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Friday, November 03, 2006

Welcome To The Salisbury Lowe's

Obviously the Chief Of Police is doing a MUCH better job with Crime and Gangs in the City!

Let's see, we started out only months ago where the Chief actually said there were no Gangs in Salisbury and now he's admitting things with Gangs are actually pretty serious.

Rather than Gangs slowing down and getting a grip on things, more graffiti is showing up in areas we hoped would never be exposed.

So please, do tell us Chief, why shouldn't we join forces with a County Wide Police Department when we have daily proof you're behind the 8-Ball every day. Oh, maybe you just don't see all this crime and my Blog Site has made your job even easier? You don't have to go anywhere as I'll deliver the photos and locations so you don't have to do anything!

I'm sad for the Officers trying to hold their heads high while their Boss sits in Ocean City in a complete other County while they clean up your mess as best as possible.

Sorry Chief, you're a nice guy and all but you know what, it's getting pretty bad in Salisbury and it's getting far worse under your watch, like it or not. Blame it on transient criminals all you want, they're coming here for a reason and I'd say it's because Salisbury is an easy target and the Chief of Police is asleep behind the wheel.

Enough is enough and it's time for immediate changes.

Do You Think The City Of Salisbury WWTP Can Sell The Coast Guard Human Feces From Their Sludge Pit????

Landfill gas to heat shipyard in $3 million, 15-year deal

By Brent Jones

Sun Reporter

November 1, 2006

It's praised as a win-win deal for everyone: The U.S. Coast Guard gets a cheap supply of energy, cash-hungry Baltimore receives a total of $3 million, and tons of landfill gas laden with methane are prevented from leaking into the atmosphere.

Under an agreement scheduled to be announced today, the Coast Guard will pay the city $200,000 annually for 15 years for the methane, which will come from the city's Quarantine Road Landfill, where it accumulates naturally as solid waste decays.

The gas will be piped about a mile to the Coast Guard shipyard in Curtis Bay, where a methane-powered co-generation plant will generate electricity and produce enough steam to heat the shipyard during the winter.

Construction of the plant is expected to begin next summer and to be completed by the spring of 2008. The city will begin receiving payments for the gas after the pipeline is completed and the plant begins to operate.

Methane is the primary component of natural gas, but it is more cost-effective when derived from landfill gas. Coast Guard officials say the new system will eventually result in saving millions of dollars in utility costs. But those savings will not appear for 15 years after the Coast Guard pays for the plant and pipeline.

Cmdr. John Slaughter, facilities engineer for the shipyard, said the use of methane to generate electricity and thermal energy will enable the Coast Guard to satisfy a federal mandate requiring agencies to become more energy-efficient.

"We will be pumping 30,000 pounds of steam per hour," Slaughter said.

The deal is part of a broader national push by businesses and governments to generate electricity or steam from decomposing garbage buried in landfills. The shift allows for federal tax breaks and gives an alternative to rising natural gas prices.

Last week, the city signed a contract with a Milwaukee-based company to use methane produced by the Back River sewage treatment plant to generate electricity. Officials expect the deal to save the city $1.4 million a year in energy costs while improving air quality.

"Public works has been on a course to reduce energy and protect the environment through a number of projects," said George L. Winfield, the city's public works director. "The bottom line is, this is something else the city is doing to protect the environment."

Environmentalists point out that methane is a potent greenhouse gas and is 23 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide, the gas most closely associated with global warming.

Government officials in Anne Arundel and Baltimore counties have embarked on similar plans to sell landfill gas.

The Quarantine Road landfill opened in 1985, holds about 10 million tons of waste and averages about 35,000 tons of rubbish every month. It is one of five public solid waste disposal sites in the city, resting on 126 acres.

Landfills are also the largest source of methane emissions created by man in the United States, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

City officials expect an overflow of gas from the Quarantine Road landfill and plan to sell off gas rights beyond the needs of the shipyard.

"I think that is a very viable option," Winfield said. "We don't have definitive information on how much methane gas will be generated. But we continue to add materials to landfills. We just know there are going to be an opportunities for other non-governmental entities."

Link to the article: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/local/bal-md.methane01nov01,0,6842256.story?coll=bal-local-headlines

Nemo's Championship Photo Is In

Don't forget the Dog Show in Salisbury sponsored by the Salisbury Kennel Club on November 10th, 11th & 12th. (Friday, Saturday & Sunday)

We have Renoir entered in that show as well. There's not enough dogs in his class to possibly win a Major but the more points the better.



NOVEMBER 6, 2006
4:30 p.m.

4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Pipe stem annexations – Paul Wilber

5:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Discussion and outline of proposed amendments to Planned Development Districts (PDD) – Jack Lenox/Paul Wilber

5:30 p.m. – 5:50 p.m. Ordinance – amendment to the rental license ordinance to allow the license to be withdrawn if a nuisance violation – Chief Allan Webster

5:50 p.m. – 6:20 p.m. Review of annexation incentive policy – John Pick

6:20 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. General discussion/upcoming agendas

Westside Wisdom Has An Excellent Article On Mike Lewis


Friday, November 03, 2006
Mike Lewis For Sheriff! Part 2-TheRoache Saga!
I'm sure if Mike reads this at some point in time he'll realize who I am. I however feel compelled to speak regarding the "racial profiling" issues Mr. Roache has brought up. I had the privilege to ride along with Mike many times during a season of drug interdiction on the Rt. 13 By-Pass and found his stops to involve every type of race on the globe who had violated the motor vehicle/traffic laws of the State of Maryland. He never even implied stopping someone because they were black. Also if you're are dumb enough to be speeding,80 mph in a 65 mph zone,in a rental car,without a valid drivers liscense,without your name on the rental contract,without any consistent story between individuals as to where,why or what you're doing and you have a Cheech & Chong attitude about the whole event along with a joint or bag of pot in plain sight. Read this carefully YOU NEED TO GO TO JAIL!!!!!! These are facts not something I read in the New York Times! How dare Joel Roache blatantly throw out half truths against anyone in law enforcement who has watched his close friend die on the shoulder of Route 13,has had to make a split second decision to preserve lives by taking a life and then be drug into civil court to defend himself and be labeld a racist. You Mr. Roache are not suited to even put your name on the same page as the name Mike Lewis. I could go on for page after page here,but I won't I'll end with this, as a life long resident of the Salisbury/Wicomico County area I wished we had a building full of Mike Lewis type individuals on Naylor Mill Rd. so I could put my guns away,leave my doors unlocked again and not worry abouth the safety of my family anytime I'm not with them to protect them!!! I hope I've made myself clear on this subject and MIKE LEWIS FOR SHERIFF!!!!!!!!!!!!