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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

You're Outta Here!!!!!!

Charles Jannace, AKA Hadley Baxendale from Real Life Justice, AKA Justice For All has thrown Bill Duvall, AKA Duvafiles and Salisbury News, AKA National-Joe-A-Graphic off his Blog Site.

Here's a sampling of what's left as Links on his Blog, Praise God.

Sunrise, Sunset

Maryland Politics

Local Tridentine Pre-Vatican II Wisdom!

Higher Ed Blog

Darn Near Perfect

One of a Kind
House Conservative Caucus

Transchoptankia Gazette
Gunpowder Valley Times
WFB is 80! God Bless Him
A Vast Conspiracy

God + Stogies

Outrageously Funny!

Only Reason to Buy Wash.Post

Truth With Grace

The CIA Website

A Great Journal of Political Thought and Statesmanship

A Nice NeoCon Blog

Brushmiller Slams Pretl over Bartkovich!!!!

This photo was "in the moment" when Bryan Brushmiller slammed Pretl over remarks he made about Gail.

"As a man I cannot sit here and allow Mr. Pretl to make the statement he has about Mrs. Bartkovich while she's not here to defend herself," Bryan Brushmiller said. Like I said in an earlier Post, we need more MEN in America just like this young man.

You take a look at Mike Dunn and watch him slam Debbie Campbell around like a rag doll with total disrespect and everyone agrees, he's a pussy. Bryan Brushmiller is a man Folks! Gail, you owe this man a humble thank you.

This Is A Man That Wants To Win!

Mike Lewis was spotted just off the bypass on Rt. 50 this morning waving to passing vehicles and allowing them to stop and say hello and show their support.

I have seen John Cannon doing this same thing but very few other Candidates seem to go the extra mile to "earn" your vote. In My Opinion, I'm VERY thankful that Mike Lewis is standing on the side of the road NOT in uniform snagging me for speeding. Always a pleasure Mike! ;-)

Pretl Says, Dear Lord I Pray

Dear Lord, I pray that you some how shut this man up as he has gone on and on and on about nothing and they keep asking him over and over and over again to stop and he just keeps going and going and going, Geesh!

Ahhhhhhhh, the power of prayer works.

Around The Room

Family Members, Supporters & Voters were there to suffer through a very long and drawn out night at SU.

The County Executives should have been respected far greater then they were by being brought up separately. To include them with the County Council with the exact same questions was flat out stupid and demeaning! Show some respect where respect is due.

Right Back At Ya Joe!

Bob Taylor wanted to make sure he got a decent shot of me up in the balcony and I returned the favor. You have to admit, this man is at almost every single Council Meeting as well as Forum's. He's the Salisbury Watch Dog in my opinion.

Last Night's Lousy Turn Out!

If you play with numbers you'll quickly see that there was another lousy turn out last night. John Cannon had at least 3 family members there. Jannace had 4, Alessi had at least 3 and the list goes on and on. There were very few in attendance once again and this is very sad for the County.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Renoir Wins His First Major

Renoir takes a 4 point Major and is only 5 points away from his Championship as well. Looks like Cassandra is on a Major Roll herself!


Today we received the Official Documents for Nemo's Championship. One down, one to go!

(Click on image to enlarge) Our special thanks to Handler Cassandra Williams of Salisbury, MD.

DD Crabb Has An Excellent Article On His Blog


Enough Of Joel Todd's Bullshit!

Being a former resident and taxpayer of Ocean City and Worcester County, Joel Todd has his head up his butt!

Granted, Wicomico County has a very bad track record. However, Worcester County covers things up like there's no tomorrow! You didn't read about this in the Daily Slime. A few years ago on Memorial Day Weekend, one of the MAJOR Banks on West Ocean City was robbed. Not your typical robbery though. This robbery consisted of waiting till Sunday Night after all the Outlet Mall money had been deposited and a van pulled up to the Bank and put up a black canvas room/tarp butted against the deposit box and the robbers simply used a welding torch and cut the entire deposit box out of the wall and took off with millions of dollars.

