped forward and said, voting against this TIF would not kill the project, as Mr. Dunn stated. Mike then took it back and said something of the sort that it would delay things quite a bit.

So once again Mike Dunn lied, he was caught and then tried to soften his lie. Nonetheless, he was trying to take advantage of a new Council, it failed and the final decision may have been caused by Mike Dunn's lie!

During Terry Cohen's Public Comment, Mike Dunn started yelling out, "That's Not True, That's Not True." I turned around and told him to shut up, twice. Mike was in the audience, just as I was, listening to Terry and I have to tell you Folks, between Mike Dunn, Gary Comegys and Lynn Cathcarts husband, these three wouldn't stop talking the entire time! Mike would have gaveled them down in a heartbeat but instead he was extremely rude and completely out of line.

Listen to the rebroadcast and you'll hear them time and time again very clearly. Once we have that opportunity to get a copy of it we'll put a link up and let you hear the audio of it.

OK, so here's the main key here. The new County Council have clearly proven they are NOT going to be bullied around by the City Council. The County Council is NOT going to be responsible for paying $6,000,000.00 for a small parking lot! Even Mr. Macky's got up there and explained how they had nowhere near enough parking spaces for the Civic Center. Well guess what Idiot, you should have thought about that YEARS ago when you built the damn thing!

IMO, I see a brand new City Council coming soon where Mike Dunn, Gary Comegys and Lynn Cathcart will be a part of the past. People are becoming wise of their lies and games and it's a shame the County Council wasn't better prepared when it came to the Sassafras deal because they may have elected to keep the property and not annex it into the City.

Council Woman Debbie Campbell clearly stated she was there as a taxpayer and not as a City Council Person and spoke her mind rejecting the extension as well. She explained how she turned it down on the City Council and hoped they'd do the same. It should be noted that Mike Dunn clearly stated he was the City Council President and mentioned nothing of being a taxpayer and or there on that capacity. His intentions were to sway their votes his way as he was President of the Council. He went on to suggest that it took him some 6 months to understand the complexity of a TIF and with all due respect, there's no way they could understand it in just a few days. Dee, Dee, Deeee! In other words, I know what I'm talking about and you people are simply clueless, so vote my way. What an Idiot!

Blogger is not allowing me to put up pictures at the moment but as soon as I can get them up for you I will. I have photos of the exact moment they said no and the look on the developrs faces as well as Dunn & Comegys.

Jesus Bubba, Can You Just Spit It Out?

Lynn Cathcart could only wait so long before she got up out of her chair in anticipation for Bubba to get out his first sentence. Mike was obviously frustrated as well while Bubba fumbled and mumbled, stopped in mid stream of a sentence and then went on to another completely different issue! This guy is thinking of running for Mayor? My prediction on that would be, 5 hour long Council Meetings. The only thing Bubba can finish quickly is a meal.

If There's One Thing Mike Dunn Doesn't Have Enough Of, It's Balls!

Like a fool, I had the funniest Post I had ever come up with, then my Wife read it before I posted it and I had to trash the whole thing. She said it was infantile! ME? It had words in it like, master debater, jerk, you get the picture.

So Mike, you've been saved by the Princess. I hope you squeeze it till it pops. Merry Christmas!

Now get off the floor and go back to work!

The Citizens Were Seeing Red Last Night!

As expected, the Mayor wore her usual red jacket last night but we also got a treat from Debbie & Lynn. One wonders if they were trying to let the Mayor know she's known for wearing only two jackets, one red and one yellow? Or were they simply kissing up to the Mayor with compliments? NOT! Nonetheless, we thank you for wearing ANY jacket Barrie, trust me on that one.

The Biggest A*s Kisser I've Ever Seen!

If you watched the Council Meeting last night you saw this gentleman first of all step in front of Mr. Holland and race to the microphone to get his little PR Speech out about the mediation company he works for. He even went so far as used Dr. Martin Luther King as a ploy to market his company on PAC 14 and invited the entire Council out to his forum in a few days. (I'll NOT promote his company and or the dates of his BS affair) Nevertheless, Dunn just sat there like a complete Idiot and didn't gavel this man as he went on and on about marketing and promoting his company.

I think I'll open a new toilet paper company and use PAC 14 as a way to show people what they're dealing with and how they can properly use this paper. I'll leave the forum up to Jim Rapp to run for me.

Illegal Parking At The GOB

I watched the Mayor walk right past this vehicle as she and the entire Council walked out of the building and right past it. "IF" they would have had a Police Officer in last nights meeting, (in which they did not) perhaps they could have done something about it.

The question is, do you think this would have happened if it were "MY" personal vehicle parked there?

A New Local Developer Builds A Home In The City With No Permits, No Tif's, No Reimbursements & No Hookup Fees!

I just wonder how long it will take before Barrie either tax this home and or put a demolition order on it Christmas Day or the day after? Oh, by the way Barrie, an African American Family might be living in it one day. Now I know a demolition order will be out soon. Merry Christmas to you too, Biotch.

Who's In The Running For City Council?

Monoblogue has a story this morning about who will be running against the Dream Team and doesn't understand why he hasn't heard anything as of yet.

Michael, I never see you at Council Meetings but I happen to personally know of 4 people who will be running for City Council, one of which may be coming out of the closet today as a matter of fact. (Photos to follow later today)

Nevertheless, there won't even be a chance for the old Dream Team once these names are produced so they might as well hang it up, resign with whatever dignity they have left and let these good people take the Council back to honorable people with only the Citizens in mind and not their own pockets.

Oh, I'll bet Barrie Tilghman is chomping at the bit wondering who these people will be. You'll just have to wait Barrie. I wonder if they'll vote to take back all the powers the Mayor has right now?????? This could get VERY interesting!