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Friday, September 01, 2006

Just 30 Minutes Ago In Salisbury

Buryvoter has been busy delivering almost up to the hour photos of events in Salisbury this evening. This home is on Patomic Ave, just off Old Ocean City Road.

How Do You Think The Sludge Pit Is Holding Up?

From the look of things, the Zoo isn't making out too well either. Don't worry Jimbo, buryvoter took these pictures, not me.

I know if I lived in Harbor Point I'd be throwing a fit and forcing the MDE to come out there and shut that place down. In this case, shit is rolling down hill in liquid form.

Downtown Salisbury Is Getting Ready!

Earlier today I mentioned my concern towards what might happen at the Salisbury Zoo with flooding. Certainly sand bags aren't going to be as easy for the Zoo as it is for those businesses on Main Street.

I can tell you here in Delmar things are quickly flooding due to the dry soil for such a long period of time. Ponds are already overflowing and spreading into the pasture areas and this is just the beginning! Time to run some pumps on and wait it out.

Will The Salisbury Zoo Flood Out This Weekend?

With the serious threat of very heavy rains coming to the region, the Salisbury Zoo sits 100% in a Flood Plane Zone according to the State.

Over the years, many of animals have died a horrible death because of such said flooding. The Prairie Dogs are the first that come to mind. Even after we went directly to the Mayor about these animals drowning, she covered it up and said everything was OK at the Zoo. I believe 19 have died from drowning. Considering there are only 2 left, that number could be much higher.

There have been many times the Zoo Staff simply open the gates for the Llamas and allow them to roam the Zoo in order to find higher ground because the river floods so badly that they'd be standing chest high in water if they stayed in that exhibit.

Then there's the Dam upstream that everyone is so concerned about. What would happen if it collapsed? Surely the Salisbury Zoo would be a thing of the past and the animals, (most of them) would not survive.

So do tell me, why on God's Green Earth would all of you consider spending $36,000,000.00 to renovate the Salisbury Zoo where it is located? This has got to be the biggest scam job Ron Alessi and Jim Rapp have ever pulled off!

The way I see it is, the City Council is already stupid enough to sell you on a $10,000.00, (soon to be $15,000,000.00) Fire Station on swamp land. How the heck could all of you fall for this BS placing a Zoo in the middle of some of the lowest land in the County where the River already runs through it?

Wouldn't the Old Mall pose as the perfect location to relocate the Salisbury Zoo? It should also be known that the Perdue's offered to donate a ton of land next to the Shorebirds Stadium and Ron Alessi turned it down.

By the way Mayor, (seriously) should you need a place to keep some of these animals if the threat gets too bad, we have a huge barn with stalls and paddock areas not being used right now. I also have a large horse trailer I could transport these animals with if need be. My services are available unconditionally and free of charge. This is about the animals, not individuals.

PS, I happen to know of an excellent animal caretaker that just happens to be on this property as well and I can assure you these animals would be very well cared for. 410-430-5349 I can be there in 15 minutes.

Update: Virginia Beach has already received 9" of rain and it's only 11:30 a.m. on Friday.

Ren Takes 1st Place In Reading, PA.

Jennifer, (center) & Ren pose proudly as they receive their First Place Ribbon in the Yorkshire Terrier Specialty Show in Reading, PA. last week.