Now why didn't anyone read about this in the Daily Slime? Because Worcester County is the Master at keeping crime away from the Press because they're a "Family Resort."

Between Jennifer and I we have 5 boys. One of hers and one of mine are the same age and were living with us at our home in Ocean City. They were 16 years old at the time and they could get their hands on all the pot they could ever dream of in Ocean City! At 17 years old they worked in Ocean City and if you worked at Phillips you could cash your paychecks at the liquor store next door and even run a tab for liquor. That's right, you heard me, you could run a tab for liquor at 16 years old at the liquor store next door.

The authorities had been warned about such a thing and guess what, NOTHING happened about it. Unless one of them were willing to go in there in a sting operation, Ocean City wasn't going to touch it. We had children getting their hands on illegal drugs and alcohol at any given moment and becoming addicted to such bad habits and NOTHING at all was done about it! This went on fron 16 to now 21 years old.

The stories my Boys could tell all of you about Ocean City would simply blow you away but if you could fantasize about the wildest things happening under the sun out there, it's happening!

Joel Todd can play the game of it's happening everywhere else but not here is full of crap, period! When's the last time you read about a couple being killed, cut up into a million pieces and then dumped in trash cans throughout the City? Not in Wicomico County but it sure has happened in Worcester. There's LOTS of crime that happens there you NEVER hear or read about.

I'm not at all trying to say one County is better than the other. However, I will say FROM EXPERIENCE, Worcester County is very corrupt when it comes to the exposure of criminal activity and it's no wonder Chief Webster has learned to not report things and keep his Staff away from places like the Old Mall where their stats could go up even higher if he arrested more people there.

No, Joel, Worcester County has simply mastered the game on what to say and what not to say. As transient as that County is, you're full of crap!

The Cannon's Are Loaded!

The former Miss Maryland, (John Cannon's Sister) and John Cannon's Mother were enjoying their lunch, (until I came along) when we arrived and I just had to get a shot of that purse! She told me this is the third campaign she had been using this idea for and I just thought it was really cool! Like I've always said, this guy, (and now his Family) will do what it takes to win this race. I too believe that the Wives, Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers and sometimes Children should be a strong part of your campaign as it clearly shows the kind of upbringing and even support the Candidate has starting right at home. Thanks for the photo op Folks!

What's Safer? The Super Dome Or The Civic Center?

It only takes one look up and it becomes clear that there's a VERY good chance someone is going to get hit in the head with a ceiling panel.

I have been viewing this for years and either they're replacing the tiles and more are falling out regularly or for some God Forsaken reason they're not at all replacing these tiles because they're extremely lazy and couldn't care less what the place "looks" like?

Isn't this the place that's always asking for Big Bucks from the County all the time?

The Old Mall Is Not Secure After All

Just a couple of weeks ago we had shown everyone wide open doors to the Old Mall where anyone could access it. We were assured by the Mall Owners that they would in fact secure the property once again and they did in fact go in there and secure it. However, people are obviously desperate to get in and have pretty decent tools to pry open bars that were securing the property. Wait till Linda Kent sees this one!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Straight From Nanticoke Watershed Alliance Contact Person:

"The forum will be in the Great Hall at Holloway Hall at 7pm Monday evening (oct. 30), it will be televised by PAC 14."

Is Hadley, (Justice For All) Calling It Quits?


Hadley V. Baxendale said...
Bill: It looks like we may be losing one blog. Mine is acting very reminiscent of The Great Crash of March 2006. Very unstable and I don't have the time or inclination to fight it.

8:03 AM

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Another "insider" view of behind the scenes at the Civic Center. (Click on image to enlarge)

TAG! YOU'RE (full of sh)IT!


Over the last couple of weeks a few schools have banned the game of tag.
It's just too dangerous both physically and mentally for our little darlings to
continue playing. What in the hell are we coming to with this insanity?
It appears the same thing has happened to dodge ball.

