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Sunday, February 09, 2020

Iowa woman wanted vote changed after learning Buttigieg is gay


  1. I have an honest question, how do you not know he's gay? He stated it multiple times and it's one of the most commonly covered aspects of his campaign since he would be the first openly gay president.

  2. I wonder if she eats shellfish like the bible tells her not to do...

  3. "Completely uninformed voter wants a do-over". There, fixed it for you.

  4. The "interviewer" is not supposed to campaign for any candidates on or near polling premises. It kind of seems like she was trying to sway the voter's mind.

  5. I hope everyone sees how these young Mayors act. Be sure to recognize that they argue facts in a way that is unconventional. Mayor Pete is a prime example,so is Day. Don’t engage them in any other way than by stating facts

  6. 1:35
    Don't quote from a book you don't believe in or know the meaning. It just makes you look stupid.

  7. 1:35 Shellfish and cloths is old testament we are no longer under those laws..know JESUS know peace no JESUS no peace

  8. LOL convenient how LAW changes from the Torah to the Old to the new Testament to suite the compliant masses. Perhaps you should consider the Constitution and evolving doctrine of Law too.

  9. "We were not around when the Bible was written." I stopped watching then.

  10. Sorry Butt-hag is married to man I guess that would be your answer. One does not have to except the sin only the sinner. It is a pure and simple sexual perversion. The bible is clear on this issue. I still love the gay people I know I just do not except the sexual perversion. No one is born gay. This tolerant liberalism regardless of the what scripture states is the down fall of society. Whats next sex with children or animals. The only thing different about these human beings is their desire for the same sex. It is an obvious mental illness. John Hopkins makes it clear in their medical journals. It is a mental disorder.

  11. Really 4:28 your lack of knowledge on the subject of the new testament and its impact to you is obviously lost. Guess you prefer luciferian logic of the world..good luck brother and 4;35

  12. isn't saying totally clueless just another way of saying democrat! expected!

  13. IOWA IDIOTS Don't Matter !!!! TRUMP 2020 will WIN in a


  14. Well, homosexuality is a mental defect.
    If you are homosexual, you are not fit for public office making decisions for other people when you can not get your own house in order.
    Core values are important and it has nothing to do with crazy religious moral beliefs. This is about nature and society, right and wrong.
    Homosexuality has no purpose other than deviant selfish physical gratification.
    It is a perversion of natural behavior.
    I do not want anyone with the cloud of perversion making important decisions for my community.

    Just look at Salisbury. LOL

  15. @ February 5, 2020 at 6:55 PM

    You will need to demonstrate your wild and ludicrous assertion that "homosexuality is a mental defect". Until such time as you demonstrate it, it may be considered reject-ably fallacious. Simply asserting something makes not said exclamation true.

    Do not lecture anyone on the importance of core values with respect to fitness for office if with the same breath you propose to defend the man who sits in office currently. It makes you look ridiculous.

  16. Piggy-Butt !!! Demon-crats are FINISHED 2020 !!!

  17. Butti-Gag would be the first to have a "First Husband " in the

    White House !!!! How would that go over in the world ?? LOL

  18. Typical uninformed Democrat voter.

  19. Butt-Gig can run for Dog Catcher Not qualified for POTUS !!!

  20. Why would she vote for somebody and NOT know that? Democrat candidates are right. Their voters ARE stupid.

  21. Boot a Butt !!! Out of the party !!!!

  22. Rumor has it that if mayor Pete wins Jake Day will be leaving his wife to become first husband. It's been sickening to watch Day slobbering all over this guy when he stalks him at the DC mayor's convention


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