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The Daily Times Shows Its Desperation Today!

On the Front Page of the Sunday Edition of The Daily Times they have reached out in such desperation it was loud and clear.

"Contact us
If you spot news, please call our tip line at 410-749-7171, ext. 234, to let us know."

Not only are you paying $1.25 for the paper, they want you to work for them for FREE and provide them with what it takes to stay in business.

Here's a TIP for you Mr. Greg Bassett, there wasn't a single representative from the Daily Times at either political event yesterday and people are in fact interested in who's showing up, what's new and who's on board. The Daily Times wasn't there because Barrie Tilghman doesn't want anyone to know Charles Jannace is on the ticket running for County Executive because she silently wants Ron Alessi to win.

It's only a mater of time before The Daily Times is a paper of the past but it becomes extremely evident when they start asking the people who are paying for the Paper to start feeding them the news. What a joke!

Charles Jannace Was The Highlight Of Yesterday's Events

I'd like to see "one" picture of Ron Alessi with any one of these Politicians. Charles is picking up speed like there's no tomorrow and everyone respects the fact that he's putting his neck on the line to offer a far better outcome for County Executive.

Please make sure you go to, www.reallifejustice.blogspot.com and see the 5 recent platform ideas Charles has created and see if he's the man for you.

Republicans are told to avoid him but we're getting the e-mail messages and telephone calls and like it or not, Charles is favored over Alessi by a long shot. If you'd like to help in his campaign please contact me at, alberobutzo@wmconnect.com .I look forward to hearing from you.