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Monday, March 09, 2020

White House blames Pelosi for Trump snubbing annual St. Patrick's Day lunch

President Trump will skip the annual St. Patrick's Day lunch in the Capitol, the first president to do so in nearly two decades, and the White House is pointing the finger at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The luncheon is one of Washington, D.C.’s oldest bipartisan traditions, beginning in 1983 when House Speaker Tip O'Neill had President Ronald Reagan to the Capitol for the lunch. The lunch, planned each year around the Taoiseach of Ireland’s visit to the United States, is scheduled for Thursday.

Amid news of the president's forthcoming absence, the White House blamed Pelosi for his snub.



  1. Of course he does. What would you expect.
    Slap the outreached hand

  2. The Democrats are terrified that their crimes are all going to be uncovered by this President and they will do anything and say anything to keep the pot of hatred stirred!!!!!! Pelosi's attempt is not about uncovering Trumps crimes, it is about keeping Trumps administration from uncovering the crimes and corruption of the most treasonous administration in U.S. History the eight years prior to him taking office.

  3. 12:57 this has nothing to do with your tinfoil hat scenario. Trump is just blaming Pelosi for him not going to a bipartisan lunch. All Trump is doing is furthering the divide.

    1. 2:30 maybe you should remove your tin foil hat and open your eyes to what's really going on. 12:57 nailed it!

  4. I wouldn't want to have lunch with Pelosi either. Who could eat anything while looking at her ugly face. Go Trump

  5. 3:50 do you think that Trumps face is anything easy to look at???? Really???


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