Part of the reasoning behind this is to avoid accidents during recess.
I don't understand why at every turn we need to protect kids from
skinned knees and elbows. They're a common part of growing up. We're
going to be a nation of crybabies in a generation or two if this garbage is
allowed to continue. Who didn't proudly display the scabs from an horrific
bicycle wreck as a kid? Don't chicks dig scars?

What I find even more disturbing is that the motivation for this lunacy also
includes protecting kids from the emotional let down of being eliminated.
It is called failure. Everyone fails at something on many occasions during
their lifetime. It isn't fun, but it happens. You either deal with it or you
don't. In my humble opinion you are better suited to deal with failure on
major issues as adults, like relationships and jobs, if you've been allowed to
fail at minor things, like dodgeball and tag, as a child.

Honestly I'm not even certain why they consider tag an elimination game.
When I was a kid, five to ten of us would run around like little idiots slapping
each other and shouting "tag you're it" without ever sitting down. That would
go on until we were forced to quit by an adult, got distracted by a snake, or just
plain exhausted.

What's next?

This Post was written by Anonymous Poster.

Civic Center Craft Show

If you're into Crafts, the Civic Center is the place to be this weekend. We even found a bottle of shampoo with our "NEMO" on the label.

One of the Exhibitors tried to sell me a Pound Cake and when we picked it up we said, this isn't a pound. She replied, it's actually 2 pounds. I said, then it's not a Pound Cake. She replied, yes it really is. I said, no, it's a Double Pound Cake or a Double Pounder. She said, if you cut it in half it would be a Pound Cake. I said, no, if you cut it in half it would be a half a Pound Cake. She stood there for quite a while trying to say something but was too dumbfounded to get anything out. I Won!

Today is the last day so make sure you get out and check it out. Tell the Lady with the Pound Cake I said hello. LOL

Station 7

The long awaited arrival of the new Pittsville Restaurant named Station 7 is just around the corner. The addition is complete, the hoods are in, the beer lines and soda lines are installed in the upper and lower bar, the drywall is being installed as we speak and the paint is going on the walls where code calls for it.

Todd and Carol Wampler couldn't be more excited, AND exhausted! The photos above will give you an idea just how far they've come but within the next 2 weeks, well, things will be complete and a Grand Opening will be the talk of the Town.

Get a look at that one photo of the new hood just installed! That's a HUGE hood! The bar upstairs was being stained yesterday and I gotta tell you Folks, they did a nice job upstairs! The Salisbury area needed a good restaurant, one that everyone can brag about and this is going to be the place, you'll see!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Car Thefts On The Rise In Salisbury!

I just received another call from another friend of mine who just had their car stolen overnight! This makes it the second friend in two weeks that had their car stolen in two weeks! It may be the 20th most dangerous City in America but from what I can tell, everyone's Insurance rates are about to skyrocket as well!

This is also another reason why the Chief of Police should live in the City. Maybe if his car was stolen they'd do more about crime? Don't get me completely wrong here folks, it's far more involved than you think. The economy sucks, places are going out of business like there's no tomorrow, millions and millions of people are declaring bankruptcy each and every month in record numbers, children are dropping out of schools like there's no tomorrow and everyone wonders why kids are breaking into homes and stealing cars? Dee, Dee, Deeeee!

If you know of anyone else who has had their vehicle stolen lately, let us know. This could get very interesting. Maybe there's a whole lot more of this going on then we know of?

Friday, October 27, 2006

Poll Question #2

Would you like to see a County wide Law Enforcement Agency, including the City of Salisbury, Delmar, Fruitland and all other surrounding municipalities merged into one?

Charles Jannace Responds To A Comment Made By Ron Alessi

Ron Alessi said, "I think our Schools are too fancy."

I'm almost sorry I didn't get Rick Pollitt's facial reaction as well but it seems very clear to me that everyone was in awe once Alessi made the statement and you could almost tell Ron knew immediately he had just made another major screw up last night.

I would have covered my face in disgust as well Charles. You're only competition at this point is Rick Pollitt, we all know that.