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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Black pastor calls Trump more 'pro-black' than Obama

A black pastor who’s a long-time supporter of President Trump is saying that Mr. Trump is more “pro-black” than former President Barack Obama, the nation’s only black president.

Pastor Darrell Scott of Cleveland, co-founder of Mr. Trump’s National Diversity Coalition, is one of several dozen inner-city faith leaders working with the White House on prison reform and other initiatives to help urban America.

“This is probably going to be … the most pro-black president I’ve seen in my lifetime,” Mr. Scott said Wednesday in an Oval Office meeting with the president. “This president actually wants to prove something to our community, our faith-based community and our ethnic community. The last president didn’t feel like he had to.”

More here


  1. It's more simple than just Pro-Black, Trump is pro American, he loves his country, protects our people and stands up for those that are tread on, he has improved the economy, jobs, and given us a better image than Obama ever did.

  2. Remember when simply spouting phrases, with no evidence, was frowned upon? Get a clue folks:

    - Obama made major executive changes to reform the criminal justice system. Larger reforms under the Trump First Step Act, were supported by Obama and the Congressional Dems who pushed the current act through, but conservatives were a blanket "NO" while the man was in office. This should clearly show you that you how this country is tearing itself a part with simple partisan politics.

    - On economy, the numbers are right there and have been rehashed ad nauseum. It is you guys who deliberately ignore the real numbers because they poke wholes in your Trump fantasy world. Following a recession that started well before Obama came into office, jobs have rebounded big. The drop in african american unemployment was actually bigger than what we saw under Trump. The economy has continued its growth under Trump largely due to the same monetary policies (low interest rates and high government spending) that you guys spent bashing during the entire Obama administration. LOL. This is another case where you guys continue to let blind political ideology rip the country a part.

  3. :9::11 AM you are absolutely correct. In addition, President Trump unabashedly demonstrates continuously his respect for God, love of family and Country to the extent that it has truly driven the liberals to a state of mental disorder. It seems that this disorder may have always been there, but President Trump has truly exposed it for what it.is.

  4. 9:11 So true and well said!!


  5. Unfortunately 9:11, though you are right, 'identity politics' has become so ingrained into American discourse that the idea of 'American prosperity' lifting ALL boats is hard to swallow for some.

    Yes, there is a small subset of issues that are particular to black folks, but the race hustlers have made such a big deal about so-called 'African-American issues' that people can't seem to see anymore that if we all work together, we will all prosper.

    Of course, those who make their living (euphemism) from keeping people divided and 'solving' the problems that they themselves are creating are never going to admit that.

    But even with all that said, Mr. Trump's policies are dramatically improving the lives of all folks, of all colors who will just avail themselves of the opportunities that are there. And those few issues that are particular to black folks are improving as well.


  6. Ripping the Country apart? Simply observing and reviewing economic trends, factors and numbers that have improved and are improving immensely over those of the previous administrations is not blind ideology. The failure to accept the magnitude of such improvements over previous administrations including Obama”s is truly the manifestation of a blindness that extends beyond ideology and definitely contributes to massive division.

  7. 1009 perhaps you missed what I stated. The numbers show a clear story of an awesome recovery from a global recession under Obama and a continued economic boom under Trump. Political idealogues from both sides don't believe in this story despite the facts. It's this kind of uninformed discourse that is ripping us apart. My prison reform part of my comment is an example. Trump supports the reforms and they got done. Meanwhile we could have had these same reforms years ago but they were DOA, based solely on blind partisan politics.

  8. 9:11 better image? To inbreds like you perhaps lol

    1. kettle getting warm

    2. 10:50 And there we go. Can’t have an intelligent conversation so you resort to name calling. How very liberal of you. 🙄


  9. "..The numbers show a clear story of an awesome recovery from a global recession under Obama.."

    100% BS.

  10. 1107 the numbers (GDP, job growth, stocks, you name it) speak for themselves.

  11. Power companys WON"T pass along ANY savings to us you
    can Bet !!!! They will Only help themselves as usual !!!!

  12. This is absolutely true. Obama did way more harm to blacks than whites could ever do.


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